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12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

@SteveJackson howdy howdy
Hiiiideeee hooooooo
<- was overcome by a Mr. Hankie moment
^^^ too funny
"Daddy, where do pumpkins come from?"
2 hours later…
And stolen :)
3 hours later…
Aaaaah I forgot to sign into my chats! :O
@AarthiDevanathan Don't lie. We know you dont love us
you doubt my love after all this time?
HA HA I made you cry
geez, with love like this why would I ever leave y'all. /sarcasm
@AarthiDevanathan: thanks for the pencils, got them yesterday
@BMitch Woot! They're extra shiny, right? RIGHT? :D
yup, they never look that shiny after a day on the job site
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Did you miss my name? ;)
laughs fair enough
Oh hey @Tester101 :D
@SteveJackson should be around somewhere, I think....
Hey, @AarthiDevanathan. You sticking around for PUT, or do you have parenting to do?
@Tester101 laughs I'm around this week! yaaay
@AarthiDevanathanΨ What's shakin?
NOT MUCH. Fortunately.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ trade ya. Things are crazy town here. I sneak into chat while I'm supposed to be listening to triage meetings.
As in "Your call is very important to us, please stay on the line" - for a few months.
That's terrible.
I seem to be having trouble explaining that not everything can be the most important thing.
Anyhoo, I've been pinging on Rebecca a little bit on WP questions and hadn't heard back. I'm sure she's busy too, just wanted to make sure I was asking in the right place. chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/115/stack-exchange-community-blogs
WP = word press - I have a problem with acronyms
Nope, I got that.
You could also ask on wordpress.stackexchange.com
I think it's a SE / blogoverflow specific problem. There are WP plugins for some of the stuff we're asking for, but we're in a nice sandbox where we don't control those things.
Though I could ask for workarounds that don't use plugins - they might be able to help there.
I say just ask there. RChern could use the rep anyway. ;)
:) Do you guys have an SE leaderboard?
Nope, alas.
I think Marc Gravell has us all beat tho
Okay, DIY, I'm about to ask y'all a favor:
A: Why is this box constantly tripping?

Eric LippertThe advice given in the other answers is good: begin by assuming that the safety system is operating correctly. Find the fault, and hire an electrician to do so if you cannot. Only if you have evidence that there is no fault should you assume that the safety system is broken. However, it is impo...

please evaluate this answer.
Great answer to a not so great question.
It's good - quite thorough and particularly precise in the terminology.
looks fine to me too
He's gonna hit the rep cap up in here. Joel also tweeted the question.
I was going to answer, but I spent all morning searching for a "trip box".
Also: they bahleeted my nice comment.
Even electricians have a habit of dumbing down GFI explanations, the current-hot-neutral-potential-difference talk tends to make Harry Homeowner's eyes glaze over.
@SteveJackson glazzzzze....
@joshmax GFIs good: Keep you from getting shocked.
@SteveJackson unglaze - I like not getting shocked :)
@joshmax Better than coffee....naaaaaah
I'm gonna do this now:
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
Hey there, @ChadCooper what's shaking? :D
I've got nothing to report project wise or site wise.
Neither do I. We're saving money for our next project still.
I started drywalling
Metal furring strips?
this weekend will be mudding
@TheEvilGreebo sound attenuation channel
Ah, which means metal furring strips with purpose ;)
keeps the drywall of the studs for noise
yep understood ;)
this is my common wall with my neighbors, which, because they decided to redirect some water into my siding, I had a bit of damage to fix
I hope they're paying for it
decided to go with foam insulation to minimize the risk of mold, but I had to go with fire rated drywall and they didn't have that in mold resistant in the store
not spray foam, I note
foam board?
So I'm having a hard time picturing a common wall with siding. What am I missing here?
I didn't push them on paying for anything, it's something they did years ago that only to have the ground settle the wrong way
@SteveJackson town houses where each is a few feet offset from each other
this is in my back, so about 2' is siding and the rest is the common wall
Aha. Thanks.
they are also slightly different height wise, so I'm about a foot below them
<3 I love everything about PUT.
spammy buggers
so when they built up their back yard to be level with their walkout patio, it was above my foundation line
oh I do have a project this weekend, but it's a "spread DE to kill bedbugs" project, not very interesting
doh, /afk
@BMitch Watch out for soil buildup against your wall. A major source of damp
@BMitch Your townhouse builders seem like very creative folks.
@TheEvilGreebo I'm interested if you found a cheap place to pick up DE.
but define "cheap" :)
sorry about that, client likes to make me work at the worst times :)
@BMitch how dare he
@BMitch Those bastards
@ChrisF yeah, soil buildup was the reason for all the damage
@SteveJackson the ones the built my place were cheap cheap cheap, I'm finishing my repairs to get ready to move
exterior is aluminum siding on top of sheet rock, no wood sheathing
@SteveJackson that's the same reaction I had, as did the ones that swapped out a door and realized I wasn't kidding.
In the UK where we have largely brick exterior walls and a damp proof course I'm sure that most of the cases of rising damp "cured" by expensive injection systems and replastering etc could well have been fixed by clearing away the build up of detritus on the outside wall that's bridging the dpc
@ChrisF in our case, it wasn't so much rising damp as falling damp from a hurricane
we had people tubing down local highways
@BMitch That's the one sort of weather we only get once in a 100 years in the UK
so to answer an earlier question, yes, foam panels that I just glued up and then filled in the gaps with great stuff
and that's about the extent of my work this week, the mudding should be fun
I'll pull out some of my "what's wrong with this construction site" photos in a bit, just have to fix an emergency first
I can see I'll be learning a lot on Thursdays... :S
No updates from me. A roll of insulation is sitting in the attic taunting me.
Buddy of mine has a townhouse where they put siding on top of MDF
we pulled some of his siding off and the mdf just fell apart
It seems like there should be a way to seal MDF. I used some for a subfloor and would go into a panic anytime it got wet.
Here's a highway in Houston during a tropical storm 10 years ago. I'd say that water is 12 feet high easy.
Not exactly 12 feet, but this is just down the road from me:
I am curious about the common wall construction in my home, it looks like 3 layers of drywall, one fire rated on my side standing off via sound attenuation channel, another in the middle, and then the third would be the outside for the aluminum siding or interior of my neighbors. I'm not exactly sure of the purpose of the middle layer.
I would have thought 2 layers of fire rated drywall would be plenty
@BMitch it may be there as a sound break, to prevent sound from traveling through the wall.
@Tester101 maybe, I can still hear things pretty easily despite the sound attenuation channel being used
Holmes did a show on sound proofing a common wall, Seemed like quite a pain in the neck.
Hmm. I wish my apartment had that. I can hear my upstairs neighbors having sex on the weekends.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ lol, insert scene from "secret of my success"
@BMitch laughs yes precisely.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ There's a question about that (well not exactly that) on DIY
@ChrisF squeaky squeaky squeaky squeaky....
Q: How can I temporarily soundproof my apartment ceiling?

