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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Farming Ditto = lots and lots of Quick/Metal Powder
I think it might be easier if I just breed your Pokemon for you, @everyonewhowantsaperfectIVditto.
Catching a specific IV Ditto is annoying.
I've got around 20 and only one each of SpA/Spe and Atk/Spe.
Huh. This Ditto is surprisingly resistant to my Repeat Balls.
Got an Imposter Ditto!
I just got a 3 perfect IV Ditto!
@Yuki I am getting my first ditto today
Battle mansion is kinda fun but has too many of the same pokemon and takes far, far too long
Also the first half of battles being a complete joke, while still taking just as long to play, makes losing in the second half incredibly frustrating
hey you can rematch your rival
@Yuki How do you know that?
I thought the only thing you could find out about IVs was the highest stat, but not it's actual score.
Dwebble please
there ARE fossils in glittering cavern right?
okay, helix fossil and plume fossil
TIL nidorina do not realize they're mammals
Where is the Friend Safari? Endgame?
anyone want a Throh, Omanite or Areodactyl?
@OrigamiRobot yes
@BenBrocka I maybe might.
do you have a clauncher?
No sir.
Also I don't actually want any of those. At least not right now.
anything interesting you've got spares of?
I'm not that far in.
I spent a lot of time trying to get my hands on an abra and the panda.
Their appearance rates are ridiculously low.
Throh might be Y exclusive? He's one of the "pairs" that usually are
@Wipqozn You have the worst taste in Pokemon
really? I got the panda super easy
I do need to get an abra before I forget though
I got an Abra with a hasty nature, but forgot to check it's IVs.
I think I'm just going to continue on and not care, and then worry about spending hours farming the super perfect pokemon once I'm closer to end game and know what my final party will be,.
There might be better places later game to catch some of thes epokemon anyways.
Tonight's mission: Bisharp
For the most part pokemon only appear in one place now. There are few zubat-esque pokemon you'll encounter everywher
infact Floatzel and Lombre are the only ones I've noticed that are like that, when surfing
Oh, I see.
Makes sense considering how many pokemon there are now.
STill, it would be nice to spend time actually playing the game instead of getting perfect IVs of pokemon which might not even be used.
well not even perfect, but good IVs / nature
neither of which are needed until you start to battle other people
Story mode is always really easy
Yeah it's a big upgrade IMO. IT always seemed silly that by the end of the game you'd have <50% of the pokedex seen yet you'd see the same pokemon in half the routes
I love how the daycare people's first reaction to a pokemon holding an egg is to separate it from it's parents
I want to get that new sword pokemon.
At least for his final form, which seems really cool.
Also r eally powerful.
"Whatcha got there hydreigeon? I'll just grab that out of your mouth-hands..."
@BenBrocka Are you on your 3DS?
Oh, I could log on and find out
I just evolved my Abra and need to trade it.
Evolve it again and all that jazz
@BenBrocka @Krazer @OrigamiRobot Could any of you help me evolve a Kadabra?
If you still need it, I'm kicking around.
@BenBrocka I love how after a single pair of pokemon have produced dozens, if not hundreds of eggs, they're still surprised every time.
2 hours later…
@BenBrocka 1 AM? really? :P
We need to find a common timezone
Also this:
got pokerus in a trade :)
@qwertyk31 You could've asked @Krazer, he has it :P
Does Pokerus affect super training as well?
Or only battle training?
all my pokemon have full evs
i havent got to use super training yet
5 hours later…
Is it true that I can have only one mega evolution per battle?
@MadaraUchiha Yes.
@MadaraUchiha No.
@Wipqozn Well, they'll tell you the highest IV. And if you have 3 IVs at 31 (which is the max), they'll tell you that all three are the highest IV.
@qwertyk31 EVs are gained through normal battling as well.
@MadaraUchiha Was like 6 here
@Wipqozn you asked just after I left. I can trade tonight if you still need it done. I have a few trade evo pokemon ready myself
@BenBrocka @fbueckert was a super cool guy helped me.
I can help you evolve your pokemon in a bit, but going afk right now
This would be in 9 hours
Got my Pawniard last night. Now to breed it for Adamant.
btw breeding adamant beldums if anyone wants one
at least I think I am, everstone makes nature pass down right?
@BenBrocka Yes
Also, please and thank you.
Q: What 'color' is each Berry?

ReafexusSo I was trying to make the different Mulches and the little girl at the field says that the kind of Mulch that comes out of the composter is based on the color of the Berries. So what color is each Berry? I was going to look into it further myself but I do not have access to most of the berrie...

