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The answer to this question gave me a good laugh. Thanks user15029. However, I would have had to edit out the salutation.
Q: Do the breaker amp readings sum up to dictate my current panels total / possible amperage?

Jimmy HoffaSo I know practically nothing about houses having rented for many years, just bought a house and was told by my inspector the panel is only a 70 amp panel and will need to be upgraded before I go to install AC. I took him at his word, and had one AC consult, mentioning this to the guy he looked ...

Jimmy Hoffa!
@TheEvilGreebo Nice to see you around. All well with the family?
I mean my dad died in July, and my Mom fell and broke her hip in August... so...
I guess what I meant to say was... How is your mother's hip?
She's doing well
i came home last friday, after i guess 4 weeks away
Is this considered home improvement?
Q: Can I temporarily connect a dishwasher in this way?

user15034I currently live in a in laws suite with my wife in the in laws house. We love it and have plenty of room. Look at the attached picture for what we have for a space. My question is if I wanted to add a dishwasher, I'm looking at getting a cheap scratch and dent Bosch at a store foreclosure th...

@Tester101 As someone that's been living without a kitchen sink or dishwasher for 2 months, yes, yes it is. :)
@BMitch The OP has a sink.
@Tester101 A dishwasher is an improvement over a sink, IMO.
Not if it leaks all over the floor.
That's why people ask about it here, so we can tell them how to do it right or avoid a mistake.
Is a rice cooker is a major appliance in other countries?
@Joe.wang I was not trying to insult you, I was simply asking for clarification. You still have not provided enough additional information for someone to assist you. If this is in-fact a rice cooker that you install as a permanent fixture in your home, I think it is a good fit for this website as "Installation, maintenance, and repair of major appliances." If this is a rice cooker that you plug into a wall, then it is off-topic for this website. Regardless, you will need to provide information about the other wires that you would like to connect to the rice cooker in order to supply power. — statueuphemism Sep 6 at 16:24
Only in Asian countries.
Wait... Was that racist?
I Think China is 220V 50Hz, so it would probably be L1, L2, Earth. But I don't know anything about the insulation colors in China, so it's difficult to say which is which.
@Tester101 thanks so much for all that info! It's so hard to know when any consult you ever get the person has a vested interest in swaying your belief
Wait, I missed something, when did we find @JimmyHoffa?
@BMitch You know where I am? Where??
@JimmyHoffa I can't answer that without getting in trouble with the SO overlords.
@JimmyHoffa No problem. I hope you understand the situation a bit better now.
From what I could find... Yellow - Phase A, Green - Phase B, Red - Phase C, Light Blue - Neutral, Green/Yellow - Earth.
@Tester101 Much. Interesting part to me is that it's a 125A and doesn't have a main breaker, I would have thought if it's 125A it wouldn't have been so old as to be missing that
Another curiosity if you can humor me; say they repurpose my 30A breaker, what do you do with the spare wire that runs to the laundry room socket? No reason to remove it when a panel upgrade from now I can have it hot again, assuming you don't just leave it dangling in there...
Disconnect it, and label it for future use.
@Tester101 Right, but you just leave it dangling in the box? You don't attach it somewhere or some such?
Just label it.
What would you like to attach it to? You could use a twist-on wire connector, and connect all the wires from the cable together. If that makes you happy.
@Tester101 Not knowing anything about this stuff, I was just assuming dangling stray wires in a breaker box are a safety issue or something, but I guess since it's not hot and I'll plug the other end to keep it that way there's no harm that could come from it contacting anything in there... unless it crosses anything and shorts it?
You could pull the cable out of the panel, coil it up and then label it. But it's not necessary, since there shouldn't be much movement inside the panel under normal circumstances.
The Electrician will know what to do.
Righto. Thanks again!
No problem, glad to help.
@JimmyHoffa Just talked to a friend of mine, he said he's seen people terminate unused wires in the service panel at the grounding bus bar. So you could bundle the wires together with a label ("For Future Use"), then terminate them all at the grounding bus bar (assuming you have space in the bus for the extra wires).
