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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@Fluttershy Do you want to hatch the Vulpix egg yourself or do you want the traded EXP boost?
Jochem looking over my shoulder earlier: "So... you're fighting a duck with a panda bear?"
@FAE Pancham vs. Psyduck?
Or Ducklett?
@Yuki That.
Hm, Double Team on Pikachu. Isn't he already pretty zippy anyway?
(also some of the moves sound so dirty when you take them out of context)
@FAE evasion != speed
@BenBrocka I feel like I never woke up today.
@Yuki Is there a benefit to hatching my own?
For pokemon with equal gender ratios, any recommendation which to keep for the long run? Does it matter?
@Fluttershy Mostly that you can rename them
@FAE I usually go for females for breeding (e.g. Togepi) unless there's an egg move I want (Pichu for Nasty Plot), then male.
@Fluttershy If you hatch it yourself, you can nickname it whenever. If I hatch it, it gains boosted EXP.
@Yuki Oh. I don't name my pokemon. So... EXP!
@Krazer Gender no longer matters for egg moves.
Okay I'm reading this guide here and it says "The female is the one who decides the species of the egg, except if using a ditto in which case it's always the pokemon that is not ditto (ditto can't be bred)." You can breed pokemon that aren't the same type? O_o
@FAE Yes. Pokemon can be categorized into what is called "Egg Groups".
Pokemon from the same Egg Group can breed together, whereas Pokemon that don't share an Egg Group cannot.
And some Pokemon belong to multiple Egg Groups.
@Yuki Ah, this all makes much more sense to me now.
@TrentHawkins Well, it matters if you want to get Egg Moves into a breeding cycle, but females can pass down Egg Moves now so you don't have extremely complex breeding plans.
@Fluttershy I have your Vulpix ready if you want it right now.
@TrentHawkins but no egg moves with dittos right?
@Krazer If the female has the Egg Move, she can pass it down even when breeding with Dittos.
@Yuki Lemme go catch something to trade with.
hopefully I get that drought vulpix tonight
@Krazer Oh, you want a Drought Vulpix? Gimme a sec.
I have a Drought Ninetales in the bank somewheres...
@Yuki Anything in particular you want for it?
@Fluttershy Nah, I'm good.
Huh. For the life of me, I cannot find that Drought Ninetales.
Of course, as soon as I say that, there it is.
@Krazer Do you just want the Drought Ninetales or do you want me to get you a Vulpix?
@Yuki if it's your only ninetales I'll take an egg
@Krazer I can catch another.
Hit me up for a trade.
Volbeat, gender ratio 100% male? O_o
Okay, I think I understand how to do breeding... think
@FAE Female counterpart is Illumise.
Ugh I need something with Feint for this awful restaraunt
@BenBrocka Taunt will also work.
I have to taunt, THEN attack then though. If I'm going to waste two turns per pokemon I might as well just attack all the time
Illumise eggs also have a chance of hatching into Volbeat.
@Yuki odd
@BenBrocka Well, that's if you do rotation or whatever. In double/triple battles, one Pokemon can Taunt to block Protect/Detect while the other(s) attack.
Taunt has a +5 priority, IIRC.
@Yuki Oooh okay.
Will taunt cancel a protect that same turn?
rotation seems best for leveling anyway
@BenBrocka Depends on whether Taunt goes before Protect. Which I think it does.
Never mind, Taunt has priority of +/- 0.
Could've sworn it had a high priority though.
@Yuki thanks~
No problem.
I know this is the stupidest thing but I always feel like pokemon escape when I'm not looking at the screen. >_>
I just got an Octillery named "Miley Cyrus" in a Wonder Trade. ಠ_ಠ
That's a nice little effect, raindrops on the bottom screen when it's raining.
@FAE yeah, that's cool
there's something similar for sunlight
hello random person, let me come into your house and sit on your bed
I sat on ALL the beds
I've not been checking all the bookshelves and now I'm worried I missed stuff :(
I don't think bookshelves ever have anything aside from books with hints
Yeah, they said something about not hiding stuff in places like that this gen.
bookshelves never had hidden items that I'm aware of. They stopped hiding in trash cans for the most part though
there's not even hints
then don't check 'em, there's nothing there
time for more wonder trades
Crap, I didn't decide to do this at a PC.
