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good morning!
hey steve! i didn't even see you there
man i feel so bad for karl. poor guy
It's rough. Hope his company treats him well afterwards.
@SteveJackson agreed.
ah, I see @AarthiDevanathan loves US today
@TheEvilGreebo lots of edits, yes.
i do some routine maintenance on DIY still. I tolja, i still love you all.
There have been some interesting sites getting off the ground in area51 lately. Signal Processing, Bitcoin, and today: Biblical Hermeneutics
ah yes, Bible.Se
we have some oddball sites of late.
Are there plans for Chaos to keep on promoting as new sites come along? I couldn't imagine doing community building for DSP.
@SteveJackson well, we don't choose our sites -- there's an algorithm to it, and one of the factors is the age. we generally don't work on sites <60 days old.
2 hours later…
man our front page looks awesome
pats @AarthiDevanathan on the back
/me didnt notice
but seriously, the meta post brought it to my attn and it's trueeee
2 hours later…
Anyone able to answer this?
Q: How do I seal a large gap between slabs to avoid freeze/thaw heaving?

cabbeyI have a very large slab patio on the back of my home in Southern MN that has pulled away from the house about 6-8" due to freeze/thaw heaving. The previous owners have filled the gap with river rocks, which gives it an "ok" appearance, but it doesn't do anything to keep water getting in between ...

just dropping in to pass along a relevant chuckle, now it's time to get back to work
@AarthiDevanathanΨ No good answer from this peanut in the gallery, MN makes it more complicated with the deep freezing.
@BMitch hmm. well, perhaps Greebo or Steve has better ideas. I'll ask in TL, too.
@BMitch hmm. maybe someone should put a bounty on it.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ aww, but I'm so close to 10k
95% there
@BMitch it doesn't have to be you!
it was just me thinking aloud, honest.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Yeah no clue. I think Karl's on the right track, but the fix for that is more or less starting over. An 8" gap would be hard to patch.
@SteveJackson mmm. well i put a bounty on it.
@AarthiDevanathan, wait, cabbey is a parenting mod? Now I know you're playing favorites.
@BMitch yes. but it's also a question that's good for the community. shrug
we've got three unanswered questions currently.
only 3, I thought we had more last time I looked
@BMitch I could get that job!
@BMitch hmm. looks like i'm going editing.
Hey there @Tester101 still looking shiny i see
Today's not Thursday, is it? Full house!
@aarthi: take a little more time on those edits, 'k? "how should I look for when choosing faux tin ceiling tiles?"
@NiallC ah phooey. i'm sorry -- I'm trying to not do that more often.
@Dave hello!
Not at all in response to anything said previously and only because I think this is funny:
edits slower
@Aarthi Keep 'em coming. I want that proofreader badge. :)
@NiallC ah ha, it's not out of the goodness of your heart at all!
Hello Aarthi
@Dave how are you? :D
welcome to diy chat
sorry we're kinda chaotic today
it's a wednesday
This is my first time using chat at SE. I'm usually asking programming questions but also have some house questions.
@Dave well, welcome! :) we're happy to have you here. Tomorrow we'll be having our chat event at 3PM EST. I know @BMitch @TheEvilGreebo and @SteveJackson will be able to answer a lot of your questions :D
@Dave @AarthiDevanathan is our designated "welcoming committee" (of one)
@Dave I think that's how most of us end up in here :) Welcome aboard.
@BMitch @AarthiDevanathan is the life of the party, tis true.
@SteveJackson aww guys, that's sweet but you'll need to liven up the party yourselves eventually ;)
Thanks for the welcome.
aww, that's so cute, she still doesn't know that we have power tools and don't intend on letting her leave :)
All I usually have to do to get volunteers hooked is to let them use the nail gun. For the really tough cases, one afternoon with a Ramset and they're guaranteed to return.
@BMitch :D i just mean, eventually I'll get site #3 and you guys won't get me as much anymore.
@BMitch I wondered about that when you mentioned passing out rocks. "They don't have a framing nailer?" Then I remembered the sorts of things I've almost done with one and I supposedly know what I'm doing.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I don't like the tone of this week. It sounds like @AarthiDevanathan isn't getting custody in the divorce ;)
@SteveJackson more like, she lives in fear of getting One More Site
@SteveJackson We only recently added a framing nailer to our collection, but it's for the house leaders only. Too much of a liability issue with people that don't even know how to swing a hammer.
But managing volunteers on a Habitat site is like herding cats, the more slow jobs we can give them while we figure out what the heck we're supposed to do next, the better.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ The double-edged sword of success...I'm always being punished for being competent.
@SteveJackson so is my banker roommate imho ;)
@BMitch I'm very familiar with that management style :)
@AarthiDevanathanΨ she's a banker ehh....
@BMitch mmhmm. she work in internal finance.
phooey i gotta get things done! @Dave a pleasure to meet you!
the rest of you i'll see for sure tomorrow -- don't forget PUT! :D
remember this crazy movie every time I hear of a banker
@BMitch I see you've got a real gravatar now
@SteveJackson decided to change things around, not sure which one is showing while things work through the cache
I think I settled on my last x-ray
Just saw the ice cream truck drive through the construction site next door. I wonder if construction workers are a better clientèle than children.
And the (currently) dead end road also appears to be on a school bus driver's route. Maybe they have little children working on this site.
@BMitch My experience with children says they will happily build something for free...provided they get to destroy it soon after.

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