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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@BenBrocka Okay, I'm available to trade now. Gonna be online shortly.
You wanted SpA/Spe and Atk/Spe?
@Yuki yeah
and did you have any modest or adamants?
do you need muchlax, tyrouge or larvesta?
Hmm... maybe Tyrogue.
Wouldn't mind a Machoke->Machamp or Haunter->Gengar either.
don't have any
could circle trade either for you though
Don't think I have them.
you won't get haunter or machoke in your pokedex though
Oh wait, I do have a Haunter.
no I mean I have Gengar and Machamp
Well, offer/cancel then.
You can find Machoke in the wild, right?
Or is he Friend Safari only?
I think? I don't remember leveling this guy
If he's 30, then most likely Friend Safari.
he;s 30 so yeah probably
let's just circle trade, if you need it later I catch another
All right.
I can always put a Beldum for Machop GTS trade if needed.
Anybody else want a Ditto before I either head home or start Ditto farming again?
Why are all the trade options not even on the same page in the PSS
classic nintendo UI design
Whoo, PC expanded to 23 boxes now.
I also need to work on farming Synchronize Kirlias some time.
And I need to do a bit more Battle Maison so I can buy all the Power Items.
For even MOAR breeding flexibility!
@Yuki just put one pokemon in each box
So my Blaziken is too slow. But it has speedboost. Would it make sense to add Protect to it's move set (I will lose coverage) to delay one turn and try to get a hit before it gets OHKOed?
@BenBrocka Yeah. Protect is usually run on Pokemon with Speed Boost so they can get one free turn to set up.
All right, time to head home.
Hm, of the following moves which should I drop for that? Brave Bird, Earthquake, Flare Blitz or Sky Uppercut? Thinking of ditching Brave Bird, it gets the least use because no STAB, recoil and EQ has better coverage and no downside
plus I use EQ in doublebattles with Charizard/Gengar sometimes
I swear the most random crap learns Arial Ace. And uses it on my Chesnaught. Every time.
throws grass starters directly into the garbage
I need to play more Pokemon
I finally got Stone Edge for my Larvitar
Now I can let him evolve
Do his later forms not learn that?
@BenBrocka They do, but at higher levels.
Larvitar learns it at 50
Tyranitar doesn't until 63. Pupitar at 60
Most pokemon learn moves faster when you don't evolve them.
Yeah, I knew that, but I usually don't bother holding off an evo unless a later pokemon doesn't learn that move ever (rare, except with stone evos)
I'd rather get all his moves earlier.
also before gen 4 I thought that evolving a pokemon late would permanently affect it's stats, because of the +es you get at the end of battle. They don't explain that well
That's the gen 1/2 formula
I know. It just seemed like that since after evovling suddenly level-ups were worth more
easy to not notice that evolving instantly bumps up your stats
Oh, you meant at the time you thought that.
I thought you were saying "My understanding was that before gen 4..."
I used to think that too.
Q: Clothing stores never change products

Ben BrockaI've noticed the first several boutiques in the game have stopped rotating their wares. This includes Laverre City, Santalune and Cyllage. However the other stores, such as Lumoise, still rotate their inventory every day. At the beginning of the game I had the clock set ahead a few days (thanks ...

1 hour later…
... argh... damn you 3 star restaurant! I nearly had a perfect run, then turn 1 - all 3 enemies use protect. turn 2 - kill 1 severely wound the other two. turn 3 - the remaining 2 use protect.
@TrentHawkins You could try using Taunt + focus damage. That would be at least 3 turns, I think.
@BenBrocka Yeah, Aerial Ace has crazy distribution.
Shunting a box and a half of stuff onto wonder trade - anyone who's awake and paying attention to chat want a (sassy) leech seed + stealth rock Ferroseed or an adamant Inkay? Speak up if so, you've likely got a good hour before they're gone.
Do you have a Purrloin, Poochyena, Patrat...
Hmm... the list is rather long.
This kid wanting a 4-perfect IV Ditto does know the lowest level they go is 30, right? 'Cause he wants one that's 11-20.
@Yuki Apparently he doesn't know then.
Is it just me or does every Ghost-type Safari have Lampent and Pumpkaboo?
Gosh, the GTS is making me so lazy.
1 hour later…
Q: Do XP boosting items and for Exp. Share calculated?

RobotnikThere are a few things which increase XP gain at the end of a battle, for example: A traded Pokemon gains more XP naturally The Lucky Egg held item The Exp. Point O-Power Pokemon Amie Affection I know that Exp. Share gives half of the earned XP to the other Pokemon in the party. But do these ...

3 hours later…
Q: Is Happiness of a pokemon the same as Affection?

