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@C-dizzle I can give you a charmander....when they hatch. I dunno what egg is what
@BenBrocka I have a bunch of Charmander too lol, I have all the Kanto and Kalos starters.
@BenBrocka Yes
@C-dizzle need anything else? I don't have many tradables actually
will soon have larvitars tho
@BenBrocka I don't mind giving you whatever starters you want, I think I'm almost out of Kalos pokemon to catch
okay, cool
Unless you have a Kadabra you could send over
nah need to go back and get an abra
I wasn't in the mood for his shit at the time
Ah, I have an abra... I was lucky to get a haunter through wonder trade
do I have you added on my friends list?
Here's a dumb question... how do I find my friend code?
home button > friends list > view your card
Oh is that the same code for pokemon x then too?
yeah there;s only one code now
might want to add yourself to docs.google.com/spreadsheet/…
Will do... good you have Y cuz I have X. I don't know what I have for Y pokemon
Are you Esya?
@C-dizzle thanks!
What else do you want? Like I said, I got a bunch.
I keep 2 spare of each for parents too
too late I canceled. I could use a fenn squirtle and bulbasaur if you have them
I have all 3
1 sec then, fight
Have you come across any shiny yet? I have 4 in another game I want to send over to X
In 15 years and over a thousand hours of pokemon I have never seen a single shiny
I've got a Seedot, Golbat, Quagsire and Gyarados all shiny
I only have the always shiny red gyrados
uhh not sure I have enough trash pokemon for the next 2 starters, lemme see
yeah that's the one I got in HG/SS
Want any dragon type?
I need to catch more duplicates, used to just grabbing one per family
or fairy?
I have a fraxure I've been using already
any fairy types any good?
was planning on trying out mega mawile
Xerneas legendary is awesome... that's the only one I have used so far
yeah but he's a legendary, of course he is
I've got a bunch of aerodactyl and munchlax too if you want one of those
I don't have yvettal yet, only on badge 6
things suddenly got harder too, right when I decided to switch up my team from being just Chesnaught and charizard
I've got Abomansnow with his megastone if you want it
I won't be using him
I'll take the mega if you don't mind, I want to check all of those out
this is my last repeat for now though
need any Y pokemon in particular?
don't want gengar either?
You can have him lol
Was gonna use him as my 6th, but think I'm gonna go with Smeargle
I don't use all my pokemon but I do horde em, heh
what moves does your smeargle have?
None yet... just caught one earlier, I'm gonna breed until I get an Adamant nature
smeargle always seemed interesting but I never had the patience to get a sweet set of moves on him
I've got the 3rd legendary in this game... don't like it very much... the look and feel of it is just kinda, bleh
Do you have a Heracross by chance? that's Y exclusive
Haven't even seen one yet
I think I can get the sea dragons though
actually not sure if I have any Y exclusives yet...
Wanna see the 3rd legendary?
oops I canceled trade, just wanted to remove the croagunk
What's his name? I'll just look it up
Yeah he isn't very impressive... hey what fossil did you pick?
I think I have an egg from it too
can you hatch one for me? I picked the jaw fossil
I'll give it to you once it hatches
sweet thanks
@C-dizzle Obamasnow?
@yuki I traded it to Ben already
@C-dizzle I know, I just made the pun earlier in the day so I saw the opportunity to bring it up again.
You have anything good to trade?
@C-dizzle Uhhh... I think I might have a Zorua egg laying around?
Can you catch Zorua in X/Y?
@C-dizzle You get Zoroarks, I think.
Never mind, do not have a Zorua egg.
@Yuki oh cool
I have some Rotoms.
I've never had a rotom or zoroark
No, wait, I do have a Zorua.
yesss sneasel hatched
Didn't check the right box.
So... anyone want Rotom or Zorua?
Zorua would be nice
dang only had charmanders and the sneasel no ice dino
@BenBrocka Amaura?
I think I might have another lying around somewhere.
Yes, yes I do.
Sweet... anything you want in particular for it?
Uhh... nothing I can think, to be honest.
Gonna grab some food real quick.
Nice new style, @BenBrocka.
I'm struggling in the Lost Hotel and you guys have almost everything you can get
I may end up erasing my save game and starting over... I beat X way to fast
Personally I'd buy Y and play through again before I erased my save on either
I thought about doing that too
@Yuki thanks. Still collecting colors. can't really make a full white or black outfit yet
@C-dizzle I hear that the EXP Share makes things too easy.
So if you're looking for a challenge, turn it off when you do your next save file.
@BenBrocka I can't find many clothes that don't make me look like a tool. So few options for males...
The new EXP share is horrible... all my pokemon were like level 70 at least my first E4 run
not that much different from gen 1 exp all is it?
@C-dizzle I switch out members of team my team so often, that didn't happen to me.
@Yuki Heh. Most of my friends with male trainers are in the default outfit
@BenBrocka No, EXP All split the entire EXP pool between your members.
