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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@Yuki zigzagoon = cuter than linoon? i don't agree, but..
@RavenDreamer It's an okay ability, the problem is the distribution. Pokemon who would probably use have better abilities (Azumarill and Huge Power, for example) and the others already resistant to Grass-type moves (Goodra and Sawsbuck).
plus grass isn't the most common threat anyway
Well, in my case, it was sorta a double "Oops", because I tried to sleep powder a skiddo
now something that absorbed ice, fighting, fire or ground...
Which would have been immune to it anyway, but then suddenly, attack boost.
@BenBrocka They'd probably give it to a steel/bug too, just 'cause.
ooh, ultra rare soda; level+4
@BenBrocka Flash Fire is usually only found on Fire-types though, which sucks.
In fact, I think it's only found on Fire-types.
well it kinda makes sense. but it's not very useful
How do I use an O Power on myself?
tap the folder icon in PSS and go to the page with O powr
it's...very annoying
I feel like by the time I get this game, everyone's going to be so far ahead of me in it that I'm just going to sound dumb when I ask you guys what's going on. :(
you can catch wild huntail/gorebyss? Yessss
@FAE Eh? I don't care, I'll answer your questions either way.
@FAE I am making my way to the 2nd gym. You're fine. :P
anyone with X got a huntail already? Will trade gorebyss
@BenBrocka Gimme a sec.
uhhh better givem e a minute too quickball didn't work
@BenBrocka ...lol
I'm so used to quickball always working, and false swipe if it doesn't. I can't imagine playing gen 2 again
I remember throwing 30+ pokeballs at Ho Oh and the like
Quick Ball didn't work.... Master Ball, go!
OOOoooh. Abra float in the air. Neat detail.
Now I'm like "three pokeballs? What the hell"
spending 10 minutes catching each pokemon isn't very sustainable with over 700 though, very glad catching is now easier
my biggest problem with gen 4/5 was how they made" catching them all" more or less impossible
@BenBrocka I caught Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza via a careful combination of Smokescreen x6, a level 13 coelacanth with Yawn, and letting them struggle themselves to near-death.
I caught my Kyogre by sending out a L20 Shedinja and False Swiping it for five years before using a Timer Ball.
All you had to do was catch over 400 pokemon in the wild, trade for 5 generations of starters, transfer pokemon from both gen 4 games...pokemon from both gen 3 games...from both gen 2 remakes....then attend a dozen events to get event only legendaries.......
I really hope all event legendaries are downloadable from the internet alone this gen
@Yuki They know Rest. Which was the worst part.
@RavenDreamer Not the L70 Kyogre.
Yes. I could've killed a L70 Kyogre with a L20 Shedinja.
@Yuki Oh? I played Emerald, so I don't remember what was what.
XP from catching is so great
Oh bannette's mouth is shiny. Nice touch
Question: Which is best cloak for Burmy? Trash cloak, right?
yeah I'd opt for Steel wormadam
Also how did you get a burmy? I tried for 20 minutes yesterday
@BenBrocka You can get Burmy from Berry trees, IIRC.
@BenBrocka I spent 2 hours looking for a Female Combee. Let's call it Karma.
I keep getting Octillery instead of Huntail.
they're rare. I'm trying for a second gorebyss but nothing yet
yeah, sure passerby dan, I'll battle with you while I'm hatching eggs... not
I wish you could turn off passerby requests but leave on friend ones
@TrentHawkins He probably just wants the free heal.
There was never a point in the game when I needed a free heal, to be honest.
I needed one when I was at the E4 with no revives. Didn't know about that trick thogh
@BenBrocka All right, caught a Huntail.
don't see you in my list (why aren't online friends always on the left?)
Trying to connect right now.
My phone hotspot is being annoying.
@BenBrocka What did you just do to me?
