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@BenBrocka you available for that Sneasel?
@C-dizzle I think he is currently on a boat
Huh... just caught a Ditto holding Metal Powder, can't say I've ever done that before
1 hour later…
Okay I call BS on the Battle Maison. There's no way even a Choice Scarf Torterra could outspeed my Blaziken
Yeah, they do that.
@C-dizzle woudl trade but I'm in the middle of the battle maison
It's coded for them to outright cheat.
I need to learn to NEVER trust that I'm fast enough and always use protect for speedboost
The NPC only sets up like 10% of the time and it's not worth these random BS OHKOs
Also, anyone else getting annoyed with this axrkwr guy? He's posting a lot of stuff.
(also got OHKO by PorygonZ but at least he's actually fast)
I don't really care about the content of what he's posting, which would be considered NSFW if we were at work hours, but the volume of linking is just annoying.
in the bridge? Yeah I recall some annoying random pics by a name like that
@Yuki This is why I'm not looking there
I hate how when you call these people out at posting tons of links, they just go "Okay, you're treating me like a special case. I'll stop it for you."
Every time with the "for you".
@Yuki It's a lovely dose of passive-aggression.
I actually don't know why I'm getting so angry. For some reason, I just feel like I'm close to blowing my top.
I mean, I haven't really had a stressful day...
@Yuki Take a deep breath, and a step away. Play some RimWorld and ignore the Bridge for a bit! :P
@Fluttershy Good idea. I'll go do that.
Also, if no one wants these Charmanders, I'm gonna try and trade them for a Squirtle and Bulbasaur, I think.
Q: Can't find mega stones

James MitchellI have upgraded my mega ring, it's 8:15 and I can't find any mega stones. Is this a glitch? Will i have to restart my game, or buy a new one maybe? I've tried finding all of the stones on many occasions but to no avail. Why is this happening?

@BenBrocka You still doing battle maison?
no, let me double check the IVs to see which is which
do you want perfect
Def sp def (terrible speed)
sp def speed
hp def speed
hp def speed
you're the chris I'm trading to right?
Need anything?
any safari only pokemon? I'm missing a few
blitzle and vullaby for sure
also missing leafeon and glaceon
None of those, got a Munna in WT
oh I need a munna, is it your last though?
No, I have 2
k, that works then
I was looking for an adamant ditto for you
no luck though
dang. I have a modest one and I figure those will be the two most important ones for me
I spent a good hour looking for one too, seeing as you were giving me a good IV sneasel
I wonder if I can get a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle for my two extra Charmanders... GTS goooooo!
497 caught in the pokedex
@Fluttershy I can breed you a Squirtle if you want
I think there's just less than 600 catchable without pokemon bank, too
@BenBrocka that sounds about right
@C-dizzle :o Yes please!
Alright, give me a minute
Do you just want the first egg I get?
@C-dizzle Uh... I guess? I still don't know the ins and outs of breeding. >_> No pun intended.
I just breed to natures, haven't done the IV stuff like the others have
Ah. I dunno anything about natures either. :P
One egg, order up!
@Fluttershy I don't think I have your FC added
@C-dizzle I added you!
What's your trainer name?
@C-dizzle Seanait
seanait? Have I seen you online? I don't recognize that
my trainer's Esya
What do you want in return for the egg?
Ok I've got you added now
Surprise me
@BenBrocka I've given you O-Powers! D:
oh, I see you now
maybe I just read it as sean
I've got like 11 full boxes of Pokemon... need to do more WT
Thanks! :D
No problem... was looking to see if I had any Bulbasaurs, but I don't
I sort 'em out by type, or for breeding/evolution/use purposes, and the rest go into a box to be wondertraded or released
@BenBrocka I've got one box dedicated to my primary Pokemon and one for just shiny
Time to avoid the Bridge again.
@C-dizzle I swear the AI cheats after 30 rounds
I could have sworn at least one of the pokemon had 5 moves
supposedly it does - someone went in with hacked wonder guard Spiritombs, and by round 50 the opponents were using nothing but moves that got around it.
