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@BMitch All the way to the cabinets is typical.
Looks good by the way
vtc off topic - migration: do i need to do something special to see other se sites? I only have meta as an option
I'm thinking this is too broad of a question for migrating, but let me know if you'd feel otherwise.
@TheEvilGreebo it's the curse of smaller sites, we don't get options for you until there are lots of other migrations to that site.
You can flag with a mod message, but in the case above, I think a VTC-OT is perfectly acceptable.
Isn't the question of too broad one for the gardeners to decide?
@TheEvilGreebo That's why I pinged a few gardeners before closing it. :)
well la dee dah :P
It's too broad (or unclear given the lack of detail).
I'll leave a more helpful comment later - on mobile right now
@NiallC. thank you, I closed it (or placed on hold with little chance to reopen)
Ok, that's enough front page spam from me for one day. Some of those meta-tags needed to go.
Q: How can I confirm a skunk inhabitation, and then persuade the stinky squatter to vacate?

Tester101I'm fairly sure a skunk has taken up residence under my deck. I'm concerned that my dogs may be sprayed, or worse contract a disease and/or parasites from the animal. Our area is loaded with skunks, and I recently noticed a hole dug out leading under our low deck. I often smell a skunky aroma...

I just clicked "where to buy" on a product web site. It showed a map of not only the store where the product was available, but where inside the store the product was...
Is this for real!?
Wouldn't be surprised if it was, when I search for products on HD, I've seen it tell me which isle the products were on.
Just did a search on google maps for a different branch of the same store, and I was able to see the layout of that store as well.
Big Blue doesn't seem to offer this option yet.
Hmmm... Maybe an owl decoy would deter the skunk!?
1 hour later…
Is this a shopping question?
Q: Can I run a 50 amp circuit underground?

Wayne ArthurtonI need to run a 50 amp circuit (120/240) from a shed to an travel trailer that is permanently in place. The previous trailer had 30 amp 120 service running underground to a mounted/covered outlet under the trailer and then the standard trailer cable/plug into that. The run is ~50 ft. Running...

The last paragraph contains solely non-shopping questions and his shopping "question" shows effort
His last paragraph is moot, as 6/3 UF cable is widely available.
Ignorance makes people ask silly questions, stupidity leads people to doing something wrong. Why not help educate those that try.
I don't think it's a shopping question.
Not a shopping question.
Agreed, the question is about whether and how the cable can be run, not where to purchase it. Though some noob decided to post a bunch of product links in their answer anyway.
The question is about what type of cable he should be shopping for.
Can I use non product specific X to do job Y, or is there some other generic product Z I should be using instead is on topic. It's when they ask "can you send me a link to a product that will do job Y, or does an X with these qualities exists" that it becomes off topic. There was mention that he looked but couldn't find the cable, but the OP never asked where to find it. Seemed to be indicating that their inability to find a product was a red flag that they are worried about doing the job wrong.
Thank you. It is so obvious on their pages now. Not sure how I missed it. $4/foot is crazy, but I understand why. Thanks much. — Wayne Arthurton 6 mins ago
Needed help finding the right cable.
Glad I posted those product links in my answer.
ruin my fun yannking your chain why dont you
@TheEvilGreebo The government is shut down, I can't work for free anymore.
i was paying you out of my tax dollars anyway so ANSWER!
Deposit $0.25 in my paypal account, and I'll give you the answer.
it's a hoax
And to think, government jobs were supposed to be safe and secure.
@BMitch Nobody lost their job.
you'll get paid late right?
after this all settles down and our representatives get reminded that they're supposed to represent and all...
Did they make the telecommuters go into the office to get their official notice again?
Unless they defund your job.
If so, I wouldn't be surprised if a few got lost trying to find their job.
If I'm not mistaken, those representatives are still paid, right?
got your first 565 layoffs right there... in DC
I agree.
When you have the ability to write bills to increase your own salary, how do you ever find time to do anything else?
They find time to do fundraising activities. aka extortion.
Even the online insurance markets are closed...
Maybe it's a Republican DoS attack
@TheEvilGreebo 564, everyone loves their rep, it's the other ones that are a bunch of losers
@TheEvilGreebo usually they do pay everyone retroactively, in fact I think they always have
@Tester101 but now if they increase their own salary, it doesn't take effect until another election cycle has passed
Geez, I thought my comment was a late chime in
As much as I like the idea of your government institutions, I love the fact that if the government gets defeated on a budget bill in Canada, it's an automatic election.
Which means 1 of 2 things: You win a majority government and do what you want, OR you satisfy some of the opposition.
Having more than two parties helps in the second case.
any thoughts on whether this is DIY material?
Q: Sometimes my neutral wire shows as much current as of phase wire

Bhupendra ChaudharyI am not an electric engineer so I can only explain\understand in layman language. I am facing a persisting problem in my house. I have 3 phase and one neutral till my main electric board through which each phase is distributed to different part of my house, if I divide my house in three parts, d...

I'm of the "call an electrician" school of thought. This is probably screwed up beyond DIYing it.
@ChrisCudmore so close, or migrate and tell the OP to get an electrician?
6 of one, half-a-dozen of the other
I told them to go ahead and migrate, we can pick it apart over here.
@BMitch I'm happy with that.
I'll go flag it to migrate to EE when it gets here for you.

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