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@BMitch @Tester101 Up until 2am last night fixing all the grounds on the first floor. Second floor doesn't even have lead wires with ground so many of those are still ungrounded. Inspector shows up today. We will see if he catches this and if we have to do anything to fix it.
Grandpa is a real estate agent, says that 9 times out of ten, they will check a few of them downstairs and then just assume the rest are okay.
2 hours later…
8 edits in 18 hours, this guy really wants to get the answer right...
A: How did I mess up this wiring?

Brian WhiteDon't worry about why. If you try to only fix the problem, you may miss something. Worry about getting it correct! Black == HOT White == Neutral bare == ground (in North America -- Europe is different!) Open it up again and make sure it is connected as follows: white from panel to white ...

From this:
bmitch@bmitch-t400:~$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9614116 8692420 433324 96% /
to this:
bmitch@bmitch-t400:~$ df -k
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9614116 5263620 3862124 58% /
@BMitch well done.
Purging old linux-image-* and linux-headers-* packages that Ubuntu leaves around
@BMitch gotcha. one of our servers at work fills up regularly, but it's with old database backups
@BMitch Ubuntu is my only real experience with Linux
Hmm, now that I've just deleted about a years worth of kernel images from my laptop, a backup would be a good idea
but everybody tells me it is miserable bloat ware
I started with slackware in 96, quickly changed to debian, now ubuntu but an older version (not looking forward to unity). I'm guessing next will be Mint.
I am running it on my Dell netbook mini and it seems to run a LOT faster than it did with Windows 7, but Windows XP is still faster
XP was the last version of Windows I installed (and 2003 server) and that was in a VM for client apps
also... when I was learning and discovered apt-get I almost shit my pants with excitement
neither lowes nor home depot carry waterproofing membrane for tile installations
@TheEvilGreebo even by internet order?
have a look
I've run RedHat/Fedora and Ubuntu, but just got sick of having everything not work and require hours of messing around. Like having to constantly sim link libraries because the software wants glibc1.1.2.3 and I've got glibc1.1.3.0 Happened all the time.
(All version numbers in my previous post were rectally generated)
lowes has the Ditra uncoupling membrane but that's not for shower/bath from what I can see
@ChrisCudmore Yeah I spent hours with a similar issue with glibc
I was trying to get OpenCV with Java installed and working, trying to integrate a Java app I wrote that uses a webcam.
And the driver issues drove me nuts. I realize it's a philosophical issue, but I don't want to mess around forever to get hardware to work.
The Java app seems to run fine but the OpenCV libraries themselves were just so tempermental
And it just works on Windows/Mac, doesn't it.
@ChrisCudmore never tried Mac, the java app is meant to run in a kiosk
not public
I was trying to figure out ways to cut costs and increase security by forgoing Windows in favor of Linux
Locking down a Windows installation for a kiosk is lesson in insanity
Me and an intern figured it out though, took us a month and we came up with a 67 step document, and a ghosted image that was perfect
At 300 bucks for a full version of windows, it's really not that expensive. Especially when you figure in labour.
@TheEvilGreebo I see lots of hits for underlayment for laminate floors, but not for tile baths on home depot
But, if you're doing thousands, then a good well tested Linux image could be quite a savings.
i can order it online from other places but not the big boxers
@ChrisCudmore well the project was scrapped temporarily since we figured out how to do it in Windows and we needed to deploy. Not proud of it though.
@TheEvilGreebo lowes has the kerdi strip, but not the membrane, odd.
yeah, and the kerdi is only 3"
@TheEvilGreebo You might try calling your local store, they've had to order stuff for me when the website was acting up.
trying to coordinate it so I can go to lowes on the 28th/29th and pick up not just the tub but everythign else
@TheEvilGreebo You could support SE with an Amazon purchase
that's a good idea, @bmitch
i have other stuff to buy too - how do I make sure it helps SE ?
@TheEvilGreebo post the link in chat and tehn click through when you order
If you were going to the studs and building a new tub alcove from scratch
would you do backerboard or greenboard + membrane ?
called lowes - they were pitching a roll on waterproofing compound by Tex
Tec sorry
@TheEvilGreebo My advice is to hire a tile guy for that job. It's really hard to DIY and get a finish that won't scream at you every time you step in the shower.
