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@Aaron Don't blame me i voted for Kodos
of course there's the possibility that someone voted for me, and then you can blame me
3 hours later…
Blog queue is empty.
6 hours later…
> Winners are Tester101 and BMitch.
eeeeeeeeeee @BMitch @Tester101 eeeeeeeeeeeee
Congratulations @BMitch and @Tester101
hugs @Rory Next time, mate.
@TimStone Thank you, btw :)
Of course. I'm sure Shog will be along before long to post the results officially, but I didn't want to keep everyone in suspense ;)
14% turnout -- that's one of the highest on the network.
Q: 2012 Community Moderator Election Results

Shog9Home Improvement's second moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the two new moderators are: They'll be joining the existing crew shortly - please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For detail...

@Aarthi thanks (hugs back)
Thanks @Aarthi and @RoryAlsop!
@BMitch come to TL! say hi!
I'll stop by shortly, looking over the results right now
ooo ok :D
lol, now I'm worried there's a bucket of water over the door or some other hazing gag
Congrats @Bmitch, @tester101
Congratulations from me too.
Congrats to @Tester101 and @BMitch
I miss Aarthi. boo hoo.... always miss her on here
both Tester ane BMitch are great guys, Congrats. I'm sure they will do a fantastic job.
Aww. No more @Aarthi?
I just wanted to say hello. I've had one hell of a year.
I had a 20 hour work day yesterday, am sleeping it off today, and this was the first free time I've had in a while.
I think @Aarthi misses you @KarlKatzke, where ya been?
Working my day job, working on the house, working on my girlfriend's house which is a rental but which we hope to persuade the landlord to let us stay in for another year without a rent increase, and working my day job some more until I fall asleep.
@shirlockhomes I think that's what happens when your day job conflicts with being online
Congrats on your promotion, @BMitch
I'm just trying not to break things
(nerd talk) We are almost complete trying to roll a private cloud out of leftover hardware for the company I work for.
It's taken a year, but we saved like a couple million bucks.
Yeah, it's been fun but exhausting ... mentally and physically. I spent six months without working on my house.
I miss the joys of data centers, I'm too many layers removed these days
Heh. I hate datacenters. I'm glad I telecommute most of the time. I love being hands on with hardware in a test lab or just in my office ...
But I hate being in the DC itself.
I'm ready for them to finish messing up the beltway
sorry, misread that, I thought you were saying Washington DC, not datacenter
Pfffbt. Never will happen. After they finish the current round of messing up the beltway, there's going to be a bunch of freight rail improvements and tunnels and stuff that will mess up more.
Oh, yeah, I meant Datacenter, but DC is terrifying too.
My girlfriend's a civil engineer and some of her projects have been in that area.
lol, very, I'm 100% telecommute myself
Me too -- love 100% telecommute.
Don't think I'll ever take another job that isn't all telecommute.
I need a little better social life, but telecommuting has it's advantages
I hate human beings, so telecommuting is perfect.
I get out to walk/run in the morning at sunup when it's all regulars and we're all fat and we all say hello to one another. I go hashing on sundays sometimes. I can go weeks without seeing another human and not get lonely.
My main DIY project since starting back up on things has been fixing the things that have deteriorated since the last time I fixed anything. :(
my morning walk is more of a lunch time walk, but my hoa gives me an excuse to be presentable once a month
Heh, it's too hot here to walk at lunchtime
@KarlKatzke that doesn't look like proper flashing
missing a little trim too
hahahahaha. Flashing? What's flashing?
and maybe a gutter
Yeah, the trim got removed.
The gutter fell off.
Mostly because the trim was rotten and so was what it attached to.
Trim was replaced on the left so that I didn't leave that exposed, but here's the full teardown.
Someone got lazy and didn't put a kickout flashing in.
But the flashing was all toast anyway.
at least you can get to your roof, I just look at mine and think of things that need to be done
3 level town house, one level ladder
Ouch. Yeah, I would not go up on the roof if it wasn't a ranch with only a 22.5 degree pitch.
I would want to take a class in fall protection first, at least.
I don't think they give the day laborers a class
but watching the construction site next to me is interesting
lots of harnesses
And none of them do it right. My back, spine, and head are a little more valuable to me then they might consider theirs to be.
I have several years of rock climbing experience, so I know a bit about harnesses and ropes and stuff ...
that's part of the outdoors I haven't taken up yet, have you visited outdoors.se?
nope. I have not logged into anything except serverfault for probably six months.
Not many rocks to climb where I live right now, but we're fixin' ta change that I think in the next year or two.
it's a recent addition to SE, still light on traffic
I need to write a blog review for the werner ladder which could probably get me to the roof of my 2 story house
Oh, god, I own two of the werner ladders.
The multi flex ones
In the running for BEST TOOL EVER
That's just one ... I have the extending plank so I use it as scaffolding too.
(And yes, that's me taking it easy up there on the roof while my buddy cut pieces of sheathing. It was too hot to climb up and down) )
division of labor, that's the way to do it
You betcha.
That and pneumatic nailers.
after the olympics finish, I'll start flipping breakers and replace a few switches
Bought my sixth nail gun.
