My living room needs more ambient light.
My living room does not have an overhead light fixture and I'm reluctant to drill holes in the ceiling.
What are my options?
When choosing a light fixture, how do I ensure that it will adequately light the room?
Its actually quite easy if you have some basic DIY skills and tools. I'm not a fan of floor lamps so I installed a ceiling light in our family room a couple years ago
I'll post a photo when I get home, but the jist of it is (for us anyways):
You'll need:
An Old Work ceiling light box
An Old W...
end of october - its going to be 73 here today (tomorrow 45) and everyone insists on putting on the air conditioning in the office. WTF. its going to snow in a few weeks. can't we enjoy a bit of heat today?
his wife didn't say and i didn't ask - thought i saw copper elbo's in the connections when I looked - i think in general the house had fairly shitty construction practices and was against him doing it that way but no one ever f'ing listens to me so i gave up
i think it was the connection - can't imagine the tube actually bursting if not at a connection point
wtf, if we're gonna compare, lets compare - 3 to 4 cups of coffee in the morning - mixed with 2 or 3 clif bars - sometimes lunch, sometimes no (usually no) - 1.5 liters of water in the afternoon that i've forced myself to start drinking cause my pee smells like coffee usually by that time. 50mg of Whey protein when I get home if i'm programming at night and some kind of chicken / meat for dinner - insert random turkey club / pizza into the mix
2 Cups AM. 1 Cup when I arrive. 1 Cup around 11. Sandwich and fruit for lunch. 1 cup mid afternoon. Family Dinner when I get home. Mostly grilled meat.
What's funny, is I never saw anything as good as our Toronto delis in Poland.
Bland Kielbasa, processed Ham.
I think in Canada, when you sell Kielbasa, you're selling nostalgia. Remembrance of that which you left behind, and an idyllic vision of home. In Poland, you're selling sausage.
on that note, 12oz french press of coffee in the morning with poptarts, lunch of frozen pizza or hot pocket with 2 fruit cups, a ziplock of chips, fruit snacks and a diet dr pepper. Couple of glasses of ice water in the afternoon, sometimes a snack of nuts or trail mix or something and Dinner is pretty varied but usually baked or grilled meat, a veggie and a starch
shes been making a pretty bad ass mashed potato patty - she takes left over mashed potatoes - mixes them with breadcrumbs and some cheeses - flatten into a patty and bake for 30 minutes? salt and pepper and awesome
now thats a fire
last count: 3 minutes 45 seconds for a 13 inch pizza
I might give them a try again at some point, but even the soft contacts with lots of breathability left my eyes red after staring at a computer screen all day
not all contacts are created equally - mine last 2 weeks (although i wear them for months at a time) - and the wife wears daily's which i think is a waste of money - just gatta find which ones work best for you
a good doctor should be able to tell you that - and not the doctor in a Mall or some garbage like that - those aren't doctors
I actually like the way I look with glasses on, so I'm not in a big rush to go back to contacts. It's only the few occasions that I'd like to put on something that interfere with the glasses. And the mall docs are good enough when you're self employed and using a high deductible plan.
I tend to be out $100 per dentist visit + $120/year for a discount payment plan for dental work, health insurance is another $100/month but it covers the preventative stuff now, and glasses set me back $300 whenever I get them which is 2-4 years now
@lsiunsuex My day job is with IBM Tivoli, but I'm doing some programming to get myself away from that, hopefully.
The mainframe space really has their act together, but much of the newer software is all acquisitions, so you have to learn a completely new product and migrate your customers every 5 years.
IBM's solution will be to acquire any competitors after they get enough traction. Though that's more with software. Hardware seems to be getting sold off by everyone.
didnt you hear what the patent office said years ago? anything that can be invented has been invented? everything moving forward is just reiterating and incremental updates :)
Yeah... @BMitch the problem is that customers are getting wise to buying products that came from an acquired company because they often find the support lacking.
@maple_shaft and still, not quite sure what point your making. if someone is willing to pay me monthly for a service i offer, how is that a bad thing ?
nothing is ever an end all be all to any of my plans. i try to choose a plan, see how it goes - if it does well - super happy fun time, if it sucks - change and repeat.
the plan for this 2nd startup is to offer a product for free and to place an advertisement on the app that we keep the money from. since ad agencies like admob or iAds suck ass, i also plan to deploy my own ad network across my apps. the problem with this plan is, it'll take me a critical mass of apps to build before i can begin to place ads
option B is to charge monthly for the service and use that as my profit
because my server cost is low, and i have no office / employee / rent overhead, my profit is potentially high
@lsiunsuex I guess I am just a terrible entrepreuner then... I find a billion problems with every business plan but can't ever think of an idea for a product that people would pay for
@maple_shaft That's true for DIY increasing the value of a home and for investments as well. It's rare to strike it big. It's much more common to build things up like a snowball over decades.
the first one (for the dental students) has now consumed most of my free time to the point where i've pushed back on paying side jobs. its a lot of work. you have to want to do it, blah blah blah - all the startups aren't easy babble bullshit. it doesn't happen over night and no one is gonna do it for you. but i F**KING WANT IT bad enough that i'm willing to do it - some (most) people dont
I work for a startup for what I thought were amazing innovative ideas, but the ludicrously cheap attitudes of people make me realize just how hard it is to get people to GIVE you money for something
@KarlKatzke heck, they took something people were used to getting for free (music) and turned it into a billion dollar industry. That's pretty impressive...
@maple_shaft And the entire ecosystem of independent developers who develop products for apple devices, make a living blogging about apple, or accessory makers?
wrong - apple pays their employees very well (top 5 best places to work) - apple outsources mass production of hardware for 3rd parties that pay their employees shit
@maple_shaft Then your experience is different than mine. I also am happy to pay a lot of money for things that are of good quality... which is why I have Apple products and pay for software instead of pirating it.
It's also why I do my own home improvement, because it's rare to find good tradesmen in the area I live. Most are hacks. And make very little money and complain a lot about how they don't make any money.