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Hello Sir
It's been long to talk to you.
@Knight hi :-)
How's your health sir?
I'm pretty good thanks, how are you?
I'm good too sir.
@JohnRennie Sir are you free now?
@Knight I'm just answering a question in another room, but if you want to ask something post it now and I'll have a look as soon as I'm free.
@JohnRennie Sir whenever you get free please see this request.
@Knight OK I have requested access
@JohnRennie I have added you.
I take the points you make, but I don't want to get involved with any more social networking sites.
I'm always happy to chat here, and you can make a room read-only to stop other people posting stuff in it that gets the room closed.
@JohnRennie Are you anywhere else than on SE?
@Knight I have a Facebook account, but I don't use it much. It is basically just the SE that I use.
@JohnRennie It seems to me that SE chats is hurting more than helping.
(at least to me)
It depends what you want to chat about. As a general rule I am most interested in chatting about physics, and chatting about physics is not going to get you banned.
The SE chat is not intended as a general chat forum, and using it that way is heading down a risky path.
@JohnRennie But you have helped me in many other life issues, like once you were talking to Yuvraj about interviews, and doing mock-interviews with him.
Although, our chats are mostly about Physics, but sometimes we do chat about songs and other things.
Where things get problematic is when you have a crowd of people all chatting. The chat can easily stray into areas that can cause offence and raise flags.
If you're chatting to me that isn't going to happen since I won't chat about anything that I consider potentially offensive, and history suggests I'm pretty good at judging this.
My point is that if you want to use the chat for asking about physics, or for chatting to me, then you are on safe ground.
@JohnRennie SE chats aren't good for me, see what happened 2 days ago here. I think this chat platform as impure.
Did you get banned there? Nothing you posted seems particularly risque ...
Unless the comment got deleted by a mod ...
But the crowd there supported that man who was insulting me.
Balarka Sen didn't insult you. His comment what are you smoking was meant as a playful comment not personal attack.
He meant that I was out of my mind, he asked what made me to lose my mind.
I think you are reading too much into this. One of the problems with online chat is that you miss all the queues you see when you are actually talking to people.
This can very easily lead to misunderstandings and bad feelings.
This has been the case for as long as this sort of forum has existed - at least as far back as 1990 to my certain knowledge.
Were there online forums back in 1990s?
Yes. I used a forum called CIX.
Though I haven't used it for over a decade.
Is it free?
Was it free?
No, but it didn't cost very much. About £10 a month I think.
I have no idea what it costs now.
Oh okay!
But I wouldn't use it these days as I think it has become a bit niche.
So, sir should I make a physics room on some other site where we will be out of people's eye. Making a gallery room will not do our job, as miscreants will still talk about us in their rooms. I want complete peace, therefore I proposed the idea of telegram.
If we chat here the chances that anyone else will care enough to talk about you elsewhere is pretty close to zero.
I take your words, I shall create a good room in some nook of SE chats :)
Why not just use this room?
Because when I will come to chats, my mind will wander to for other chat rooms. Therefore, I'm thinking of a peaceful corner.
There you go!
@JohnRennie You see !
Thats what I was talking about.
You mean other people joining the room?
@JohnRennie Just after your avatar
Yes, but so what?
I don't feel peaceful
I want to have a secret chat.
You can create another room, and you're welcome to invite me to it, but other users can see any rooms you create so if they are interested enough they will find your new room.
@JohnRennie Yeah they will.
I will not give access to Howard Stark, coz I know who's that guy, I'm not a fool.
@JohnRennie Sir, you see that problem has started coming, now he has requested for its access.
@Knight people are less interested than you think. Anyway, what are we going to be talking about here that could possibly interest anyone else. Controversial topics like conservation of momentum? :-)
@JohnRennie So, sir we cannot meet on other platforms? :)
@Knight I'm not keen to get involved with other social networking platforms.
I understand sir.
Thank you.

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