Coward ;)
Let me rephrase that: It's really hard to DIY and get a finish that won't make your wife scream at you every time she steps in the shower.
she's going to be doing the tiling so I dont have that worry
thinking about this:
@TheEvilGreebo Looks like the TEC goes under the membrane, maybe as an option to thinset?
(and I'm an IBM Tivoli guy, so I can't type TEC without remembering my old friend, the Tivoli Event Console)
no i think it is the membrane
In that case, I don't trust it. A painted on substance will be irregular.
its going to be tiled over - the irregularities will be small and the thinset will compensate for them
still - mayb ei'll just stick with backerboard... .. so much to consider
Maybe, but if a corner moves, this has to flex and stretch rather than rip. Water can flow behind the tiles, so it needs to be a continuous barrier.
true - and that makes the laticrete look all the more appealing
cause it's fabric + rolled on membrane
so, we have quiet time at work - for a half hour on tuesday and thursday no one is allowed to call IT, walk into the room or talk (even amoungst ourselves) so that "work can get done without distraction"
so, about 5 minutes into it, someone calls me - and obviously, to not piss anyone off, i dont answer the phone
after quiet time is over, this person calls me back - shes locked out of windows and cant remember her password
so because the people in my deptartment are children and need quiet time, another person in the company couldn't do her job because we couldn't answer the phone to help her. if you look at it from a business aspect, the company just lost 25 minutes at her pay rate
@TheEvilGreebo Large budget or tight budget on this project?
@Tester101 getting tighter
I'm not a fan of tile over drywall (of any type). If it were me... I'd do cement board and KERDI (if it was in the budget), or just cement board (if the budget is tight).
probably going to end up just being kerdi
not kerdi - cement board
If you decide on Schluter products. Here is a handy Installation Handbook.
ugh I think the subfloor in the bathroom is poured cement
in other news, the new fill valve for the upstairs toilet worked great
I just finished an install for a large shower
Schluter says that Kerdi can be installed well over drywall, but if doing so you're better served with a glass-backed product like DensGuard
In my install, I used Hardi500 because I wanted the additional rigidity, and didn't want to run around looking for a Dens supplier
Kerdi is super easy, and it's an excellent product
it is much better than cement board, imho
If you're going to use a membrane like Kerdi, DO NOT use a roll-on waterproofer beneath it, and do not use a barrier on the studs
Sorry, by "cement board" I meant HardieBacker® 500 Board.
@Tester101 Once the Hardi is on, the Kerdi is the easy part :D
One thing I think is funny about the Hardi... when I buy lumber or fiberglass batts there are huge warnings that it may have cancerous byproducts known to the state of california
Hardi, though, which certainly is very dangerous if worked improperly, has a very tiny warning
@MatthewPK a lot is known to the State of California that is unknown to the rest of the world
@waxeagle Yeah, and the Californians who can't afford to live in CA move over here and they bring the crazy along....
Don't they know we already have our own brand of crazy in Nevada?
@MatthewPK lol
@MatthewPK "greenboard is no longer accepted as a suitable product for wet areas", no longer accepted by whom?
California almost banned dihydrogen monoxide, so I suspect some of their labels are a bit excessive.
I always had a theory that the air in California caused cancer, not all the products with the label.
It's like the joke where the guy goes to the doctor and says "it hurts when I touch here... here... here... here", and the doctor says "sir, you have a broken finger."
well that does it
I'm going pre-drill holes for all screws into wood from now on
I just broke another phillips bit
and before you get started on me about phillips, the mounting screws for the bannisters came in the package, and they're color co-ordinated
broken bit happens, just a fact of life.
@Aaron, Even I own phillips screwdrivers.
It's nothing to be ashamed of.
The first step, is admitting you have a problem.
@ChrisCudmore we wouldn't be ashamed if you stopped shaming us :)
It's National Coming Out day. I shared with you, now reciprocate.
@ChrisCudmore Hang on, gotta recharge the batteries for my sawzall, then I can reciprocate.
No punning allowed. -1
@ChrisCudmore invalid instruction on line 1.
@Tester101 I suppose it depends on locality. In Nevada, greenboard is no longer code for high-humidity areas.
@MatthewPK Couldn't find any information about using "blueboard" in bathrooms, best I can tell "blueboard" is just lighter, stronger drywall. Can you provide some links to this stuff?
@MatthewPK Does Nevada even have high humidity areas?
I did find Fiberglass-Faced Drywall, but no mention of it being called blueboard.
