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Ah, the 5A is from charging ports which are different from genreal ports.
I really want an emulator that's able to connect to nintendo WFC
> The Battery Charging Specification 1.2 of 2010 makes clear, that there are safety limits to the rated current at 5 A coming from USB 2.0. On the other hand, several changes are made and limits are increasing including allowing 1.5 A on charging downstream ports for unconfigured devices, allowing high speed communication while having a current up to 1.5 A and allowing a maximum current of 5 A.
@MadaraUchiha that would be hard. The DS can barely connect to Nintend WFC
at least the 3DS finally supports WPA
@BenBrocka I see you found the sweet spot
this works:
@Krazer Impressive
ah makes sense
@Krazer Wow, that's fancy
Wonder how well it works on pokemon that aren't fully on Bulbapedia yet death glare at edit-locked bulbapedia
@BenBrocka how those Pokemon working out for ya?
Didn't use 'em yet, went to bed pretty soon after I signed off of here
@C-dizzle mine are looking secksee
Yeah I stayed up for a bit longer, gave a bunch to @Krazer too
I started my new game last night but then realized I didn't want Chespin, so I started a new one again this morning with Froakie
@C-dizzle now would you like all the other starters again (sans the ones you picked?)
Not right now... maybe later tonight I can get them from you. I'm at work right now lol
yeah I have chespin regret
water/dark and fire/psychic are way cooler typings. And chesnaught barely gets any fighting moves
I will have to come back a little later, c-ya guys when I can!
@BenBrocka ghost/grass is cool too
@Krazer Wait, really? D:
I don't regret chespin; Chesnaught looks awesome - despite its limited move pool and typing
@FAE Phantump and Pumpkaboo
the former looks pretty decent
@Krazer I was responding to a different message
I was really confused there for a sec
wait where do you get pumpkaboo?
@BenBrocka Route 15 or 16, I think.
@TrentHawkins yeah but Geninja, that tongue scarf
@FAE my bad xD seems so
delphox looks dumb though, especially since thes econd evo looks cool
@Krazer Hurgh. :( Though you can only have one equipped anyway I guess...
@BenBrocka i picked it for the psychic/fire typing
they suspect nothing
40 hours and 1600 soft resets for a shiny froakie? jesus reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1opbj5/…
@BenBrocka 1600? He got lucky
My brother is well over 2000 and still trying (FR, shiny charmander)
With a chance of 8096 to 1, no wonder.
But think of it this way.
If a Pokemon game sold 10,000,000 copies (including pirated and whatnot)
Then 10,000,000 / 8,096 people would have gotten a starter on their first try.
(statistically speaking)
I've never even seen a shiny pokemon aside form the scripted one in G/S
That's 1235 people :P
@OrigamiRobot same
I had a shiny Dragonite in Gold.
I don't even like Dragonite.
Dragonair> dragonite
Come back when you get a shiny Tyranitar.
I hadn't realized it at the time, I was little, but I couldn't figure out what those stars around it when it was sent out mean
Dragonair deserved a non-shortbus final evolution
aww... can't randomly give encounter power. this one's likely staying at lv. 1.
@MadaraUchiha Wow, seriously?
Nintendo issued a press release about the Lumiose City bug. Areas in blue are places where you should NOT save. http://t.co/IEwzHceaIo
@TrentHawkins you can spam it on yourself
you don't have to wait for it to expire to get XP, I've tested it
@BenBrocka don't want to.
I might when everything else is level 3 just to max it
is 3 the max? I heard capture 3 is godly
Can someone tell me once and for all, how many new pokemon are there?
@BenBrocka I have the sun pattern
@MadaraUchiha at least 69
@Madara -sama when you do get started, set this as your nickname (not Trainer name):
How do I get the event Torchic?
@OrigamiRobot If it makes you feel any better, I have only seen two. And one of them was a tentacool.
@RavenDreamer Mystery Gift (Internet)
@Krazer I tried that ,couldn't find any events, or somesuch.
@RavenDreamer What options did you pick?
Let me do it again right now
Get from internet
Okay, worked this time
Maybe I did local wireless before...
@RavenDreamer ヽ(´ãƒ¼ï½€ï¼‰â”Œ
@RavenDreamer you can save before to talk to you the lady at the pokemon center if and reload to get the nature you want... if you're into that kinda thing
I am looking into how to breed the speed boost ability out of the torchic
So irrelevant in my case :P
Er, rather, breed the speed boost into the offspring
@RavenDreamer males have a chance to pass it on now
@Krazer I know. Got any hard numbers?
@RavenDreamer More research is required
@Krazer I have meadow
why was I not aware of this
I want the Regal Vivillon :(
This one has the regions listed.
you mean elegant?
@Krazer lol
The actual game really looks like that thoroughly?
Or this is some sort of cutscene?
