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@Aarthi I should have looked closer at the line... didn't read until the employee tag at the end. CHAOS I'm familiar with. Say, if you've got a minute, we need the migration options on Security.SE fixed. :)
@JeffFerland Haha, what can I do for you?
Q: Building our own migration list

M'vyNow we've graduated from beta, wouldn't it be time for us to set our migration list? I would propose: meta.security of-course superuser serverfault webapps math / theoretical.cs / stackoverflow Does the moderators have some feedback on this in term of statistical of previous migrations? Th...

Looks like the team's aware of this post. :D is there something specific i should be looking at?
@Aarthi We started in in July and still don't have a migration list.
I'll bring it up. :)
2 hours later…
@BMitch where's the blog entry?
@Aaron it's in the queue. We try to have one post per week, and right now, our queue is looking pretty thin, so I jumped at the chance for an easy entry. Look for it to be published next Tuesday.
11 hours later…
Q: Why is my shower faucet turning itself off?

Jaime PardosMy shower has a wall mount single lever faucet similar to this: http://www.cn-faucet.com/Wall-Mount-Single-Lever-Faucets-141.html Over time, it has become more sensitive and now, in most angles, gravity pulls and turns it off, unless water flow is very high. If I turn it to get very hot or very ...

Revival Badge! :D
It lives!
@SteveJackson's beaver brings users to the site.
After adding the image of a beaver to the "cutting wood" answer, It's gotten quite a bit of attention. One user even commented "Joined the site just to up vote this answer! – Jon P". So I just wanted to say Thanks @SteveJackson for sharing your beaver.
BWAHAHAHHA just saw that
1 hour later…
For all your DIYers with kidlings -- this set is pretty much right up your alley :D
**** the kids. I WANT ONE!
@Aarthi I've started writing some holiday safety stuff, should I put it up as a draft on Word Press?
@Tester101 um, yes! Mine is just a filler post, can go out any time. For the holiday stuff, we should get it out soon to be relevant. No point in posting about hanging holiday lights in January.
@BMitch I'm not sure what @Aarthi has planned for it. It sounds like it's part of a larger, master plan
that technic set is pretty nice, but there are some amazing technic full differential systems out there
@Tester101 muahahahaha!
All joking aside: it could yield some Google juice. If you can, include links to questions! :D
@Aarthi Damn you! should have said that before. I'll go through and try to link to some questions.
@Tester101 hides
@Aarthi I think I'm done with the electrical safety section. just have to add some ladder safety, and some cost calculations. And of course some links to questions >(
@Tester101 uwaaaah. No but seriously this sounds like an awesome entry.
@Aarthi /me points to Aarthi's icon, found you!
@BMitch laughs
1 hour later…
@BMitch Is he mowing the bushes!?
Trimming the hedges yeah
easier than getting out the hedge trimmer
omg that's amazing.
@Aarthi, found out what you can use your drill for :)
So... They figured out they could use the riding mower to trim the bushes, but couldn't figure out how to override the seat shut off switch!?
@Tester101 why override the seat shutoff switch when it's so much fun to ride a flying mower?
Wonder what OSHA would say if they saw that?
@Tester101 ME next!
i do need a mixer
@Tester101 "hey, what's with the blindfold and unmarked van?"
uh oh, fire dept at the construction site, might be time to pull out the camera
With that,
How's everyone been lately?
:D awesome!
(But we expect funding to be in place for our panel upgrade this month)
@TheEvilGreebo \o/
I cleaned my yard, put away hoses, covered AC, put covers over outside faucets
Top that!
And how did cleaning your yard make you feel?
Just had an eventful lunch with my son, we learned how to connect and disconnect water hoses, listened to Stephen Colbert "Another christmas song" about 15 times in a row, played with a lego ferrari, and started reading Learning Perl (his choice).
<-- bought Skyrim. "Home imwhatment?"
Wait...there's a room for that @Aarthi.
@SteveJackson NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo‌​ooooooooooooooooooooooo......................................... (not perl!!!)
@SteveJackson The Couch!
It was very strange. I havent' seen that program in nearly 20 years.
@SteveJackson I love perl
wait, isn't this a DIY chat?
@TheEvilGreebo I think the book cover was misleading for a 2 year old. Not a single camel mentioned.
And that's obviously not a camel, but y'know
@SteveJackson False advertising! SUE! SUE!!!
The benefits of a litigious society.
Hey you think if I go afk, then shirlock will show up? :P
DIY wise....I did squat. I took the weekend off. What do you guys think about mowing a lawn when it's close to freezing? My dog would be happier if the grass wasn't quite so high in the backyard.
@Aarthi you would know, wouldn't ya :)
DIY wise I learned not to buy masking tape at the dollar store. Couldn't get more than 3 inches off without it tearing.
@SteveJackson I haven't mowed my lawn in months, it just doesn't want to grow
@ChrisCudmore We have like six rolls of that crap, it doesn't even stick to anything. I have no idea why I haven't thrown them away.
do it. do it.
Wife won't let me throw it away. "It might be useful for something..." I'm going to have to resort to subterfuge and dishonesty.
Well if there are no project updates, everyone go look for gifts
Q: Help create DIY holiday gift list

Tester101We're trying to create a "wish list" for DIY holiday gifts for a blog entry, and we need your help. We're looking for gifts that are useful, interesting, and would appeal to DIYers. Since Christmas is just around the corner, all suggestions should be submitted by Monday, December 19, 2011 so th...

anyone want more pencils? :D
A ten pack of common sized drill bits -- The ones that are always worn out or broken from the 80 pack.
Aarthi, I'm still reveling in the afterglow of my swag receipt this week. Any more might push me over the edge.
Q: Would you like to help promote the site by giving away pencils?

