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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Why on earth is it so hard to catch a Skarmory?
low catch rate? I caught one
@BenBrocka No, I can't find 'em.
They're in the swooping encounters on Victory Road, right?
oh he drops from the roof in Victory Road, not random encounters
@BenBrocka Yeah, I've been trying to get those but I always get Fearow instead.
They were like my second encounter there. There can also be hydreigeons
@BenBrocka Were you getting them in the cave?
pretty sure
don't think there are swooping encounters above ground but I can't be sure
@BenBrocka I've been getting them but they're all Fearow.
I also found a Zweilous but I think he's a random encounter
such a shaggy dragon
@BenBrocka Get one and name him Scooby.
Ruh-oh breathes fire
@BenBrocka Mind breeding me a Skarmory? I went into the cave and now I'm finding Ariados instead.
@Yuki I mod-edited your pinned message to cram a little more info and clear up the pinned list
Is that OK with you?
@MadaraUchiha Sure.
@MadaraUchiha how dare you
@BenBrocka Hush
I was thinking of unpinning that bug thing anyway
I was wondering why the Unified info got unpinned. Then I looked up.
@Yuki yeah I can try and breed one
Has anybody found Light Clay?
Never mind, found some~
Maybe you can only find Light Clay on Golett during the day?
BTW Viviloon/pre-evos have an ability that makes wild pokemon more likely to hold items
and you can leave a KO'd Vivillon in the front of your party and have a Frisk theif in slot 2 to actually steal the items
Light Clay, Damp Rock, Heat Rock, etc. aren't consumable items like Gems, right?
they weren't in gen 4
wait gems are consumable? Like Normal Gem?
On that note, has anybody found Flying Gems?
@BenBrocka Well, they're consumed on attack of that type.
That's why Flying Gem/Acrobatics hits so hard.
didn't realize that, huh
And is a viable combo on pretty much every Flying-type.
@BenBrocka I used to run a Flying Gem/Acrobatics combo on Drifblim with Unburden awhile back. I rocked so many teams with that.
I don't like consumables
@BenBrocka Yeah. It was better in link battles and whatnot when you'd get the Gems back at the end of the battle.
But that combo was ridiculous. Acrobatics would hit super-hard and then Drifblim would get a Speed boost from Unburden activating.
Huh. Hawlucha has a chance of holding King's Rock.
!!! A wild female Eevee!
Yay, caught it. Now to find what Egg Moves I need to get on it.
Found a second Light Clay.
And a third. I really think Goletts only hold Light Clay during the day now.
> Due to the censor that prevents Pokémon with offensive nicknames being traded on the GTS, an English language Probopass cannot be traded on the GTS without a nickname in Pokémon Black and White.
good ol' censorship
@BenBrocka And yet, I got a Diggersby named NOBB POLISH.
Farming Fossils right now. If any of you want fossil Pokemon, I'll see if I can get it and breed one.
Question, how's the grinding?
@MadaraUchiha I'll add you when I get home. internet is restircted here
@Krazer Alright
I followed your advice,
Named myself "Madara-sama" and to my minions friends I'm called "Master"
@MadaraUchiha Thank you, Master
@Yuki I would like one when you get a chance. I'm trying to get a Vaporeon with it's HA
@MadaraUchiha I have... Armor, Plume, Skull, Root, Claw, Cover, and Old Amber.
Not sure if that's all the fossils though. I haven't played every generation.
@Yuki Dome, Helix?
@MadaraUchiha Wow, can't believe I forgot those.
But no, I'm asking, how's the level grinding in gen 6?
@MadaraUchiha As in EXP? Really, really easy.
I'm guessing it's easier with the addition of the non-held magical EXP. All
I also have two extra Light Clays if anyone wants one.
@Yuki someone on reddit got A BIG DILDO the snover
also you apparently can't name things "spike"
You know, because it contains the wor--I mean it's almost---it's a euphemism for....hm
Ok, I have a box full of Pumblooms. now to wonder trade them away.
@BenBrocka or shaft
@TrentHawkins save one for me
@BenBrocka k.
can't believe I didn't notice that in gen 4
@TrentHawkins I have to ask, what is a Pumbloom?
@Yuki glad you asked!
@TrentHawkins Oh. My friend has been bothering me to watch this series.
So... a Taillow?