(as in, the 3d modeled characters, etc)
That's what overworld characters look like
Wow, so there is a massive graphic improvement in this game
there's a more detailed 3D model of your trainer used for changing clothes, "PR" videos you send to your friends and...not much more
yeah, it's possibly the best looking 3D game I've seen on 3DS actually
The 3D animations actually add a lot of personality to a lot of pokemon
I laughed out loud the first time I saw stunfisk
The game is in English, right? Just making sure
It's actually esperanto
Yes it's in english
h'okay, glad i'm done with the fairy type gym. the leader freaks me out.
The only thing that bummed my about the 6th gen was actually the fairy types
Really? Fairy types?
I swear I will not have a single one fairy type Pokemon in my party.
@TrentHawkins She's on so many drugs
but mawile is fairy type now!
Fairy types beware:
But yeah for the most part I don't like them, though I appreciate they tried to mix up the meta. But I don't think they handled the new type well
and it's complete crap that Dark is weak to Fairy
@BenBrocka That much I can understand
But Dragons?!
How does a fairy beat a freaking dragon?!
Fairy should be weak to dark if anything
how does cutesy wootsy > destruction and violence? It makes perfect sense for fairy to be weak to dark
@MadaraUchiha fire would work, but not as good as, say a steel or poison tipped knife.
@TrentHawkins My fire works well enough.
That's me in that gif by the way.
Tell him @Krazer
@BenBrocka I think there's plenty of type weaknesses that can't be properly explained.
@fbueckert Bug > Dark
@BenBrocka Yeah. The purple one.
@MadaraUchiha The "new" types, ie. Steel, Dark, and onwards, are things I have trouble with; I can't remember weaknesses for them at all.
The explanation I heard was that Malaria is kicking Africa's ass.
@TrentHawkins his fire never stops burning
@BenBrocka light and sweet overcoming the darkness of evil blahblah
Bug just needed a strong suit
@fbueckert Steel is weak to fire, ground and fighting(for some reason?)
especially since it's no longer effective against....bug
Dark is week to bug, fairy (apparently), and something else I can't remember.
@MadaraUchiha Is Bug even good against anything beyond Grass?
@FAE With the exception of Xerneas it's clearly nothing to do with light or goodness though, just pink and cutesy
@fbueckert Dark :P
Xerneas actually makes almost no sense compared to other fairies
Shaymin should be the fairy legendary, or Jirachi
I have 2 adamant Aegislash now! yay!
@BenBrocka Yeah... yeah... sigh...
Oh. Doublade has an extra evolution.
Damn. Gonna have to find more Dusk Stones, I guess.
Anyone know of a good place to punch in my team and get a breakdown of what it's weak to?
@fbueckert Here :P
I'm not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed doublade's evolution isn't just a third blade
@BenBrocka lol
@MadaraUchiha Greninja, Venusaur, Delphox, Crustly, Hwalucha, and Doublade.
Ok, machine! What am I weak to? :P
just look on bulbapedia--oh right their editing is still locked a week after release
but yeah bulbapedia has a list of weaknesses/stengths for individual pokemon I just look at em there
@BenBrocka Serebii does, too.
@fbueckert E_MISSING_TYPES
Holy crap, Fairy's only weak to Poison and Steel? That seems...overpowered.
You'll have to be more verbose, I don't have Y yet :P
@fbueckert Bug is good against Psychic
@C-dizzle Psychic is also good againstbug
Fairy's main weakness seems to be that, xerneas excepted, none of the new fairy types seem particularly good
@MadaraUchiha In the new gen?
@MadaraUchiha no it's not, just poison
@MadaraUchiha since when?
Really? :o
@BenBrocka That's not so much a weakness as an oversight, I bet.
Well the new fairies don't really seem designed with combat in mind
could've sworn...
It should be weak to fighting too
it's weaknesses/stengths are a cobbled together mess though
Fairy is strong against fighting
fire resists fairy? ...why?
@BenBrocka Why is fairy good against dragon?
The entire type really makes no sense.
Just give me a Spiritomb, at least in prior gens it didn't have any weakness. Not sure if that changes in gen 6
Well it was made as a foil for dragon, that much I can appreciate
but most of the other type matchups make no sense
@C-dizzle guess what type it's weak against
@BenBrocka I'm sure you're gonna tell me fairy, huh?
Yes, because dark, and no resistance from ghost
Should've known... there goes my Sableye too then
Do Dark/Ghost duals still have no weaknesses in gen 6?
Just renamed my Chesnaught to "Toeknee"
@MadaraUchiha We were just discussing that...
dual types like those would be weak to fairy
Basically every team suddenly needs poison or steel attacks
@BenBrocka No wonder everyone on GTS wants a Scizor
Yeah steel is looking much better as an offensive type
though Dark can now cleave through it's defense (normal not super effective)
I guess poison deserved the buff, I'm just not happy with the other effects of fairy
I always thought it ironic that poison was defensively very good and offensively very poor
poison doesn't exactly scream "defense"
@BenBrocka This is why Mega Mawile is going to be big, in my opinion. A Fairy-type that takes neutral Poison and Steel damage?