I'm not sure if this violates any codes, but it seems like a safe way to go. It might raise an eyebrow or two, but shouldn't cause any problems.
@Tester101 This was actually my first thought, which was part of why I asked.
That said; I don't really believe I do have extra space on my grounding bar so it's good to know that's optional heh
@JimmyHoffa so in my case I pulled out the wire from the breaker box, labeled and put wire nuts on the wire, and then did the same on the other end
and I ended up with a run of 10/3 cable already in the walls from the breaker panel to a known point in the house
@Aaron yeah that's what I expect I'll have them do.
or rather, I'll leave it in the box, but just label and cap it
Onto another wiring topic if anyone knows: What's the best way to get a cable from my NID into my house? Obviously it already has one, but the quality is garbage so for home internet right now I have my DSL modem on a direct line to the NID (through a conveniently small hole in a window screen, ok I might be a little bit redneck)
I could just attach the new cable to the old one and try to pull the old cable through as is common for pulling new wires through, but I suspect the old cable branches out immediately upon entry so no one place could I pull the old cable through
Alternatively, am I best off just getting another hole drilled to get the new NID wire into the house?
...I'll go post a Q
1 hour later…
@JimmyHoffa outside wall masonry?
@Aaron Brick.
I know I'm going to catch flak for this...
Decades of DIY electrical work, does not equal decades of electrical experience. Doing it wrong for a decade, does not mean you know how to do it right. — Tester101 2 mins ago
Unsafe answers upset me.
@Tester101 That's got to be a bit of a sticky wicket as a mod here. My usual haunt over on Programmers or SO, mods can gladly leave incorrect/unsafe answers knowing it's extremely unlikely any genuine injury could possibly occur due to it, and removing content based on correctness is discouraged by SE
@JimmyHoffa I used to write real-time programs for satellites, planes, etc. So my one mistake could cause a multitude of lives but yeah that is not the norm
Do you ever remove content due to the unsafeness of it? It's unfortunate because you can't be expected to be right about all safety features
@Jason Aye, I've written software regulated by the FDA for ventilators, bug in the prescription code could put the wrong settings on a ventilator so I get that, but as you said; very rare.
@JimmyHoffa When I see something I feel is unsafe, I vote it down and post a comment. I rely on the community to ultimately decide the fate of dangerous content.
@Tester101 Which is basically the SE guidance, but sometimes it's got to feel pretty awful to know the content is still there
@JimmyHoffa There is a ton of content on the site I'm personally not happy with, but in the end I'm only one user.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion, it's up to the community to decide whose opinion is right and whose is wrong.
@Tester101 and it's up to the internet to try these things and accidentally impale themselves :/
as you said, nothing you can do, it still stinks.
But I read it on the internet, it has to be right
@Jason It is right, but other things might be righter.
That's why the site has voting. The righterest things move to the top.
@JimmyHoffa I've consulted the old-timers, and they've come to the decision that you shouldn't terminate unused wires at the grounding terminal because they are "not fond of the idea of terminating red or black wires on a ground bar".
4 hours ago, by Tester101
@JimmyHoffa Just talked to a friend of mine, he said he's seen people terminate unused wires in the service panel at the grounding bus bar. So you could bundle the wires together with a label ("For Future Use"), then terminate them all at the grounding bus bar (assuming you have space in the bus for the extra wires).
The old-timers have spoken!
@Tester101 Ah yes, the greybeards have made quorum, wisdom must be a foot.
I sure hope I learn how to do this whole "take care of my house" shit before the thing falls down. renting for almost 2 decades, I literally feel like I'm going to come home one day and find my roof in my driveway because I didn't know to frob my argbicator
costco is running that deal for a generator again:
1 hour later…
this seems like an interesting tool:

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