Where can I change my hairstyle?
@MadaraUchiha Lumiose - South boulevard
@TrentHawkins How's it called? Can't find it in the cab service
@MadaraUchiha coiffure clips, i believe
@TrentHawkins Found it, thanks. What about things like skin color?
@MadaraUchiha I'm... not entirely sure if you can change that, but you might try the PR Video Studio, in the room on the left. they offer makeup and things.
Not sure if that applies outside of PR videos - although you do get coloured contact lenses.
Phew, training O Powers to lvl 3 sure takes a while
@MadaraUchiha Hatch O power and bargain O power are awesome
@Krazer Training bargain now
Giving it away still trains it, right?
@Krazer as is EXP... although that one's expensive to use on yourself at lvl 3
FINALLY! Just talking about it :D
Which super training is most efficient?
level 1, 2 or 3?
@MadaraUchiha I feel like there's a mathematical answer here, but I'm far too tired to calculate it.
@MadaraUchiha I find if your regular shots do 100+ points of damage when the gauge is full each, you're ready for level 3 (rapid fire balls have a different threshold)
Although lately I've been buying (discounted) vitamins from Laverre City to kickstart my training.
Super training caps at 252, right?
@MadaraUchiha per stat, yes - it certainly seems to.
Just so there's no confusion; 252 per stat, and a total of 510, meaning 2 stats can be maxed at 252, with enough left over to put 4 into a single stat.
What about training bags?
Well, 6, but the extra 2 does (did?) nothing
As in, do they cap at 252 as well?
@MadaraUchiha same cap, they don't allow you to go over 252/stat
So I can train without fearing to go over the limit
probably the same for EV training by fighting wild pokemon, but I'm not sure (it used to be 255 per stat, meaning you had 3 useless extra points)
3 hours later…
Yey champion
Where do I battle my rival in Kiloude city?
found it :P
3 hours later…
@TrentHawkins Double XP and lasts for all of Le Wow's fights, it's worth it
When your friend has Ember instead of Flamethrower and they don't see the problem
@MadaraUchiha pretty sure EVs cap at 252 now, period
@Krazer How romantic
I lost my 3DS stylus today. :(
I came from town and thought it had fallen out there but apparently it fell out here before I left
@FAE You can buy packs of them for cheap
@BenBrocka I know, and I have like 3 extra in my 3DS case somewhere but I have no idea where that is at the moment for some reason.
And my apartment is really small, so you'd think I'd be able to find it...
but I seriously don't know where it is
I don't understand why they put the 3DS stylus in such a terrible place
The DS Lite had it right.
where was it in the DS lite? I lost mine years ago
@BenBrocka Just pulled mine out to check, right hand side.
oh, just like the 3DS XL then?
@BenBrocka I was about to say, I didn't recall any difference in stylus placement between my DS Lite and my 3DS XL...
@BenBrocka I dunno, I don't have an XL.
@SaintWacko Regular 3DS has it on the back, next to the cartridge slot.
ah, ew
hated that on my phat ds
@BenBrocka Yea, I don't know why they went back to it.
plain 3DS is probably too slim for it + the guts
I think the 3DS XL is a bit thicker? Definitely more spread out
At least in the original DS, it was on the right side.
groping blindly around the back of the device for it is pretty annoying regardless of side
@BenBrocka This is why most of the time I hold it in my mouth instead of putting it away.
Same, but it's still easier to find when I put it away
Which, given my oral fixation, has the side effect of me lightly chewing on the plastic end, which has thus made it so my stylus doesn't click into the back anymore and stay and now falls out.
It was fine until Pokemon came out. >_>
Augh, I never chew on it
@BenBrocka I hold it between my teeth. I'm trying not to. I was using chewing gum the other night to distract myself from doing that, but it didn't help much.
I just gum things
@FAE Just chew the metal bits
@OrigamiRobot I'd rather the plastic wear down than my teeth.
You don't have to chew it like you're gonna eat it!
