Volcarona also learns Quiver Dance, which boosts Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Makes it a ridiculous sweeper if it gets at least one free turn.
@BenBrocka Mostly because it's the only non-sucky Pokemon that gets Quiver Dance. The only other useful one is Venomoth because it can Baton Pass the boosts.
Frickin' Japanese and their Scatterbug Wonder Trades.
Curse might be surprisingly effective, boosting up while Aegislash tries to set up. The hits to Speed means the Curser will probably catch Aegislash after it attacks while it's in its vulnerable Sword Form and the Defense boosts mean that Aegislash's attacks would just tickle.
Or at least counteract any Sword Dance that Aegislash has built up.
I really am thinking about Aegislash counters too much.
Guys, I think capturing Pokemon still gives you their EV yield.
I've been capping Dittos with my Haunter and he's showing a sizable increase in HP EVs.
:/ just about every non modern/elegant Vivillon on the gts is looking for something unreasonable. one of the vivillon for vivillon offers has the comment "no Mdrn/Lgnt"
@BenBrocka I collect forms a more passively than pokedex entries. Except for Unown. But things like the sky forme legendaries - if I get them, yay, but I usually won't go out of my way for them.
I've never really taken a good look at their site, if I do use it I usually just google "bulbapedia natures" or whatever I'm looking for just so I can get a quick link
> This move generates the hail weather condition for five turns. Any weather condition previously on the field is removed. While this condition is active, all Pokemon that are not of the Ice-type or do not have the abilities Ice Body, Magic Guard, Overcoat, or Snow Cloak will lose 1/16 of their health at the end of every turn. The move SolarBeam will only hit with 1/2 of its usual Base Power. Synthesis, Moonlight, and Morning Sun will only recover 1/4 of a Pokemon's maximum health.
> Blizzard's accuracy is raised to 100%. Pokemon with Ice Body ability recover 1/16 of their maximum health at the end of every turn. Pokemon with Snow Cloak increase their evasion by 20%. If the user of this move holds the item Icy Rock, the duration of the weather becomes eight turns rather than five.
> Weather Ball becomes an Ice-type move with 100 Base Power. Pokemon with the Forecast ability become Ice-type. If Hail is used while the hail weather condition is already active, the move will fail.
> Let's face it, if you're using Castform at all, it's for the pure novelty value of Weather Ball. Having Castform on your team and not using Weather Ball is like visiting Paris without going to the Louvre, visiting New York without eating a hot dog, or visting Johannesburg without setting a car on fire
though he does get hydropump, blizzard and fire blast. But if you want to use them you'll have to sacrifice at least one weather type. And live with poor accuracy
Yeah. I could see him getting one stage boost in all stats just being in any weather. That way, he'd possibly be good as a counter to normal weathermakers.
I could see him doing it. He has all the moves to counter weather makers. He just doesn't have the stats or a good ability.
A Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt set would probably be enough. Flamethower to counter hail teams, Ice Beam to counter sand teams, Thunderbolt to counter rain teams.
Fire is 4x strong on Obamasnow, Thunderbolt might OHKO Politoed if you have the EV investment and my proposed +1 boost to SpA. The only iffy thing is Ice Beam on Tyranitar.
Actually, pack Thunder instead of Thunderbolt since it's 100% accurate in the rain.
@MadaraUchiha If a pokemon were to award 600XP when defeated, all participating pokemon earn 600XP. All non-participating pokemon will earn 300XP if exp share is on.
Before any boosting effects like being a trade or lucky egg.