@Tester101 My understanding is that "blueboard" or "purpleboard" are slang for the blue color of DensGuard
@ChrisCudmore bathrooms and wetrooms like indoor pools.
@Tester101 some quick googling turns up this link:
Even DensGuard® Tile Backer looks green to me.
"Changes made to the 2006 International Residential Code (IRC) no longer recognize moisture-resistant, paper-faced drywall (commonly known as "green board") as a suitable tile-backing material in wet areas such as tub and shower surrounds."
maybe my monitor needs adjusting.
Link from where?
around here, "greenboard" is interpretted as the common paper-faced, green-colored gypsum
@Tester101 The DensGuard tile backer is gray on one side and yellow on the other... at least the stuff I've used is
greenboard is green drywall with a moisture resistant facing.
Here is Bob Vila talking to USG about "blueboard"
but that doesn't appear to be mold-resistant stuff
Yeah I saw the video from Vila.
I changed my answer from "blueboard" to "purpleboard" as it appears that it's not as common as I thought!
I can't find where greenboard is disallowed in IRC. I found this...
though here are people on JohnBridge talking about it
R702.3.8 Water-resistant gypsum backing board. Gypsum board used as the base or backer for adhesive application of ceramic tile or other required nonabsorbent finish material shall conform to ASTM C 1396, C 1178 or C1278.
Use of water-resistant gypsum backing board shall be permitted on ceilings where framing spacing does not exceed 12 inches (305 mm) on center for 1/2-inch-thick (12.7 mm) or 16 inches (406 mm) for 5/8-inch-thick (16 mm) gypsum board. Water-resistant gypsum board shall not be installed over a Class I or II vapor retarder in a shower or tub compartment. Cut or exposed edges, including those at wall intersections, shall be sealed as recommended by the manufacturer.
Unless it doesn't conform to ASTM standards.
Hey... remember my question from a month or so ago where I asked about 5/8" being specifically mentioned... looks like you answered it :D
@MatthewPK Maybe I'm blue-green color blind. Did you ever think of that you insensitive jerk?!?!
@TheEvilGreebo could be.... but I'm a statistician so I had to assume you were red/green colorblind
Just kidding, I'm not colorblind at all
Damn, I was gonna suggest RainbowBoard
anyway after thinking about it I'll probably go with cement board, seams properly filled, and then the paint on moisture barrier coating
I think Kerdi is superior to paint-on coating
but there are tons of showers done in RedGard
so I guess it's fine
I like the Kerdi but I don't want to have to order from 93 places to get everything I need
So just order from one
that's where I was able to find everything
F***ing standards bodies! No I don't want to buy your standards documents, I just want to look at them quickly.
do they also have 2x4s, plywood, vanities, tub doors, drywall and mud and tape?
@MatthewPK IRC 2009 SECTION R805 CEILING FINISHES R805.1 Ceiling installation. Ceilings shall be installed in accordance with the requirements for interior wall finishes as provided in Section R702.
poor CS guy
Does that help?
he emails me saying, "Sorry we haven't fixed your issue yet, we're working on it"
trouble ticket system says, "Did I solve your problem?" automatically in his "I didn't fix your problem" email
makes amazon look pretty dumb
@Tester101 Yeah, I often feel the same way. Should gov't get involved and pay for the IT infrastructure to post it all in a convenient, on-line format? This would be an extremely useful service.
At least building codes and stuff can be downloaded from the dark shadowy corners of the internet.
I avoid dark shadowy corners. Sometimes its scary down there.
@Tester101 post an answer to my question diy.stackexchange.com/questions/16543/…
@ChrisCudmore Years ago there was a commercial for a DSL provider where a husband says to his wife "I'm gonna go surf the internet"... a short while later he comes back and his wife says "I thought you were surfing the web?" to which the husband casually replies "I finished it.".... Now this is clearly a play on how fast teh DSL service is....
but to a techy or a web-savvy person it means something else: imagine the terrible, terrible depravities he would have to have seen in order to "finish" the web.... The horror, the horror....
@MatthewPK I'm confused, does that say why to use 5/8's or only if you're using 5/8's how to work with it?
No amount of caturdays could assauge
@BMitch Not sure... Tester can elaborate on the context if he wants.
Caturday's nothing. It's Furry Fridays that terrifies me.
We do Fursday instead of Furry Friday
@MatthewPK oh the humanity...
I don't do fur. I understand how most fetishes can be developed, but that one is beyond me.
