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8:53 PM
Ok @MikeWaters what more does this question, need you voted to close and you made your point come to the table and let's talk.
Ok @ Zess Ikon let's talk you voted to close, let's see does the question now fit your standard
Ok, @Marcus Muller, you voted to close, so how is this question working out now.
9:44 PM
@BenMadison Respectfully, have you studied the links to the pertinent sections of the hamSE rules in the comments? This might be the problem.
Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I get the impression that you know exactly what you're talking about in your head, but you have difficulty communicating them in writing so that we can understand.
10:14 PM
Mike did you ever try to read what i was asking what more can I do. @MikeWaters I'm not looking at the specific band I'm looking at things as a whole. if i make a mistake before i submit the paperwork to a company who is going to help me out then i look bad and spend more on then what i wanted.

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