jcollumCurrently I'm living in an apartment that has poor soundproofing. My upstairs neighbors get up at 4:30 am to go to work. They have two dogs. So there's a lot of noise between 4:30 am and 5 am. Like any sane person, I don't want to wake up at 4:30 am. I've had many issues with noise in this apar...

There's an excellent answer by a fine looking chap there too
@AarthiDevanathan if it's only the squeaking you hear, you could offer to buy them a new bed frame.
just leave a can of wd-40 outside their door with a note saying "your bed could use this"
@TheEvilGreebo there's a reason I always decline whenever someone offers to replace my aluminum siding or windows, I'm leaving this disaster for someone else
@BMitch Maan, why didn't I think of that when I the same problem as @AarthiDevanathan :P
@BMitch lol
@ChrisF ha
@BMitch best idea
@BMitch I'd like for Aarthi to ask the question so you can put this as an answer.
@SteveJackson Problem is it would a duplicate
@ChrisF Well @BMitch's answer won't help the two dog problem :)
@SteveJackson That is true.
thought I'd play a little "what's wrong with this construction site?" unless anyone else has updates
Oh, so that's what it is. I thought someone was building a 1:1 scale sandcastle.
@ChrisF Would eggcrate soundproofing work here, since it's a temp situation? Maybe reverse them against the ceiling?
for the first entry, they seem to have a little silt getting past their silt fence
@joshmax Possibly. Depends how much you like looking at eggcrates :)
@BMitch It's generally good for the dirt to be higher than the "retaining wall", right?
@ChrisF I'd rather look at gray eggcrates than blue foam board :)
That's the fence guys fault. He put that damn fence in the wrong place!
@Tester101 You've obviously worked on a construction site before :)
Damn surveyors never mark stuff right!
it's that crazy single fence design, when will the fools learn to use a 4 layered fence
If we just had some frickin coffee up here none of this would have happened.
I'm more curious as to where the random pipe sticking out of the side of the pile goes?
That's not the first layer of fence? ;)
@Tester101, hey now, I worked as a survey tech for two summers!
It'll never drain like that.
to their credit, I watched when this happened, and they had a large excavator lifting a massive cement form through a narrow path and he had to avoid all the utility lines on the other side, putting him on an incline
@Doresoom oh... sorry. I'm sure you were good at it.
darn right :)
the gps system accurate to 4 mm helped too
@Tester101 part of the conduit, there's a load of it in the ground, every utility in the world in a narrow path. they had a bunch sticking up to mark where they stopped digging the last bit, so this might have just been a marker
@Doresoom It's all those construction workers always messing around, moving flags, using the flag sticks as shims and what not.
I think they might be using them for sword fights too
I kid you not, I saw the cement truck driver pull out a machete and threaten the day laborers if they didn't get back to work
we almost always put giant nails in the ground as well when accuracy was really important, and only used the stakes to locate them
easier to find with a metal detector, and nosy neighbors would usually just pull the stakes out without noticing them
property dispute surveys were the worst
@Doresoom lol, I bet
I posed a question to the blog contributors a few days ago, but thought I'd ask it here, since there's more movement now.

