@BMitch I was trying to draw the topic back to home improvement. :) I'm still enjoying the "worst tile jobs ever" thread ... and some of my friends who decided to pay for a cheap roofer.
drywall and electrical this weekend or bust! fix / rewire 3 outlets in the family room and finish plastering the spare bedroom / wire lights / prime and paint this weekend.
@Aaron tiny tower is addicting ! :)
maybe - re: i suck at plastering corners so we'll see if i dont through a 8 inch plaster knife at someone, ninja style
Man, I thought I was being generous with myself when I bought a $25 itunes gift card when I got my iphone 3GS 3 years ago - I still have $14 left on it
@lsiunsuex I d/l'd pocket plane too, but I'd never in-app-purchase anything for it
@lsiunsuex You're only using a 8 inch knife? I generally use a three inch knife to bed tape, a six inch knife for the next coat, and a 12 or 14 inch knife to finish.
@Aarthi Getting better! Just starting to get over my annual fall cold, and I bought a pickup truck a couple weeks ago, so I can finish my two currently running projects!
Here is how you do drywall... take a truck behind your local home depot, then yell "TRABAJO!", drive back to your house... give them a couple hundred dollars... VOila! You have finished drywall!
@BMitch wasn't a bad experience - went on 3 or 4 dates before i meet her - at the time she lived on the other side of the city - would never have met her IRL
my brother tried that for a while, those girls have the highest standards I have ever seen, or they have crazy insane controlling fathers that will try to kill you
Ok.... let me rephrase that. I won't get nail pops because I finished my drwalll properly and there's only nails along the edge, and if they pop they'll have to take mesh tape and 1/8" of compound with it.
That's how I light my big green egg -- looflighter to light the charcoal, hair dryer through the bottom vent to get the fire roaring and then I wait for it to cool down a bit.
@maple_shaft There's other books ... and I think a few smartphone apps that do the same thing and actually will say the words for you ... that was just the first one that looked OK in an amazon search. There was a whole article on being fluent in spanish in this month's Journal of Light Construction.
's Ok. We need all types. People call me a luddite because I don't ever watch TV, have no social skills, and miss out on nearly all pop culture references ...
I just hate the Internet and computers in general and feel that they have made our world so productive to the point where the common man no longer need to participate in the greater economy due to the absurd efficiency gains of the last 50 years
@maple_shaft Oh, the middle class has been destroyed repeatedly in history. It's one of the signs of the decline of a culture. Offhand, I can remember it happening in Venice in the 1200's and Holland in the 1400's, but the history books will have more to say. I think you're wrong about innovation, though. There will always be innovation, and there will always be ways to do things cheaper than the innovative ways, but people who persist with the innovative ways anyway.
Rome... destruction of the middle class ... over extension of miltary ... borrow shit loads of money from foreign countries with no intention of ever paying it back... culture devolve into a vile mess... sound familiar?
Speaking of books, I should have a copy of the 2010 National Tile Contractor's Association handbook in my mailbox when I get home. I'm kinda giddy about that.