A couple lessons learned -- Always take into account the length of your FINISHED edges. The sides ended up being 8'2", which means I had to buy 10' boards for the perimeter rails. Also, the front was 12' 2", which means I've got an end grain showing on the front.
I found some nice Carriage Bolts at Lowes. They're gold in colour, and have TORX heads. 1.5" to 8". Very nice for this type of work. And a nice long unthreaded portion, so they really pull the wood together.
I did 3 years of Civil Engineering before transferring into comp sci. I never felt right drafting on software. I much preferred the freedom of the pencil.
Sketch up is far too OO for me. I don't want a wall to be an object that is designed separately. Ideally, I'd like to draw a floor plan, and then stretch it up. Then I'll knock some holes in it.
an election might provide at least two blog entries "Hey where having an election" and "here are your winners", but aside from that I think the site runs pretty smoothly as is.