@OrigamiRobot It's still slow wear over time, even from just pressure.
metal bits?
the XL one is all plastic
Oh, boooooo
3DS one has a metal shaft.
That's the one thing I didn't like from DS -> DS Lite
I prefer the consistent feel of the plastic one
I prefer the heat conductivity of metal.
That's exactly what I don't like about it, cold to the touch at first
Especially annoying with the iPad
mmmmmmm cold metal
Pervy robot
@OrigamiRobot Wouldn't the metal suffer from shrinkage if it was cold?
What are you trying to say?
1 hour later…
@OrigamiRobot he's wondering if, like mega mewtwo Y, you'll be better, faster, and stronger.
But mostly smaller
Anyone want a lvl 100 talonflame? I no longer have a place for it on my field team (flame body, not gale wing)
So apparently you can't nickname your Pokemon with certain words...
@TrentHawkins I'd keep it if you plan on doing any breeding.
@Yuki why? other than potentially lowered costs due to it not leveling up further?
Flame Body helps in hatching eggs quickly.
And Talonflame can use Fly to go back and forth between Route 7, Lumiose City, and Kiloude City.
@Yuki Yeah - I replaced him with a volcarona... already have a talonflame on my main team, didn't want to be redundant.
Wish making mulch was more efficient. Ask me for all three berries up front, not first - menu - second - menu - third - menu.
If you guys are going to send my O-Powers, Hatching would be perfect.
@Yuki sends befriending power
@TrentHawkins Nintendo's not exactly good at that kind of streamlining. >_> Looking at you, 80 bajillion menus for visiting people's towns in AC:NL.
@Yuki I am not that far yet. :(
@Yuki Were you the one that had the perfect IV Dittos?
Yeah it always puzzles me when people praise Nintendo for UI design
Though that may be in part because of their anal retentiveness about online stuff.
They very often have extremely convoluted menu systems with multiple lines of dialog (shut the HELL up Porter) to do very common tasks
Most of it isn't related to any sort of online safety or anything it's just needless fluff that requires more button presses
@TrentHawkins How'd you get Volcarona in the game?
@C-dizzle Wondertrade!
@C-dizzle friend safari. I can get 'em easy if you need 'em
well I can get level 30 Larvestas, you're on your own to level 'em
Damn, the O-power bubbles fill fast at level 4.
I freeze every time a Passerby asks me to trade.
@FAE A couple.
I'm just like "Should I? Shouldn't I? Am I rude if I say no? What if they're trying to be nice? Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!"
@TrentHawkins That's cool.
@BenBrocka Would love a volcarona if you could snag me one.
Do you want one to raise or just the dex entry? I have one level 52 I can evolve and trade then trade back if it's just the entry
Wouldn't mind having one to raise
@FAE I say no to trade requests, although lately i've been accepting battles.
I still need to finalize my team for battles.
I've gone through so many iterations, it's not funny.
I never accept trades, how do you know whatI want? How do I know what you want?
@BenBrocka You want a Scatterbug. E'erbody wants a Scatterbug.
You get a scatterbug! And YOU get a scatterbug!
@BenBrocka This. Either You are being really nice and giving away good stuff and I'm going to be the jerk offering you a bidoof in return, or you're being the jerk and I don't really want to give you anything. in either case, just use wonder trade.
@BenBrocka I wouldn't be able to trade for a few hours.
@C-dizzle I won't be home for 4 so we're even
@TrentHawkins can you even game chat to acquaintances/passerbys? I've been to shy to turn it on even for friends
@BenBrocka let's check! ... nope, the 'Game Chat' option is only available to friends.
game chat was on once during a couple trades, can't remember with who... all I heard was a bunch of clicking of buttons from the DS and his/her computer
yeah I'm always afraid they'll just pickup ambient noise and crap
and there's no way the mic on this thing is good
I hate how my voice sounds through anything but my good mic when set up properly
When in doubt, use auto-tune
@BenBrocka judging by the quality of the chat through the WiiU's game pad thingy in MH3U, yeah, the mic is probably crap.