Getting close to PUT. We should avoid sensitive topics so as not to scare off any N00b5.
@BMitch It just says when you can use 5/8.
@Tester101 and, by extension, when you cannot use other tpes?
Also, do you happen to know what the footnotes are?
@TheEvilGreebo what a completely useless useful email from amazon
@MatthewPK Sorry, yes. Added to answer
it was nice that he updated me tho
@Tester101 great, sorry @BMitch, you're losing the answer on that one
Yeah for me. I haz teh codez!
@MatthewPK That's ok, I can always delete a question where Tester was upvoted if it bugs me.
@Tester101 Pls send me teh codez!
I had that as a tag on SO, but some-genius deleted it.
lol... anybody an SA member?
I was just thinking about it when @ChrisCudmore said "send me teh codez!"
What's SA?
The meme originated on the Java Support forums.
@ChrisCudmore SA = SomethingAwful they used to have a file-sharing sub-forum but got rid of it as more and more people showed up and did nothing but post "Where Da Movies At?"
@BMitch I had to comb through the entire code to find the proper section, you can read the entire section to get the relevant data!
Which then became a bit of slang for the act of "joining" a community solely to leech off of what it provides, rather than to contribute in any way.
Dammit! A journalist who shares my name wrote articles about a Child Porn bust. Now searching my name and child porn returns hits.
@Tester101 Bah, that makes it a bad answer. I don't care how many characters you had in there. But I +1'd you anyway.
I"m now unemployable.
@ChrisCudmore lol
BTW, Chris is my middle name. I apply for jobs under my first name.
Don't worry Chris Cudmore, you're child porn issues are safe with us, and the Google search engine that might index this room.
@ChrisCudmore Hah, smart man.
Seriously. HR people won't dig into the links. They'll just see the link.
Or the result count.
@ChrisCudmore My name is shared by a doctor in the UK and a lawyer in AU.... not the worst... but on the front page is the court docket for a long-running civil case I'm involved in
Apparently I'm a football player.
@ChrisCudmore Just add (Not a child molestor, I promise) to your resume....
@MatthewPK This looks legit!
2001. Oracle hasn't replicated all the sun forums, so it's been deleted from the internet.
so in my reply to amazon I included this:
Just a side note, since you know the issue isn't resolved, it would be
smart if your trouble ticket system didn't force you to insert the "did I
solve your problem" links when you know you didn't... something for your
CSM management team to consider cause it kinda makes you (Amazon) look
stupid cause I've got 4-5 emails now all saying, "we know its not fixed
yet, sorry, oh btw did I solve your problem?" ;)
I got back (from someone completely different)

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I understand that it's disappointing to see "Did I solve your problem?" after every correspondence from us, even when the problem is unresolved or when it is just an inquiry. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

This is an automated message which is sent after every email, to ensure the customers concerns are resolved and we get a feedback from our customers. However, I realize the frustration caused, in case the problem is not resolved and still you get this message.
@TheEvilGreebo facepalm
@ChrisCudmore I always see people comment on SQLAuthority things like "How do I do a SELECT?"
HA! found it.
R702.4.2 Fiber-cement, fiber-mat reinforced cement, glass mat gypsum backers and fiber-reinforced gypsum backers. Fiber-cement, fiber-mat reinforced cement, glass mat gypsum backers or fiber-reinforced gypsum backers in compliance with ASTM C 1288, C 1325, C 1178 or C 1278, respectively, and installed in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations shall be used as backers for wall tile in tub and shower areas and wall panels in shower areas.
This is why you can't use greenboard in tubs/showers.
because it isn't fiber-reinforced?
or glass mat.
In 2000 IRC it read like this.
R702.4.2 Gypsum backer. Gypsum board utilized as the base or backer board for adhesive application of ceramic tile or other nonabsorbent finish material shall conform with ASTM C 630 or C 1178. Water–resistant gypsum backing board shall be permitted to be used on ceilings
where framing spacing does not exceed 12 inches (305 mm) on center for ½ inch thick (12.7 mm) or 16 inches (406 mm) for 5/8–inch–thick (15.9 mm) gypsum board. All cut or exposed edges, including those at wall intersections, shall be sealed as recommended by the manufacturer.
Changed in 2006
2003 also had this...
