The issue of the type of a Goedel number apparently is trying to get buried. Again, consider the type of a Goedel number G that stands in place of a propositional variable. If G has type 'constant', then it doesn't have type 'variable', and thus can't be a propositional variable. If G has type 'variable', then it doesn't have type 'constant', and since all numbers have type 'constant', it's not a number. Thus, the concept of a Goedel number leads to a contradiction.
Noah Schweber said "Or, treat it this way: consider the map that takes a string - with some symbols $a$ and $b$ that we think of as variables - and spits out the string gotten by replacing every "a" with "0" and every "b" with "S(0)". " Yes, there's a problem if you replace every variable with a constant. It takes what has possibility of being more than one thing and reduces it down to something that can only be one thing. One does not equal two, nor does two equal one!
And before someone says "but "0" is a symbol not a number" the problem here lies in that if the encoding of formulas involved just numerals, then using arithmetical theorems is not correct, and arithmetical theorems DO get used in that context. After all, arithmetical theorems apply to numbers, not to numerals.
Right... no one has a refutation that Goedel number entails the contradiction of an entity that is both a constant and a variable. They would rather bury that problem from view.
@DougSpoonwood: For the last time, if you are serious about learning, go get yourself a proper teacher, since you apparently cannot learn from textbooks that you said you acquired 4 years ago...
4 years is a really really long time to be unable to learn something, you know.
If you at least are willing to admit you don't understand what Godel was doing, a lot of experts here may be willing to actually sit down and explain to you.
@user21820 Where did I say anything about acquiring textbooks 4 years ago? And you aren't serious about learning, since you're trying to bury an issue.
@NoahSchweber Today I picked up from the local public library a copy of the book you recommended after reserving via an excellent inter-library loan system with university libraries that I am very fortunate to have access to. It looks very interesting. Thank you for the recommendation!
We're going around in circles. The Goedel number assigns a number to a string. The length function assigns a number to a string. Neither of them respect the "meaning" of the symbols in the string, since they're not looking at them in that way. They are just treating the string, directly, as a meaningless string of symbols. Some of those symbols could be things we designate as variable symbols, some of them could be otherwise, it simply doesn't matter.
Strings in propositional logic are not entirely meaningless... they have some properties... like variables being able to stand for more than one thing.
Well, for example, if you talk about functions in calculus that have x in them, what those functions represent is a relation, which is a subset of the cartesian product of two sets
So, those functions are a set, and the x variable is a shorthand way of representing what that set is
Is that the sense in which you're using the word variable?
No, that's not the sense that I'm using the word 'variable', since functions like f:0->0 exist in that context. 'x' there would just be another notation for '0' only, and thus 'x' could take on only one value. The 'x' in (x+4)=2 is also not a variable, it's the constant '-2'.
@DougSpoonwood to define the function f you're talking about, the constant function, you need a domain and a codomain. f:A->B with f(x)=0. But this represents a subset of AxB defined by {(x,0) : x in A}. That isn't the same thing as the number 0.
So in this case the x itself has no meaning without the rest of the expression
An algebraist might say something about how you can define x as as part of an extension ring of indeterminates, and then it has meaning when paired with an evaluation homomorphism
But that's just with polynomials and of course there are many uses of x to define functions or other things that aren't polynomials
How is it done in the world of logic? I need help Doug I don't know things
When I call 'x' a variable I mean that there exists more than one possibility that can get put in the place of 'x' wherever it appears. Within the integers, I wouldn't call 'x' (x+2)=4 a variable, since only one natural number can get put in place of 'x'. But, I would call 'x' in (xx) = 4 a variable, since more than one integer can get put in place of 'x' and (xx) = 4 hold true.
By 'xx', I mean the product of 'x' and 'x', as in integer multiplication. Using the star symbol defaulted to the coding scheme. Perhaps I should have written something more like the following: If I call 'X' a variable, I mean that there exists more than one possibility that can get put in the place of 'X' wherever it appears. Within the integers, I wouldn't call 'X' in (X+2)=4 a variable, since only one natural number can get put in place of 'X'. But, I would call 'X' in (X x X) = 4 a variable.