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@Yuki grrrrrrrrrrr
@OrigamiRobot Don't like people linking xkcd?
I don't like it when people do it wrong!
There we go
Huh. Didn't know Chat.SE did that with xkcd.
You learn something new everyday.
All that just so you get the title text with it.
Ugh, now it's too late to remove mine.
So... what is your favorite Water-3 Pokemon?
I don't really like any water pokemon that I can immediately think of
It's actually surprisingly how many Water-3 Pokemon aren't actually Water-type.
I met an NPC in pokemon just now that said single-type Water types were the most common, preceeded only by single-type normals.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, there are a lot of Water-types.
> As of Generation VI, there are 124 Water-type Pokémon or 16.8% of all Pokémon (counting forms and Mega Evolutions that change typing as different Pokémon), making it the most common of the eighteen types.
@Yuki Huh, I did not expect that.
What about single-type pokemon, though?
@FAE wave
I'm going to Blizzcon this week! ZOMG!
@RavenDreamer I used to be interested in Blizzcon, back when I played WoW, but nowadays I'm more IWANNAGO about E4?3?
@Yuki but... but...
@RavenDreamer Hellos! Have fun!
Shows how much I pay attention to conventions when I can't even get the number right.
@RavenDreamer Oh. Now that I think about it, I sounded pretty Debby Downer there, huh.
Sorry about that, have fun at Blizzcon!
@Yuki Not looking forward to the 2-hour layover in Dallas Fort Worth, though.
@RavenDreamer You're going to be in Dallas?
That's two hours away from Houston!
@Yuki The airport, yeah
@RavenDreamer Well, face south when you get there and say "Hi, @Yuki."
@Yuki I will hook my Wii U into an airport wall and hunt Monsters in Texas.
Probably not online, 'cause airports make you pay for wifi.
But I'm going to cut myself off before I start ranting about colluding, oligarchic industries.
@FAE I got that other picture for you
@RavenDreamer That's why I love portable game systems (looks at his 3DS), they let me entertain myself without having to pay ridiculous amounts of money for really short-duration wi-fi access.
evolved shiny form
@C-dizzle Oh nice.
What did you catch with your Master Ball?
@Yuki I was a little iffy at first, but now that I've played it, I think I will never buy a Wii U game that doesn't support gamepad play!
@Yuki Dive ball
@C-dizzle Nice. I want one.
@Yuki wasted my master ball on Mewtwo just for fun
@C-dizzle Just like old times, 'eh?
Had to bring back memories somehow
I really like the shiny for Draglage, next to my shiny scizor this one is my favorite so far probably
@C-dizzle Is that one orange? Or blue?
I remember making a blue Scizor at one point. Maybe that was just me messing around in MS Paint.
@C-dizzle Eeeeeeeeeee!
Scizor shiny is green
@FAE If you want the Draglage, you can have it :)
I'm going to catch more shiny skrelp anyways
I've been trying to use Poke Radar to get a shiny Zoroark, but his encounter rate in the Pokemon Village is terrible.
Come to think of it
I keep starting Gothorita and Jigglypuff chains instead.
I didn't think you could use Poke Radar in flowers?
The only shiny pokemon I've seen (and now have, somewhere) were both water types.
Though one was a Marill, which wasn't found by surfing.
@C-dizzle You can. It's just really really annoying to tell the levels of shaking when everything is yellow.
The Shiny Tentacool was, though.
I remember finding a shiny shuppet in Emerald a few years ago, it was one of my first
I have a Shiny Mienshao in White.
@C-dizzle You fished so much for it though! o_o
@FAE I don't mind :)
I've been very lucky with the shiny fishing technique so I should have another one in no time
@Yuki that would be a nice one to see
@C-dizzle Which one? Shiny Mienshao or shiny Zoroark?
Both actually
Well, shiny Zoroark has blue hair.
I think it's going to be my ultimate goal to get a shiny of each mega evolution Pokemon
I've already got 2 of them
@C-dizzle I shall decline for now, but thank you anyway! I'm going to put it on my personal long-term goal list. :)
@FAE If you change your mind, just let me know.
I like catching stuff a lot, haha.
I've been trying to hatch a shiny Eevee
@C-dizzle Okay, thank you again!
@FAE Did you get a Pokemon with Flame Body yet to help with your egg hatching?
@C-dizzle Yeah, I evolved my Fletchling
Makes it much easier, huh? :)
Time for 4 straight hours of Modern Family, and Pokemon... oh what a night.