Oh is that not the ghost pumpkin X exclusive?
@BenBrocka That would be Pumpkaboo.
I can catch one for you. It's on one of my Friend Safaris.
@Yuki no, pumbloom is after the paralyzed tailow.
aka. Whismurs.
@BenBrocka oh, well, if you want a pumpkaboo, I've got one of those too. :P
I think I have a Y pumpkin if you want to swap
hahaah! wonder trade got me a bunnelby named "Too bad"
@Yuki missing Dome, Helix (Gen 1) and Sail, I think
@Krazer Nah, I picked Sail. And I got a Tyrunt through a trade.
So, I have every fossil Pokemon except Kabuto and Omanyte.
Dome fossils are available in X's Glittering Cave postgame, according to Serebii
allegedly most of them are in glittering cave postgame
@Krazer Hmm... then I should be finding some.
maybe some are version exclusive?
@BenBrocka Well, extrapolating from what @Krazer said, I think Dome is X-exclusive and Helix is Y-exclusive.
supposedly the Helix Fossil and Dome Fossil are X exclusives while the Claw Fossil and Root Fossil are Y exclusives, I hear
Also, I got a male Espurr.
I got a wonder trade Snorlax named "Jonah Hill" :/
@C-dizzle That's rude.
@Yuki that's what someone sent me lol
Ugh. I wish female Nincada would be easier to find.
Or just Nincada, period.
I have a male, but I would like a female.
Oh I hit up the the friend safari last night... Yuki I think your type is Ghost
@C-dizzle Really? @TrentHawkins says it's Fighting.
And that I have c--- Pokemon on the Safari.
Ok maybe I'm thinking of someone else then lol
yeah it's fighting I checked earlier
Ok just went back to Safari, it is fighting
@BenBrocka is ghost
@Yuki I think I have one
@Krazer Female Nincada? Caught with what kind of Poke Ball?
regular, vanilla
I've noticed when breeding, my eggs hatched have the same type of poke ball as the parents were caught in. That's a cool new feature.
@Krazer Darn.
@Yuki what were you looking for?
@C-dizzle I think it inherits the female's capture ball. Which is why I'm looking for females.
@Krazer Anything not regular.
I want to try to catch one with a Net Ball.
Where are Nincada? I can look for one for you too
female of course
@C-dizzle Just next to that Palace place.
@C-dizzle rt 6
The one's that a big reference to Versailles.
I think I caught one the other day... let me check.
Nope :/ But when you said rt 6 I remembered encountering one
@C-dizzle yep, I have spiritomb
@BenBrocka I caught male and female Spiritomb, started breeding and wonder trading them
inb4 hacked Wonder Guard Spiritomb.
Did you guys hear about the destiny knot breeding thing now? It will pass down 5 stats when given to a parent.
@C-dizzle Yep. Perfect IV breeding is actually something a normal person can do now.
@Yuki I have a present for you
First Nincada encountered was a female, caught with net ball
All yours if you want it
@C-dizzle You are a gentleman and a scholar, as I'm sure I have informed you before.
Anything you want?
Do you by chance have Tyranitar or any evolutions of it?
@C-dizzle I believe I have a Larvitar.
I have the stone
Perfect :)
Lemme check if I have an extra or if I need to breed it.
@C-dizzle All right, I have an egg.
Can you trade eggs?
Thought I tried before and it didn't work... oh well.
Sorry it wasn't a shiny, I can only do so much :)
Does super training affect EV or IV?
@MadaraUchiha EVs.
@C-dizzle Nah, it's fine. I just wanted a Pokemon that would pass down its capture ball.
I always keep at least 20 of each ball on me at all times
@C-dizzle Buying balls from the Poke Ball Boutique in Lumiose is also a good way to raise stylishness.
@Yuki Which Pokemon did you say I should get to fix the weakness on my team? you told me it's name earlier.
Though expensive.
@user56652 What was the weakness on your team?
@Yuki Something about being vulnerable to steel/ghost? or that I needed that Pokemon?
@Yuki Here is my team comp.
Time to fish for another shiny, I hope!
@C-dizzle Good luck.
@user56652 Wow, even I can't remember at the moment.
@user56652 Thanks, caught a shiny Relincath earlier.
@Yuki Well I remember you or someone told me that I needed a certian Pokemon to fill my weakness. I forget which though.
