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It's afternoon now. Where's the big news?
:P 4pm and you should see it
meanwhile, anyone got some rep they'd like to burn on a bounty for this question? diy.stackexchange.com/questions/11220/…
Bounty started.
We don't need no steekin Badgers!
lawl this has turned into the youtube room, i love it
That has to be one of the best movies (that nobody has ever seen) ever made.
UHF has the most quotable 1-liners
Back on topic...
@Tester101 hot rod is a close second. so quotable.
@ChrisCudmore gah why would one ever even
@Aarthi 4pm in what time zone?
@aarthi www.thereifixedit.com Don't ask questions, just enjoy.
Genius! air conditioning in two rooms.
@Tester101 EST, i think.
@ChrisCudmore :D i love that site
@ChrisCudmore Is that considered "dual zone"?
What? You mean do they fight over it?
Nice Edit. Now I look stupid instead of you.
Well Played.
Sorry, I was having a duel over which dual to use.
ok lunch bbl guys
alright. Back to the code.
take him to DETROIT
3 hours later…
Let's see this.
@Aarthi don't go dropping a dime on us and then not following up
I think she's trolling us.
i am not trolling you guys!
ooh an election I have enough rep to vote in
also @Aarthi one of my pet peeves - just say 'ET' instead of EDT or EST - cause 4P EST is actually 5P EDT
hey there it goes ,it just lit up my Stack Exchange supercollider!
Hmm, how do we get a list of current moderators?
Oooh! Caucus badge for clicking the link.
So 2 mods and 6 10K users
What happened to our third mod?
Jeff chose to step down for personal/real life reasons.
I can't say anything further.
I was just going to post the link. Thanks @Aarthi
@ChrisF Anytime. :)
I feel so grown up now.
sniff This little site is growing so fast.
I think I messed up the pinning of the message a bit. I was hoping to double pin it, but it still appears to only have one.
So people, please nominate yourselves!
Too bad @SteveJackson is MIA. He's done so much for the blog, I'd like to see him as a mod.
The more candidates the better.
@Tester101 I know, he's been crazy busy.
How many mods are being added?
It says on the right hand of the page.
@ChrisF Sorry, I don't read fine print or grey text. It's almost never important.
@Tester101 Me neither :)
:P but yes, we're adding 2
@Tester101 Me too. If it's important, it's in the first paragraph.
@Tester101 fine print, gray text, or anything at the top and sides of a web page
Do we wait for nominations to end before we begin the Character Assassination?
@ChrisCudmore Nope. You can comment on nominates as soon as they're posted.
Why didn't @ChrisF release his tax returns?
@ChrisCudmore I'm in the UK - we don't have to do tax returns
@Tester101 is soft on Phillips Screwdrivers!
How do you know how much tax to pay?
@ChrisCudmore Whatever the Queen says.
It is income based isn't it? There's got to be some reporting.
@ChrisCudmore It gets taken at source - PAYE - Pay As You Earn. For the most part it's accurate. It only goes wrong if you start paying top rate tax or have multiple incomes.
It get's taken at source here as well. (Canada). But you still have to file.
You give all your money to the Queen, then she decides how much you really should have earned.
Canada has tax returns
Chris where you in CA?
the wife's family is from Ajax
As a subject of the Queen, I can say it works a bit differently.
I'm from Toronto

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