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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

isn't 90 average?
battle chateau.jpg
1 hour later…
@BenBrocka you on here by chance?
@Yuki you anywhere around?
@Krazer you online?
@C-dizzle you pinged?
I did... hey would you be able to do me a HUGE favor?
@C-dizzle sure, if I can
I'm trying to send 2 Pokemon from my Y game to my X game, both holding Y stones. Unfortunately you can't send mega stones through GTS, otherwise I would transfer them myself, only have one 3DS.
sure lemme get ready now
@C-dizzle standby, ready!
@Krazer you're a life saver
@C-dizzle any time
Just promise not to run off with my Mewtwo lol
@C-dizzle I would never
Anything you want for your services? I have a couple decent ones that will be going away.
@C-dizzle such as?
lvl 55 Noivern, lvl 61 Barbarcle with Pokerus
right now I'm just looking for good dittos for breeding, but I would like to get a noibat a bit earlier
maybe a chansey
lets talk after the delivery i done
Ok, going over to my X game now then
swap time?
mega mewtwo y looks pretty secksee
Saving up for another 3DS, either one of the X/Y ones or the Pikachu one
@C-dizzle an XL?
Yup, I have a regular XL right now
I think you should wait for the Gold Zelda one
that looks pretty secksee
I'll have to look it up
Blade is your other char?
Yup :)
I have a Spanish Ditto on this game if you want it
doe it have perfect ivs? :D
I don't know for sure
How would I know if it did?
@C-dizzle if you got it from friend safari then it's garanteed to have at least 2
Here's a shiny for your troubles
@C-dizzle oh just what I wanted~ a secksee pistol shrimp
Haha... I've caught about 8 shiny using that fishing technique
oh nice
I spend too much time IV breeding/nature breeding and I'm just catching up xD
I usually just nature breed, don't spend much time with IV/EV
yeah iv traiinig i too time consuming
I just gave up xD
Thanks again... I don't have any Chansey though
I'm waiting for a friend to get me drought vulpix magician fennekin and solar power charmander. If you want one I'll toss an egg your way if you want one.
Actually... I have a magician braxien on my Y game
trying to breed a serene grace nasty plot togeki atm
Need to find me an imposter ditto
Yuki has a ditto friend safari I believe
I thought Yuki was either fighting or ghost... or is one of those yours?
@C-dizzle he found a person with a ditto safari on the r/friendsafari subreddit I think
oh ok, I misread
I think I have one or a protean froakie one ,but I'm not t the elite 4 yet
not mine but one of my FC
I got through the elite 4 the weekend the game was release :/ don't think I put the game down to much that weekend lol
I've already played through X twice and Y once
So this is what I have worthy on my Y game that I can get rid of... Serious Torchic with megastone, naive barbarcle, mild shuckle, impish skarmory, brave noivern, brave braixen with magician ability
oh and a naive amaura female
Or if you want a level one scizor, i have a few different scyther's i could send over with the metal coat
i got a quirky female scyther over WT
it's pretty sweet
Oh I did see that I have a level 1 adamant dratini
with the HA?
shed skin :/
any of those perk your interest?
I'd like to replace my gale wings talonflame with a noivern
I wonder if a skarmory is good as well
My personal preference, I would take noivern over skarmory
that's what I was thinking too.
I think I might use Skarmory in my next game
sakmory is friend safari only or can you get it in game??
I got in game, victory road I believe
yeah it's hidden ability doesn't seem that good
what else you want besides noivern?
nothing really atm
I need to focus on beating the E4 xD
oh! nice
where do you get one of those?
Pokemon Village
I'll have to look out for one
I just like it's troll ability
You capture it as Zoroark too surprisingly, I thought you might catch it as Zorua
Thanks again for your help... time to catch some Zzz's instead of Pokemon
@C-dizzle np any time
@Krazer cya later
@C-dizzle o/
3 hours later…
snerk hehe... oh, that was an awesome come-from-behind tripple battle victory against some guy in california. his Yveltal was doing a good job sweeping, but he didn't have a good answer for my ferrothorn. Mostly, I sat back and let leech seed finish him off.
6 hours later…
@TrentHawkins Really? You'd think that Oblivion Wing, hitting for neutral damage and healing for half dealt, might have dented you more.
Nicely done.
@C-dizzle well you do find it 18 levels past when it should have evolved
though under evolved/impossibly evolved pokemon aren't out of the question in the wild
@BenBrocka Not sure what you're talking about? What did I find 18 levels past evolution?
IF you hover over a message with an arrow it shows that it's a reply to
I meant the zoroark though, the wild ones are well past level 30
Oh I didn't realize you could see what the reply was for, my bad lol...
If you see me going online and offline between 2 different profiles in X/Y, I'm transferring Pokemon through GTS between my 2 games. I really need another 3DS for that reason.