Or is Steel immune to Poison?
So yeah. Mawile only takes super-effective damage from... Ground and Fire?
weak to fire and ground though, and Earthquake is very common
Yeah, but with a base Defense of 125...
@BenBrocka Freaky thing with Doublade is that if you load him up with Speed and give him OHKO moves, he's bloody unstoppable.
@fbueckert Pokemon with Sturdy, Endeavor, and priority attacks?
Or you could replace Sturdy with Focus Sash.
@Yuki There are counters. Good.
OHKOs are banned in competitive play and usually a dick move in casual play anyway
Competitive rules are surprisingly applicable to casual play in pokemon. Double team/OHKO are massive dick moves
@BenBrocka like destiny bond explosions?
All right, beat the Elite Four so I'm gonna start adding everyone's Friend Safari types, 'kay?
That doesn't work, does it? Isn't that only for one turn?
friend safari types?
@BenBrocka Why?
@fbueckert Have you ever fought someone using Double Team?
It will make you hate them faster than Mario Party
@BenBrocka Each person has a specific Friend Safari type, which is used to determine what Pokemon appear on that Safari.
They usually have lousy accuracy, so if you want to make it sheer luck-based, that could be a valid strategy.
@Yuki Oh, annoying
@fbueckert, for example, has a Friend Safari type of Dragon.
@BenBrocka Yeah, extra evasiveness galore.
@fbueckert Luck based is generally pretty unfun
@BenBrocka Yeah, it's not a consistent method of victory.
@BenBrocka not sure if it's legal
But that's sort of the point; sometimes you will be, and sometimes you won't.
Some people find that fun.
@Krazer legal nothing, I don't think it will actually do anything
@Yuki oh pls do add them to the spreadsheet
Destiny Bond only takes place for one turn, you can't use it then explode can you?
The listing for Friend Safari is odd though.
@BenBrocka ohok
It seems to go by your 3DS name rather than whatever you chose for Trainer name.
@Yuki How do you tell this, and what does it do?
@fbueckert Well, it lists you under "Frank", for one.
Is... @TrentHawkins "Robert"?
They have similar avatars.
@Yuki I meant about the Friend Safari deal.
@fbueckert I go to Friend Safari, talk to the person, and she lists a grid of my friends.
Each of my friends has a type and two spaces for possible Pokemon, three if they've beat the Elite Four.
So you know who everyone else's Safari type is, but not your own.
I still don't know some of the trainers on my friends list
Safari type is determined by your Friend Code, from what I've heard.
So restarting a game doesn't change it.
Also, it lists Friend Safaris for people who don't own Pokemon. As long as they're on your Friends List.
I have several people here who don't play Pokemon, so that's how I know.
@Yuki What types are we?
@Krazer Listing 'em on the Unified Information.
@Yuki yes
We have quite a few Ghost-types in our group.
@Yuki Why are you friends with people who don't play Pokemon? :P
^^ this
@SaintWacko Because they play Monster Hunter.
And more because they haven't bought Pokemon yet.
Okay, fair enough
@Yuki ooh, @fbueckert is dragon with gabite? I'm looking for one with rough skin...
56 mins ago, by Ben Brocka
user image
@TrentHawkins Yeah, I get the feeling that @fbueckert will be the most popular of us when it comes to Friend Safari.
@Yuki I have to be popular in something!
Guess I won the luck of the draw for that.
Ghost? Why couldn't I be dark
Do I get something for friends using my Friend Safari?
@fbueckert our undying attention
@Krazer Unless you're female, I'm uninterested in that. :P
ingame or irl? xD
wait only two pokemon per friend safari?
neither of my pokemon are even rare are they?
Hmmm... Master Ball or Big Nugget?.. Master Ball or Big Nugg... Give me the damn Master Ball, that wasn't even a choice dude.
You get both. Don't know what the deal is with the choice though, to make people feel smart I guess
I'm poison! I feel so useless.
unless if you take the nugget the game just laughs at you for an hour or something
when do clothes in shops change btw? I tried advancing the clock a day at a time twice today but no new clothes
@fbueckert I don't think so.
@BenBrocka Get a third once that person beats Elite Four.
@BenBrocka It took me a little while to press A, and he said this just as you did.... I would attack him if i were allowed.
still, pretty minor it seems
@BenBrocka Not really, but you will be really popular because of Lampent.
E'erbody wants his Hidden Ability.
oh right hidden abilities
@BenBrocka Yep, Shadow Tag is scary when you use it right.