Samyam AOK, I just started playing Pokemon-Y. In PokemonAmie there are ways to increase the affection of your pokemon. Is this the same thing as Pokemon Happiness that is used for happiness evolutions? If not, is there a character that tells you how happy your pokemon is?

4 hours later…
All right, just need to evolve a Tyranitar and a Dragonite and I'll be done with the Mountain Dex!
Never noticed Umbreon was a wall before. IT really doesn't look it
This one in the battle institute took 4 STAB Sky Uppercuts from a Blaziken
one of these is not like the others
Holy shit I need a sableye NOW
I wish there were better Dark/Ghost pokemon
I love the typing.
Only weak to Fairy, Immune to my two most hated types.
Resistant to my other least favorite type.
I can totally deal with the fairy weakness. There are very few fairies, and very few good ones amongst them
But pokemon that can use fighting moves--that's everything
@OrigamiRobot What do you hate the most?
Fighting and PSychic apparently
Fighting and Psychic
unless you hate normal
Did anyone else tweak in DPP?
@OrigamiRobot imagine if Mega Gengar were Ghost/Dark
@BenBrocka A pokemon after my own heart.
Despite Poison being a great defensive type in general it hurts Gengar more than it helps
@BenBrocka Huh, so it's like Minecraft chunks not loading?
@FAE Yes and no. You break into an unloaded zone, then you travel through the Mystery Zone, which HAS no "chucks", there isn't proper data there
but you can move, and there are walls
and if you move in a very specific way, you can access the islands with Shaymin and Darkrai
It's very cool. And very scary. You have to save and load several times in the Mystery Zone. And if you save in the wrong place your data is corrupt and you can't move
UNfortunately you can't get Arecus that way. I never bothered to get Shaymin
This is the first game where I don't have a capture ritual.
I've known since gen 3 nothing helps
I turn down the sound and don't look if I think the ball's going to break though
In gen 2, I was sure my method was foolproof.
Hold B when it hits, left and right with the ball shakes, up when it clicks.
Gen 1 I think I just did Up + B
Can't wait to transfer my precious ill-gotten Darkrai
I see all these Dittos on GTS that claim to be perfect IV, but I am leery.
I also got the communication error that requires a hard reset the few times I decided to gamble with it.
@OrigamiRobot is there any way to tell if a GTS pokemon has perfect IVs or if it just has EVs?
@BenBrocka No, but people will put it in the description.
6IV HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Huh, I forgot you could enter a description
I never use seek, I just throw in pokemon and wait
I see people requesting that way.
There's no section for Gen 6 on the IV page on Bulbapedia. Is it the same as Gen 5 or have people just not worked it out yet?
I don't put a description. You want a beldum, get a beldum
@FAE There's always a "gen 5-6" header when generations are the same
if gen 6 isn't mentioned, the page has not been updated
My copy should be here tomorrow but I don't know how much time I'll have to play because I need to do a book club meeting tomorrow.
Also I still haven't decided on my starter. T_T
mrgh indeed
I recommend Greninja. After trying Chesnaught and finding he is, despite his stats, a (slow) glass cannon, and finding Delphox very ugly, I'd recommend Greninja only
Or Braxien with Evolite, if it's stats are even good with that. Braxien is cute at least
I know I want to get Charmander, but I'm not sure if I want Fennekin or Froakie. I kinda like Fennekin but I want to use my Charmander a lot and having my rival having a Water-type would kind of suck then. In addition, I want Torchic, and that'd be a lot of Fire. On the other hand, Froakie does become Water/Dark in his 3rd form, so that's cool (and goes well with the Y Legendary) but I'm not super keen on, well, frogs. I don't know what to dooooooooo.
I've no idea what I'm going to use as a main team.
@FAE What about Pocket Frogs?
@FAE Your rival is a complete wuss and isn't the champion or anything
I do recommend against having 3 fire starters on your team though
Greninja is like the coolest frog ever so the frog thing doesn't matter as much
Based on the typing of the 3rd evolutions, it was no contest for me.
Is anything faster at leveling than the Elite 4? It's kinda slow for anything >50. But I guess 50 might do for link battles/battle maison
I think I want to try mega absol next, and get me Aggron evolved
I just stopped Team Flare and I'm having trouble getting to the next town.
re: rituals
> I have a DS so I yell into the microphone,"Catch the Pokemon!!!" It works 85% of the time.
This is way funnier than it should be.
@OrigamiRobot lost, or trainers too hard?
@BenBrocka Lost
Which area is that again/
The one with the mining tunnels
@OrigamiRobot Heh. I should look up if my brother's "Rapidly tap A+B" advice is a real thing or not...