Which two trainers are you?
It WAS Blade and Mewtwo, now it will be Blade and Chris. Once again, started a new game on Y last night. I wanted all of the Y exclusive mega stones such as Mewtwo on my one cartridge.
Since you can't transfer mega stones through GTS, I needed someone else to trade them to as a "hold queue"
@Krazer was a big help for that!
Oh i got a Lonely Imposter Ditto from Japan
Ah. I think I have all the stones on one art thanks to you. Might be missing one of tyranatar/aggronite though
finding a non-US ditto on GTS is hard... esp since you can't trade breed them D:
@Krazer Not that it's hard... they just want a legendary trade for them
@BenBrocka do you have an adamant skarmory you could breed for me for my new game?
I do realize 6 IV dittos are worth more... but I only have 1 legendary XD
I have at least one skarmory, no idea what type though
I need to get adamant and modest dittos
Wouldn't mind using one on this game, I have never used him before and since Steel is good against Fairy I wanna give it a try.
I loved mine in gen 3
Who are you guys using as your HM slaves?
Lapras 5ever, plus someone for Cut and Fly as-needed
Since cut is only needed to access certain items, not areas, it's fallen out of use for me
I haven't used cut at all, I don't see it being useful at all and doesn't impede me from completing the game if I don't use it.
There's some useful TMs and held items hidden by Cut
Is there a certain type of Pokemon that can use false swipe? Seems like it's few and far between that can learn it.
axew is the easiest to find
hordes in the connecting cave
Suppose I should actually get some work done this morning, been on here pretty much since I got in. Oh well, makes the time go by faster.
Wow I forgot Gen 1 had limited bag space
I wonder how critical I would have been of it if I weren't 8
has anyone gotten their aggronite? I can't seem to find it in the rock climbing gym, I've tried twice
@BenBrocka did you upgrade your mega ring? at what times are you entering the gym?
Yeah, upgraded, was at 8 PM , I checked for it in them iddle of getting all other mega stones, which I got
I think the guide I'm reading just isn't leading me to the right place
@C-dizzle Bibarel is the best HM slave
Much like Diggersby I'd object to carting that thing around even if it is a good HM slave
Pancham is also a fantastic, extremely early game HM slave
Not much beats Tropius, which I've yet to see, in terms of HM slaves with Fly, though
@BenBrocka I want that. So much
Aggron may be my favorite pokemon
I'm not sure which pseudolegendaries to choose. Probably Aggron over Tyranatar this gen because I'll have plenty of dark types, and that raw-steel typing is too good
@BenBrocka so you've beat the league, went to Kiloude city by train and won at least one match in the battle maison, go to the top of Kiloude city and battle your rival, go to Anistar city and talk to Sycamore, and ser your time to 8PM but still can't find the sparkle?
@Krazer yeah. I'll try again tonight. It's the only mega stone I don't have (aside from it's X counterpart, possibly)
My friend safari is Drowzee and Espurr?
Most boring friend safari ever
I've found THREE espurr safaris
@SaintWacko I'm gloom and ariados D:
@Krazer I'm jealous of @fbueckert's friend safari
@SaintWacko he's royalty
we're pheasants
@Krazer Haha
Poison's a better type now though
@Krazer How unphezant for you
@SaintWacko Sheer luck.
And I might be lucky in that regards, but none of my friends have Dragon friend safaris. :(
@SaintWacko ...Buy a 3DS XL after shovelling snow four feet deep for an hour?
I feel like the only one not particularly excited for dragon types. Really like Hydreigeon though
Dragonair is beautiful but Dragonite is like "hurr hi I'm frum teh teletubbies"
@BenBrocka I like the Dragon/Ice duder.
Kyurem? I never had gen 5
I tend to exclude legendaries from my judgements anyway, as I tend not to use them, too (deliberately) overpowered
I just realized Hydreigon doesn't have eyes until the third evolution. No wonder it has reduced accuracy
I never had gen 5 either, I just like the typing.
It's interesting, but has a lot of my least favorite weaknesses (fighting, fairy) and 5 weaknesses in total
Ice always has too many weaknesses though, it's a shame
So I bought blastoisite from the guy a few days ago
When does he restock with Charizarite?
Or have I made a terrible mistake? :X
Can I not get another Charizarite in the stone emporium?
@MadaraUchiha every 3 days or so it seems
pre-elite four?
I believe so, I haven't tested it because I blew all my money on quick balls
Q: Where in Pokemon X can I find that character that won't let me pass because I wasn't a champion?

Maricruz CovarrubiasWhile I playing Pokemon X in the earlier moments, I came across this character that won't let me enter because I wasn't a champion yet. Now that I have defeated the Pokemon Leauge Champion I wish to find that character, but the problem is that I don't remember where he is.