AarthiSo I made up these DIY pencils: They look great AND I have oodles of them. If you'd like to give these away, such as at a local hardware store or leaving them at a Habitat ReStore counter, that's cool. (Preferably, bring a small adorable child with you -- apparently, this makes the pencils mov...

@ChrisCudmore :D
My projects:
Actually, I've got a lot of friends who have bought their first homes lately. I've been shilling the site on facebook.
1) I posted some pictures of the basement rim joists for the question I asked earlier
2) I did some more investigating into the attic soffit vents and baffles and did some more research - I also have pictures of that area, but I dont' have a great question yet I can put up with that
@ChrisCudmore A+++
@ChrisCudmore Don't forget to mention @SteveJackson's beaver!
@Aaron, Do you have a plan for the basement insulation yet?
@ChrisCudmore Seriously, tho, if you want DIY pencils, let me know asap
Same to @SteveJackson and @NiallC :D
And @TheEvilGreebo and @Aaron :D
And....who am I missing.
And none for @BMitch bye. /mean girls reference
Nah... Leave them to the contractors who can hand them out. I'll shill virtually.
No pencils for me :(
Otherwise my kids will just use them.
My favourite joke answer:
Q: What is the best way to stop tiny ants from entering my home?

Ballpark Possible Duplicate: How can I prevent insects from entering my house? How can I find their entry point? I've got tiny ants coming in from the window above the sink in the kitchen. We are taking care to make sure the area is more clean since the ants started coming in. I've tried a fe...

@Aarthi I want pencils :)
I love my swag but was heartbroken to see the lack of pencils.
@TheEvilGreebo Aww, I shoulda thrown some into the boxes, ne?
@Tester101 OMG
Actually, if you do a swag drop in the future -- Carpenter's pencils...
@ChrisCudmore Eh? That's what these are!
@Aarthi You filled my swag box? Now I'm doubly heartbroken that you could forget my love of pencils after all our discussions about you sending me 10000 of them. :)
@TheEvilGreebo I didn't -- the warehouse did. But if anyone asks, I totally hand-packed every box.
@TheEvilGreebo No pencils for you. You want them all to yourself. You have to learn to share first.
@Aarthi OMG you didn't care enough about me to pack my box????
Mine was shipped from Mass. I assumed it wasn't personally packed.
@Tester101 I hate you
omg when did DIY turn into Parenting?
/me goes off to another room to play by myself
@TheEvilGreebo Don't make me get the paddle!
While you're in there, fix the drywall.
gonna drag this chat back on topic kicking and screaming!
topic shmopic
What's the topic again?
/topic Steve Jackson's Beaver.
@ChrisCudmore so many comments, so many sexual harassment lawsuits
@SteveJackson that should be your new icon.
that's quite the beaver, if I do say so myself
Off-topic. Is there a place to see site stats? Like traffic data and stuff?
ok i gotta brb -- work to do! I'll be back in about an hour. :D
Home Improvementdiy.stackexchange.com

Launched Q&A site for contractors and (serious) DIY'ers

@Aarthi I thought it was your job to entertain us?
click on Home Improvement, not diy.se
@Tester101 do I look like Nirvana?
Um... maybe?
@Aarthi I'm pretty sure those stats aren't updated. We're well over 3000 users now.
@Aarthi Thanks, but I want to see a graph of say visits/day over x days.
I'd be interested to see if there are any patterns that would suggest one day is busier than another.
Apparently the end of august is a good time.
and Mondays! :D
@Aarthi that's what I was thinking. I was curious if the beginning of the week was busier than the end.
It usually is, for the entire network.
Q: Why would a single electric receptacle stop working?

Two Bit GangsterA single receptacle suddenly stopped providing electricity in my living room. It is not a GFCI. The other outlets work fine and the circuit breaker didn't trip. Any ideas?

I chuckled when I read item 1 of @NiallC's list, but it turned out to be the answer.
@Tester101 Looks like it'll run me $15 to use it legally. Not that the image costs that much, but because that's the minimum purchase size. Yikes.
@SteveJackson You have to pay for things on the internet?
@SteveJackson maybe someone else will let you use a pic of their beaver for free?
@BMitch It's pretty dicey business searching for free beavers on the internet
hmm... /me goes to search the internet for beaver pictures
@BMitch It's going to be hard to find a beaver with a toolbelt.
@BMitch Be careful looking for images of beaver on google if you're at work.
@Tester101 why would you say... OMG!!! What's wrong with you people! My eyes!
heh. GIS on "strap-on tools". The first image is the corporate logo. It goes downhill pretty quickly after that.
That's gotta be editted into the answer. Beaver with a Chainsaw is the solution!
dear lord, what happened to the beaver, it looks like it had an accident
ok, I'm calling it
Thanks for joining us for Project Update Thursday

Project Update Thursday - 8 Dec 2011

2 hours ago, 2 hours 2 minutes total – 126 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 8 secs ago by BMitch

Did @Aarthi disappear to have a conversation with HR?
I think that was the least project updatey Thursday we've had. The bookmark should be "Pencils and Beavers"

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