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14:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

Hey team!
Guess who used her drill yesterday?
@TheEvilGreebo would be so proud. and @Bmitch and @Tester101 :D
@Aarthi awesome! what'd you do?
@waxeagle curtains!
I think it looks 15% better, don't you? http://t.co/uvN4GdDW
@Aarthi ooh yes, better :)
yesterday was a rough day; the drill made everything a million times easier
made me wish I'd figured out how to make the claw grabby thing come out sooner
I also asked my super to take down the ugly sliding doors so that I could replace them:
New closet doors are installed!!! http://t.co/My57YA8I
@Aarthi cool, nice pattern
Instead of the bifold doors i'd wanted to put in, I opted to save my money and put in a curtain
@waxeagle Thanks! I sorta just...picked it, but it looks amazing
and it's exactly the right width!
so, A+ all around.
@Aarthi honestly, that's the best way to do it, thinking too hard about colors/patterns only leads to overthinking
@Aarthi awesome
@waxeagle The doorway is 47.5" (no jamb! :O) and the curtain is 54"
so it looks ruffled without being bulky ruffles
@Aarthi yep
the yellow curtains are 42" wide for 35" windows
can you tell I've obsessively measured everything? :P
@Aarthi that's good.
there's a few more things that need to happen: (1) replace the showerhead (2) replace the sink faucets (3) paint the bathroom door -- for which I need blue tape and a dropcloth.
@Aarthi do you just not like the showerhead or is it clogged?
@Aarthi Well looks like you took pictures... Now all you need is a quick write up, and we'll have a blog post!
@waxeagle Showerhead looks stupid
@Tester101 Hahaha, I see what you did there.
@Aarthi i c.
These shower heads look cool.
:O they look expensive
Actually, when I do the door, I will make a blog post: the door needs wood fill, sanding, primer, and a painting.
hiss expensive
$1.97 at Home Depot
i couldn't even find that one
Get one with a wand.
Women love the wand.
I actually really hate those kinds of showerheads
i think they look tacky
The wand also makes it easier to clean the walls, and your dog.
that part is truthfact
Take a shower in the rain.
@Tester101 don't you need to extend that over the tub though?
rainshower heads are awesome and then annoying and then awesome again
You just get an extension
I'm not a fan of the rainshower heads. I want a high pressure jet of water to blast the dirt off me.
that's pretty much me too
i actually have a couple of questions that i need to post
my cabinets do that.
have that.
Q: Why are my cabinets peeling and how do I fix it?

AarthiI have a new apartment, but I noticed that my kitchen cabinets are suffering from what I can only call, "peeling". Here's an image to illustrate: Why are my cabinets peeling? And, how do I fix this?

