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@RebeccaChernoff We like telling stories. If you go all the way to the top, you'll see my tale of refinishing a friend's cabinets this past weekend. It would add a lot to the site if we had a place to post these besides chat or our own flickr pages. Therefore, we'd like a blog. We're curious how one would get set up and how it would work to get the word out about the site.
@SteveJackson Don't know. I think on the other sites they have separate blog editors.
@KarlKatzke @RChern And I linked to the meta post for reference.
okies, so
Y'all are pretty much on the right track
ie, WordPress. (Blog Overflow is a single network / multi-site install)
Posted by Rebecca Chernoff on June 23rd, 2011

Every Stack Exchange site starts with a Q&A site, made up of three pieces that help bring the whole community together:

bicycles.stackexchange.com, the main Q&A site

meta.bicycles.stackexchange.com, questions about community and administrative matters

chat.bicycles.stackexchange.com, the third place for real-time collaborations

But wait, there’s more?

A couple months ago, the Super User community took it upon themselves to create a blog run by the community. This effort has been so successful that a couple other communities floated the idea amongst themselves. Internally, we recognize …

Ah, that's linked in @AarthiDevanathan's post (:
So what we recommend is having a couple people as admins. Typically mods, perhaps a trusted user if mods aren't truly interested in spearheading the effort.
Yeah I've been trying to link 'em where I'm usually linked, hahaha.
Then most people are the contributor role, which means that they can write posts, but not actually publish them.
So, submitted entries enter a queue for approval?
Some people as editors that help with scheduling, proof-reading, nagging people, etc.
And then said mod/trusted user/admin accept or reject entries as correct? -- Oh! There's editors et al.
I think it would be good if "ordinary" users were more involved with running the blog. I'm great at reacting to stuff (flags etc.) less so at the proactive stuff.
Can a contributor update / add to / etc. their blog post once approved by moderators?
So, using the Super User blog as an example here. They've got post categories like interviews, question of the week, crazy posts for Fridays, things like that. Then they have an "editor in chief" for each section.
assuming the changes are approved by moderators, of course
Doesn't need to be the person that actually writes the posts, just kinda makes sure that the slot is filled by someone
Distributes things.
@Michael Ya know, I'm actually not sure about that.
I presume it would be pushed to the editors/admins of the blogs just like the initial post.
(Is this helping at all? (: )
Meta and chat are definitely things you can use to coordinate, Google Docs too.
Most of the sites that have blogs have a chat room for blog coordination, which I think is a good idea.
@RebeccaChernoff It helps, I think we mainly want to express our interest in moving forward on it. This site is small still, and having a place to store information would be very helpful to it.
Well, information that is not questions.
Such as stories and experiences.
So you've seen the 4 steps in the intro blog post, right?
I think a blog might be useful to back up answers as well. We can link to a blog post that contains a relevant project or photos.
Basically the idea is "convince me this isn't something that's going to be cool for the next week and then nobody is going to care".
@RebeccaChernoff What, my good looks and charm aren't enough to get past those pesky planning things? ;)
Q: Is it time for a Home Improvement blog?

Tester101Now that Stack Exchange sites can have a blog associated with them, is it time for an Home Improvement blog? Explanatory blog post Guidelines for getting started.

