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@aarthi: I know you mentioned professional trade shows as a possibility for promoting the site, but are shows like this on your radar too: otshows.com/pfhs
(I've started seeing billboards for it pop up around town)
10 hours later…
@NiallC You're in OR I take it? ;)
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Rebecca still hasn't answered the question. ;)
@KarlKatzke She had a migraine yesterday. =( She said she'd get to it today or tomorrow.
@NiallC I didn't realize you're in Portland. What part? Used to live there.
@NiallC soooo question: were you planning on going to this?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Ohh. Ouch, my sympathies to her. Migranes suck. So yes, whenever.
@aarthi: Yes indeed. Not that I'm expecting to see team CHAOS descend on that show, but I expect there are similar events closer to home.
@karl: Live in North Portland, near UP
@NiallC I'm a PSU grad, lived in Goose Hollow while I was going to school. Lots of friends live in your neighborhood.
@aarthi: probably
I generally make it to all those shows in the area (there are maybe 5 or 6 all through Spring)
@NiallC let me know if/when you decide for sure. we might send you some swag and stuff to hand or something.
@aarthi: OK.
@karl: cool. How long ago were you in Portland?
@NiallC ooh and let me know if/when you decide to go to the other shows come springtime; we might uh tag along
@NiallC Ten years. My parents moved there when I was in high school (1996) and I graduated from HS and went to community college and then PSU, and moved to Texas for the woman I was seeing at the time in 2006.
@NiallC Oops. I misread. Anyway, I moved out in 2006, five years ago.
@AarthiDevanathan BTW, I wanted to apologize for giving slightly sarcastic or humorous responses to a few of the ... 'special' questions we've gotten around here. The one about the wall anchors was just funny to me. And the one about laying sod in Austin, TX right now ... is just, um, 'special'.
@AarthiDevanathan Can we add it to the question guidelines that people should mention in their question where they're from if they don't have it set in their profile? Many questions are very region-dependent.
or the answers are region-dependent, I mean.
@KarlKatzke no worries! I...honestly haven't noticed anything, and it's @ChrisF that you need to worry about, not me. I just edit titles. ;D
but you're right; i'll bring that up with Chris
kk. The region thing has gotten me a few times trying to help people. It really is a huge difference in how houses are built when you live in a cooling climate versus the heating climate that most of the US experiences.
@KarlKatzke yeah, canada, for example, is really different. So is England/Europe, or god forbid India.
Yeah, for instance, electrical codes are slightly different in India.
@aarthi: will do. There's really only one (maybe two) that I'd recommend.
Which reminds me, I see a lot of the same vendors at county and state fairs that I do at those home & garden shows.
If they're showing, they must be getting some business, so there must be some number of DIYers at the fairs.
@KarlKatzke brb loling forever.
hee hee hee
@KarlKatzke I was actually going to mention that the sod question was asked months ago, only got an update today so it appeared new.
@BMitch Oh. I didn't notice that. It had no votes, so I'd assumed it was new too.
Yeah, no votes because it wasn't all that great of a question
cost questions don't work all that well (prices change over time and location)
should that move to gardening/landscaping anyway?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ probably, let them work on the sod vs turf debate :)
there's a debate?
not so much debate but various edits, I think it's a US vs UK thing since I've always known it as sod.
oh! hahahaha
anyone ever see a witty comment that deserved a thumbs up and then see that you're the one that wrote it?
i think of turf as something for sports pitches
@AarthiDevanathanΨ same here
lololol A+ we're on the same page
Q: Why do I have two parallel gas pipes?

Peter QI've got a water heater and a hot water radiator furnace sitting next to each other, both on gas. The strange thing is that there are two parallel gas lines feeding each one of these which come from across the basement but branch off from the same gas line. Why was there a need for two lines? ...

I was about to give the "paid by the foot" comment a +1 before seeing that it was my own
Yeah, turf is for sports, or what you have if you are a master at maintaining a lawn and have grass that is perfectly maintained and trimmed. Most people have lawns, which may have some patches of turf, but are just a lawn.