Is Fling any good?
@FAE It's really situational.
And I'm still not sure if you get the item back after the battle's over...
Probably not something I want on my Frogadier then.
Is there a PC anywhere in the Glittering Cave? I'm trying to fight through it right now.
Blargh. Training from level 1 to level survival is annoying >_>
Can someone give me capture power?
Augh, Jaw Fossil or Sail Fossil. D:
I was not prepared to make a decision on this right now, I need to sleep!
Sail is lame
Can I get the other at all?
You can trade for the pokemon
OMG, screw you things with 5.9% capture rates.
1 HP, ultra ball NOPE >_>
@FAE /soothe
@Krazer So many pokeballs. T_T I think I only managed it because @Fluttershy through me a capture buff.
@FAE when you get capture lvl 3 o-power and quickballs you need not worry again
@Krazer Y'know what, I'm dumb. :( I forget you can use them on yourself.
Don't have any quickballs yet.
@FAE would you like some? I have 100
Woohoo! Reclaimed my shiny Basculin that got away from me earlier
@Krazer Can you trade stacks? O_o
Quick balls are godly...
@FAE no, it will be painfully slow and tedious
Quick ball + level 3 capture = awesome
> Quick ball + level 3 capture = masterball
True lol
Wait... O_O
@Krazer I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not because I'm really tired.
@FAE I didn't mean it to sound sarcastic. Dx
@FAE would you like an eevee egg with a fairy move? (as an apology ;_;)
@FAE Have you not got any sleep yet? You said earlier your sleep was all messed up
@Krazer I've got a Sylveon in the making already, but I wouldn't mind another Eevee type if you have one to spare. :) And you don't need to apologize!
@C-dizzle I did sleep. I just woke up really late in the afternoon today.
> Gym Badges: 1 Pokédex: 89
I have a wandering problem. :(
@FAE don't worry I was like 2 and 200+ last week
I think mine was like that too... mostly because of wonder trade
@Krazer did you see my shiny scizor from earlier? I hatched a shiny scyther without even knowing
@C-dizzle me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jelly
shiny mega scizor is epix
I wasn't even trying to get one either, I was just hatching some scyther for trades because I had a bunch of metal coats
I had my volume turned down because I was watching the nascar race and didn't realize he was shiny, wasn't even paying attention
@C-dizzle gratz none the less
Why thank ya... I've had quite the good luck on fishing for shiny too. Think I might try for Corsola, Octillery or Gorebyss shiny next
My newest one, not much of a color difference though
okay, time to shut pokemon off for the night
@FAE I'm about to do the same
@C-dizzle o/
immo attempt to evolve togepi before i do
so I can breed it
3 perfect iv this one
"Letting out a charming cry, the user does emotional damage to the opposing pokemon"
@BenBrocka disrming voice?
Oh hey, Sneasel got Icicle crash as an egg move
not sure it's worth it over ice punch though
@Krazer How odd, this message didn't show up in chat. I saw it in my inbox. I had to refresh chat before I saw it in here.
@FAE You must be tired. Off to sleepy land for you~
@Krazer 'Strue, this should be done. Have a good night all!
7 hours later…
Caught Articuno with a single quickball
Checked my Gold cart this morning
Q: Pokemon X and Y battle Mansion

user58922Ok, so I just beat the elite four yesterday. I went to Lumoise station, got the pass, and went to the city. I was wondering, I batteled like 14 times and the 3 girls never showed up. (The owners) I tried going through the door, and it didn't work. How do you battle the 3 girls? (I tried triple, t...

@BenBrocka Ah, memories... I remember when the SP first came out, I was at Wal-Mart that night buying one.
That thing was backlit. No more stupid plugin light for me
Oh yeah, that little plugin light, wasn't it purple?
