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Problem: Thermostat calls for heat, pilot igniter sparks repeatedly, I can hear gas flowing, but the pilot never lights. Eventually the pilot fails to prove, and the furnace shuts down. Is it possible that the spark isn't hot enough to light the gas?
If I light the pilot manually, the pilot proves, and the furnace cycles normally.
Once it was lit manually, it functioned properly for a few cycles. After being shut down for a day or two, the pilot fails to light again.
2 hours later…
Check into the pilot heat sensor.
The flame sensor shouldn't come into play until after the pilot lights. The gas is flowing, and the spark is sparking. The flame sensor isn't involved yet.
It's a Carrier furnace. Not sure of the model, but I think it's 58GP or GS.
**Normal ignition sequence:**
Heat Call
Pilot valve opens
Igniter spark
Pilot lit
Pilot proves
Main valve opens
Main burner lights
Operating temperature reached
Blower turns on.
If the pilot was lighting but the main burner was not, then I might look at the flame sensor. Since the furnace works when the pilot is manually lit, I'm going to say the flame sensor is good.
Is there not another flame sensor that turns off the pilot if there's no flame?
I know my gas fireplace has one. I need to hold the gas on manually for about 30 seconds or the pilot goes out when I start it.
Yes. The pilot flame sensor.
I think my furnace allows 90 seconds for the pilot to prove. If it does not, the pilot valve shuts, and the furnace will not start.
But the igniter should have no problem lighting the pilot within 90 seconds.
It's not a continuous pilot model. The pilot only lights when the thermostat calls for heat.
1 hour later…
Ok. Screw u. I give up on this forum! — Abhishek 16 hours ago
@Tester101 Lol, I was just about to share that
I believe that means I'm doing my job right. :)
Moderating - if you aren't pissing someone off, you're doing it wrong.
2 hours later…
@TheEvilGreebo That's a defeatist attitude. I would go with the far more optimistic "Moderating - if you aren't pissing someone off, you can always randomly ban people"
@JimmyHoffa Are you of the opinion that banning them wouldn't piss them off?
@TheEvilGreebo I suspect a concerted barage of random bannings would piss someone off
@JimmyHoffa If you were banned without reason, would you be pissed off?
please note: there is always a reason.
Maybe a little miffed next time something fell off my house and I couldn't ask you guys what it's called
even if said reason is "your number came up in the ban lottery today"
@JimmyHoffa Then my statement stands. :)
Random banning is only one of MANY ways moderators can piss people off, after all. I prefer not to limit them. :)
/me ponders: who should be booted from the chatroom today?
@BMitch try me :P
@waxeagle dang mod privileges, take away all the fun, I would if I could.
hehehehe :) I'm unbannable (without a lot of work that's easily corrected)
@BMitch I dare you, a**hole! you don't have the b*lls!
It actually auto closes the chatroom. Cool.
Do I appear on a bad-boy list now?
@ChrisCudmore nah, we don't even have a report that tracks suspensions :(
@ChrisCudmore oh, that reminds me, I was supposed to keep a list.
chat mod tools are fairly limited
Chris Cudmore
Too bad. My wife likes bad-boys.
I always forget how to insert a linefeed in various places
ah, there it is
much better now.
Yup, I tried control earlier, oops
Lets see:
Chris Cudmore
The Evil Greebo

error: null pointer reference
I disagree. It's @TheEvilGreebo not @TheNaughtyGreebo
Hey! I can be both!
countertop finally arrived on Friday
Sink, faucet, disposal, dishwasher, and stove all installed this weekend.
Need to get a few more doors on, and the knobs, then backsplash, trim around the floor, and move the fridge in.
Any opinions on tile backsplash height? 6", 12", all the way to the cabinets?
1 hour later…
I'd do it all the way to the cabinets
1 hour later…
I concur, it's a short enough gap
All the way it is, I'm going to need to buy a lot more tile, and these things aren't cheap. Thank goodness I have a small kitchen.

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