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When the election comes, will there be an option to vote for “none of these candidates”?
I think there isn't, is that correct?
At the moment there are 16138 caucus badges and 6676 constituent badges.
SEDE returns 15174 Caucus badges and 6676 Constituent badges - so that is probably the status before the election.
11 hours later…
in order to vote in the final phase of the Mod elections, what are the requirements?
i have that Caucus badch
do i need the constituent badge too?
@amWhy, any information you can give me about it?
@Arjun About what?
@amWhy ,requirements to vote in final phase of elections?
@Arjun It's stated here you only need 150 rep to vote.
@Arjun You qualify via your rep. You get the constituent badge anytime you participate in the election process.
@amWhy , so when i vote, then i'll get it?
@ArcticChar , tnx for the link!
@Arjun Yes, and you might get it by posting a comment/question to a candidate, as well. You are fully qualified to vote, and should feel free to post questions or support for any candidate you wish.
@amWhy , thanks for the clarification.
Mr Singh is a good candidate (personal opinion)
Hi! I am quite new on MSE, and I was just looking through the 2020 moderator election nominations. And I currently see two candidates, Paramanand and Matt. To me, both of them are quite good candidates (though I am not much inclined to Matt's nomination because he apparently wants to be kinder with PSQs, whereas on Physics SE (where I primarily hang out), we close such HW like PSQs without any mercy, so yeah, basic difference in ideologies due to different exposure). [Contd.]
@FakeMod It's only Tuesday. More users may yet be entering as candidates.
[contd.] Now while viewing Paramanand's stats, I notice that he has done only 302 total reviews over the time that he has been here. That's a terribly low number, IMO. Same holds for his flag count as well (just 12 helpful flags, that's a pity). I don't really know if these stats are relevant or not, but from my experience of other election archives, I have often noticed a constant pattern of [contd.]
How many candidates does MSE usually get in an election year?
[contd.] valuing reviews and flags much mor importantly. But seeing the comments below Paramanand's nomination, I don't see even a single comment talking aboit this. I was think of writing one myself, but before doing that, I thought that I ahould better consu!t some other experienced folks. I really value reviews and flags quite a lot. I mean the amount of "janitorial" stuff that you do helps the voters gauge how good a candidate you are, and according to these metrics, [contd.]
@an4s It likely depends on the number of slots open. In this election, unlike most previous elections, there is only one moderator position open.
[contd.] Paramanand doesn't seem a good candidate to me, he doesn't seem the kind of one who would be capable and accustomed of doing the daily "janitorial" tasks that mods are supposed to do. No doubt, his approach, attitude and ideologies are the finest, but it seems to me that he isn't probably interested in the "janitorial" work.
That being said, I am probably missing out on a lot of history and the metrics that are considered important here, that's why I thought of enlightening me first before reaching any conlusions and taking any action. It would be great if one of you explained to me if this is a matter of concern or not. If not, then why so? Thank you!
@amWhy No problems with that :-) I was just quite surprised to see Paramanand miss out on reviews and flags.
@amWhy I see, thanks.
His meta activity is also quite sparse, but I can except that since I am also a lurker on Physics Meta (not much real activity), but still I am the first there by participation (probably because I vote (and edit) a lot :P) as of now. So there is definitely more than what meets the eye when it comes to meta participation. However, reviews and flags are cold hard numbers, nothing to be misinterpreted there.
@FakeMod I'm not clear that the only other candidate as any better of a record in terms of flags and reviews.
because,i got confused ;)
Disclaimer: In the above flat wall of my messages, there might have been particular phrases where I might have sounded too egoistic, condescending and ignorant than my experience and respect allows me to be. I am sorry for all those instances, and want to clarify that all that I have written, has been writtenin humility, assuming good faith. And, all the best to all the candidates :-)
@amWhy The flag count isn't good (if you ask me, 55 flags are not at all something which show that the nominee is interested in keeping the site clean). But at least he has done considerable amount of reviews. That does show him as concerned about the site's quality and cleanliness (as long as he's not a robo-reviewer, which he probably isn't).
@amWhy ,has, jazz,oh come on it' s a hard one!
@amWhy But as you said, we might have just yet seen the tip of the iceberg of nominations that are yet to arrive :-)
@amWhy alright!
3 hours later…
@AloizioMacedo strangely that does not work now that the elections is "live"
To answer the Q about candidates per election:
2010: 5 for 3
2011: 4 for 2
2012: 9 for 4
2013: 11 for 4
2014: 23 for 3
2017: 9 for 2
2018: 5 for 2
@quid Are you trying to take @MartinSleziak's place? ;D But you're right. I just think that Martin might be able to provide even "juicier" data! ;D
@amWhy did he answer already, or is it just the type of info?
@quid No, it was just my meager attempt to poke fun with you!
2014 is odd. But I do recall there were a lot of spurious candidates at the start. It almost became a trend.
@quid Yes, that is correct. I forgot about that year and that election, until you mentioned it just now.
The 2014 Election was rather colorful, to start.
But, @quid, out of it, emerged two of the best mods ever (Say "best mods ever" means the top six, all time): Daniel Fischer, and Jyrki!
@amWhy indeed. In the end they bit the bullet.
Is this the right idiom.
@quid Yes, thank gosh! Yes, the idiom is perfect. They were sort of "reluctant leaders"!
@Asaf sort of did, too, in the last election, after Zach quit the race.

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