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@ElectionBot "what is my candidate score?"
@Learning Your candidate score is 10 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Cleanup, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Reviewer, Steward, Convention, Investor, Quorum, Copy Editor, Refiner, Tag Editor.
@ElectionBot "what is my candidate score?"
@artha You are not eligible to nominate yourself in the election as you do not have at least 1000 reputation. Your candidate score is 2 (out of 40).
2 hours later…
@ElectionBot "What is my score?"
@StrangerForever Try "what is my candidate score"
@MattSamuel Your candidate score is 34 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Deputy, Marshal, Sportsmanship, Investor, Copy Editor, Refiner.
@ElectionBot "what is my candidate score"
@CalvinKhor Your candidate score is 34 (out of 40). You are missing these badges: Deputy, Marshal, Steward, Convention, Investor, Copy Editor.
hey 2 in a row!
@CalvinKhor If we merged our accounts, the score would be 36! Let's do it.
@MattSamuel Thanks!
@ElectionBot "what is my candidate score?"
@StrangerForever You are not eligible to nominate yourself in the election as you do not have at least 1000 reputation. Your candidate score is 0 (out of 40).
@ElectionBot Oh, okay (:
1 hour later…
@ElectionBot Which of the candidates has the highest candidate score?
@user1729 TheSimpliFire and I have the highest candidate scores (39 each). For both of us, the missing point is XP (I am 81 XP short of 20k; TheSimpliFire is about 650 short).
These are displayed on the election page: math.stackexchange.com/election?cb=1
Crudely, the moderatio badges mean:
Civic duty = cares enough about other users posts to vote on them
Cleanup = cares about editing
Deputy = has flagged enough so that they have some kind of an idea what awaits them when they need to handle flags by others
Electorate = Civic duty on steroids
Marshal = Deputy on steroids
Sportmanship = does not selfishly think that only their own answers are great
Reviewer = cares enough about the site to participate in checking out what problems may appear in posts
Steward = Reviewer on steroids
@JyrkiLahtonen Ha!
A learning period is still needed. I screwed up the handling of a number of basic flags even though I had the deputy badge (just barely).
Participation badges:
Constituent = has voted in an election
Convention = has written opinions in meta that actually got some support from the others
Enthusiast = 30 consecutive days of participation (Asaf would laugh this off)
Investor = is willing to put their hard earned rep where their mouth is when claiming that others have posted good questions
Quorum = a single meta post with some support
Yearling = should know there way around the site
1 hour later…
@JyrkiLahtonen Love your definitions, especially for Steward!

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