I dunno, which trainer are you?
probably befriending power
So maybe what I meantwas
what is befriending power
yeah I think I sent befriending power, helps you out in Pokemon Amie, pokemon become friendly faster
If it's anything like the prize money boost, it's pretty significant, too
There's no wrong way to rub a Burmy.
I've only Amied my charizard, chesnaught and blaziken
Any idea what the blinking person icon in the lower left of poke mon amie is?
Huh, yours is holding a Deep Sea Scale.
and I'm pretty much done with my Chesnaught. It's a tank that gets OHKO'd more often than not
lemme take that off first...
better idea: I give you a clampearl holding this deep sea scale
then I can stop fishing for a second one of these SOBs
If you're okay with only getting a Huntail.
wonder why I din't notice that, my shuppet has firsk
I can send you a Light Clay if you don't have one already.
It's fine, I have a scale and tooth from before I think
Or a Light Ball.
oh, yeah I don't have clay yet, if you have spare
stupid that you can't redo items from the trade screen
had to go to a pokemon center
Hopefully, I get the Pokedex data for Clamperl before it evolves into Gorebyss.
You should
I'm pretty sure it's gone that since gen 1
@Yuki Yeah, you do.
Confirmed that one with @BenBrocka :P
Oh right
I traded like 10 trade evo pokemon to @MadaraUchiha, I would HOPE he got those entries
Did that trade consume the deep sea scale? I suppose it doesn't matter since only clampearl gets the buff
Yeah, most item trade evos consume the item.
Actually, I think all of them do.
makes sense, keeps the items rare
It's annoying for things like Metal Coat, which you used to only be able to get one of.
surprised the gorebyss was just holding it like that. I didn't even notice it had an iterm
oh right, I'm using compound eyes, duh
damn I've added 50 pokedex entries in the last 24 hours
or since whenever I woke up yesterday
The number of people in this game who randomly give you free stuff is astounding.
I noticed that
though they've done that since gen 1, just in fewer numbers
Shoot, I need to catch a Rhyhorn...
pokemom is such a jerk for not letting you borrow one
And pokedad...the less said about pokedad the better
@BenBrocka On the otherhand, yhou can ride it around all 3 steps of your yhard
you can?
Hmm... has anybody run into a Trainer with Rhyperior?
@Yuki no
@Yuki The funny thing about Rhyperior, is that it's clearly the same thing as a Mega Evolution.
Like, there was a whole bunch of older gen pokemon which got new evolutions
I DO have a protector though
Magneton, Magmar, Rhyhorn, Tangela
They're clearly mega evolutions in everything but, well, temporary ness and name.
yeah, the gen 4 evos of gen 1 pokemon were kinda like megas now that I think about it
I hope more mega pokemon get added as free DLC!
also I am so glad they seem to have nixed the Baby pokemon
Mega Kecleon, go!
@RavenDreamer for all we know there ARE more mega forms we just don't have the items yet
@BenBrocka No one's cracked the 3DS / game data, yet?
could be something like mega blaziken, where the item just isn't the main game
@RavenDreamer I think there was a reddit post about the file format being figured out
hey, wild mantyke!
BREAKING NEWS: Pokemon X/Y turns out to be a big .pdf file!
Does fairy resist bug?
Damn. Gardevoir is pretty strong then
pretty strong typing then
It does? Jesus christ
bug is resisted by what, 1/3rd of the types now then?
Samantha used Bug Bite on Ralts! It's Normal effectiveness!
yeah, it apparently is
(I name all my Bug Pokemon normal human names)
Wonder why they made fairy resist bug. Bug really didn't need to be resisted even more
caught a slugma
I must see this pokemon amie
Yay, finally saw a Lantern.
Aaaaaand... crit cap!
He's completely impossible to pet
Well, considering he's basically lava, I wouldn't be surprised.
Angry Espurr is adorable
Q: Does tipping people do anything?

OrigamiRobotIn Parfum Palace, there is a wandering minstrel who will sing a little song. You then have the option of tipping him. The same thing happened with the man who was telling me about how the Battle Chateau works. Is there any point to tipping people?