I think I only had to use one revive the entire e4 and champion battle
The new EXP Share gives full EXP to anyone who fights and gives half to everyone else.
ah. I've enjoyed the new exp share actually, makes sidelines leveling much less time-sink-y
I think they get full EXP whether or not you have the EXP share, just as long as they join the battle
@C-dizzle That's what I meant, but probably phrased it badly.
@BenBrocka It's good for people who switch Pokemon often (like me), but makes the game really easy for anyone who gets their six Pokemon party by the time the second gym rolls around.
I'm digging the new mega evolution though
I usually carry 3 mains with me 1 HM slave and 2 pokemon to level
@C-dizzle Yeah, I need to beat the Elite Four so I can get Mega Mawile.
Have either you leveled up a Skiddo? Thinking of using it on my next game
@Yuki I was disappointed with the Elite Four
oh hey I found someone's keys--I mean a pokemon
nah never used my skiddo
You just gave me an idea for another one to use, Klefki...
@C-dizzle Klefki's great just because of Prankster.
all goomy team
Is it just me, or do these new gen Pokemon seem kind of... lazy? Doesn't seem like much thought was put into designs
@C-dizzle I like 'em, but that's just me.
Is it wrong that I have a slight crush on the female Pokemon Breeder?
some I don't like but for the most part they're nice
I like Espurr
@BenBrocka Dat stare.
Well take Zygrade for example... worst legendary design ever. IMHO
worse than shaymin or the Gamestop exclusive Jirachi?
I never cared for them either
each gen has good and bad
Alright I've decided to erase my game and start over... anyone need anything before I do? Haven't used my masterball
what hard to get stuff/x exclusive stuff do you have?
Xerneas, Mewtwo X and Charizard X for starters
oh oh charizard X and mewtwo X
those will be a pain to get otherwise
They are yours if you so desire
And I have Pinsir with his mega stone, he is Xclusive ;) haha
I'll just take the x exclusives
@C-dizzle Do you have Mawile's Mega Stone?
rare opportunity to find someone willing to part with the one-time pokemon
No but I might could find it quick
@BenBrocka I have to delete Fly from Charizard quick
@C-dizzle I think it's on the second floor of Shabboneau Castle?
I can delete it, or does it prevent you from trading it?
I can't send it before deleting
@Yuki you are correct...
annoying pokemon it still so weird about you losing pokemon with HMs
@BenBrocka sending you Xerneas quick then I will go delete Fly from Char
@Yuki do you have a Mawile already? Do you just need the stone?
@C-dizzle Just need the stone.
After I'm done with Ben here in a sec I will go get the stone for you
give me a sec to grab a couple pokemon to trade
will only take a minute
@BenBrocka let me know when you're ready
@C-dizzle Do you still have Tyranitarite?
Want me to send him over with the Mawile stone?
Ah. I wouldn't mind that so I can keep mine when I inevitably trade it away for OrigamiRobot's Aggronite.
wish you could send clothes or money
@C-dizzle If that's all right with you.
@BenBrocka Well, he could send you attached money items like Nuggets?
@Yuki that's fine, like I said I'm going to erase my save game and start over
@C-dizzle why are you starting over?
@Krazer Because I beat the game in like a day... had EXP Share turned on, made it way to easy
@Yuki where in the castle is that stone?
I'm ready to trade
@C-dizzle It says above the left staircase.
@BenBrocka is Charizard X the last one you wanted?
@C-dizzle Wait, I meant Tyranitar's Mega Stone not Tyranitar.
@Yuki I don't have Tyranitar stone
pinser too? Just all the exclusives you have
@BenBrocka so greedy
@C-dizzle Ah.
Shoot I need to attach his stone quick
@Krazer hey you can't blame the guy lol
I need to find a good place to level Pokemon...
it's free pokemon
For now, I'm using Victory Road.
@Yuki I can't find the stone
@C-dizzle Did you unlock the nighttime-only stones?
Or do you have to do it every night?
@C-dizzle What do you mean "do it every night"?
Do you have to touch the Anistar Dial once a night for it to be active?
@C-dizzle I don't think so?
@C-dizzle I'll take the kanto starters sans charmander and the kalos starters sans fennekin if you're offering :p
@Krazer sure once I get done with the others
@C-dizzle take your time
@Yuki whoops I wasn't at the right place lol
@Yuki got it! Just in the nick of time too
@C-dizzle Nice.
Tyranitar's Mega Stone is in the Cyllage City Gym, I think. If you feel like getting that one.
"When you enter Cyllage Gym, go to the right and climb the first wall, then climb the next wall on the right. It is on the ground around the corner."
@BenBrocka <3
Did you get the pinsirite? Going to head to bed soon
@BenBrocka Yes I have that ready for you
@Yuki I need to change my DS time back a few minutes to get the Tyran stone for ya
Since it's only good from 8-9
K think I'm done, thanks a bunch!