I just try to keep the weeds below knee high
Weeds won't even grow here right now. :(
free rain available here, (you haul and package)
"sod" is a mild expletive in the UK, as in "sod off you smarmy git". Unlike "turf" in the US which is an accompinent for "surf". mmmm
heh. If a bunch of jacked up dually pickup trucks with water tanks in the bed pull into your driveway, @BMitch, you know what we're there for.
@KarlKatzke outside my window I see several built-in swimming pools were apparently put in recently. I don't think they remembered to install a lining though.
I want some rain, but if Nate comes to Texas, it will be a bigger disaster than the fires have been.
as an aside: homg there are people in here~ makes me so happy.
even the weather seems to be diverging to extremes in the US
I blame it on the politicians. Every time Perry prays for rain, Texas develops more of the attributes of hell. Heat, fires, plagues of insects...
We had to have the house treated for ticks yesterday. Ticks are so uncommon in deepest suburbia in Houston that our dogs weren't even on tick preventative.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ that makes this all the more difficult, I've got to head off for a bit. /afk
@BMitch awww. I'LL MISS YOU
but in all honesty, i am glad this chat is FINALLY more active. it only took me 8 weeks of work ;)
I haven't, but it's gotten good reviews.
About half my woodworking tools are Makita.
So I tend to pay attention to reviews of their newer stuff
@KarlKatzke not just on amazon?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ IIRC, it was reviewed in either Fine Homebuilding or Journal of Light Construction in August along with sandpaper.
@KarlKatzke sandpaper gets reviews?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Yes, sandpaper gets reviews.
You would be surprised how big the difference in bottom of the line (Gator) sandpaper is from the 2nd best (Mirka) ...
oh wow. could you....attempt to delineate?
runs off to ask
I don't have that copy of JLC or FHB with me, actually, so someone else needs to look at it to give accurate answers on their findings. The gist of it is that the abrasives on the paper are of varying durability (how long the sand lasts before it rounds off), and how badly the paper loads is a big deal too -- loading defined as how much of the surface you're sanding sticks to the paper instead of turning to dust and flying away.
FHB #221, Pg. 73
Hi folks! (:
Hi, Rebecca! How are you feeling?
o: okay. why? (:
Aarthi said you had a migrane yesterday.
ahhh okay. much less creepy, then. q:
Hehehehe. Sorry. I was NOT trying to be creepy.
@RebeccaChernoff lolol my bad RChern. I mentioned that you hadn't responded to the meta question yet because you weren't feeling well
lol. all good, no worries. Just seemed a bit out of place without context. (:
I've answered it now though!
Thanks, I commented on your answer.
3 hours ago, by Karl Katzke
@AarthiDevanathanΨ Ohh. Ouch, my sympathies to her. Migranes suck. So yes, whenever.
context is gooood.
i thought it was for the weak
No. That's sleep. Sleep is for the weak.
"You can sleep when you're dead."
@KarlKatzke and now I have commented on your comment. (;
So, I mostly wanted to say I've been keeping an eye on the meta regarding a DIY blog. Don't forget that there are a couple more steps on the road to creation. (:
what are they again, if you don't mind?
I know. I was planning on keeping a single question open for about a week, and then we'd move on to the next step.
Posted by Rebecca Chernoff on June 23rd, 2011

Every Stack Exchange site starts with a Q&A site, made up of three pieces that help bring the whole community together:

bicycles.stackexchange.com, the main Q&A site

meta.bicycles.stackexchange.com, questions about community and administrative matters

chat.bicycles.stackexchange.com, the third place for real-time collaborations

But wait, there’s more?

A couple months ago, the Super User community took it upon themselves to create a blog run by the community. This effort has been so successful that a couple other communities floated the idea amongst themselves. Internally, we recognize …

The steps are about halfway down the page. (Wish there was an anchor for them, but...)
Next step for us will be to recruit contributors.
well, shirlock has a bunch of stories i'm sure
RChern and I can directly contact potential contributors who don't regularly hang out in chat
Yeah, Steve and Niall seemed to want to contribute too based on last week's chat, I think.
I usually have three or four projects running between my house and my friends' houses.