R702.4.3 Limitations. Water-resistant gypsum backing board shall not be used in the following locations: 1. Over a vapor retarder in a shower or bathtub compartment. 2. Where there will be direct exposure to water, or in areas subject to continuous high humidity.
in other word: blame the OSS, not the user
So greenboard should not have been used in shower stalls or tub surrounds, since 2003.
@Tester101 why is that?
@gregmac Because the IRC says so.
oh sorry, it's because it's not designed for that at all, they're just calling it out in the code
They are basically saying "Hey a**holes, just because it says "water-resistant", doesn't mean you can use it in the shower."
@Tester101 Actually, greenboard should not have been used in shower stalls or tub surround ever... they just codified it in 2003 ;)
@MatthewPK That's what I said.
parsing issue
this question: diy.stackexchange.com/questions/18835/…, from earlier today said: "just a personal preference for the flame and smell of wood instead of gas."
my first reaction was "if you can smell gas, you have bigger problems to deal with first"
but I don't think that's what he meant :)
@gregmac we did a wood fireplace with a gas line starter.... sooo awesome for lazy people
To get pretty flames, gas fireplaces don't do a good job combusting the gas, so you get a bad odor.
no more fumbling kindling
ok, it's time to get started
Damnit @MatthewPK! Can you please provide links when you make statements like this.
Step 1: Verify that your locality allows this. In many areas, you are prohibited by law from creating new wood-burning fireplaces. — Matthew PK 2 hours ago
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
@Tester101 I made it a comment for a reason....
Or do I have to comb through law books now, as well?
I feel like a friggin' Paralegal.
Santa Clara Count "Have banned the installation of new wood-burning stoves or fireplaces."
@Tester101 Sure, you feel like a paralegal and you pissy, I feel a paralegal and I get a lawsuit. There's no equality in the US.
Friggin' California.
Why do you have a fireplace in California anyway, isn't it hot there?
@Tester101 it's a big state
I don't burn fires in the summer (at least not inside).
Where else do you burn your money?
If you just want pretty fire in your house, use gas.
@Tester101 California is the hottest average location in the country (Furnace Creek) and the coldest average location in the country (Truckee)
@Tester101 I thought the answer was C4.
reading Amazon reviews of the Lutron Maetro and Diva dimmers... people complain that their CFL/LEDs don't get dim enough.....
I guess they didn't realize that these swithes have a dial to set the dimmer floor
like.... that's one of their more important features.
@MatthewPK I don't think many people are aware of this feature.
@Tester101 apparently not... then they don't seem to realize why they're buying such an expensive dimmer
Q: Why won't my dimmer dim CFL Lights?

CurtMy dinning room had an on/off switch for the light which made it impossible to have romantic dinners there - the light was either too bright or off. So I decided to install a dimmer. Being energy conscious and progressive, I wanted to install a dimmer for compact fluorescent lights. I bought a ...

I used the Maestro timer for my bathroom fan, Lutron makes some good stuff.
This bulk dealer for Cree LED bulbs is telling me that they'll give me a special price of $32.99/unit for my bulk purchase of 42 units
I replied with a link to their 8-pack, which sells them at $32.50 per unit
@longneck I'm not sure I ever noticed your icon before, very appropriate!
@MatthewPK How much is a single unit?
A single unit is always 1
42 @ $32.99 = $1385.58. 40 @ $32.50 = $1300.00 + 2 @ $x = $1300.00 + 2x.
@ChrisCudmore Thanks.
If x > $42.79, he's giving you a deal.
Is anyone actually PUTing?
PUT started, and everybody stopped chatting.
That happens. We shut up, so PUTters can PUT.
OK project update! I spent all of last weekend ripping our steel window frames in my basement - this weekend is the installation of new vinyl windows I bought
I'm going to first frame it with PT lumber - do I need to do anything to the exterior of the PT though? like paint it? anything other then that?
@Steven If you take some pictures, that would make an interesting Blog post.
I have been taking pics :)
I will take some more and maybe write it up!
lesson learned: bigger crow bars= better
oh and good thing I didn't eat up like 6 sawzall blades
Same is true for just about anything.
Yes i did stuff this weekend
@TheEvilGreebo Blog?
No, i didn't blog you evil task master
Is there a standard yet for real LED dimming?
It was Thanksgiving here. Didn't do a bloody thing except eat Turkey and Prime Rib.
I added branches to my plumbing for PEX use in the near future
Eg, running low-voltage to the bulbs, and having dimmers do regular PWM
trivia: why does the Canadian thanks giving occur earlier?