@MadaraUchiha Do you need X or Y stone for Charizard?
@C-dizzle X
I may have a spare one laying around...
I wanted to trade my (extra) Y with Yuki, but seems like I can't get it yet.
Please see if you do, thanks
@MadaraUchiha sure enough, I do.
Lemme finish this battle, and then we'll trade
Have anything specific you need?
I won't be able to trade for a few hours, I'm stuck at work right now :/ no wireless
Let me know then :P Ping me here
Actually, I could turn on my hotspot on my phone
Dunno if 3DS can read that
Can it?
If I don't set it to be secure, I don't see why not... I don't know haven't tried it before.
Only one way to find out lol
you picked Charizard as kanto starter @MadaraUchiha?
Froaki as Kalos one
you won't get more Charizardite :(
one per game and you get the mega stones of the kanto starters you didn't pick
from that guy
@MadaraUchiha it can
@C-dizzle did it work?
@MadaraUchiha i traded with you via tether last time
Still trying... 3DS found my hotspot, but getting out to the internet is where I'm having trouble
@C-dizzle When you "Test Connection" what do you get?
@Krazer You don't happen to have an extra Charizarite X laying around, would you? :P
Error Code 003-3102 Could not connect to Access Point
Also looking for a Ghastly or Haunter for my final six
I could make a Gastly egg
@Jerry Please do.
any stat you want 31 IV?
I need to read up on how to make specific natures :X
1 though, I don't know the stats of the Haunter I have
Lemme check
usually speed or sp Atk
for gastly
both are best xP
In this order: Sp. ATK, Speed, ATK
Depends on how many IVs you can max
ok, spatk will be fastest
ok deposited
that was a fast egg
@MadaraUchiha what's your FC? I'm connected now :)
How can you tell the IV is maxed?
calculators or you make your own
Mine is 1977-1479-7076
there's a formula
mine's 3781-0435-4592
1650-2269-0105 Mine
I like veekun and serebii best
egg hatched
+1 for serebii
any nicknames?
a male gastly
it'll remain Gastly after getting traded over
if I don't change it
@MadaraUchiha ready for the Charizard X?
even if it evolves
@Jerry Really?! :o
yea =P
@Jerry Hold on, lemme thing of a nickname
I could call it Gengar if you want
@C-dizzle Going ingame
so you know... xD
If we're going to nickname it
gah, I'm not used to typing single handed... :(
We'll give him a badass nickname :P
xD sure
@C-dizzle I'm ingame
Have you added me?
I'll be adding your FCs in the meantime
I've added both of you
Are you online and ingame?
@Jerry What's your FC btw?
@C-dizzle I can't see you :X
posted it earlier xD
I wonder if I still have it on clipboard
awesome 3781-0435-4592
I just need to rename and get online in-game
@C-dizzle Tells me friend code incorrect
@MadaraUchiha I have your FC 1650-2269-0105
C-dizzle's FC worked for me
Now going online again
me too
just ping me when you have a nickname =P
@C-dizzle Still don't see you listed in my friends though
Lemme restart the game
I had to reconnect to internet
Who's Blade?
You @C-dizzle?
That's me
Blade = Pokemon X, Chris = Pokemon Y
Lemme see if you can get you a Pokedex entry
Got him?
I don't think so
Want him?
Aight thanks!
I have like 5 other Charizard's but this is the best nature one I had for ATK
How'd you get extra Charizarites?
Continually restarted and traded between games?
trading =/
I've played through X and Y a couple times lol
or that yea
Ah, I see :P
Aight, thanks a lot man
Need anything else?
What do you have?
Do you need Pokerus?
I have 2 spare shiny magikarp I'm not use, evolved one into gyarados
Do you have any spare Tyranitarites, or did you give me one when you restarted X?
speaking of pokerus, I don't find them as useful now that there's super training xP
@BenBrocka I thought I gave you that before I restarted
@MadaraUchiha no Pokerus
no Pokerus as in you don't have it, or you don't want it? :P
I'll check tonight. WAs it on a pupitar? I have one of those and forget where I got it
I don't have it
@BenBrocka I think it was on the jaw fossil pokemon I sent you
@MadaraUchiha want a Zygarde? I have 2
@C-dizzle Haven't caught my first one yet XD
Nah, thanks
Thanks a lot for your help
The IDF appreciates your contribution.
No problem
Now, a nickname for gengar
I'm sure my boss would love it if they walked in and found me trading Pokemon lol
Oh well, she plays candy crush all day
who knows if they might be a secret fan of Pokemon xD
Doubt it, she's like almost 60
I will make sure I still play pokemon at that age
I'm sure I will lol, I've been playing since I was like 14 or 15... I'm now 29
nice =P
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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