Eh, this can be done just through meta posts and such. Or in chat. Or maybe if a user doesn't use meta or chat then sparingly, not spammingly a comment on one of their posts on the main site linking them to the meta post.
so rchern, how DIY-y are you?
not really at all (:
hahaha hooray we are cut from the same cloth
Hehehe. My friends are mostly not DIY, until they realize that they can have a $50,000 kitchen for $10,000 if they are nice to me and willing to do a LOT of work.
oops, brb, gotta work for a few.
@KarlKatzke lol job? pfft lies
I know. srsly.
@auujay hey!
i haven't seen you in a while, how's life?
2 hours later…
Hey, is Project Update Chat happening now?
If so, it's sure quiet in here!
Starts in 15 minutes, I believe
Ok. It's showing up on the front page now, so I just wanted to make sure.
Is this actually happening?
Hi! (:
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
Anyone have project updates? (:
I'm assuming so, Chris. :)
I do! I do! We ran several hundred feet of wire in two homes belonging to friends this week.
Actually no. I'm going to start my basement soon, but I'm still waiting for the mold remediation guy to finish and give the all clear.
In one home, all of the lights and outlets in the house are powered off of six 15 amp circuits
It's a 3,000 sq ft house.
There's 28 outlets & devices on one circuit.
So that's a 60 amp circuit. You could stick two more circuits in there.
I doubt its a 45
No -- on one 15 amp circuit.
I mean overall - House supply.
The main panel is 175 feet from the area of the house that we're working in, which is a good place to break some of the circuits down so that they can run a hair dryer and a vacuum cleaner at the same time. So we pulled three new home runs (since there are three slots remaining in the panel) and an electrician is coming out to hook them up and get the remaining rough in done.
Why did you choose that vs. a small subpanel?
@JayBazuzi The homeowner (not I) didn't want to go to the expense of running a subpanel, which I think would've also required a service upgrade. I'm not very good with the math for electricity; I'm better as a helper and do mainly what a real electrician tells me to do. We saved him about a grand by pulling the wire through the attic to the panel ourselves.
@chris What's the usual supply for a house that size? He's got 200A service, but most of it is consumed by two HVAC units and kitchen appliances.
200A sounds good. I've got 100 in 2000 sq ft. And it's sufficient.
@KarlKatzke Is the water heater, dryer heat, and range all electric, too?
The electrician said only go 200 for that house if I'm putting in a hot tub or sauna our other beast.
@JayBazuzi No, gas.
But I think the limit is 10-12 devices per circuit.
I'm in Canada though, so AC use is much lower than in TX
@chris Yeah, the 10-12 device per circuit limitation is why we're breaking circuits in the part of the house that we're renovating. The entire upstairs is on one circuit... that'll be an entirely different project.
I've got a bathroom and kitchen on the same circuit. Making coffee and having my wife dry her hair at the same time is an eternal source of conflict.
Will fix when we expose the walls when we do the kitchen.
I personally would've suggested a pony panel ... but he's already facing a huge bill for this project, and he'll probably do that when we wire the upstairs.
Poor guy, friend of mine via some other friends, decided one day to DIY gut his bathroom... and then as he got into the project he found all kinds of problems with it's structure and wiring, and so he just sort of stalled out.
So they've been showering in another bathroom for three months that has no electricity since he dinged some wires in the master as he was removing drywall.
In the lower bathroom, we found an outlet that was wired to ground, because he was too lazy to run a neutral from the other outlet.
Ooh, that takes me to another project that I helped with. We roughed in electrical in a much smaller bathroom. There were a few problems...
Like this...
See that GFCI outlet? That's not romex. Wait, how'd they get a GFCI connected with just two wires?
I had to view large to see what you're talking about. Looks like phone wire or low voltage wiring. There might be two very small strands in there.
@chris Nope. It was scrap copper from inside romex (14 ga solid copper).
Also, it was copper, and the rest of the house is AL.
Diagonal wiring. Nice :)
@ChrisF: Saves on material costs, you know.
I personally invested in a wire stretcher. Saves me lots of effort.
I (somewhat) finished work on my ceiling this weekend!
Dangerous in a stud wall - positively lethal if the cables buried in plaster on a solid wall.