We still don't know anything here?
@RavenDreamer There's nothing that I know of.
It's kinda hard to do a proof of absence.
Sorry, girl. You're not my type. I'm Water, you're fire, know what I'm sayin'?
Of course, the snorlax breaks the ultra ball and stays in the luxury ball...
@RavenDreamer Your face is a luxury.
@TrentHawkins I'll take you up on your offer of that fossil, but I don't have much to offer you in exchange.Which version of the game do you have?
All right, I think I've caught/seen all the evolutionary lines in the Coastal Dex. Now I just need to breed/evolve to complete it.
@Wipqozn I've got X
Anybody got a Shelmet they're willing to trade for my Karrablast?
Before I go look on the GTS?
@BenBrocka got a burmy egg to trade with you
want anything in particular?
Nope. What do you have?
While I hatch this real quick
I have a "wondertrade" folder full of...uh...ready to trade pokemon
I forget what's currently in there though
it's not bunnelbies and caterpries I promise
@Wipqozn A skrelp would be awesome, but i'd even take something as basic as an oddish.
@BenBrocka do you have X?
Because I have
oh. right.
@RavenDreamer Hah
I could give you a Deino if I didn't wondertrade it for an espurr...
I don't even know what that is
gen 5 pseudolegendary
I've done so much more trading this gen than I did in previous gens.
the online trading is SO much easier
GTS and Wonder Trading being so much more accessible helps.
I don't think I traded in gen 3 at except between myself, and with one random guy who had gen 3 in a college class of mine and we were like "why the hell not"
Now, whenever I'm in the mood to trade, I don't have to go to Goldenrod City or whatever to get on the GTS.
not having to go to a pokemon center is so great
@BenBrocka Do you have extra starters who aren't froakie or charmander?
uhhh don't think so
a wartortle
were you the one with extra dittos? I don't have one of them, yet.
@RavenDreamer I can get you one.
no yuki has the dittos
I have no dittos
@BenBrocka Ditto.
well I have one that's permanantly attached to the daycare
but that;s all
Gimme a sec, still hatching
Oh shoot, I don't have one nicknamed for you.
@RavenDreamer Good, gives me time to nickname.
Hit me with a hatching O-Power if you want it faster, Ben :P
I did 5 seconds before you said that
@RavenDreamer Sent you an L3.
@BenBrocka Took a while to come over the internet, though. There it is.
And hatched.
Female, even.
one moment, trading with a friend to evo their haunter and kadabra
oh perfect, I already have a mothim
(traded for it, haven;t bred a burmy yet)
<3 GTS
oh @RavenDreamer if you want to trade for anything not-legendary, I can give you a beldum to trade
@BenBrocka That works for me. That's the steel psychic, right?
yeah. Perfect nature too
@BenBrocka Just send request whenever
will do
@RavenDreamer I can trade you a Ditto real quick.
@Yuki Sure
Oops, Ben beat ya to it
Weird, I'm at the trading screen.
Oh, crap
Are you offering me a ditto?
I thought you were Ben
I'm not trading with you
I'm ready to though
Abort! Abort!
Yeah, save that Burmy for Ben.
my trainer's name is Esya, he's Burton
@BenBrocka Yeah, the B's threw me off.
I can't seem to do anything atm.
you both need to cancel
There we go.
it gets into a weird sort of deadlock
Have a white-flower Flabebe!
Bye, Don Joanna!
Have fun making all the babies!
@BenBrocka Opition to trade with you is grayed out
trading with someone else quick
That'd be hwhy
coincidentally I needed haunter and alakazam for my pokedex so this trade saves me some time even if I don't gain pokemon
Aaaaand, the Karrablast evolved.
Shelmet/Karrablast GTS trades go fast.
my muchlax traded in 3 minutes for a...I forget
anyone got moltres and zapdos? I don't need to keep 'em just want the entries
@BenBrocka I need those two as well...