@Yuki I hope you're not trying to catch a female shiny zoroark in a specific pokeball
In other news, I think I know how people found the other legendaries; they're on freaking TCGs.
@fbueckert I haven't seen any of the new TCGs yet
@C-dizzle I saw some in EB today; one of the front ones was Volcanion.
Well then that's obviously a big ol' spoiler alert
@fbueckert did you happen to take a picture of it?
I have some 3 IV (def, s atk, s def) togepis if any one's interested
@Krazer I'd love one!
@Krazer I think I need one
@C-dizzle as an added bonus they have nasty plot~
@Krazer Sure!
gimme a sec while I hoard some more eggs
@FAE would you prefer it hatched or in egg form?
@Krazer I'll take one if you still have extras.
I think I have enough for all of you
@Krazer Does it make a difference in anything other than XP?
Is Togepi a safari Poke or Horde?
@C-dizzle safari
No wonder I haven't found it, no normal type safaris
@C-dizzle fairy
Ah, didn't realize Togepi's type changed
it's super annoying to hit without steel/poison now
is vullaby a safari pokemon or not?
@Krazer Is hatched okay? I like seeing the names of friends on the traded stuff I get!
I can't tell if no one wants to trade me for a beldum or if no one has it
@FAE sure I'll save attached one for you
@Krazer thanks!
@BenBrocka Ready?
I clicked okay and it canceled
want anything?
Wow that hatched fast
@BenBrocka HA Eevee if you have it otherwise, anything is fine
@C-dizzle I warmed it up for you
@Krazer would you be upset if I told you it hatched as a shiny?
@C-dizzle probably not
nope don't have one
@Krazer Ok, because it didn't lol it was normal
@C-dizzle xD
@Fluttershy I don't think I have you added. I'll check after I trade @FAE
@Krazer Okay. I just added you!
@Fluttershy yay
@Krazer Thanks so much!
@FAE enjoy~ I think you's has hustle. Lemme know if you want a serene grace one
@Fluttershy gimmie a few mins while I get another egg for you
Take your time!
@Krazer I am... not super awesome at this game, I'm sure whatever you gave me will be fine, haha.
togekiss can have serene grace? Might be useful if fairy becomes popular to have
If fairy becomes popular, then you will definitely see more steel and poison teams too
woah, snow in anistar city
Wow... that's cool
Didn't think they would have snow
oddly enough it's raining in couriway
No rain at my couriway lol
@Krazer I have to AFK for a few minutes. I'll ping you when I'm back!
I think my clock is sitll off
@Fluttershy ok xD I just got ready
Mine too
daylight savings?
I adjusted for mega stone hunting
It was raining a lot today in my game too
@Krazer Ack! Sorry! Back!
@C-dizzle I don't expect to see more Steel Pokemon than we already do. Steel is already ridiculously popular in all tiers just because of the great resistances. Poison, on the other hand...
Don't expect to see too many actual Poison-types. Rather, expect to see a lot of more Poison-type and Steel-type moves in various movesets.
so learning nuzzle wasn't worth it. She gives a revive
@Krazer It was just the one egg, right? >_>
@BenBrocka That dialogue sounds vaguely sexual. Like a ridiculous number of lines in this game.
@Fluttershy you want more? I can give you more
Speaking of...
@Krazer Oh, no. I just wanted to make sure I didn't end the trade too early.
@BenBrocka Oh I forgot I kinda wanted one of those
Thank you! :D
@Fluttershy np~
@Krazer I can get you one, adamant too
@BenBrocka yay thanx
@BenBrocka Sorry~ was in the middle of a hatching
yay thanks~
Yay! Shiny Remoraid :)
52 consecutive reels
I like shiny remoraid, not to thrilled with it's evolution shiny though.
@C-dizzle b-lime-y
oh i just got a Magic Guard Timid Abra in WT
@Krazer Good one Krazer lol
so tired of battle maison focus sashes
@BenBrocka Break out the Mega Kangaskhan double sucker punches
Yay I finally have female timid vuplix, fennekin, and charmander with their HAs~
wow elektross is friggin tiny ingame
@BenBrocka how so
@Krazer have you seen it? It's the size of a bidoof or smaller. But it's supposed to be 6' long
@BenBrocka I have not, but I know it's base evol is tiny!
yeah, but it's final evo is supposed to be pretty big
sprite made it look big too
@BenBrocka got a blurry cam shot? I can't seem to find one
so true
@Krazer he's gone now. It was in battle maison. I dont' even know if he's obtainable
ugh screw you other Gengar and your properly trained speed EVs
@BenBrocka I no like sub-disable gengars D:
it wasn't sub-disable, it was just faster and had shadowball, OHKO
@BenBrocka D:
People on GTS have a real knack for asking for pokemon that are simply unavailable in this generation (currently)...