**All time worst thing you've come across in your reno's that someone *else* did that you had to fix.**
"Hey look somebody left a scrap piece of wood for me. They even tied a ribbon so I could find it!"
(PS: Hey there, @Doresoom nice to see you here again :D)
@Tester101 lol
mine's not that bad, but i'll go
doh, sorry @Doresoom, go ahead, this one can wait
while replacing water damaged ceiling drywall, i found a random 2x4 in the attic
i tried to remove it and found out it was attached to the ceiling drywall
Patch brace?
sounds like a patch brace to me
the 12' sheet ended between joists, and they didn't feel like adding enough lumber to attach everything
yeah, i guess that's what it was, but it was really poorly done
Oh... so it was a 4' long 2x4?
unattached to anything else?
yeah, just floating there on the drywall
they should have trimmed the drywall back to the nearest joist
guess since it was the ceiling htey just wanted a flat join
drywallers needed something to screw to, and the framers had already left the site.
for me, my biggest fix was plumbing, and after a dozen fixes, the biggest problem turned out to be a lack of an expansion tank
"not my problem...grumble grumble"
"Drywallers can screw in the gaps"?
was it a tapered span or non-tapered that they joined the two pieces of drywall on?
I worked with a guy who used to say "Can't see it from my house", when he did stuff like that.
non-tapered should be cut back to the joist, and tapered should be perpendicular to the joist
@BMitch I'd have to say plumbing has been the biggest blunder in my house, too.
@Tester101 Guys like that should be fired
i need clarification on what a tapered span is
on a 4x8 sheet of drywall, the 8' side is tapered to make the joint disappear with mud
drywall edges (the long edges) are slightly thinner than the rest of the board
non-tapered then
for what bmitch said
yeah, i figured it out - just didn't know the terminology
yeah, should have cut it back then, lazy lazy lazy
@BMitch Good to know.
or running out of drywall at the jobsite
well get out, we have no room for ppl who dont know the... word...thingies...for... yeah
<-- professional smartass
ok, i should be getting back to work
bye everyone!
so anyone want to work on a framing 101 lesson:
Well that's obviously the lumberyards fault. They should've thrown that piece out.
@BMitch No no I see the problem. Your camera's crooked
I really should hide a picture of this somewhere that only the homeowner will find
someone needs a new bubble in their spirit level
Make the guy on the ground stand under the ladder not next to it.
You know what's really sad is you don't notice it at first but the one to the right of the REALLY crooked one is also off
not only is it not vertical, but the window was cut short or something
its too narrow at the base or too wide at the top
Maybe their saw broke before they could trim those boards down properly "Noone will notice, quick! Screw 'em up there!"
4" narrower at the bottom
if you put your mouse on one edge up top and then hold it and scroll you'll see the tilt
I just don't know how they get the header up, and start on the next floor, before thinking they should fix this
I want photos for when they try to put the windows in
Probably done after lunch, and a few too many cold ones.
I'm just thinking about some sap going to attach a cabinet or something. Screw holes will be all fudged up. "Stupid Studfinder"
@NiallC That's the window installers problem then, the framers are on to the next site.
photo stolen and posted on FB
lol, that would be the second time it made it to FB :)
@Tester101 Oh I think it might be worth tracking them down :) @BMitch mentioned there's a lot of townhomes in this development going up.
there isn't a single friggin plumb board on that place
I'm just amazed that this is what the professionals do when they have inspectors checking on them
yeah, the framing crew would have still been around, they were going up like an assembly line, 7 town houses at a time
I also noticed they would leave studs un-nailed at the bottom of doorways, guess that's the lazy way to cut the bottom plate out
we always under cut ours before raising the wall, and a quick sawzall finishes it off.
I've seen that before
put the base plate all the way across, don't nail at the door area, cut it out after
ensures your base plate is straight
@BMitch That might be another good target for your envelope of photos. Let the inspectors know that someone is watching them - so they should make a fuss.
yeah, we leave our base plate in too, but the studs are nailed in from under rather than toe nailing. which, since this was a cement foundation, toe nailing would be a pain.
OH I see
@BMitch They'll cut the plate when they are ready for finishing (drywall, door install, etc), keeps everything square and lined up in the meantime.
I thoguht you meant not nailing down the base plate
I thought they usually built the walls flat then lifted them
nope, base plate was nailed, but the studs on either side of the door were hanging free so they could push them out of the way to cut the plate
