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in English Language & Usage, 5 mins ago, by Oliver Salzburg
Is it "adjustable screw" or "adjustment screw" for a screw that is used to finely tune a tension or distance.
Would be nice if you guys could help me out again :)
1 hour later…
I'd say adjustment screw. All screws are "adjustable".
But that term use is contextually dependent
If you remove said "adjustment" screw from the device it adjusts, then you have a screw. Probably more of a bolt, really.
(Screws are tapered to a point, bolts have flat ends - a tapered screw rarely is as useful as an adjustment device as one that has a consistent cylindrical diameter
adjustment screw, tension screw (depending on the application), set screw (Typically used to hold things in a specific position).
right, but all names based on their application, not the screw type
@TheEvilGreebo Correct. They are all likely machine screws.
what makes them machine screws vs. bolts ?
Their size. They're smaller diameter (typically).
so technically its subjective?
Screw/bolt definitions are very subjective, and not very well defined.
If you ask for something, and the guy you asked hands you the correct thing. You're close enough.
1 hour later…
Q: Is it safe to drill into the metal spacer between drywall and joist?

JerryI am trying to install a bike hoist in the ceiling of my garage. I found the ceiling joist using the stud finder and when I tried making a pilot hole, I noticed that I am hitting metal. I don't have full access of the garage crawl space but the location I went to has a metal spacer between the ...

Has anyone ever seen a metal spacer like that? And does the drywall look like it has enough screws?
its unusual
that ceiling is unusual in general though
looks like 24" on center and no screws along the joists we can see, but we can't see much
Q: How do I hang a prehung door?

JimmyI want to put up a door in a spare room that is already 82" in height. If I want to put the door to one side of the wall are studs necessary on that side of the wall or can I nail the prehung door right to the wall? Or am I better off centering the door and install studs on both sides?

does this fellow have a wall without studs?
Maybe it's in japan
If anyone wants to cast a few duplicate close votes, I'll finish it off when I get back:
Q: Multiple AFCI breakers tripping at same time

MichaelI have a new house. During the last couple of months I will find that multiple breakers will have tripped. It isn't always the same breakers, or the same number of breakers, but it is always AFCI breakers. A group of them will trip about once every two weeks, but at random times/days but never...

In preparation of Felix's jump today, it's time to watch a classic...
man doesn't have wings. man should stay on the ground.
man makes tools, and tools bring us into the cosmos
The ground is boring, free fall is needed to make life worth living.
in vegas, we took a glass elevator to the top floor of a hotel to goto a night club. entering the elevator and realizing it was glass immediately caused me to get dissy. no thank you.
I fell out of an airplane without a parachute. Fortunately I was strapped to a crazy dude that did. That experience ranks right up there with sex.
I've thought about doing that tandem jump thing
the first problem: falling out of an airplane
i blame my mother for my fear of heights
"can you fix my kids laptop? office throws an error when you open it. i forgot the power but its fully charged she tells me" - 28 minutes on the battery and need to reinstall 2010 from the network share. great.
"can you fix my kid's laptop? I forgot the power"
the correct answer is "no"
its an owner :(
because in addition to whatever issue you're correcting you will certainly also need to install the last 6 months worth of updates
and run a virus scan which hasn't been done in a year (provided it even has antivirus)
oh no no no
WE are a very do what you tell me to do IT deptartment :) you tell me to reinstall office, thats exactly what i'm gonna do
no one said anything about a virus scan, updates, etc... haha
its funner to be a dick than to be nice
@lsiunsuex "Not without the power"
Where's a good place to get LED kits for my cans?
I spot one for $45 on amazon which is the LED and the baffle
anybody got a recommendation on a supplier?
haven't ventured into turning everything into led yet :(
we've started to use CFL's but she hate the color tones
LED recess floods are bleeping expensive
not too bad if I don't already have baffles
roughly double what I would pay for CFL + baffle
but only about 15% more than I would pay for dimmable CFL + baffle
@MatthewPK While I highly recommend the tandem thing, I don't think I can do it again after seeing how easy it is to unhook me at the end. If I jump again, it will be part of the AFF training.
I always thought a screw had a pointy front and a bolt had a flat front
I thought a screw was driven by a driver, and a bolt was driven by a wrench
also, why even bother making Robertson screws when Torx is vastly superior? If you're going to make a "non-standard" head, make a good one....
@MatthewPK Its a free market man
Stop being such a fascist!!!
@TheEvilGreebo I think people just don't know how awesome torx screws are...
@MatthewPK Torx is evil! DOWN WITH TORX!!!
Take your pro Torx Corporatist Thuggism elsewhere!
i want pizza
Phillips screws are luddite nonsense... much like builders who want to use planks instead of ply
Yay! Pizza!
@MatthewPK You have no respect for our fine building traditions! Why, our greatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreatgreat ancestors used mud and sticks and it was good enough for them!
I'm prejudiced to the modern....
oh, forgot that it's election season.... I HATE THE ELDERLY AND I HATE TRADITIONS
what a dick - developer.appcelerator.com/question/143225/… - like, 2 lines of code. took more energy to say fuck off than to give an answer
elusive problem: posting a code question somewhere besides SO.
So a student asks the teacher to explain absolute zero, the teacher replies. "0K"
and, to be educational, here's a fun fact: the coldest place in the known universe used to be at UC Boulder, but now it's at MIT....
@MatthewPK yeah liquid helium?
(or have they gotten colder than that?)
@waxeagle no, laser trapping and cooling.... to 800 trillionths of a degree of above absolute ero
@MatthewPK nice
even my meager lab could get below liquid helium :D
@MatthewPK lol
we were at 2K for our experiments... and nowadays that's not even "ultracold physics"
we just to joke that we did "semi-cold physics"
@MatthewPK nice
@MatthewPK Robertson is extremely standard. It's been around over 100 years.
When Canadians are born, we're given a Robertson driver set along with our Tim Horton's gift card.
@ChrisCudmore That's because Robertson was Canadian
It would be standard in the US, but Robertson wouldn't sell Ford the patent, and Ford wouldn't settle for a mere licensing agreement.
so then we'd have at least a unified North American inferior screw drive type
We do. It's the slot screwdriver.
Generally, sheet metal and machine screws are phillips, wood screws are robertson
Except for Drywall screws, where the phillips torque out is desirable.
cam out is definitely an issue with roberston screws
for drywall, a phillips can be easily overtorqued
which is why they use specialized drivers
That's because there's a lot of crappy drivers out there.
and it's easier to strip a robertson than a phillips, in my experience
And crappy chinese screws.
Frankly, I'd go torx, but that's not going to happen any time soon.
anyhow, I'm whined about fasteners enough for now :D
I've got to actually work for a while
@ChrisCudmore and your Canadian Tire dollars?
whats blue spray paint from the town mean marked on your front lawn
natural gas i think ?
@lsiunsuex water line, gas is yellow
electric is red, data is orange
it could also be sewer
And none of that means there isn't also a gas line there, they run a lot of stuff in right of ways
wife says its right near the clean out in the lawn so maybe
for sure - wishful thinking their gonna tear up the street and rebuild the sewer lines haha
like they did a few blocks away last year
Someone will likely be digging, but they could be digging for anything. They mark everything before they start.
for sure - i know
They only people that don't mark their lines are three letter agencies, but they appear very quickly after you cut their lines. True story.
2 hours later…
Blog suggestion: plumbing clogs, where they can be, the symptoms of each location, and how to resolve them.
And proper usage of the auger
including keep pushing, you're almost there
Or, How a high fibre diet will keep your pipes clear.

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