I've never tried the 3DS mic.
@Yuki What would you accept in trade for one? A friend of mine is looking for one.
The best small mic I've ever used is in my gaming headset. Though allegedly I sound fine over the nexus 5 (clearer than the 4 anyway). Some things can't be shrunk that much without losing a lot of quality
Pretty much anything to do with sound or image recording included
@FAE Well, first off, I only have Dittos with perfect IVs in two stats. Second of all, don't really care. I can always catch more.
Doesn't the 3DS video record? I've taken pictures with it, but if it records video there is a good test for the mic.
@C-dizzle I've done some fiddling with the camera/mic. The sound quality of the mic is fairly low - although it's a little hard to say because the speakers themselves are also rather poor.
you can use headphones for proper audio
This is why so many mobile/portable games request that you use headphones
@TrentHawkins Yeah the speakers suck! That's why I usually just plug in a set of headphones or into my surround sound. Let me tell you, with the new gym battle music, it sounds awesome in surround sound!
@C-dizzle Hm, I've not used headphones with pokemon yet.
It usually outputs decent volume at least, so I hadn't bothered.
@FAE When you do, you'll thank me :)
I'll give it a shot tonight!
@C-dizzle sadly, i need new headphones, my only fully working pair right now are USB.
I used headphones for Kirby superstar ultra because I knew it'd have good music
XY's music isn't bad but isn't super amazing either
@Yuki Oh okay. If you get a chance sometime tonight, I wouldn't mind one. :)
@TrentHawkins I have a few different pair, keep a set with my tablet, a set by my gaming computer because those require a usb input as well as the headphone input. And a cheap $5 set for any/everything else
For some reason, the cheap ones seem to work the best
@C-dizzle I had a few different pair, but the wires went all crappy.
I basically murdero r lose all earbud headphones I get
and some non-earbud ones
One of my colonists just got struck by lightning -.-
Hang on, you're not the Bridge
@SaintWacko Dang, what are the chances?
Finished breeding Zorua!
1 hour later…
@SaintWacko :o Survived?
@MadaraUchiha Yep
Just got caught on fire
@SaintWacko Chances of dying by lightning strike = Chances of dying by meteor strike / 4 :P
Was he hiding under a tree or something? Or just a passing Zapdos felt like it had to have some fun?
@MadaraUchiha He had just walked out to the drop zone to pick up a pulse rifle purchased from a passing trader
Who wanted Zorua again?
I've got stuff with Pokérus now, by the way, if anyone wants it.
Fuck the god damn fucking RNG. It just /completely/ destroyed my ranking. One guy's Blaziken used protect three times in a row, and my aegislash could not attack once in three turns due to para.
@MadaraUchiha Random Number Generator
@TrentHawkins How many Pokemon do you usually use for these battles?
user image
^ That's me.
@Yuki lol
@Yuki Meeeeee toooooooo
@Yuki They're triple battles - although typically when I win it's rather decisive.
Ugh, I have an entirely different set of Pokemon in mind for triple battles.
I don't mind loosing, it's when the opponent gets lucky with the RNG that pisses me off. Hell, I could even stand it if the RNG at least threw me a shiney bone once in a while.
@Yuki That's one thing I liked about b/w - if you went back and fourth infront of the daycare, the guy would stop you if there was an egg... or even D/P where you could periodically refresh the poketech app to check.
Turns out Wish Chansey/Blissey is event-only.
@Yuki thank god goomy
@Yuki this is the only thing I've done today as well, though it's just more Vivillons for trade <_<
@FAE Breeding is fun
@OrigamiRobot Well this isn't for minmaxing or anything, so it's more tedious than anything.
@C-dizzle Listening with headphones on right now, Cyllage City actually has a really nice funky bassline I couldn't really hear before, I like it.
@FAE Told ya so :)
And the background music in the Pokecenter is much more nuanced than I thought
I'm about to boot up the 3DS and play some more... I'm having withdraws lol
Woohoo! #48 on pole for the nascar race, if anyone else cares that is...

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