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On a forum I frequent, someone said they had a power strip where the outlet was looking scorched. they'd plugged a dryer into it and wondered if the burnt look was a bad thing
Electricity kills - but its easy to use - so does that excuse grown adults from at least knowing some BASICS about safe electrical usage???
Most people don't know anything about electricity, other than they plug things in and they turn on.
Safety wise people know 1.) don't stick fork in outlet. 2.) If it fits, it must be safe.
yawn mornin'
@AarthiDevanathan slacker, or did the squeaky neighbors keep you up?
I woke at 4:30 to go to the Today show.
@BMitch So...I've been up for a while now. :(
@AarthiDevanathan Was it everything you dreamed it would be?
It was fun enough, I suppose. shrug
1 hour later…
Can anyone tell me if this question would be appropriate on DIY?
Q: Incandescent to CFL Wattage Conversion

ZiplinQuestion - I have a lamp that is rated to 60 watts, with a disclaimer that when using CFL bulbs to instead use a 13 Watt bulb. Do I really need to respect that disclaimer? Would not a 23 watt CFL be just as safe to use? It's still drawing less power than a 60 watt incandescent, right?

(also: lol @ the picture)
@DavidZaslavsky Looks like it would be appropriate to me
OK, thanks
:D heeeeey @DavidZaslavsky
Now you'll ALWAYS KNOW about Project Update Thursday
Trust me, it haunts my dreams already
@DavidZaslavsky If @AarthiDevanathan is haunting your dreams, just remind her of squeaky beds and she'll leave you alone :D
ooooh, good to know :-}
/retreats to Spanish
I'm always happy to stir up chaos.
@BMitch pun intended?
@DavidZaslavsky completely. Whenever I see that face, I hear Adam Davidson saying "here comes chaos!"
(mutter, Adam Savage, I've been listening to too many NPR podcasts lately)
alright, time for me to get to my project update wednesday, afk
haha /waves
1 hour later…
One coat of paint up, the end is near.
For @AarthiDevanathan:
Barbie girl?
they should have picked a better icon for the video
Not sure how much it will help the lack of women here, but this is an offshoot of a tech site, so, who knows.
And now that's you've seen the video, look back at your last comment ;oP
Yeah its "Barbie Woman"
I noticed at Lowes, they sell pink tool sets for women. Maybe if we add more pink elements to the site, we'll get more female contributors.
Yes, because that's the problem.
Okay, I love you guys, but I have to concentrate on Parenting. Shocker, I know.
/waves see y'all later~
@AarthiDevanathan I am crushed
we all know who her favorite child is
Congratulations @BMitch!
Climbed your way up to #2 in just 7 months! Nice!
claps @BMitch knows stuff
1 hour later…
@Tester101 Doh, did I knock off poor Niall C. I think it just shows that I'm good at wasting time when working from home :)

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