Wait the cave full of Rock Smash spots?
@Unionhawk it's not. IT's all lies
If it's the cave, there's a legendary in there, but it's not the way to the town
@BenBrocka Maybe?
@BenBrocka I knew it.
@OrigamiRobot That was more about the gameplay and collection aspect.
It has minecart tracks and bridges
@OrigamiRobot yeah, the Z legendary and a few items are scattered around, but you can leave and just follow the grass path
@FAE Well, Greninja is a pretty cool guy. eh uses his tongue like a scarf and doesn't afraid of anything
@BenBrocka Well that explains it.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, the tongue's kinda funny.
The tongue scarf is great
just don't touch it
Is it bad that my like/dislike of certain types is completely arbitrary and not based on game mechanics? >_>
No, but it doesn't hurt to add some game mechanic reasons in there too
Also hate types that are strong against your favorite types
Like I'm really meh on Fighting and Ground, but not for any particular reason ingame, they just don't draw me conceptually.
@BenBrocka This. Also, hate types that your favorite type is strong against.
Fighting is lame
I hate poison for absolutely no reason.
Ground is lame because of Earthquake and commonly learning stealth rock
Poison isn't bad in theory but there are few poison pokemon I like
On the other hand, I like Poison and Psychic mostly because those are concepts that draw me in other games as well.
I'm one of those nerds that likes to play for flavor, basically.
I don't like Ground as a pokemon type, but I love Earthquake because Tyranitar owns with it even without STAB.
@FAE You monster.
I don't like it because it's an incredibly common move with no downside other than typing and it's super effective against a wide variety of things. Don't like things that are that excessively safe
Is it bad to like types that conflict with each other?
@BenBrocka Before Levitate was a thing, it was even better
@FAE I love all the new pokemon with wonky typings
I hate Fighting, but I love Hawlucha.
Interesting types are cool
Surprised there's no fire/ice or fire/water legendary yet
@OrigamiRobot I'm not familiar enough to know what quite constitutes as "wonky"
@FAE Fighting/Flying don't go together.
@OrigamiRobot Ah gotcha
@FAE fire/bug ground/flying dark/psychic
Stuff like that appeals to me
I wonder what a Dark/Fairy would be like. And whether I'd hate it
@BenBrocka This stuff mostly makes me think of things in like mythology or other IPs that would fit
Fairy has nothing to do with mythology
It has to do with "look pink so kawaii much uguu"
Like trying to figure out "What kind of MtG colors would Iron Man be?"
@BenBrocka Well like Dark/Fairy would make me think of the Unseelie Court at first.
@FAE I have no idea what that is, but from the google images I would guess that's fairy/grass
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, MaRo said that as well.
Or maybe just UR
@FAE URB during Civil War
@BenBrocka There's no singular depiction of them, but the Seelie and Unseelie Courts are different classifications of fairy types in folklore. Seelie would maybe be fairy/grass, but Unseelie would definitely be fairy/dark.
Those messages were supposed to be reversed.
I think it's fixed now.
@FAE Yeah, that's for sure
Unseelie are certainly dark fairies
@BenBrocka Haha
Also, I want some of those glasses
good to see the censor is still insane
> Con isnt allowed
@BenBrocka why?
**** if I know
so for males passing on the HA... does that only work when breeding a male with the HA with a ditto?
@Krazer are you postgame? Where do you grind for XP?
I need to get 3 Braviaries, for reasons
if you tickle Abra's feet, it gets annoyed and teleports away. game of the fricking year https://vine.co/v/hDDJHxBhMvK
@BenBrocka Now yet. I palnned to do the restaurants with the money o-power for munny and shrooms
and trade losts and bank the miles for rare candy
yeah I had no idea if restaraunts or the E4 are better XP
also looking for a chansey safari for lucky eggs and audino safari for the exp
I heard the E4 isn't that good
It's pretty slow,>3 minutes per fight and lots of downtime in between
each fight is long enough that my O powers expire
@Krazer Apparently, Battle Chateau is better for money once you can get it going.
plus there are trainers with audinos in there
@BenBrocka Not to mention Mega Gengar's loss of Levitate makes him weak to Ground-type moves (i.e. Earthquake).
@Yuki I was thinking the same thing when I was filling up the berry farm.
@fbueckert I think I'm about to get the Maranga Berry and I'm about ready to hybridize a Kee Berry.
@Yuki I just feel like playing Harvest Moon some more.
@fbueckert Hopefully, a Harvest Moon game will come out for the Wii U soon.
@Yuki I kinda like the portables; the game feels pretty good when you can just pick it up and play.