And Pumpkin Pie! I made 3.
preparing to replace nasty old galvanized pipe with pretty pex
@ChrisCudmore Did you bring enough for EVERYBODY?
Because the frost comes earlier. We harvest earlier.
Nope. Ate them all.
you're the first person I've asked to answer that correctly! congrats, you win... ... hmmm... idunno what you win
@ChrisCudmore Go stand in the corner!
I've got a wife who starves herself all year, and then compensates at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
@Steven @ChrisCudmore is Canadian, he knows these things.
im soo full still of turkey - been eating left overs every day
Or Cruises. She's on a mission to bankrupt the cruise lines.
@Tester101 I blame Canada
most of my Canadian friends have no idea why
They're not even a real country anyway.
with their itty bity eyes
if you were to add "Air Canada' to that phone it'd be pretty accurate
@Steven I thought it had something to do with the exchange rate.
@Steven That's Racist!
@ChrisCudmore What does the uncensored version say on the signs?
@Tester101 It was "Terence and Phillip -- Asses of Fire"
Didn't even notice that censoring.
so back to my real question - do I need to paint the PT lumber or anything else on the outside of the window (basement window, in concrete with PT frame)
or exposed to elements is OK?
Why PT? I've never seen that in a basement window.
well I need to build out a frame slightly due to the way the concrete was poured around the existing frame
What's there now?
now, nothing, just concrete
but there was a bottom channel before
so the 2x4 will fit it and allow the window to fit properly
Can you clad it in vinyl? Or aluminum flashing?
I suppose I could...
Use regular lumber and a gasket where it contacts concrete.
Then paint, cover in flashing, whatever.
@Tester101 That's what I was thinking. I don't know if PT is necessary.
a lot of what I read suggested PT.... but not PT is just as easy
Is there anything that says PT is bad? We use it when framing is in contact with concrete
PT will dry out, and possibly split, crack, and twist.
Not the best for window frames.
so just SPF? paint it? (sounds easiest to me) - what kind of gasket?
The pink 5" foam stuff you'd put under 2x4 floor studs.
1.5" XPS I hope you mean - not 5"
I see
We still used pressure treated on top of the foam, only relied on it for draft prevention.
Hmm... It does seem people suggest using PT lumber for this, even Family Handyman.
If I were to guess, any small rip would result in water wicking through and rotting your plates
I was just going to put down some waterproof construction adhesive under the PT and tapcon it in
waterproof construction adhesive won't be a water barrier, if you're exposed to the elements, you still want something else to protect your wood.
@Steven What's your timeline on the basement?
well I was hoping to do the window this weekend, the rest of it is still up in the air
(called your guy btw, he was working in NY)
No solid plans yet?
Yeah, he's back now.
well I have a baby on the way, so everything is sorta up in the air
@Steven Does it have to be an egress window? Why not do glass block?
not egress, but its in a bathroom so id like to be able to open it
Awesome. Get all work done before it arrives. You won't get any done for three years after.
Glass block with a vent
well ive already got a window...sorta just hoping to use it
Fans are relatively cheap. Put one in anyways.
I will
Just a suggestion.
Glass block is also good in a bathroom, since you can't see through it.
Well... not as well as through a regular window anyway.
@Tester101 Especially in a basement. So your next door neighbour won't be able to gaze upon your manliness while mowing the lawn.
na its a pretty small window well - you cant really see in unless you are standing right there
@ChrisCudmore Why are you mowing the lawn in the bathroom?
so whats the consensus - PT? with anything under it? and paint it?
Or do you mean "mowing the lawn" wink wink
I've read that sentence three times. I don't see the ambiguity.
Tim Horton's time!! AFK
@Steven PT seems to be the popular choice, but I'd still use a gasket like the one @ChrisCudmore linked to.
I guess trim it around the wood so there is no chance of tearing..
The gasket is dual purpose, no reason not to use it. And I'd go with PT. Hate to finish a job and have to redo it in 5 years.
do I only need the gasket on the bottom piece, or all of the frame?
Don't think you can paint the PT right away though. have to wait till it dries out.
@Steven Everywhere you're against concrete, mainly to prevent any drafts
Gasket all the way around, you'll probably have to buy the roll anyway.
yea 10 bucks cheap enough
But remember that concrete is like a sponge, water travels in every direction in it, so you need to protect from that in all directions.
@BMitch How long before painting PT lumber?
11:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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