Heh. Hey, does that wire stretcher work on both aluminum and copper? I'd like to re-use some of this AL that we tore out of his bathroom, but I'm a few feet short.
After 4 months of on and off work following the April tornados that hit Alabama.
@ChrisF So common down here in TX.
@Doresoom Awesome! Pictures?
Not yet - too ashamed of some drywall mudding that I have to improve on
It's a little wavy on one of the seams - I didn't find out until after I hung the ceiling fan.
If you want to drill holes for shelves etc you assume that the wires run horizontally or vertically from the socket. If they do it makes it trivially easy to miss them with the drill. If they're diagonal, and you don't know it, you could end up electrocuting yourself.
@Doresoom drywall mudding is an art, and I'm still not an artist.
Mudding is a job I pay someone to do. It involves too many hand-skills that I just don't have. I avoid all wet-work if possible.
I even tried the flashlight held up parallel to the ceiling trick after priming, but I guess I didn't get exactly the right angle.
@ChrisF Ok, makes sense.
There's a reason it's taken me 4 months :)
@Doresoom I had that same problem on my ceiling in my house. And yeah, it took me three or four months. It's still not perfect, but it's down to what I can live with.
The main problem was that there was a bit of sag to the joists that the drywallers didn't notice and compensate for, so I had a bowed outwards joint that's just gonna show no matter what I do.
Anyway, just some more drywall finishing for an 8' seam, and then rehanging crown molding around my tray ceiling is all that's left.
The other job I avoid is soldering brass. I can do copper ok, but those heavy brass settings taunt me.
...and recutting some extra molding that my dog chewed up while it was laying on the floor
luckily home depot carried the same profile
Hahahaha. Glad to see someone else has little "helpers"
I've got two 5-year old boys that love to "help".
God forbid I leave anything unattended. They'll try to finish for me.
And they love wet-work
@chris: your 5 year old boys probably don't have 2-inch canines and enjoy chewing on wood, though. My dad let me help by pulling nails and stuff when I was a kid... that's still one of my first memories.
My son once switched the breakers back on while I was replacing a recep. Very "helpful".
(re: wet work)
Niiiiiiice, @JayBazuzi
I put the panel nice and high when we had the service upgrade. Just to avoid that exact scenario.
That's true. My "helpers" haven't figured out how to operate switches yet. (Although they lock me out of the car all the time if I leave them and my keys in it.)
@chris are these your kids?
Yeah, that one's been around for a while. Thank god the parents had the foresight to snap a picture before freaking out.
I get them to put washers on bolts for me. Small one first (split ring), then the big one. Now do 10 more.
They know the difference between a wood-screw and a bolt already, which is more than many adults.
@KarlKatzke Is you leaving your kids and the keys in your car with you on the outside a common occurrence? (;
I was helping my fam build a basketball hoop (well, I was building it for them). For the son that really wanted to help, I let put on the net. It took both parents and kid together to even attempt the process, funniest thing I ever saw.
@RebeccaChernoff My kids have four legs and fur, and I leave them in the car with the A/C on because I can't take them into stores.
it was also fun trying to keep all the dog hair out of the mud I was using
But it gave me time to finish installing all the bolts
somehow it gets everywhere
I'm trying to teach them the names of tools. It's really nice to say "Pass me a red robertson driver" and actually get one.
I'd finally get a pass nice and smooth, and then notice there was a hair in the middle of it
@Doresoom LOL
@Doresoom Doh!
Martha Stewart would have gone with it and called it a "Textured Finish"
Note to self: Shave dog before plastering.
We had five dogs in the house, three with long coats, when I was doing the cabinet painting a few weeks ago. Talk about struggling to get a good finish...
Last DIY project I've worked on in the past week is solar screens for my girlfriend's living room. DIYing 72" high screens is ... difficult.
What are solar screens?
Any suggestions on getting the screen taut without warping the long side of the frame inward?
@chris Window coverings that block a majority of light while still being transparent.
Like on the windows of an advertising wrapped bus?
@chris Yeah, pretty much the same idea. Keeps the solar heat on the outside of the structure.
y'all don't need 'em in the Great White North for the most part, but down here in Tejas...