Sneasel's so fuckin cute
@C-dizzle yeah, with the randomly squiggly cord that suspended it over your GBA
Looks like Sneasel is ready to rip someone's eyes out
Sneasel's always ready to rip someone's eyes out
Hmm... maybe next I will try for a Shiny Sneasel
At least that one is pink and not lime green
@Yuki do you happen to still have that 5IV jolly male sneasel? Friend would like a sneasel. Was gonna try and breed it but figured it you still had it I could save some time
@BenBrocka Sneasel is nowhere near as cute as Vulpix or Cubone!
Also, I think Espurr is cute as hell. Does that make me weird?
@Fluttershy o_o
@BenBrocka I take that as a yes... >_>
Cubone is not cute.
@OrigamiRobot Well, we've established that @Fluttershy is weird, so it's okay.
Nah man, nah
How can you not love that face?
Or lack there of...
Caterpie is also cute. Also Scatterbug. But Cubone is cutest.
Scatterbug isn't cute either. You got brain problems.
@Fluttershy this one is for you
Deino is pretty cute
I'll give you Cubone, but scatterbug? Really? >_>
Scatterbug is cute. Spewpa looks like a mound of dog vomit.
Appropriate, given the name, I suppose.
yeah I was worried about what the final evolution of spewpa would be
it just looks like a scatterbug covered in vomit. And that seems to be what it is
@OrigamiRobot I just noticed it looks like someone bit off it's tail
@BenBrocka Also looks like a Beatle
Has anyone else noticed that Fletchling's eye looks like a bird looking the other direction?
@OrigamiRobot dawww
@Fluttershy yes, the beak
@Krazer Yayy! I'm not crazy!
@Fluttershy his eyes are penguins
@BenBrocka YEH! It also reminded me of the bird from... Some web comic, maybe? Like the one in @OrigamiRobot's picture.
@BenBrocka I forgot I had an emulator on my phone, still had an Emerald save file on it
@Fluttershy Reginald.
@C-dizzle never emulated pokemon. Kinda wish I had something to rip my carts into ROMs including SRAM so I could keep my saves forever
@OrigamiRobot YEH! :D
@BenBrocka Yes there were some Yellow saves that I wish I still had today
Damn I don't even know where my Yellow cart went
I didn't see it with my red and gold this morning
I only have my SoulSilver cart now.
I lost a ton of my games in a family fiasco.
Literally, the oldest pokemon game I have is FireRed. I never had a Game Boy color/earlier. Not that they were before my time, I just never had one.
I need to try to get my hands on all the old ones, just to collect them
My roommate last year had a pretty full collection of Nintendo handhelds and pokemon games. It was... impressive
I had Red and Silver, and I've played Sapphire
I had a Pokemon Color, but it got stolen from my locker at school
And I have a Gameboy Advance DS, a DS Lite, and a 3DS XL
Also, Silver was in my GBC when it was stolen :(
I have RBY GSC SR, Diamond, HG and Y
Good games, horrible Scrabble hand
I've lost track of what pokemans my brother has. I have X. He's got pretty much everything from Gen 3, Diamond, HG, Black, and Y. I think.
All I know is he told me that he's played games from every generation, which I think is accurate if you count emulation as well.
I need to get him on here. He knows a hell of a lot more about pokemon mechanics than I do...
@Unionhawk Same.
Only handheld I ever had as a kid was a Sega Game Gear.
I had R/B/Y on an emulator on my Win 95 Packard Bell, but I remember feeling stymied when we got a new computer and the saves wouldn't fit on a 3.5" floppy. >_>
I still have my limited edition NES-style GBA SP. :3 But I lost my copies of Pokemon Red and Yellow. I do still have White though.
I have my old Original Game Boy. The old monochrome with contrast dial is almost painful to play on now...
We've come a long way.
My uncle had an original Game Boy, and that's where I got hooked on gaming. Tetris, then Super Mario Land.
I was 5ish or so.
Also, that thing eats batteries like a monster. I'm REALLY thankful for our integrated battery with charging cable technology.
@TrentHawkins Oh god the Game Gear was awful for that too.
