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Yay, done hatching a box full of Rotom!
That went faster than I thought it would.
@Yuki :o
You can get a rotom in X/Y?
@MadaraUchiha Yep. Inside the Lost Hotel.
Want one?
Haven't got Y yet :P
Still on its way
@MadaraUchiha Well, I'll be keeping the parent so I can always breed another.
Also, didn't know Rotom could breed :o
Isn't he a legendary?
Now to take a picture and post on Reddit...
@MadaraUchiha Nope.
> When Rotom is encountered, the music is the same as legendary encounters, although it is not classified as one. Rotom is, to date, the only non-legendary Pokémon to do this.
Ah, that one got me
Sigh... a Bunnelby named "NOBB POLISH". Really, people?
I'm gonna have to release that one...
@Yuki ...wow
And you can't change the name of traded ones, right?
@FAE Yeah, that's why I'm going to have to release it.
Anybody want a Rotom before I Wonder Trade 'em all away?
Ooo... an Eevee.
Although it's trivially easy to get those...
Ooo, another Noibat.
A... Gengar?
a group of 5 lvl 20 smoochum brought down my lvl 50 mega blaziken because it would not wake the fuck up. -.-
@TrentHawkins Talk about a gangbang...
Try raising its affection. Apparently, that helps with status conditions.
@TrentHawkins death by kisses xD
@Krazer ...lol
turning exp share does in deed take the challenge out of the game
Does the new EXP share also share EVs?
@MadaraUchiha it does not
@TrentHawkins Really? I could've sworn it did.
if it did, a whole bunch more of my pokemon would've maxxed out a long time before they did.
@TrentHawkins no I'm pretty sure it does
my entire party has pokerus
and I do see a difference
That ice sliding puzzle took me far too long. I forgot diagonals were a thing.
Q: How do I use the Battle Box?

RobotnikI wanted to train up a few Scatterbug that I had traded for, so I put my regular team in the Battle Box, thinking that if I were challenged to a battle, I'd get to pick to use them instead. So of course, I was challenged to a battle. I accepted, and when I got to the screen where I could pick wh...

Team Flare Mable... and no grumpig? I am dissapoint.
Team rocket will soon make its triumphant return!
@Krazer I stand corrected; @MadaraUchiha after some science with a bunch of lvl 1 honedges, they are gaining evs while my vivillon does all the work.
that sucks
@TrentHawkins so would you like some Pokerus?
@Krazer I'm good.
Okay, Pangoro might be getting a bit too ridiculous. Just hit L86.
@Yuki ?
@Krazer My Pangoro is way above everyone else in levels.
Yay, matched Restaurant Le Wow's turns perfectly!
Got 25 Balm Mushrooms!
Dang. 25 Balm Mushrooms sell 156,250p.

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