Yeah, when the sun is high in the summer, the roof usually shades the windows. When it's low in the winter, we cherish every UV ray we can get.
(side note: when I reference "Great White North", I'm using a reference from an iconic film... )
(bonus points to anyone who can name the film.)
-2 points for being canadian and not knowing!
That's Hamlet.
It is hamlet. Elsinore brewery. Dead father's ghost. Two bumbling idiots for comic relief.
Huh. Never heard it called that before.
I've been to the castle at Helsingör, but hadn't read Hamlet at the time. Too bad.
The plot is a complete rip-off of Shakespeare. Why do you think they chose the name "Elsinore"
Back on topic: I'm working on a design for a "washhouse" to accompany the yurt. Basically a large, standalone bathroom with a washer & dryer in it.
Total around 120 sq. ft. on the outside.
Trying to think about heat source for a small space.
Where are you located?
About 50mi from Seattle. In the woods. Marine climate.
Yes, back on topic, ignore my shame. ;)
So passive solar won't do you.
Jay, what have you considered so far?
@chris Passive solar in seattle? ;)
If we didn't heat it at all, it'll probably hover around 50-55deg all fall/winter/spring
I plan to have propane for hot water & the dryer, so we could use that for heat.
How about a heated tile floor?
Electric is so easy, and this is a small space. Even a little space heater would probably be enough.
High thermal mass would only make sense if we were keeping it warm all the time. But since it's a separate building, I'd rather be able to heat it up on demand.
I'm not familiar with your yurt project; do you have electric available?
I have a 60A subpanel close by.
@KarlKatzke (You can edit your last message (within a 5 minute window). Just press up arrow in the entry area)
@ChrisF Thanks!
1000 W / 100 Sq. Ft. for electric heaters (baseboard style)
10W / Sq. Ft then?
But that's based on the goal of keeping the space warm continuously, so the heater doesn't struggle to keep up with heat less in the dead of winter.
So go a bit higher - like 2000W for the room and heat it up quick.
I could use 500W halogen work lamps, ha ha.
I'd also put it on a timer, so that you can't leave it on indefinately.
@chris: I agree about the timer.
Or, there's those radiant heat lamps they use in hotels. That might be worth exploring.
A radiant heat lamp might feel really nice during or after a shower.
Then you could get a small heater, keep it above freezing, and just use the lamps for comfort.
Is it an electric shower?
that's not a bad way to go
No, it uses water :-)
Oh Snap!
@ChrisF: I assume you're asking how I'm heating the shower water, and I'm leaning towards propane instant heater. I'm hoping that won't be too expensive, since the total load is much smaller than a house.
Ha, ha. If it used electricity to heat the water you could wire the control for the heater through the shower and a timer so it turned on at the same time and then turned off 15 minutes afterwards so you wouldn't have to remember to turn the heater off.
hey everyone -- sorry I'm late~
Evening @AarthiDevanathan
Are you planning on living there all year? or is it a weekend yurt?
@ChrisF I got trapped in a meeting! D:
So one timing circuit for both space heating & shower hot water. Hmmm.
Full-time, year round living.
The only problem is that when you go in there to "Read the newspaper" You won't be running hot water until afterwards
I figure, you turn on the timer when you walk in, setting for as long as you plan to be in there.
Regardless of why.
If you use flow through water heating, it will be on-demand anyways. It won't need a timer.
Hmn, the on-demand thing may not work the way you think it works.
On-demand water heaters work by sensing water flow and starting the heater as soon as water flow starts.
Now, if you were to put a recirculation pump in there so that you could start the pump to start water flow, THAT pump would want to be on a timer.
Then you'd really have "instant on" hot water.
I'm laying things out so all plumbing is on the same size, so plumbing will be simpler & hot water lines will be very short.
Yeah, but the on-demand water heaters don't have a tank at all. They work by heating the water as it flows through them.
So it doesn't matter how long your plumbing run is -- you have to have water flow through the heater for it to be heating the water.
And it requires some time to fully warm up it's heat exchanger, so there's still some lag before it starts producing hot water.
I don't see any point in recirculating. Those things provide hot water pretty quickly. There's no noticable difference between on demand heating, and a tank system with cold pipes (i.e. the run hasn't been used in a couple of hours)
Agreed, but he was talking about timing circuits...