We had the battery pack thing for it because I just kept going through 6 batteries at a time too fast for my parents' liking. >_>
@FAE Never had one, but a friend did. I recall at the time being thankful my system only required 4 batteries.
We've come a long way T-T. Hell, I remember the old battery packs that sucked and you needed to kill them before recharging them or else they would rapidly lose life.
@TrentHawkins The backlight was awesome! I could stay up later than my parents wanted curled up under my covers gaming. :D
@Unionhawk Haha, we sound a bunch of cranky old gamers. "I remember when I had to discharge my battery packs up a hill both ways in the snow!"
I'm just barely old enough to remember :D
Also, I seem to recall my parents insisted I use two sets of rechargeable energizers.
@Unionhawk Oh, hey, yeah, I'm apparently like 10 years older than you.
Anyway - As mush as I like reminiscing about old handhelds - my grandparents require aid turning some clocks back. :/
o/ Rechargeable battery pack for the Game Boy advance, mind :P
I loved/hated my Game Gear.
Also, @BenBrocka Two-ish weeks until the PS Vita is no longer a paperweight! :D
Tearaway is finally releasing. :3
Yeah, I'll be getting that for sure
I'll also be getting the PS Vita TV if Playasia ships on time, though the Vita TV can't play it I think
Ugh, I want to stick around Glittering Cave to catch more stuff but I really need to get to the second gym...
There's plenty of time to go back later whenever
Q: Getting into the other power plant doors on route 13

DomI've been doing a lot of post game stuff and I ran across 4 oddly placed doors on route 13 that I can't get into. I tried to search for more key cards like what was done earlier on in the game with no results. Does anyone know how get in them or if it is even possible?

So I got a level 30 Trevenant last night for a level 14 Flabébé
@BenBrocka Well, I'm currently trying to start a Zorua(rk) breeding project. Annoying since gender distribution is skewed like the starters and the Pokemon Village is filled with other Pokemon.
If I don't find another female Zoroark by... tomorrow night, I'll try to breed another Sneasel for your friend.
If you can find a Zorua(rk) Friend Safari and catch one with a Luxury Ball, that would be much appreciated.
@Yuki Did you already ditch your current batch? If so I'll just throw a destiny bond on mine and try
@BenBrocka Nah. I don't ditch 5/6 males. Especially not if they're in the Field egg group.
They're so goddamn useful for breeding other 5/6 Pokemon.
Any Field Pokemon I try to breed should go a lot faster now that I have one 5/6.
Or two, rather.
But the other's female so it doesn't count (it's not sexist in context, potential flaggers).
If you have any leftovers that are 4/6 IVs with def/hp/sp def as the non-perfect he'd probably be okay with that sneasel too, especially if it has ice punch
I just went to reddit to look for something about pokemon, got lost reading random stuff and saving random resources to Evernote, then forgot what I was looking for.
Q: How can I get more of each evolution stone?

murgatroid99In Pokemon X, most of the evolution stone I find are items lying on the ground, but there don't seem to be nearly enough to evolve every evolution chain. Which stones can I get more of, and how can I get them?

@Yuki I just got a lvl 22 Solosis through Wonder Trade! :D
@FAE Nice!
...you cannot rollerskate in sand, pokemon. >_>
Ugh. Why does Zoroark have such a low encounter rate in the Pokemon Village?
Agh, Dowsing Rod. Because I needed more ways to distract me from getting to the Second Gym. X_x
@FAE It's very firm sand
@Yuki it used to be an event only pokemon
@BenBrocka Yeah, I picked it up, along with 3 shiny legendary dogs.
But still...
Is too much to ask for a female Zoroark so I can catch it with a Luxury Ball?
@BenBrocka Apparently.
Oh hey, female Zoroark.
Shiny Zoroarks have blue hair, right?
Does anyone have the slyveon pick where it says "don't touch me you filthy casual"?
Awww... Gothorita broke my Zoroark Radar chain.
@Krazer Bah, beat me to it
@Krazer excellent, thanks
Hmm... Sylveon looks like a prime candidate for either Choice Scarfing or a special tank role.
