So this is project update Thursday, huh? Here's my project update: While replacing a bathroom faucet, I moved one of the copper pipes out from behind the drain pipe with a couple of 45° bends. It was my first time soldering copper pipe. I was genuinely surprised that it didn't leak when I turned the water back on.
Pretty ugly, eh?
Now that I look at it again, it is kinda crooked. :)
The pipe was so close to the wall that a cookie sheet wouldn't fit, so I used aluminum foil, which seemed a bit flimsy. I hadn't heard of fire cloth. Sounds great.
I want to have a battery powered flashlight that I can control. It can be done in any way. But I need to be able to make it in about two weeks. Does anyone have any Ideas on how to go about this? Thanks in advance.
Every flashlight I've ever bought had an on and off switch, and I used my hand to point it where I wanted it to shine. What kind of control were you thinking about? — The Evil Greebo15 secs ago