I'll take some photos and turn it into a blog
going to upgrade my bathroom fan switch to a timer
six nail guns, wow!
Yeah, if it wasn't so hot I'd have done a blog on what I did and why... but it was too hot to consider taking pictures.
@BMitch Best. Upgrade. Ever.
23 ga. pin nailer, 18 ga. finish, 15 ga. finish, stapler, framing, roofing.
I love a good framing nailer when we're doing our rough work at habitat
so much easier than trying to toe nail a second top plate
we let the volunteers use the finish nailers, once they get the taste for a nail gun, they are excited to come back
Roofing nailer has become my favorite. Re-shingling that section was taking us 15 minutes per 3 rows nailing it by hand (first roofing nailer I bought jammed)
With the roofing nailer, I completed the entire rest of it (20 rows, plus weaving) in less than 15 minutes.
Nice, I spent all day doing a small shed
Small shed would've taken me about 30 minutes, even in heat.
it was all the edges, the middle goes fast
but I was also learning
nod Learning's the big part
I'd done this before hand nailing it
This is the 2nd gable like this (of 2) that I replaced
Would've done the clerestory too at the time if I'd known what I know now, but I didn't replace the shingles around it.
Oh well
there's always next time :)
I bought the nail gun because I'm having leaks in two valleys over the front door when we get wind-driven rain out of the south ... I'm probably going to have to pull and weave them.
the joys of DIY is you always have another weekend
Yeah, this is my learning house.
I bought it to make those mistakes on
Next house that my GF and I have .. which we will have together in and will live in together, unlike our current commuting relationship .. will be gorgeous and perfectly done
haha, same here, but then I worried about screwing it up too much, so I started volunteering with Habitat to screw up their places :)
heh ... yeah, after hiring a few people to do things that I thought I couldn't do, I keep finding that I often know more than the pros, so I don't bother anymore.
Even when I screw it up, I screw it up less than they do
I outsource the roof work, but when I did my first plumbing project, I got an appointment for the next morning, shutoff the water, tried it myself, and then canceled the appointment
Ah, plumbing's easy for me -- I can handle most of it myself, but my girlfriend's dad is also a master plumber and can always offer advice.
If he doesn't just outright show up with all the parts and do it.
after I did my first solder job, it was all cake
Yeah, I learned how to sweat pipe at my daddy's knee back in the early 90's
Letting a 12 year old play with a blowtorch is usually best under supervised conditions
I was rewiring outlets as a young kid :)
dad's are the best teachers for diy
Yeah, I graduated from puling nails to replacing outlets and doing minor plumbing when I was 12, which made my day. Learned roofing and some minor masonry about that time too.
Learned drainage in Oregon
The roof on my family home was slate, so there was never anything for me to learn there
hence my small shed
how's the soil in Oregon?
I find roofing from an existing (i.e. having done the tearoff to see how it was done) to be easier.
Oregon soil varies -- greatly
clay in the river bottoms, good loam on the hilltops, but lots of springs.
We had a spring reroute itself and pop up under our house.
those springs will get you
So we had to, without disturbing the piers, regrade the crawlspace and put in french drains with pea gravel. In a crawlspace.
were you the young kid that got into all the crawl spaces?
I was still designated for that job when I was taller than everyone else :)
Well, I was 16 at the time, but still about 4' tall. :(
i did put on a lot of nice muscle bulk hauling 5 gallon buckets of pea gravel down into the crawlspace
@KarlKatzke I do like the werner I have, but it is bleeping heavy compared to the little giant
if I lay it on the ground in full-on extension ladder mode, it's difficult to wrestle it upright (mt-22)
@Aaron I have the same MT-22, and you're right; the best way is to put it up with the top extended and then push the bottom half up until it's extended.
That's exactly what I do, using the side of the house to lean it against
Yeah, you just get good at it after a while.
Actually, what helped me learn how to manage it was taking Citizens' Fire Academy a few years back.
They had us wrangling ladders
In full bunker gear
I'm always amazed by the construction workers that adjust an extension ladder, while it's vertical... without a rope
Just experience
And yeah, I say "just" -- it takes lots of time and effort to do it
To pick it up I mean
One crazy guy goes up the ladder, pulls it away from the house, and shoves it up and down while he's on it
Until the OSHA inspector drives by. ;)
I think they are more worried about immigration
Yeah, you wanna have a good time and don't care about the consequences? Get a bullhorn, walk around the back of a restaurant, pound on the door, and yell "LA MIGRA!" through the megaphone. And make sure your getaway car is handy.
Sad thing is that all the illegals work so much harder than the legals.
one of the bosses was telling us an inspector showed up early at one site, sat in his car for about 15 minutes looking through paperwork, and when he looked back up all the workers had disappeared
someone finally walked by and realized who he was and called everyone back
Anyway, that's about it for me today. I was up from 8am -> 5am yesterday; I'm gonna go back to bed.
great hearing from you @KarlKatzke, hope you get some more free time soon
(and by "up" I mean "working on work stuff")
thanks, and congrats to the new moderators.
@Aarthi is going to be sad that she missed you and @shirlockhomes

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