@Yuki Choice Scarfing?
@FAE A Choice Scarf is an item that doubles a Pokemon's Speed but locks them into the first move they make.
make it hold a choice scarf
There are two other Choice items: the Choice Band and the Choice Lens.
The Choice Band increases physical damage and the Choice Lens increases special damage, each with the same side-effect of move-locking as the Choice Scarf.
50% not double
@BenBrocka I thought it was double for the Scarf, but 50% increase for the others?
pretty sure it's 50% all around
serebii says 50%
All right. In any case, the Choice items allow Pokemon to overcome certain things that would otherwise allow them to become fearsome sweepers (lacking Speed, Special Attack, or Attack).
Or just let them sweep without setting up (boosting stats like Swords Dance)
But dang, Sylveon's base Speed really hurts it unless it's going to be a tank or Baton Passer.
Is Fairy STAB really that useful though? Good for Dragons, fighting is super common for Dark coverage though
@BenBrocka The only resists are Fire and Steel, right?
Or does Psychic resist Fairy as well?
fire poison and steel
Yeah jerry has it right for attacks
@Jerry Hmm... Fire is already not that common because of Stealth Rock, although Fairies will definitely have to watch out for Volcarona.
and only fire strikes back with neutral damage
Dragon and Normal are still better neutral coverage though (worse SE coverage though)
Talonflame will propably get into OU because of its Hidden Ability
@Jerry Almost definitely.
Yeah free priority is ridiculous
If Gale Wings gives him the same priority as Prankster does for status moves, he can easily be the anti-Prankster 'Mon simply because of his base Speed of 126.
Prankster's only +1 priority, I'm sure Gale Wings is the same. And it can't possibly be less
@BenBrocka Well, I was wondering if they messed with Prankster to make it +2 instead of +1, but that sounds ridiculous in hindsight.
@Yuki klefiki can probably survive a hit though, Steel
@Yuki they could, I don't see why they would though
@BenBrocka Depends. IIRC, Klefki's base Defense is pretty low.
Ah, 91. Never mind.
91. It's not Carbink but its' not terrible
PRoblem with Talonflame is you basically KNOW it's going to use flying type moves because it's useless otherwise. Switch in an Aggron and it's +1 priority is hitting for 1/4th damage
Aggron is already pretty slow anyway =P
then again nothing is immune to flying so it's not quite as brutal as switching Gengar in on a fighting move
@BenBrocka With Team Preview, most players should see the Aggron coming after the first KO and follow with Flare Blitz or a switch-out/U-turn.
@Jerry Yeah Aggron won't miss the one turn either
Besides, Talonflame looks like he's more going to be a cleaner or suicide lead.
If Aggron or any Rock-types are still in play when you're sending Talonflame out as a cleaner, you're doing it wrong.
Aggron's going to be interesting to counter. I'm sure at least one Fire-type or Fighting-type has Mold Breaker, right?
Ugh. Only Fighting-types that get Mold Breaker are Sawk and Throh.
I am greatly looking forward to playing more and getting an Aggron
Hmm... I wonder if Rampardos can OHKO Mega Aggron with Hammer Arm?
He's got 165 base Attack, Hammer Arm has 100 BP, Mega Aggron is 2x weak to Fighting...
If only a Special Attacker had Mold Breaker...
Breaks Filter, but it doesn't get STAB to begin with
Magmortar seems to be a better option to me, with Flamethrower, it's likely to be 1HKO and 100% chance to do so with sunny day/drought active
@BenBrocka With that crazy base Attack and BP, I'm not sure if he'll need the STAB.
230 base defense though
@Jerry If we're not taking Stealth Rock into account, Charizard Y might work. 159 Special Attack with Drought...
Fire Blast will hit like a nuke.
Hell, I can see him OHKO'ing some 'Mons that are resistant to Fire Blast!
well, if it doesn't get outsped of course
Charizard Y could be crazy if stealth rock is less common due to defog
being x4 weak to rock... my Lucario took one down the other day with Stone Edge; on the first turn
@Jerry Well yeah, but base 100 Speed means he's already above average.