@BenBrocka Beldums? The ones that evolve into Metagross? I want one
@MadaraUchiha those are the ones
@Wipqozn Yes. I'm free almost anytime today
@BenBrocka aye doo and sank yu
Europe and US are considered different regions, right? For the Masuda Method?
@MadaraUchiha aye
@MadaraUchiha it's a different region if you see a tab with a region name on the pokemon's info card
My gengar has an ITA tab (italy )
Could any of you trade me a US ditto later on than? :P
@Yuki is catching billions of them
at least I think he's US I don't actually know
@MadaraUchiha me I'll trade you my lvl 48 ditto nau!
but he's arround the same time as me
2 hours later…
@Krazer 48 is too high level for me now :D
@MadaraUchiha but it save you money on daycare costs!
You're probably right
I don't have the 3DS now anyway, since my brother has it :P
Will have it later today though
level doesn't really matter for the ditto
not like you need to use it in battle
The pokedex entry for ditto should be named to "Ditto: The whore Pokemon"
> The only purpose Ditto has is to breed with countless other Pokemon until it is level 100.
@MadaraUchiha Ditto, Gigolo Extraordinaire
I got bored last night, took 5 freshly hatched Charmander and my Garchomp through the Elite 4. Obviously my Garchomp creamed the E4 and champion with no problems.
@BenBrocka and yet ANOTHER shiny through the fishing technique. I was hoping for a Corphish, but this will do too.
some of the shiny colors are terrible
Thought YELLOW pikachu was cute? Well how about SLIGHTLY DARKER YELLOW omg so kawaii desu
Yeah I like the shiny Pikachu color, seems like I've been having some good luck on this fishing thing. My magic number seems to be around 30-35 reels most of the time.
Really? I don't like the ones that are just a minor difference in shade
compare that to say, shiny charizard
Now shiny charizard is pretty sweet. I was trying masuda last night for a shiny charmander, I've got a ditto from Spain
Oh and I picked up the strategy guide yesterday too, seems pretty useful so far.
Haha! Yea the fire/fighting got kind of old, glad they changed it up finally.
@MadaraUchiha If you're on right now, I can grab you a Ditto.
Also, I'm doing a test run on breeding 5/6 IVs with a Noibat.
@Yuki coming online now
@MadaraUchiha Have you registered my FC?
I should hopefully be able to faceroll the Elite Four today.
@Yuki Doing so now
@fbueckert And then Rough Skin Gabites for all!
@Yuki Just took a few days to rebreed, train, and level my team.
Added you. Going online ingame now
rebreeding sounds messy
@BenBrocka On the plus side, they're now min-maxed!
Gah, wait, lemme grab a replacement from my PC :P
Oh, you can trade straight from PC
And my Ditto finally gets some rest after the tons of action it got.
you can trade from PC but you still have to empty/fill your party for the stupid daycare
@MadaraUchiha And yes, I named the Ditto "Donna Juan".
Donna Juan? Really :P
Yay, needed Spritzee for my Pokedex.
When do I get a decent electric pokemon in this game?!
All I got was minun and that elec/normal crap :X
oh right I need a slurpuff or whatever
does Slurpuff sound foul to anyone else?
Sounds like a racist puffball or something
@MadaraUchiha I have no idea; that's all I got, too.
Lessee, I still need a Fennekin, Charmeleon, Dodrio, and Bellossom and I'll have seen the entire Central Dex.
I guess I'll go catch a Doduo and Oddish then.
Okay, someone put way too much spice in this clam chowder.
Espurr is great
@BenBrocka I had one with lyrics for some emo song but the link broke.
: (
@Yuki eeeeeeee
1 hour later…
Found it~
@BenBrocka I've fished and caught the most pathetic shiny ever...
Shiny mega gyrados
@C-dizzle Awww... Calm. If it was Adamant you might have an awesome Gyarados.
Didn't think of that
@Yuki yeah when I saw it was Calm I was saddened even more
@TrentHawkins comes in, leaves instantly. I think he hates us, guys.
I think wanting a specific nature on a shiny is going a bit too far
Though it seems surprisingly likely with this fishing trick
@Yuki Or my home internet is doing something funny.
Well you've seen my luck with the fishing trick so far
@Yuki Adamant gives off, what?
Strong on attack
@MadaraUchiha Adamant is +Attack, -Special Attack.