@C-dizzle Wow. Was it just luck or were you trying for a shiny?
yesterday, by user56652
I've beaten all eight gyms, and for the most part I've steam rolled them all. However I don't really like my team composition though. Here it is if anyone has any ideas on how to make it better please let me know.
It was @TrentHawkins who said Ground/Rock or Ground/Electric.
Whoops wrong person then. Well would a Steelix or Excadrill work?
@user56652 Well I was at work when I caught it, so I really wasn't TRYING to get one. I was just testing out the consecutive fishing thing.
@user56652 They do cover the Electric weakness.
Excadrill would probably be better since most Electric types are fast.
Does anyone have a foreign (non US) Ditto they'd be willing to trade?
And they would definitely outspeed Steelix, which would suck if they packed Focus Blast or other Fighting-type moves.
@Yuki I guess it's Excadrill for me then.
Wasn't there an item in Pokemon Platinum that helped find shiny Pokemon?
Poke Radar is what it was called.
Ugh. I always want to use BBC code here for some reason.
@user56652 [word](link)
@Krazer I already fixed it, but thanks.
Is SE built off some platform or is it all customized?
@user56652 Markdown, see this
@Krazer That's useful, I'll keep that.
So has there been a patch for the "Gamebreaking Save Bug" yet?
How will they update a cartridge game? does the patch get saved onto the SD or is there an area on the cartridge to allow updates?
@user56652 not yet, but there are some workarounds
@Krazer Ya, like not saving in that very particular area for starters.
The first one is to load your save file, then press the “Home” button repeatedly as the screen turns black and music starts to play
the other one is to remove your SD card from your Nintendo 3DS, then boot up the game without the card
@Krazer What will that solve? once you press the "Home" button again won't the game proceed to freeze?
I thought that pressing the "Home" button when in-game just suspends the game.
This is kind of out of my scope. How is the 3DS able to suspend a game? is it like a save state, I'm confused.
@Krazer I see.
anyone need drowzees?
So... someone wanted an Aron, right?
I think I need one
@user56652 trying for the Masuda method?
you try the GTS?
Yeah search for Ditto in GTS and then filter by another region
whats game chat anyway? Voice chat?
@BenBrocka yes
Aron's so adorable.
he's got a little smile under his helmet thing
Not as adorable as that gaze from Espurr
oh who needed a skarmory?
@BenBrocka That... was me too.
oh you're kidding a quickball didn't work
give me a minute
Want anything specific for it?
do you have a spiritomb from my safari?
that works
are you kidding. lvl 3 o power and quickball and it fails after one rock
skarmory fresh from the safari
I heard a rumor about Pokémon becoming Shiny during a trade
@Krazer Yeah, apparently during Wonder Trades.
Oh a female Skarmory caught with a Quick Ball. <3
hey the 3D model makes it more clear that spiritomb is coming out of the odd keystone
@Yuki I heard normal trades too
the 3D models are cooler than I expected
@BenBrocka It does show that Aron has a little smile.
If you rotate it in the Pokedex, that is.
anyone need ferroseed?
@Krazer Yep. It makes getting a shiny a bit easier.
I'll check the GTS tonight.
41 consecutive pokemon during fishing, no shiny yet. Earlier I got one about 20 fish attempts
@BenBrocka Heh, I just caught two.
@C-dizzle the /vp/ thread made it sound like it could take over 100
@BenBrocka I'm sure it's completely random, but I could see it taking over 100 for sure
What in the...
well depending on the increase in chance it probably has some threshold where you're more likely to find it
I should just buy max count of quick balls
man friend safari is awesome
@BenBrocka feels a bit like a caste system :p
@Krazer That's crazy
@BenBrocka What type is my safari?
I saw that reddit thread but I don't really agree. I need pokemon of all types
@BenBrocka HA Ditto really does reign king
ugh marowak must have a low catch rate
well, yeah, Ditto would be an exception
crap I forget where my pokerus pokemon is
@Krazer Not necessarily HA Ditto. Just Friend Safari Ditto. Since Friend Safari guarantees 2 perfect IVs, Safari Ditto is key to getting 5/6 perfect IVs on your Pokemon.
<-- Philthy peasant
@Krazer Philthy pheasant.
@Yuki that's right
Well, I'm the same.
@fbueckert, on the other hand, is a noble.
