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Q: Easiest way to call a method in another class?

lsiunsuexOf anything in Objective C this drives me the most insane time and time again. (please excuse me if I have any terminology wrong) (using Arc) Using ddmenucontroller I load 2 menu's similar to the Facebook App; leftcontroller and rightcontroller In RightController.h and m I pull an httprequest ...

give me an up vote, would ya guys?
Objective C should get a downvote, but I obliged
as opposed to?
(thank you)
2 hours later…
Anybody got any good solutions for a cellphone that went through a wash and half of a dry cycle
Currently it is sitting in a bowl of rice. By the time we got to it, it was bone dry anyways
@Monso eeh good chance your battery is toast. and who knows what kind of sustained heat the solder is designed to withstand
I've got a spare battery, I'm more concerned with the water. I doubt it got hot enough to melt any solder connections
most batteries, "most", have a thermal cutoff if the battery got that hot. but, nothings to say the water didn't damage the thermal cutoff
seeing how the battery didn't explode, i'd say the thermal cut off worked
or something stopped it from producing power when it got grounded to the washer machine
Yeah, the circuit board frying and short circuit should alleviate any load on the battery
Atleast, that's what I'm afraid of
1 hour later…
Welcome to Project Update Thursday
brb, working on some compression fittings so I can get my water turned back on.
Hooray, it started
My rabbitat plans
@Monso fun
two tiered? raising them for food?
or is the bottom a poo cleanout only?
Two tiers, single rabbit for pet
@Monso oic there's a ramp
We have two dogs so I designed it to go above their kennels
Still waiting on bearing's for my air compressor that I showed last week
And rebuilding my Dad's 3D Printer
So lots of slow progress
I can't get the sketchfab to open in any browser (FF,IE,Chrome)
@ChrisCudmore just opened in FF for me
I use Win7 x64 w/ Chrome, it's just a 3d explorer of the image
Just spinning if FF.
In chrome, it spins, appears to open, but no image.
Just one pic today because I'm exhausted and the place is a mess
New Murder Room?
moved the exhaust duct a few inches over, moved the cold water line over, moved the gas line down, and put up the drywall (just finished that and the cold water line a few min ago)
@ChrisCudmore the long process of renovating my kitchen
Oh, and the flooring got pulled up, but that may have already been done last week
speaking of which, I need to chop up the last of the old flooring and put that in the trash along with a bunch of other junk for the garbage man tonight, back to the sawzall I go
And before anyone critiques it, yes, that's one of the worst drywall jobs I've done. When you're used to working top down, it's hard to size everything just right with a patch here and there.
I'm going to pay for it when I start mudding the place
Out of curiousity -- Why didn't you remove it all and start fresh?
It's not like there's a huge cost savings to be made in drywall.
My original plan was to remove none of it, and it just expanded every time I needed to fix a wire or fix some plumbing
If I had a do-over, I might have done just that
aaah. Had the original scope been known, you would have gutted.
Yeah, I was just going to fish everything from where I pulled down the soffits, and only need to fish the wires that were in the soffits
@BMitch atleast the seams are staggered :)
kinda looks a bit like tetris :)
@lsiunsuex That was slightly intentional, but the one thing I know is that almost none of this will ever be visible, cabinets, backsplash, appliances, etc, won't be able to see any of it. Just have to make sure it's flat for the cabinets
for sure
i have nothing new - been slaving away on an iPhone app for the last week
being unemployed allows you time to do stuff like that...
1 hour later…
Thanks for joining us for this week's PUT

Project Update Thursday - 2013/07/25

2 hours ago, 2 hours total – 43 messages, 5 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 9 secs ago by BMitch

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