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@Criggie IIRC only OWC used to sell third party ones, but I vaguely recall there was a way to convert them
yeah but I'm not buying stuff for computers to give away, and theres no way work would either.
I did have an adapter from aliexpress and it worked fine, but needed a NVME m2 SSD.
Point is - 100k people in the company worldwide and they don't recycle anything because of this. Its all crushed.
So much for "living the tennets" and "upholding the company creedo"
If you recognise those phrases, report me to ethics cos fuckem
CSR is a myth ;)
Oh we have customer Champions now
hard to tell, most companies tend to spew such stuff at the top and never live up to them
minimum wage slaves still, but new name.
my previous job even made us sit through a mandatory ethics course
Oh "corp social responsibility" not "customer service rep"
hahah I have a dozen mandatory training courses a year.... ethics and GDPR and PII/PPI okay
but I also get "corporate tax" and "how to talk with veterans" and "how to socialise with LGBTQIABXYZBBQ"
running joke is the LGBT... string gets longer every year
the problem isn't that its longer, but more people feel 'left out' I'd say.
@chrylis-cautiouslyoptimistic- most panels that aren't GE or Eaton CH can do this without a problem. (GE 150A branch breakers are nigh unobtanium, and CH 150A branch breakers simply ceased to exist a while ago)
15 hours later…
It could always be policies that don't update with new hardware: mastodon.social/@nixCraft/112084612189308888
@Shalvenay Do you mean that most panels that I might use as the new main can feed a 150A branch to the existing, new subpanel? The existing panel has a 150A main breaker; do I need an OCD on the upstream end as well, regardless of positioning?
In either case, I'm trying to find a small panel that can handle this, perhaps 12 spaces? (It looks like the 150A branch breakers take 4, and I would like to add a few more branches, but don't need "full panel" size, but I'm not sure how to find the correct panel, since the usual expectation is that the main panel is the big one and the subpanel is the small one.)
Perhaps HOM12M200PRB?
4 hours later…
for economic reasons, it could be a full panel is not significant;y more expensive than a small panel.
Figure in the cost of doing it again, and it may be worth jumping to full panels.
Helps with resale value too.

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