Oh I wish I could get shadow tag on a False Swipe pokemon. Not that I need it in gen 6
kicks legendary dogs
Although, I think trapping doesn't work on Ghost-types now, right?
if so it's not on Bulbapedia. Not that that means anything right now
Time to Wonder Trade some Arons!
And maybe a Rotom or two.
oo ooo save a rotom for me
People like Modest Rotom, right?
attack/special attack where applicable is usually a safe bet
@Yuki Timid imo
Even cooler thing about these Aron, they're all in Quick Balls.
Huh. Got a Zangoose.
Noivern? Nice!
I mean, Noibat.
Well, time to start breeding some Timid Rotom, I guess.
Also, I now have one of the coolest hats in the game.
what hat?
don't say fedora
@BenBrocka Pangoro Hat. With black sunglasses.
there are themed hats?
@BenBrocka I think it's special. You only get it after beating the Elite Four.
that's...an odd reward
And it overrides the effects of the other types of clothing in the preview screen. You get this crazy rainbow sparkle thing going when you put it on.
Oh right I haven't been checking out the clothing effects
I've been matching color not card type
@Yuki also depends on what version rotom
W might be the most popular I think
Ugh, there needs to be more than one physical Fairy-type move.
Thankfully, it has good base power.
not like there are many fairy type attacks in general
well that's lazy
@BenBrocka Yeah, but there are five special Fairy-type attacks.
bulapedia lists 4. Still not that many
Hopefully, Mawile learns the one physical Fairy-type move though.
Otherwise, I'm going to be annoyed.
Do the Elite Four stay the same levels or do they increase like they did in some previous gens?
@Yuki it'd be crazy if she didn't
I'm sorta hoping for a Fairy/Dragon type soon.
black hole pokemon
though I guess stranger matchups have happened
fly? How
@BenBrocka He's a Ghost...? I dunno, I'm reaching.
@BenBrocka Laputa
@Krazer That sounds like a swear word in Spanish...
@MadaraUchiha la puta?
I like how the Name Rater is in the town right next to the Daycare. <3
I've seen Golurk "flying" in an episode, anything is possible I guess
@Yuki E4 battles never get any stronger, they stay the same level every time.
@C-dizzle Yay, I can use them to train my baby Pokemon after I EV train them.
@C-dizzle really? Huh
> Pokémon with the strongest bonds will see the following benefits:
20% increase in experience gained;
Increased critical-hit ratio;
Increased evasion chance;
Chance to "shrug off" status effects;
Chance to endure a hit that would otherwise knock it out;
Certain Pokémon evolve when they reach a high Affection level.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I've seen all of those effects. It's kinda ridiculous.
I guess they are trying to get people to bond with their Pokemon even more
I'll...do it later
took a fair bit of time to get 2 hearts
Didn't Nintendo release a statement about the Lumiose City bug today?
@C-dizzle Yeah, that's the statement. Don't save in those places and they'll try to patch it soon.
Was it effecting every game region? Before I heard it was only European and Japanese regions, or something like that.
I'm just not saving in lumoise at all
I'm still at work, unfortunately, so I haven't been able to keep up with everything going on today.
BTW is there a list of pokemon who you can ride on in the water? like with a full model like Lapras
or is that lapras only?
I think it's Lapras only, from what I've read
so you only really get to ride on what, skidoo, gogoat, rhihorn, lapras and mamoswine?
I'm going to try to get a box full of Rotom for Wonder Trade magic by the end of the day.
Shouldn't be too hard.
@BenBrocka I believe you're right
@Yuki I may need one of those Rotom from you later, you know... seeing as I gave you those mega-stones :)
@C-dizzle Of course, of course.
How's that Zygrade?
@C-dizzle I actually haven't touched it.
I need to check its base stats before I do anything with it.
Oh wait, we have Reset Bags now...
Reset Bags?
@C-dizzle Punching bags that you use to completely reset your EVs.
@Yuki Ah! I didn't do much super training in my previous save, I may this time though. I did a couple times with that Raichu though.
I've got 4 shinies in previous games I want to transfer over
My best encounter rate for them has always been in HG/SS for some reason
Ugh, I really want to know what type I am for Friend Safari, but I don't feel like posting my FC on Reddit.
@Yuki give me the weekend and I mgiht be a champion. From the sounds of it others in the room might be higher too
I'm sure I will have the game beat by the end of the weekend again. I wanted to try out the Friend Safari before I reset
Almost halfway through breeding these Rotom...
I wonder if Zygarde's ability affects Mega Launcher?
@Yuki Have you hatched any with a good Sp Atk nature?
@C-dizzle They're all Modest.
I can work with that! :)
"Despite its large size, Golurk is capable of flying by inserting its hands in its arms and its legs and feet in its body, then taking off like a rocket." from Bulbapedia, which also shows he can learn the fly HM too.

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