at least that's my assumption for why they did it
oh... well thats... stupid. The door won't be supported
why would you need to leave the studs free... you cut teh base out inside the door frame not outside
inside your jack studs
might be hard to get a saw against the jack studs
we always under cut our base plate about a half inch or so
a sawz-all will fit easy
that keeps us from running the sawzall into the foundation or through the floor
hmm, I would put the blade in upside down and lay the tool flat on the ground
they went with option B: leave the jack and king studs completely free, dangling in the air
yeah... either of our methods is better :)
bmitch you should send that picture to the local permit board
I've already got the county supervisor working with me to get the privacy wall raised, want to stay on their good side while they appear to be cooperating
Good call, that.
I sometimes wonder how the crane operator can see what he's doing
@BMitch must work like DareDevil... echolocation?
Use the force, Luke
these walls have more fake windows than real ones
and I have no idea why that little one is sitting there at an angle
@SteveJackson lol
what's with the fake windows?
no idea, they're even putting shutters in them
Ultra energy efficient windows!
maybe without the glass, people won't walk into them by accident
Far less heat loss than those windows you can see through.
I'll go...
Mine was finding out that the new corner shower & toilet installed in the utility room had crooked pipes.
The sellers decided to "fix it" with duct tape. The ends of the pipe were about 3/4" off from the sewer drain pipe and the duct tape did not hold up well.
When I got into the crawl space to fix it ... well, let's just say it didn't smell like a flower shop...
@joshmax they made a pipe union with duct tape?
They needed MOAR duct tape
they were just following the org chart
@Tester101 indeed. Searching for the photo now...
Oh good, because I'm confused on the crooked pipes.
"Crooked Pipes" you mean that's not a technical term? :P
only if you're a doctor
sounds like the pipes weren't properly joined?
later all
Yoda should really have a hard hat - I'll have to improve that picture.
blast, can't find the photo but I had to get one of these:
So they joined three pipes together with duct tape? I hope you find that picture, that one's going to thereifixedit post haste.
@BMitch lol I missed that comment.
@SteveJackson Me, too. It's probably on my home pc.
Did it look like this?
From the description I think the water wasn't that colour :)
haha, no, actually, they didn't care enough to use that much duct tape.
I think I found a new awesome site: home-inspection-nightmares.com
@SteveJackson What's a picture of my crawlspace doing online!
Your attic?
Attic? No, that's my bathroom!
It's quite environmentally friendly for use to reuse your rainwater like that :)
@SteveJackson Nah, it's probably @Doresoom's. He's got random stuff in his attic.
@joshmax Oh I see...he probably tried to put his indoor pool on that 2x4 and found it wasn't a joist.
@BMitch are you saying you pee in the pool?
/me whistles innocently
Meanwhile: my favorite bloggers continue to be awesome:
a bathroom is where you take a bath, we use an outhouse for those other purposes
@BMitch Your townhouse builders were really cheap, huh?
we have running water, assuming you're talking about the alternative to walking with the bucket
Worst part... It's a community outhouse.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ link reminded me: has anyone used this or something like it?
I swear, I read all the blogs.
@BMitch Posh version of the org chart:
@ChrisF I'm saving that one
@AarthiDevanathanΨ thanks for that. I have a good friend who's looking into doing this now, I'll probably end up helping him, so that's a good walk-through.
No problem -- not the first time others have asked about kitchens, right @SteveJackson?
smushes @MichaelMrozek
@AarthiDevanathanΨ <--- knows stuff. I was sold on recessed lights, but my better half didn't think it would light up our kitchen quite as well.
You should totally comment on the latest YHL post, then.
they're picking a countertop
I'm still hurt that they're your favorite bloggers :p
@Tester101 I'm really not sure what to do with this information now that it's in my brain.
@SteveJackson I was actually feeling complemented about us being her favorite bloggers until she started posting the sites of others, then I was crushed and went into a deep depression.
You're my favorite blogging collective
@BMitch EXACTLY. Pass the Ben & Jerry's.
I love you guys!
the DIY.SE Blog is awesomesauce.
YHL is the only other blog I adore this much. Maybe MAHAH, too. BUT MOSTLY Y'ALL. PROMISE.
I'm off. See you all later
@SteveJackson I think I'm going to find something to hit with a ramset, that always make me feel better
<-- gets out my 22cal charge... fire in the hole!
12:00 - 21:0021:00 - 22:00

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