I often prefer +Special Attack
The specials are often more powerful
So it's good for physical sweepers because they don't care about their Special Attack stat.
@MadaraUchiha depends on the pokemon
That's true.
@MadaraUchiha If you're talking about base power distribution, it's even on the physical/special split.
With Gyarados I'd usually have moves like surf, hyper beam, blizzard, so Sp. ATK works.
Psychic, Electric and Fire I usually go with +Sp Attack since the usually have good speed already
@Yuki I'm speaking of the moves the Pokemon has.
@MadaraUchiha that's...a shame, because Gyrados has like double attack compared to sp attack
@BenBrocka Base stat-wise?
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, 125 Attack opposed to 60 Special Attack.
If you're looking for a physical Water-type attack for STAB goodness, just teach it Waterfall.
waaaaait Mega gyarados is Dark but it doesn't learn Bite or Crunch? Booo
I may try for an Adamant shiny Magikarp later if anyone wants this Calm one
@BenBrocka You can teach him, can you not?
@BenBrocka I think Gyarados learns Bite.
Oh wait he does get bite
But not Crunch. And no Crunch's never been a TM unfortunately
Although Crunch is much preferred.
Was always a bit sad my Weavile couldn't learn crunch and Night Slash is a fair bit weaker
Obviously not a biting pokemon though
So far, no good news on the Gyarados + Crunch front.
That's really unfortunate.
But he can learn Dark Pulse... I would definitely prefer Crunch
It's not listed on bulbapedia and they claim to have upgraded moveset to gen 6
Well, at least Flareon finally learns a physical Fire-type move this gen.
Only took him 15 years.
@Yuki Not even by chain breeding?
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, someone tried breeding it with Druddigon.
@C-dizzle Bite or Payback would be better
He...really doesn't learn much dark at all
@BenBrocka His Mega-Evolution base stat for Attack is 155 and Sp. Attack is 70
And took it to the Relearner just in case it's a base move available to evolution only, a la Clawitzer and most of the pulse moves.
I mean he IS an Atrocious pokemon. And he's got Dark type proper as a Mega. But...almost no moves
I will get a picture of his Shiny Mega Evo form when I get home from work... fishing for shiny while at work, what a way to spend the day.
How is something called Gothorita not a Dark type
Hmm... I need to breed a good Inkay.
A psychic goth, kind of contradicting
@Yuki I was thinking of trying Inkay
@BenBrocka Malamar would be ridiculously good against all the Aegislash spamming.
I almost evoed mine (not sure how good it's nature is) but I forgot to hold the 3DS upside down, and once the level up text appears it's too late
Contrary means that he actually gains Attack when going up against King's Shield.
@BenBrocka I evolved Inkay into Malamar, decent Psychic type
Yeah, Contrary seems pretty nice
Dark/Psychic means he takes neutral damage from Sacred Sword and resists Shadow Sneak, two really common moves on Aegislash.
Oh yeah I forgot he was dark too... so with the new Fairy type, does that mean EVERY type is now super-effective against something else?
What do you mean?
@C-dizzle Nope. Normal is still super-effective against nothing.
and Normal was always the one super effective against nothing
@BenBrocka Gothorita's typing is one of those ones I always forget - up there with Vibrava (You're seriously telling me it's not bug OR flying?!)
It's a flying bug so clearly it's a ground/dragon pokemon
Hmm... a team of normal types, sounds like a challenge to me.
@C-dizzle Well, you'd definitely take no damage from Ghosts.
Sounds like suicide considering how common fighting moves are
But be sure to pack one of them with Scrappy.
@Yuki normal types often learn some good non-normal moves
Oh yeah, Malamar's Topsy-Turvy also screws up any Aegislash that try to mind-game with boosting moves.
for some reason a very large number of random gen 1 pokemon can learn blizard and thunderbolt
I know Snorlax could learn some pretty good moves
@BenBrocka Ice/Electric gives really, really good coverage. There's a reason why BoltBeam is a thing.
gorthorita can be male?
I want to catch one and name it Bridget
@BenBrocka There are other female-looking Pokemon that have males.
Can't remember anything off the top of my head though.
yeah, gradevoir
Mr. Mime can be female
They should totally have programmed it to change that to Ms. Mime
@Yuki All the Fennekin evolutions
@SaintWacko just Braxien really
@BenBrocka Oh, okay. I haven't actually seen the last one
Speaking of which... did anyone catch the new Genesect movie where Mewtwo appears? How did it go from a male speaking voice in the first movie to a female voice in this movie?