@fbueckert I just need more Wii U games to further justify my purchase of the console.
@Yuki Pikmin 3. The Wonderful 101.
That reminds me, I need to finish Pikm in3.
I justified my purchase with Monster Hunter alone.
I'm on the last level.
@Wipqozn There's DLC, I believe.
@fbueckert further justify. Monster Hunter was more than enough, but I'd still like some more Wii U titles.
I want to look at Wonderful 101 as well.
@Yuki The new Mario game comes out soon.
There's quite a few good games coming out.
And if there's ever an HD MH 4, it'll be on the Wii U, guaranteed.
I bet we will MH4 over here
I've been thinking about it, and even if Capcom didn't want to fund the translation, I bet Nintendo would.
@Yuki I was actually thinking how frustrating berry farming is compared to harvest moon
inb4 three page rant on how much I want MH4.
They love money, and seeing how well MH3U sold and also MH4 they'd probably want to duplicate it's success elsewher.
@Wipqozn do it. Also the missions are very fun
I mean MH4 sold a bunch of 3DS over in Japan.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I still have a lot to dow ith it. I can't remember why I stopped playing.
@Wipqozn Because we sucked you back into MH, obviously.
@fbueckert Most likely.
Screw Skynet, the Desire Sensor will kill us all.
@BenBrocka Sableye the cheerful guy!
(To the tune of Bill Nye the Science Guy)
@BenBrocka What is this from?
@OrigamiRobot coliseum, I think?
I hear he smiles in Pokemon Amie too, I have to get one from GTS ASAP
Sableye should have got a mega evo
That's a reason to use Amie
I feel sorry for all the single-stage pokemon with <500 BST
Apparently he is used competitively despite his terrible stats.
sableye? because of the lack of weakness?
@BenBrocka Because of his Hidden ABility
Ahh prankster, that explains it
@OrigamiRobot Prankster jumps pretty much every Pokemon that gets it roughly two tiers above where they would be without it.
Priority is a big, big thing.
Part of the reason why I'm convinced Talonflame will make OU.
fuckin' klefiki will probably replace sableye though
What happens if you're under Torment but using a choice scarf?
Despite his crippling 4x weakness to Rock, priority on Flying-type moves? If his ability means that he has the same priority as Pranksters, then he will be ridiculous.
@BenBrocka Struggle.
@Yuki OU?
@FAE It's a Pokemon tiering system. OU stands for Over-Used.
It's the second-highest tier, the highest being Uber.
Uber contains quite a few legendaries and just ridiculously overpowered Pokemon, so it's often considered a banlist.
Ah, gotcha
I can see Talonflame being a counter to any Prankster Pokemon. His base 130 Speed means that he would most likely outspeed them and, if his ability works like I think it does, he can easily OHKO them before they get any moves off.
@BenBrocka Silly Jigglypuff, Fire is resistant to Fairy, so you just hit for neutral damage.
Kyurem-R is Dragon/Fire right? I didn't play B2W2.
I think they're all ice-dragon still
so is Sludge Bomb the best TM learned anti-fairy move? My Gengar seems to do quite well with it (then again it gets STAB)
ya, they don't change type
steel wing is still lame
@BenBrocka Probably not actually. Sludge Bomb is a Special move and most Fairy-types seem to have good Special bulk.
do they? Klefki doesn't
Sylveon does
@BenBrocka Klefki is also immune to Poison.
I always forget steel's immune to poison. Never use poison
Iron Head is probably going to be the most used anti-Fairy move. Maybe Heavy Slam, considering that most Fairy-types seem to be lightweight.
gengar's sludge bomb is the first time I can recall having a poison type move since gen 1 actually
that's not TM though
On the Poison side, Poison Jab is probably a better option than Sludge Bomb.
Poison is a terrible offensive type though, so I don't expect to see Sludge Bomb or Poison Jab on any moveset outside of Poison-types.
no good for gengar. Not sure it's worth putting poison on anything but him, either
it still makes no sense that poison is great at defense and horrible at offense
@BenBrocka He's better off using Ghost STABs to try to take down Fairies.
Poison just doesn't offer good coverage.
@Yuki well he's got shadow ball. But it's not great either
doesn't have anything over 90BP
Although he just doesn't match up against Fairy very well. Everything I've heard says that most Fairies have good Special Defense. And most Gengar movesets I've seen also pack Focus Blast, which Fairies resist as well.
He's currenly got shadow ball, dark pulse, sludge bomb and thunderbolt. I'm not finding them that great though, not sure what to replace
I'd use Focus Blast if it weren't 70% accurate
@BenBrocka I'd switch out Dark Pulse for something else. You have overlap on Psychic and Shadow Ball has STAB going for it.