Him and his Dragon-type Safari...
@C-dizzle psychic
Hail @fbuckert !
@C-dizzle has the best safari
@BenBrocka watch out for them espurr then
Honestly, I think Bug-type Safaris would move to middle-class at least if they have Heracross.
Moxie 'Cross is... well, I think it's self-explanatory.
@C-dizzle drowzee, girafarig and wobbuffet
Well that's kind of disappointing...
girafarig is great, I dont' think he's anywhere else in thegame
Wobbuffet is so broken, he's in his own tier.
onix! @Wipqozn has rock types
@BenBrocka I do?
onix and boldore
I don't have either of those.
i think Boldore is a cool guy. he stelth rocs and dosen't afreid of nething.
I assume I'm just missing the context of what you're talking about.
@Wipqozn Friend Safari is something your friends can use to catch other Pokemon using your Friend Code.
Oh, gotcha.
So, we can use Friend Safari and your Friend Code to catch Onix and Boldore.
this could explain why Goomy is Dragon
Mega Garchomp is awesome! Just saying...
i wanna rough skin gible :p
Is that possible?
@C-dizzle not sure it's not working on friend safari for some reason
@fbueckert has gabite
Trench coat dress: 300,000 pokedollars
I'll never become a public flasher at this rate
@Krazer Wow, can't believe I didn't think of this. Use a Pokemon with Trace.
@BenBrocka Hmm... I should check my Boutique too.
mine's still full price
if i run from a battle during my consecutive fishing, will that break my streak?
oh no... i've captured a few pokemon, and my count right now is at 87, so it may not be a true 87 :(
woah bargain power 3 is 50% off
@BenBrocka Poke Mart only though.
Good for buying the TMs.
Yeah. I already bought the TMs though
@MadaraUchiha added your friendcode
@BenBrocka after 117 of what I think was consecutive reels, I finally got a "you reeled in to slow", argh!!
@Fluttershy got our copies in the mail today. kermit flail
I'm going to that fishing guy on rt 16 to see if he will tell me my longest streak to confirm
Ok I thought it was 117, it was only 116... so apparently fainting, catching, or running away doesn't break the streak. I even went into my menu a couple times and did some stuff...
I have your friend things right?
I know I have @FAE's
@C-dizzle yeah I noticed it's possible to fail it. Part of why I'm not even trying
shiny dratini would be cool though
@BenBrocka guess I just got lucky earlier with such a low count of consecutive reels
@BenBrocka You've been in my Animal Crossing town! :P
@Fluttershy oh, right!
Now the agonizing wait until it gets to me.
And now I have to figure out starters, waugh.
@FAE Just pick your favourite Kanto starter.
and then choose among the new starters.
try not to pick the same types though
@BenBrocka I dunno what to do. I want Charmander because that's who I had back in the day, but I'm not so much into Froakie, even though it does become dark. I just don't like frogs that much. <_<
"that;s what it says on the paper the skiddo appears to be eating" I laughed so hard
@FAE but he's a ninja and dark type!
I used Fennekin for my first play through, Froakie for my second... When I pick up Y, I'm going to go with Chespin
@FAE It doesn't matter because we can get you any starter.
100,000 meal, left 100 tip
I have an adamant beldum, how do you clone natures?
Wasn't it a stone you had to have the pokemon hold?
The everstone I think
oh is that all? Can I do it with a ditto? I'd like to clone some in case other people here want some with adamant
@BenBrocka Yea, just give it an everstone
I think so, I have never tried to breed for natures... but if I remember right an everstone had to be held
okay, to the Beldum right?
I don't think it matters if you give it to Beldum or Ditto, since Beldum is the egg it should get Beldum's nature
@BenBrocka Yes, if you give it to the Ditto as well, it's 50/50 between those two natures
unrelated to natures
Nice. I won't bother, but they've really done a lot to improve aspects of the game from all angles
Yes they did, except I still feel the game is to easy to play through. With or without the exp share turned on. I think that's why Platinum was my favorite, it actually gave me a challenge
eh, the battle institute and battle mansion are more for difficult NPC battles than the main story
I only hit the battle mansion once, just so I could get to the part of upgrading the mega ring
it;s acutally kinda fun in the doubles/triples
I'll have to try it out... I really liked the triple battle feature in B/W
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