Step 1.
I think there's multiple different ways to implement it... way I was thinking would be (1) every user with 500 rep gets their own blog, (2) their posts would be moderated, and (3) blog posts that are deemed to be of high quality would be reposted on the main DIY.SE blog... either way would work... was just curious :)
As long as step 2 isn't "cut a hole in the box" ... ;)
@Michael I think people should have to request an account for the group blog from the editor.
I forget who said it as I was reading the backlog when I entered, but someone mentioned a shortlist of "these are what the first few posts would be", I think that's a good and helpful with deciding the scope and purpose of the blog.
@Michael there's just 1 DIY blog. (or there will be just 1)
btw, I'm making a meta post right now about defining the scope.
Just so someone else doesn't beat me to it.
Or with it.
If someone is interested in writing a post, then yeah, it should be as simple as posting on meta or in the chat room, or just somehow getting in touch with an admin of the blog to get added as a contributor.
codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities has more than you probably want to know about WP roles
okey :) i was just wanting to be able to post funny job site pics that would never make it onto the main blog :S
@Michael we could set up a chat for that I would think
one blog is better than nothing tho :) not complaining :P
one main thing (I know, there are a lot of "main things" q:) is that this isn't anyone's personal blog, it is very much a blog for the community
@Michael -- I dunno, I think "Jobsite tragedies" posts, aggregating like a week's worth of pictures into one, would be a wonderful feature.
There's a similar feature on one of This Old House's blogs about home inspection funnies that would be worthy.
err similar.
I think there's a lot of potential in a DIY blog (:
and it'd be easy to do themes or a series of posts.
@KarlKatzke I've pinned the link for the meta post on the blog scope for now. I'll also tag it as "featured" so it shows up on the main site
@ChrisF Thanks!
So, the chat-cast closes in about a half hour. (aka, I'm leaving in about a half hour so deal with this.)
maybe just like a monthly "random pics" post would be cool :)
Heh, turning the lights out on us?
like if you were on a roof and had a laser thermometer that was reading 175 degrees Fahrenheit or something
@KarlKatzke hahaha figuratively only, I assure you
an interesting picture... not necessarily a funny one :P
But! Since this is Project Update Thursday, where we're supposed to talk about things we've been working on either in-progress or completed, i'd like to talk about what's happened lately!
@Michael I'm not sure that would be noteworthy, but the picture of the roofed over soil stack that I found in my friend's house this weekend might be...!
gotta head off. waves
/waves at @BMitch
So, we did the Young House Love giveaway that I mentioned earlier. Our metrics indicate we got, like, a bajillion (technical term) new hits from it. Which, you know, awesome. Lots and lots of new users/visitors, and a lot of unique pageviews. I'm quite happy with the result.
i can't talk about my projects :( probably get sued or something :(
I'm working with three other blogs/sites to see if we can do something similar slash get more exposure.
@Michael awww.
then commentate on ours! ;)
The other three blogs that I'm working on courting are: Make a House a Home, HCI, and One Project Closer.
@Michael What.. you don't live in a home? Or is it a case of "the cobbler's children have no shoes?"
Of these, MAHAH and I have fairly solid plans to do something. the latter two and I are talking, and while OPC has said they'll mention us when they can, HCI doesn't seem really interested.
hmm projects i do around the home not really noteworthy :P i replaced the wood on a bench out front a few weeks ago? :P
I contacted Ask the Builder, but his rates were exorbitantly high.
@Michael I think that only SEEMS insignificant to you. Most people would stall on a project like that for weeks or months.
@Michael dude, you should totally talk about that.
i measured the bench, i cut would, and i put that wood into the bench with some nuts and bolts... not much to it :P
Aside from the blog promos, I'm also working on getting swag for the community/for promotion. And having this chat become a regular event was one of my to-do list items. I am, in general, trying to coax more chat activity at large.
@Michael As a DIY novice, all I heard was "WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH." #CharlieBrownSounds
i'm probably going to install one of those solatube things at the neighbor's house tho :) that might be worth a blog post... idk tho :)
would = wood.... oops :)
That'd definitely be worth a blog post. I think the thing that is most lacking on the internet are clearly written instructions with the steps laid out for things like replacing wood on a bench.
@KarlKatzke for wood in general
this is the biggest wood site i've seen around: thewoodwhisperer.com
My last project: Installed hinges in wrong place, moved them, cursed, thought hard, moved them again, victory dance.
Stupid geometry
Oh, geometry.
Steve, I wish I could upvote your last project. I laughed.
@SteveJackson A+, would lol again. pics or it didn't happen.
I can take a picture of the hinge. The cursing would probably require photoshop
yaaaay photoshop
did any of y'all have any questions about my promo efforts? (Slash, the things I'm calling my DIY projects?)
No, sorry, @AarthiDevanathan, I don't know much about what's helpful with that kind of marketing. I know that there's a lot of art and science to it, but it's really not my area.
@KarlKatzke no worries. I realize it's not a hammer-and-nails kind of job, but I figured if y'all had any questions, this would be the easiest way to field them.
Yeah. I have a hammer, but it does not seem to be the correct tool for attracting users to the site.
@KarlKatzke i dunno. if you're really beefcake, we could attract a whole new demo.
It really depends on the kind of user. I think the flyers would go a long way to help the fellow DIYers become aware that there's help out there. Part of the reason I love diy.se is because anytime I (as a nerd) googled for problems it rarely was useful. So these are good step for bringing in content consumers.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ You OBVIOUSLY did not look at the flickr gallery.
As for the experts, we keep dancing around that there is a problem, but no idea how to solve it. It's not a natural match like SO.
@SteveJackson I dunno, Steve, I think our answer rate has been really high.
@SteveJackson but i think exp'd home reno professionals count as "experts" the same way a self-taught, battle-hardend programmer is.
These are good points
@KarlKatzke you had clothes on, and I don't judge.
I was thinking along those lines as well, we do have a solid core of sharp, experienced people. I guess we can worry about the question overrun when it's an actual problem.
I'm not a home reno professional, but I am experienced, and I've been in more homes than most people have ... personally, there are two bathroom guts, the just-completed cabinet refinish, and my flooring project running now that I'm helping with.
@SteveJackson this. As for @Karl, that's the YHL blog position, and if they joined our site? fluff, I'd about die.
I could build a business out of it, but I'm a crappy estimator and I want it to stay fun, which means (in my little psychological world) never ever taking money for it.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ If I hadn't had clothes on, the camera would have broken. I like me some beer after my home improvement tasks.
@Karl lolololol point taken
All right, I'm calling it.
Alright, y'all, I'm gonna put the laptop down and maybe take a nap before my work maintenance window tonight. Please upvote or provide a different answer for the meta/blog thread.
Thanks so much for joining us for Project Update Thursday. We'll see you next week, same time! Same place!
aaaaand with that, i'm off the clock
peace, everyone!
13:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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