I don't understand why we're timing the water heater. Unless you are planning a radiator system.
Yeah, I don't understand it now, either.
Ok: Options - 2k baseboard on a timer, - Heats fast.
I wasn't suggesting timing the water heater - just the space heater and tieing it into the power for the shower.
Smaller heater on thermo to keep above freezing and heat lamps.
How are you heating the main living space?
The main living space (yurt) is wood-heated.
I have an enormous amount of firewood here, gotta do something with it.
(aside: @chris welcome to the DIY chat. It's nice to see new faces. Same to you, @JayBazuzi -- I think this is the first time we've been in the same space in realtime.)
I'd pose the question on the main site.
thanks Aarthi
@chris anytime. i (usually) try to greet people as they enter chat, but, alas, even SE has meetings.
so uh wow this chat just died
Sorry. I had to do this "work" thing again.
Yeah. I Blame Aarthi.
Pssh, work?! No such thing.
laughs Thanks, @chris i feel so valued.
@Karl it's cool i got trapped in a meeting and so missed a TON of this chat.
:( sadfaces
but yeah -- so i guess i'll blather a bit
so I'm working on DIY promo stuff, which is my ongoing project that I'm doing myself. (rimshot) Do y'all have any questions about my progress or whatever?
A bit unrelated, but what's the revenue model?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ ok, I'll bite, what's the progress like?
@chris lol all ads from SO and Careers 2.0. and VC money. glorious VC money.
@BMitch I'm glad you asked, @Bmitch! I've been doing some more blogstalking, which as we all know has been awesome in the past
Ok, but VC won't last forever. There's got to be some plan to monetize the eyeballs.
currently, i'm trying to woo Ethan from One Project Closer into doing something with/for/alongside us.
@chris right now it's, as I said, the advertisements. we sell ads on SO, and SO brings in a lot of ad revenue.
The company's been hiring a lot lately, and our efforts mean that the other sites will eventually be monetized
Ok, disabled adblock on SO. Hope that helps.
by "us" I'm referring to the CHAOS team, whose job it is to promote and grow sites by bringing in new users
@chris awww, yaaaay, thanks.
I can see great monetary tie-ins on DIY. If Home Depot or Lowes could actually build a decent website, there could be fantastic targeted advertising for each question.
@chris Don't get me started on Lowes' website.
One of the basic questions in life is "How much does a 2x4 cost?". Lowes and Home Depot cannot answer that question.
I don't think I've seen ads for anything other than careers 2.0. Maybe I'm blocking them. Hmm
5:00. Time to go. Can't chat on my leisure time.
I had issues with lowes, order 3 return vents (upgraded to the ones you can open and insert a filter), and the website rejected 2 of the vents saying it couldn't charge my card, but shipped the third separately without a cancel option (didn't want to pay separate shipping on each
Call phone support, they cancel, I resubmit, same error, but the shipping charge is different for the same errored order.
Long story short, cancellation department arrives after the shipping department does, and fedex is challenged in the concept of refusing a delivery
Sorry, I told you not to get me started. :)
lololol i'm loling forever.
okay I adore you all, but I have dinner plans. Adios!
Need licensed contractor to help with load-bearing wall / permits. Any recommendations in Richmond area? #RVA
make me a rec!
:O :O
aaaaand ok i really gotta roll /waves
@AarthiDevanathan Don't know the Richmond area, I'm in northern VA, and I do a lot myself because I don't know anyone else :)
@BMitch, extended roadtrip? (;
@RebeccaChernoff haha, I'm not licensed, but I am an IT contractor
details, schmetails!
hmm, this chat sure did quiet down, eh? (:
Wouldn't be the first time
1 hour later…
> Thanks for attending Project Update Thursday! We'll see you all here next week -- same bat-time, same bat-channel.
And then because last time Aarthi did this with quotes, so too shall we do so again.
4 hours ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
Welcome to Project Update Thursday!
1 min ago, by Grace Note
> Thanks for attending Project Update Thursday! We'll see you all here next week -- same bat-time, same bat-channel.

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