was using it until i got into multiple fights with my social media guy who says facebook is the only one that matters; the rest are a waste of money / time
at which time i said f' it - u deal with social, i'll deal with the website and told him to f' off
@lsiunsuex I'm not looking for enterprise level software, I'm looking to target users. Is HootSuite something individual users would use? Does it have apple/android apps?
I'm trying to determine if this new project idea is worth my time. But learning to interface with 6 or more sites might be a bit of a challenge, so I want to make sure I'm focusing on the right sites.
theres many out there right now - social media is big right now
anything the big 3 will output, will be in xml or json
i know facebook, you can only access the info of a Facebook Page (not a personal page)
twitter is a little more giving; the feed can be obtained as json or xml
g+ i haven't looked into much
your biggest problem is all 3 have different features; FB and G+ are basically the same, but the 140 character limit on twitter will be something that needs to be delt with
i know your not a php programmer (no time like the present to learn!) , but you can look at eden-php.com it has a lot of nice features to interact with the various networks
no, you'd need to trim it with ... and add read more or something - if you carry the 140 char limit across all the networks, why should i use your product? id rather deliver a full message to as many of the networks as i can and have a trimmed message for twitter
add the read more if theres a link to a web page - if its just a message, obviously its not needed
but, if your not linking to content on your site, whats the point of sending a message on a social network IMO
or if u wanna be really snazzy, you could apply some logic to the body content and try to re-work it for them within the 140 char limit. so a post to facebook might be "Hey guys, announcing our first webinar on how to build a social media scrapper" and the twitter post could be reworked to "announcing our first webinar"
@lsiunsuex There would be no content on my site. I'd be a parasite leeching off the social media giants. The project would likely be ad supported, so ads would be sprinkled in the feed.
there are way to many news websites - digg, gizmodo, HN, inbound, etc...
BUT, they all have RSS feeds
the readers work well and thats fine, but theres to much news, especially shit i dont want to read
this is why i was looking for SE tags
i'm playing with building a system that would capture the rss feeds of various sites; then allow you to follow certain tags and only see the news that comes up for those tags
so if i was following php, mysql and apache, across all the rss feeds i'm watching, only those posts would show
usual - ad based - could be room for paid / pro features
just screwing around (its friday) right now to see / learn how to read the rss feeds / json feeds - but it might be cool - at the least, i may end up using it for myself
i'm feeling information overload right now - i'm following to many blogs / feeds / etc... i never liked "readers" so i hit each site individually - if i could hit 1 site and ONLY see what i care about
could have a watch feature - as in, i dont care about "snowden" or "prism" but tell me how many articles are in the list with those keywords or maybe show me the most recent article, where i'd see all articles tagged php
had the idea last week. was reading HN and got sick of seeing all the articles on snowden, it was getting in my way of what really mattered to me (programming)
I was working on the same thing a while back, but it was difficult because it seemed like there were no standards. Everybody's feeds looked different, so you had to understand each one individually.
a guy reproduced the functionality of google reader and said there were 60 different date formats he had to account for - so yeah - no doubt a standards issue
at which point i'll take it down. a buffalo winter can be a couple of inches or a couple of feet - and i dont think the 90lb nylon rope i used will hold feet of snow
@Aaron rss readers aren't dead; their just misunderstood
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