Definitely get a wand if you plan on having kids. It makes butt-cleaning a much more pleasant task.
uh, not anytime soon :D
later comes a lot sooner than you think.
The 10 years between 30 and 40 goes twice as fast as the years between 20 and 30.
If you have kids, make sure the wand is out of reach, or can be locked. Or you'll find that water frequently escapes the tub.
That's why 30 year olds buy power tools. So they can get more done.
And if you end up having twins, like I do, get one of these:
@ChrisCudmore and also because shiny.
Sshhh. We don't talk about shiny. Our wives might find out.
I can justify any purchase because of need. But if she suspects "Shiny" then I'm screwed.
Why do my attempts to push people to learn and improve their answers always fail?
Am I doing it wrong?
@Tester101 :( show me?
@Aarthi See the comments on the answer to your recent question.
@Tester101 I saw. :( I think you did fine. And I don't think it always fails, Tester. You're a really good community leader. Some users just don't see what you're trying to do.
I find most people answer my questions in the comments, instead of editing their answers to include the new information.
Ahhh, that's a network-wide problem.
If you want, I could just go in and force-edit.
I don't like to do that. If the user is satisfied with their answer, then there is not much that can be done.
Maybe if I find time, I'll write an answer of my own instead.
We should do better about providing more guidance to users about editing answers to include info from comments (cc: @chrisf)
I don't think there is a good way to handle it. Users put in as much or as little effort as they want, and it's difficult to ask somebody who is donating their time to donate more.
@Tester101 if you find the time. :) There's no real rush. I knew I'd need wood glue, but I didn't realize I'd need clamps too.
@Tester101 True, but it's also about how to ask. Saying, "Hey, that's a really good point, and your answer would be more complete if you added that in!" takes on a totally different tone than, "You should really add this into your answer."
I dunno; I think it's about the attitude we take when we provide the guidance. NOT that you're doing it wrong! But that the phrasing of the ask changes how it's received. /ramble
@Aarthi I prefer the second :P
I'm not asking them to change the answer. I'm just trying to make them think of different options, and hoping they'll update the answer with the new information they've learned.
Oh. That's a different matter entirely. @waxeagle help a guy out; how do yo handle such things on Gardening/Xtianity?
@Aarthi comment "Please add that to your answer", if I remember to go check back I'll edit it in myself and delete the comment
@Aarthi I don't think it's a common problem throughout the network. Most people would just add their own answer, and enjoy the rep boost.
We need private comments, and some sort of Mentoring role. It's one thing for me to correct you publicly, it's another to do it in a private message. Especially if there's a defined boiler plate "Hi, I'm a StackExchange mentor -- Your answer, while good, could be improved by: xxxxxxx"
Of course, I'll always propose a technical solution over a social one.
I smell feature request. I mean, an option is to ping me and we can pull the user into chat and handhold a bit
other option is to flag for mod attention and force ChrisF to do some work :P
@ChrisCudmore How many people would actually use a feature like that. Most users just post their own answer.
I'm an oddball corner case.
I think the higher the rep, the less likely you are to post right away. And if there's a good answer, you're more likely to improve it than post your own.
@Aarthi Is there peeling on all the cabinets, or just some? Are the peeling cabinets near the sink, stove, window, in direct sunlight most of the day?
@ChrisCudmore well, that's what high rep users in a community are supposed to do anyways. comment "hey could you improve this" or just flat out improve it themselves
@Tester101 Just a few cabinets. this one is over the sink. I am not sure if it gets direct sunlight; it may in winter.
@Aarthi out of curiosity, where are the others?
@Aarthi Then my guess would be steam (from washing dishes, draining macaroni, etc), or somebody opening the cabinet all the time with wet hands.
@waxeagle hmm. one's near the stove, two are over the sink.
@waxeagle Yes, that was the original intent. @tester101 brought up the problem of educating users -- Which is a new use case.
@Tester101 that would be my guess as well.
@aarthi Yeah, sink and stove. Definitely steam. Stop cooking and doing dishes.
@ChrisCudmore hahaha it was the previous tenant, not me!
can i waterproof these cabinets at all?
er, rather
the touch-y part
it's the part of the cabinet one has to grab to open it
@ChrisCudmore well, educating users is about getting them to read the content on the site, see what works and what doesn't, and be there to guide them to meta, chat, the FAQ whatever they need to get to better posts. And to have patience with them through the first few crap posts until they get it.
This is all @Aarthi 's fault. If it was any other user, I wouldn't care if they didn't get the best advice possible.
We should just show up one day and fix the place.
i'd make y'all dinner as a thankyou
which reminds me! electrician is coming on Saturday morning! My fan will be up and spinning safely very soon!
I told you. No more cooking
@Aarthi Ooh if you make curry I'm in :)
Saturday morning electrician? I thought those guys only worked M-F 9am.-1pm.
That's just the good ones.
:o hey
The bad ones need the extra work.
In all likelyhood, it's probably a commercial electrician looking for some extra cash.
I thought they had a universal schedule. 7:00am arrive at work. 7:00am-8:30am Drink coffee, shoot the shit. 8:30am-9:00-am Drive to job site. 9:00am-1:00pm Work. 1:00pm-3:00pm Go to Gin Mill.
the guy is a friend of the super, so he's doing it on the cheap
Me, I just want it to work and not kill me.
Oh... Side job!
apparently. :P
he's a plumber by trade, or so I hear.
"I just want it to work and not kill me." The electrician? I suppose those are good qualities in a tradesperson.
laughs The ceiling fan!
While he's busting open my ceiling, I'm going to be changing showerheads and faucets.
speaking of, my kitchen sink lacks that mesh-thing for where the water comes out
and my closet lacks a stabilizing hook thing in the center
thank you yes
yes! that thing
mine's missing it
Closet rod bracket
Not sure if that's the technical name.
sure! we can go with that. It's a ???.
Plus this way: moar drilling.
When all you have is a drill...
@Aarthi you like that, this time you'll need to find a stud though :)
I'm going to assume that where the former bracket-y thing is was a stud :P
@Aarthi hopefully?
I'll beg the super for his help
The fact that it's missing might be an indication that there wasn't a stud there.
Yeah, that's probably more true.
@ChrisCudmore I was kind of thinking this
or the previous tenant needed one for their next place.
@Aarthi Are there holes where the previous bracket used to be?
Yeah, I think so. They're kinda painted over, though
@Tester101 yep, hey if she has light fixtures she's lucky by Latin American standards
laughs True! I have overhead lights in this place. It's amazing. prewar builds ftw
You can poke something in the hole, and see if you feel a stud.
@Tester101 I'll knock on the walls super loud
that's totally not annoying
Where is @BMitch to star that comment?
Taken out of context, that might be funny.
oh hey, PUT starts in a half hour!
Wait... It's Thursday?
Why does the banner pop up way before PUT starts?
We always get people who see the banner, pop in, and then pop out before it actually starts because nobody is talking.
Oh. @Aarthi can you fix twitter?
Q: The Twitter name is mispelled

