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Q: Create attractive section

Sagarkumar Zalavadiya I want to create the section style according to the image could you please guide me how I can create? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{scimisc-cv} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{enumitem} \begin{document} % \maketitle %% This is LaTeX's default title constructed from \title,\author,\date \...

What is the style of? What is its width? Where is it to put?
I am preparing Resume With \documentclass{article} \usepackage{scimisc-cv} Size will be A4 paper size. I want to put it in resume
To make an overview of resume you can look here
You need to write a minimal example read this: How to make a “minimum example”
Yeah but what will be the latex code? So i can put it and get the result
You write a one-page code with the class of the document composed of the same failed trial you created to solve your problem. This will serve as a starting point for those who can help you.
I am very beginner please help me.. I am 2nd time using latex
Please change there if you want to dod modification but please help me
On overleaf, there is no project, what code have you already written?
Where did you find this package? \usepackage{scimisc-cv}
I find in Overleaf sample
Fee-free if we need to change package
Give the link to this example.
If I understand correctly you want to create a CV.
Okay, you're going to make an anonymous resume that doesn't contain any personal information. Then put this code in your question.
I put code in question
@SagarkumarZalavadiya Compile this document on overleaf and place his picture in your question.
2 hours later…
@AndréC Changes has been still not reflected

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