@SaintWacko the last one doesn't quite follow braxien. It's sort of like fox> Witch >Wizard
@C-dizzle The male voice actor had another commitment and the only one they could find was a female?
I have no clue.
I'm sure they could have found a male one if they wanted to
weird because mewtwo definitely looks masculine
I was just very disappointed...
Wonder Trade hijinks:
Mewtwo Y looks a little more feminine
user image
@Yuki HA!!
Can you make it twerk?
@Yuki there are lickitongue hordes and they are terrifying
@yuki now just get a Zebstrika and name it Robin Thicke
@Yuki yessss
After 100 Premier Balls, Charzardite X now sells for 10,000p.
Now to check if the coupon exists.
@Yuki Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaase
@OrigamiRobot He only sells one a day, iirc.
Though, in practice, I so like Charizard Y
So I only have one.
Now to find Mr. Bonding for the Hatching O-Power...
Problem is charizard X focuses on physical contact moves, and charizardi tself is more special
also no Drought
so it's really just losing the Flying type weaknesses that's good for X
@BenBrocka Base stats are adjusted for Charizard X, I think.
@BenBrocka And weather got nerfed this gen.
Signiifcantly adjusted? And even so, it'd nerf his non-mega form significantly then
not a problem if he's your only mega though
@Yuki I think it's still 5 turns? Pretty significant still, enough to kill at least 2 non-resistant pokemon
@BenBrocka No, no, Mega Evolutions have different base stats than non-mega.
Never mind, Charizard has equal base stats for Attack and Special Attack, 130 in each.
Still a big jump from his non-mega stats though.
I know they're different, but they're usually just 0 10 or 20 added to normal base stats
@BenBrocka I usually see a much larger boost.
Mega Aggron has >200 base defense.
230 base defense, to be exact.
In base stats? Most that I looked at were significant, but about 10 or 20 tops
And Filter makes him unstoppable.
Tank-wise, that is.
I love this gen
@BenBrocka Depending on the Pokemon, but I've seen jumps of more than 50 base stat.
@Yuki Oh wow that is cheap, I didn';t know about that
@BenBrocka He's pretty much impervious to physical sweepers now.
and he loses rock too
which funny enough makes him better defensively
But he does lose Rock Head, so Head Smash isn't as good anymore.
rare soda!!
damn only one a day
For people with max style, the Hatching Power can be found in Cafe Introversion, which is on the south side of Lumiose, I believe.
I'm not done yet, is the coupon in the pokemile shop?
@BenBrocka Hmmm... haven't checked that.
Now to check the online Pokemile shop...
goomy pls
Oh wow items din't cap at 99 anymore
boooo the evo stone store still only sells the standard 3 stones
@BenBrocka Well, you do get all of them for free by doing Super Training, I think.
even dusk and sun stones?
@BenBrocka I know I got a Dusk Stone from the Aegislash training.
from the secret one? how do you even unlock those?
I only unlocked one on my chesnaught and he has max ivs
@BenBrocka Get an award for all the Super Trainings.
And fully trained Pokemon can still do those.
And then do each of the Secret Trainings to unlock the next.
oh THAT'S where the colored contacts are, at the pr video thing
still no coupon---WTF where did all my pokemiles go?!
@BenBrocka Wait, did you sync to the Global Link?
yes...my last sync is in the future though which is probably not good
If so, I believe they went here.
wtf why?
@BenBrocka I dunno, but there's a bigger item selection on the GL and they're cheaper.
oh I can still use them?
@BenBrocka Yeah.
I bought 5 Heart Scales for 500 Pokemiles, I think.
And Rare Candies go for 500 Pokemiles instead of 1,000 in-game.
I only wanted the coupon tho
Yeah, I don't think there's a coupon. At least not yet.
buyable PP ups is nice though
I guess I'll do more Wonder Trading and buying stuff with the resultant Pokemiles.
See if I get the coupon for spending lots of Pokemiles.
clothes are no cheaper
guess I'll just grind
Blue hat: 4,000
Blat hat: 40,000
@BenBrocka Certain dyes varied a lot in price back before we had synthetics.
Purple was expensive as all hell, iirc, and really only high nobility and royalty could offer more than one set of purple clothing.
yeah, purple was something ridiculous
@BenBrocka I think it was because purple dye could only be derived from a certain snail that lived in a specific place.
Oh my god I HATE the legendary birds in this one
They're roaming, but they don't stay put. And you need to find them like 8 times
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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