jrgThe @StackDIY account seems to have a bit of a uh, tyop in the name: Instead of "DIY Stack Excahnge", it should be "DIY Stack Exchange".

@derobert welcome!
@forestman hello!
And of course, @WarriorBob :D
@Tester101 Fixed.
So, what is Project Update Thursday, anyway?
hello! ^ditto
@derobert it's the place where you update us on your projects around the house, and it's thursday :)
@derobert @forestman It's the weekly chat event where the DIY community comes together and chats about projects we're working on / finished in the last week.
shakes fist @waxeagle you beat me!
it officially starts at three
how timely of me to see this then
Or you can ask questions about home improvement type things.
yup! I routinely ask how to not break stuff in my home.
I'm in the process of replacing a floor for my gf
Sometimes our resident contractor pops in to flirt with @Aarthi.
and it's getting more complicated than I like
@forestman eek!
Hang on:
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
okay, @forestman go on and tell us more about your troubles
You all actually have projects in progress? I'm busy procrastinating on all of mine :-(
@derobert we talk about those, too!
haha. @Aarthi had to start the clock.
@Tester101 :P shut up and put up the disco ball
"Tell me about your mother"
And hey, where's @Aaron??? He's missing all the fun! and @TheEvilGreebo toO!
@forestman 90% of all DIY projects do this.
okay, so the existing floor was linoleum sticky tiles over 1/4" luan, over hardwood.
;___; the hardwood! so beautiful.
I'm crazy busy at work spammy!
a long time ago, it was hardwood, but they put an addition on and didn't bother putting hardwood down, but just did subfloor, so half the area we're replacing is hardwood, and half is plywood
And the whole reason we're replacing it is her dog keeps peeing in this area and has ruined the luan, and started to mess up the hardwood underneath
@Tester101 consider it stared :)
Sorry @BMitch we lit up the disco ball without you
That's ok, if @Aarthi wants to party, she's allowed
I didn't know about the hardwood, so I was planning on ripping up soggy subfloor and just replacing it, which would have been comparatively easier.
@TheEvilGreebo pssh, work :P
@forestman yeah, I bet. So is the hardwood underneath damaged, after all? And if so, are you going to have to tear that out too or are you thinking about extending hardwood out to the addition?
So I see @Aarthi has been screwing around in her new place
The other rub is that the original outer wall runs across the space, and creates a rather pronounced ridge, on the order of 1/2" in 16" or so.
And -- welcome @kavisiegel!
@BMitch you know me, breaking stuff.
@forestman :o
@Aarthi that's what power tools are for :)
@BMitch apparently she actually used her drill yesterday :)
@Aarthi it does have some damage, but we're gonna see if we can get it dry in the next day or so with kitty litter and baking soda and a dehumidifier. pulling up 2" tongue and groove is a bit above my expertise
14:00 - 19:0019:00 - 21:00

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