With that crazy high Special Attack, anybody who runs Modest instead of Timid on Charizard Y must be off their rocker.
MEga charizard X should have made up his mind. Ability says physical, stats are mixed
otherwise losing that flying type is (mostly) nice
Man Rotom-W is simply killing in meta-game
Suddenly vulnerable to earthquake though (I KO'd a friend's on accident with EQ because I forgot that)
@BenBrocka That just means he can invest more in Special Attack and his ability makes for the smaller investment in Attack. He then becomes a mixed sweeper, a la Hydreigon.
@Krazer I thought he would've gotten nerfed because of the reduction in BP of Hidden Power.
Dragons have a much easier time against him now, right?
Oh man you can get Outrage on Charizard X
Unless he learns Dazzling Gleam...
@BenBrocka Weren't you always able to get Outrage on Charizard?
Yeah, but now STAB + contact damage buffed by 33%
@BenBrocka Still locks him into Outrage. If you see it coming, you can switch into an immune Fairy-type.
@Yuki I saw a defensive Rotom-W take a +2 Dragon Claw from a Dragonite
I can see Outrage becoming much less popular now that there's something that's immune to it.
@Yuki If you're lucky you can OHKO something on the first turn then switch him out
also it's a pretty nice counter vs Greninja and Talonflame imo
@Krazer But could Rotom-W faint the Dragonite?
@BenBrocka It's all up to whether someone takes/recognizes the Outrage bait when it comes.
@Yuki maybe with HP Ice
@Krazer Which is why I mentioned the nerf to Hidden Power.
I mean, Hidden Power was only barely a thing because of it granted coverage. I'm not sure how much the reduction in BP would affect it.
Is Hidden Power even relevant in non-simulator matches? It's got to be a nightmare to breed in the right kind
@BenBrocka Yeah... I don't want to talk about breeding Hidden Powers. Especially since we don't know the Hidden Power formula right now because of the addition of Fairy-type.
I hadn't thought of that
you just have to see with that NPC who knows the HP of your pokemon :x
...how's THAT going to work, if they change the formula, imported gen 5 pokemon will all have different powers. They might just do that though
well yea, it's just hidden
@Yuki D:
@BenBrocka The only way they can keep the old formula is if they don't add Fairy as a legitimate type for Hidden Power. And no way are they going to do that.
I'm kinda surprised Hidden Power and Secret Power are still moves
@Krazer Well, Hidden Power got kinda ridiculous because it made special sweepers almost unblockable.
I guess you can't get rid of unown's only move though
...is unown in XY?
@BenBrocka Not yet?
@BenBrocka Hah. They just made Unown even more useless than it already is.
until they add a mega form...
Now I want to see a Mega Evo for Unown and Luvdisc.
Luvdisc's Mega Evolution released! It's Alohamola.
> Hidden Power's base power is now 60, and like in previous generations, its type is determined by the user's IVs. A Fairy-type Hidden Power is not obtainable.
Mega Regigigas
@SaintWacko Wow. Way to let me down, GameFreak.
@SaintWacko took the lazy way then
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's too bad
Mega Regigigas takes 10 turns to get up to speed and has worse stats than Mega Mewtwo
Hmm... is a Steel-type still Poisoned if you make them hold Toxic Orb?
@BenBrocka When you send out Mega Regigigas, it doesn't even get to the battle until 5 turns later.
And then it has to wait for Slow Start.
@BenBrocka Interesting...
@Yuki no steel types learn switcheroo if that's your idea
oh, a couple learn trick though
I'm not sure why those are different moves
and fling
aggron does, for instance
not sure it's worth losing the item slot
BP of 30 for toxic orb
barely better than using Toxic, and you lose your item slot
I was just mentioning it xP
Assault Vest Aggron maybe to increase its bulk
if you really want a steel wall
@Jerry that's an idea
Mega Aggron would end up with 120 s defense
plus filter
wait...items, right
well yea, since we were talking about them
I mean Mega Aggron can't hold items (other than aggronite)
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