Like, start stockpiling mudkips on a gen V game, because there is a demand for them.
@Unionhawk It's hard to tell sometimes, because there are some Seen pokemon that don't seem availible
@BenBrocka I'm saying strictly based on the number of people out there who want a goddamn mudkip. Like, honestly.
yeah gen 2-5 starters are obviously not in the game
6 hours later…
Q: The begining of Lookers quest (pokemon x &y)

emi1235ok so stupidly i forgot where looker tells you to go after you step out into Lumos city so all i remember is looker bridge but i dont know where that is can anyone help!?

6 hours later…
I think I might resort to RNG abuse to breed this Zorua.
Also, I got Kee and Maranga berries!
@Yuki is there a comprehensive chart for berry mutations?
@Krazer Yes, but I'm in my phone right now and can't find it.
On, that is.
Got a Chilan berry from a battle!
@Yuki did you get the berries for that reset juice? If not I still need to get them from another friend
@Yuki I found this:
just wondering how up to date it is
Yeah, that looks up to date.
@BenBrocka I got the berries, but I need a day or two since I only have one of each.
@Yuki can you just plant the kee/maranga berries to grow more or do you have to do a process?
I can just plant them again, but I need time because I only just got them today.
@Yuki does 3DS time magic work with berries?
or is it actual time elapsed?
No clue, but I don't like messing with my 3DS clock.
When you mess with your 3DS clock, the desire sensor kicks in and negates all possible time-related events.
Thus, you can't get Celebi.
Hmm, how is Celebi related to Dialga?
@Yuki time travel
seems like Dialga commands the flow of time, while Celebi travels through it
I figured that, but I was wondering if Dialga is Celebi's master, like Lugia and the birds or Ho-oh and the dogs.
@Unionhawk Wait, what?
@FAE (no not really, but it really seems like it sometimes)
@BenBrocka CC @Fluttershy
Hm, I think I might see about doing this. Could be good for getting pokemiles too!
Corgee would have been more fitting
@FAE If lots of 3DS people walk by your house
@BenBrocka Apparently that's not necessary, it makes a bunch of people using the same MAC address look like they're all hitting the same point.
At this point, I don't see a big need for PokeMiles. There's not much you can get for them, and there are better alternatives for what they do have.
@Yuki Well I have other stuff I want streetpasses for too.
Things will probably change after they start releasing those "attractions".
do we have any idea what those are?
Was tempted to buy some PP ups or rare candies but haven't yet
also the clothes coupon is a filthy lie, I'm sure of it by now
@BenBrocka Yeah, it's probably not in the game right now. They might add it later though.
Kinda of a waste though.
I already have all but maybe 2 items I think
made a list, but the items I'm missing don't show up when/where serebii says they should
serebii's also incomplete, they're missing at least one pair of socks I have
I just pulled my 3DS out of my bag: game card somehow popped out.
Aaaaand, I don't have a Kee or Maranga berry anymore.
@Yuki Didn't save before you closed it?
@SaintWacko I only closed it 5 minutes ago... ;_;
@Yuki ugh, my phat DS did that somewhat regularly
Well, more incentive to RNG abuse myself some perfect Zoruas.
@Unionhawk What do you mean "how"?
He just caught a 5/6 Ditto. It's just really rare to find one of those.
I know it's possible, but that doesn't make it any less magic.
I thought you meant more along the lines "breeding Ditto??". But yeah, a 5/6 Ditto is beautiful.
@FAE That's what I did with mine.
I'm probably going to add Lucario onto my team after I finish breeding this freakin' Zorua.
@Yuki When the tree shows you it has X berries, that's it for the growth cycle, right? Leaving it to grow longer won't net you more?
@OrigamiRobot what you don't want to use Mega Lucario with his spike nipples?
Got 2 Kelpsy berries and 2 Pomeg Berries. I added Surprise Mulch to each tree to see if it'd improve yield but it didn't seem to, still only had 1 of each mutated berry on each tree.
I must know what is up with these screenshots
I took my 3DS out today and I can definitely see the difference in O-power bubble recharge speed
Got another one
@Krazer where'd you find those screenshots?
@C-dizzle 4ch
Celebi looks cool in 3d
@Krazer what about them? He hacked the game, file format is now known
I never noticed that badass animation

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