Is there something where I can punch in 4 types and see what coverage I have? I know my types well but I have a hard time abstracting out what coverage I have with 4 moves
especially when dark/psychic/ghost overlap so much
Yeah, taking out Dark doesn't really affect your coverage.
oh wow there's almost zero difference when removing the Dark move...okay then
If you can teach him Ice Beam, I'd go for it.
no ice moves
just ice punch, which is an egg move and useless anyway
Water or Grass moves?
Energy Ball, maybe?
fighting looks very effective. I Think focus blast is the only option though
Yeah. There's a reason why so many movesets have Focus Blast.
Despite its horrible accuracy, it has good coverage and much better distribution than Aura Sphere.
looks like poison/ghost/fighting/electric is about the best way to do it
almost no difference in coverage % wise in swapping poison for psychic, and I get dual STAB this way. Any reason I'd want to keep Psychic?
the high poison chance is nice too
@BenBrocka Psychic > Sludge Bomb, IIRC.
Poison is nice, but burn is a much better effect that does the same damage and nerfs physical attackers.
I dont' think I can burn nearly as easily
And Psychic hits more types super-effectively than Poison, IIRC.
coverage looks to be about the same. It's off by a single digit number
and all being the same, sludge bomb is better because of STAB
@BenBrocka Yeah, but Psychic gives more SE hits as opposed to Poison.
2x > 1.5x
@Yuki If Fighting is included, I actually get WORSE coverage by using psychic instead of poison
though if I go with fire instead of fighting I get like 25 more pokes I git super effective
Any chance I could bum a Gale Wings Fletchling off someone?
@TrentHawkins I have a couple. I'll be online in a few minutes.
Huh. Fire/Flying/Bug has surprisingly good coverage.
@Yuki sweet, thanks. need/want anything?
@Yuki thinking about u-turn?
@TrentHawkins Yeah.
@TrentHawkins Unless you got a free Tyranitar or Dragonite, I'm good.
I was thinking about a VoltTurn core with Rotom-W.
But it lacks the ability to take Dragon-types.
Maybe a Talonflame/Rotom-W/Mawile core might work.
Anybody have a Dragonite?
@Yuki I think i've got a marvel scale dragonair
@TrentHawkins I got one too, I just don't want to bother training it to get Dragonite.
Adamant with perfect IVs in Attack and Defense.
@Yuki sweet, thanks
So, I have a hypothesis about the elemental gems that needs testing.
Well, two actually.
One: If you repeatedly get the Normal Gem in that one spot in the Terminus Cave (it respawns daily), you might eventually start getting other elemental gems.
Two: There's a NPC somewhere that you can trade Normal Gems to in return for other elemental gems.
it respawns? huh
I figured one of those NPCs that wants to see an X pokemon might give you one
I've missed a few of those. Fat dancy kid wants to see some rare dance attack and someone wants to see a pikachu with Nuzzle
@Yuki Didn't I give you a larvitar?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I'm training it right now.
Also, am I remembering wrong when I think pokemon of the same level caught in the wild used to be weaker than those trained to that level? Or was that just an early way of explaining EVs?
That was a half-ass way of explaining EVs
Much like the top percentage of ratatta and similar remarks were about IVs
I always took it to mean "A pokemon caught at level 2 can never be as strong as those caught at level 1" etc
So did I, it's about EVs though
especially since back then the only way to get EVs was to kill things
Even after learning about EVs, I never put it together that that's what the previous statement was talking about
I don't even remember when I first learned about EVs.
Even now, I always breed a pokemon from level 1 instead of using the one I catch.
@BenBrocka Tierno gives you heart scales and the nuzzle thing gives you scald
@Yuki all I remember from gen 1&2 was loading my pokemon up with vitamins. beyond that... Skipped gen 3. Gen 4 I knew about them, but didn't really care too much. By gen 5 I was EV training when/where I could.
Gen I had a different EV system. Radically different.
@Yuki Well aware, but like I said, all i ever did was farm the elite 4 for money, then loaded up on vitamins, then used the glitch to fight lvl 300+ pokemon for xp.
I knew about EVs in Gen IV, but I always saved EV training for only one Pokemon on my team.
@Jerry oh! I'm trying to collect all TMs so that's very useful
that girl's in couriway by the way
@OrigamiRobot with reset bags/juice there's no reason to anymore
other than making sure you have the nature/ability/IV you want
I think I got most of them, the ones I have left are in Battle Maison's prize list
Yeah I have about 100BP to go for that, then a couple scraps
I'm wondering whether I should purchase some of the Battle Maison items or the TMS.
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