That's based on your starter, right?
don't tell me YOU picked chespin too
@RavenDreamer Yeah. I think @BenBrocka and I both got Chespin.
I picked Froakie.
But I haven't beaten the game yet.
And I'm fairly certain someone else in this room picked Fennekin.
It's been out a WEEK man, get on it, jeez
I'm sure we have a fennekin owner
If anything, you can advertise a trade back-and-forth on r/PokemonTrades
@Yuki Maybe @FAE said she was planning on it? I forget
According to my National Dex, I've seen every new Pokemon in X/Y.
Nice. I'm sure I'm missing a few yet
@BenBrocka The Net ball is just bonus. Enjoy Diane!
oops, low power. Time to save and quit
Diane? Oh I'll enjoy her-- looks at bug oh.
Shoot, I need to evolve a Deino/Zweilous.
That Deino?
Breed that beldum and you can trade the level 1 babies for almost any non-legendary
I knew Hydreigon, I just didn't do the backwards math to connect that dot.
@Yuki shoulda told me, I WT a deino for a fuckin espurr
@BenBrocka If it was a L1, then no dice. I don't want to baby that thing for 60 friggin' levels.
@BenBrocka Sounds like Don Joanna might get very busy. (CC @Yuki)
Hmm... I need a Beldum for mass GTS trades then.
@Yuki Actrually if you just want the entry, I can give you my 64 zweilous, you can't keep it though
level it to evo it if you want tho
@BenBrocka I'm currently just trying to get seen entries on the Dex for the Oval Charm.
And I've already seen Zweilous.
Seees ya!
Wait, that's not appropriate for this room.
Smell ya later!
Much better.
I miss Gray. Nice Rival is terrible. you can almost taste his crushed dreams
@BenBrocka Is there anything you want for a Beldum? Perhaps a Deerling with near-perfect IV spread?
Not 5/6 but 3/6 or 4/6, I think.
Wait, never mind. These aren't L1...
I've got a deerling anyway. If it's not perfect then eh
tryinbg to think of what I'm missing but can't easily grab
Larvesta? Probably have one, I think you were talking about it earlier.
I gave you the larvesta I thought
I think I'm missing breloom
@TrentHawkins I only have an old rod, so I can't catch you a skrelp. What about a Helioptile?
oh I've seen all gen 6 pokemon too then. Not that many, though
@Wipqozn That'll do.
Hmm... I can get Ninetales.
I have ninetails. Arcanine/growlithe?
And AMERICA bird.
@BenBrocka I can get a Growlithe real quick.
I have baby 'merica
growlithe works
I need to finish my friend safaris come to think of it
@TrentHawkins Okay. Getting online.
that bird is so awesome
If Braviary got Gale Wings, I might just cry out of patriotism.
Hot dang, I'm crit capping a lot.
Once every four or five attempts now.
aw, he should get Gale Wings out of pure American exceptionalism
@TrentHawkins Thanks.
The problem is that Gamefreak is based in Japan. If only...
@Wipqozn n/p
Still a surprisingly 'merican bird. Eagle, the name, the war headdress
the colors of course
@BenBrocka Yep, and Canada got the durp-faced vendor trash. :/
wait canada got what?
Hawluncha is the only other country themed one I'm aware of. He's a pretty sweet one too
@TrentHawkins Mandibuzz? Why would you associate Canada with Mandibuzz?
The beaver, jeez people.
oh bidoof?
I would have though you'd get a moose growing maple leaves out of it's antlers
I honestly don't think "Canada" when I see Bidoof either.
@BenBrocka right - the durp-faced vendor trash.
I also don't get Canada out of it or it's evo
If we were associating countries with Pokemon, I would've thought Stantler for Canada before Bidoof.
Is it normal to want to punch Bidoof in the face
@BenBrocka yes. yes it is.
maractus! Friend safari is great
this is infinitely preferable to pokeradar
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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