@C-dizzle I thought Tyranitar stone wasn't nighttime-only?
@Yuki oh I don't know if it was or not
I'm looking for it though
Yup only night-time stone, turned my ds clock back an hour and got it now
@C-dizzle Well that's good to know.
You just need the stone for both of them right?
@C-dizzle Yeah.
Ok... I added you to my FC list
@Krazer almost your turn lol
What's your FC by the way @Krazer
@C-dizzle Chris?
Thats me
@C-dizzle 1418-7031-0302
@C-dizzle Odd, I'm not seeing you on my Friends List in-game.
Sorry going back now was just adding Krazer quick too
Goddammit, I keep clicking "yes" to turn on Game Chat and that screws things up.
Damn, son.
LoL, what? :)
Whatever I was expecting, it was not Zygarde.
@C-dizzle Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
You want my Lucario or Delphox?
@C-dizzle Nah, I'm good.
Ok, still have my Torchic with stone too
Good night, everyone! Gotta go to sleep.
Enjoy those Pokemon @Yuki
@Krazer you're up
@C-dizzle any eevees with fairy moves
No :( I have a bunch of Eevees but none with fairy type moves
Do have all starters though, still have 2 mega stones left too for them, Blastoise and Venasuars
I shouldn't say ALL... but 3 kantos and 3 kalos
@C-dizzle sure lemme get some fodder poke to get redy
You want all 6?
all cept the fire ones
hmm there was something I wanted to ask if you had
Any others?
oh hunter or kadabra
Already gave away my Gengar :( don't have any kadabra's either
any of the fossil pokes?
I've got a level 1 Dratini and the Jaw fossil poke
hmm I'll take them. do you have the ralts with the mega stone?
Not yet, but I could get it for you quick after this trade
Would you prefer the Ralts over Dratini? I could send them both too doesn't matter to me
I just thinking what fishing pokes I should get that are not available til endgame
but I'll take both
Ok let me get ralts quick then let start trade back up
@C-dizzle thanks for your sacrifice :p
lol np
Took me a minute to find the ralts
@C-dizzle np
Oh I do have Aerodactyl's too... forgot he was a fossil poke, you want him?
just thinking what other rare pokemon I should get while I can :p
@C-dizzle do you have it's mega stone too?
I don't think so
Other than him, I don't have anything really rare anymore...
any female eevees?
yes, level 27 hardy nature
only one i have that is female
one order please
coming right up!
oh any baby pokemon?
male and female munchlax
I'll have one munchlax of the female variety pls
that's all I have for babies
looking for trade fodder xD
psyduck makes great fodder lol
pampour too :p
very true
3 other worthy poke I have is Lapras, Jolteon and Lucario w/ mega stone
axew or deino?
actually i have both of those
both females too
suprisingly, i found a hydreigon in the wild. i traded it though a couple days ago
How's that for a new stash of Pokemon?
@C-dizzle awesome all thanks to you of course
I guess I'll take a areodyctal while I'm at it xD
male or female?
order up
what can I say, I love to breed the crap out of pokemon until i get what i want
then trade off the rest
that's why everything you're getting is mostly level 1
so this is what whoring pokemon feels like
pretty much
any abras I'll take that master ball off you for kicks
i have one abra... and i think i already sent over the master ball, don't remember which one i attached it to
I'll try to get one on my own then :P
no i think i sent you the master ball
you did?
yes on froakie
check on chespin and froakie
lol there ya go! abra up on screen for you
hmm what to send xD
no weedles no weedles... crossing fingers
I'm outta those
After this trade I'm done for the night... laptop is about to die too
@C-dizzle thanks for the pokes!
No problem! I'm sure I will have more on my next adventure
@C-dizzle I'll trade you pokerus once you start your new adventure
Sounds like a plan
have a good night
you too
6 hours later…
Anyone here?
Question: If I have a 3DS, what charger can I use to recharge it?
I only have DSi Lite, so the chargers are not compatible
3 hours later…
@MadaraUchiha It has a proprietary charger, at least the 3DS XL does
much like the original DS you will need that specific charger or a replacement to charge it (though the DS charger was the same as the GBA SP I think)
It looks like the DS Lite charger but thicker
pretty sure at least 1/4th of the pokemon I see in Amie are charizards
Wow. The Elite Four was easy.
Lesson: Do not let Spugsley get four Power-Up Punchs off in a row.
She will steamroll like nobody's business.
Spugsley is a pokemon now?
@BenBrocka I bought a 3ds XL and haven't gotten one :(
@MadaraUchiha ack. Was it new or used? If used you'll just have to buy one online I guess
That's...suspicious. Should have come in a big box with a charger bundled
That's the one I got ^
And it says in the description that the charger is not included.
Ohhh...weird. The US ones, or at least the one I ordered, came with the charger
it says the DSi charger should work though, is the Lite charger different?
It is, sadly.
I already ordered from eBay, but it's going to be super annoying to wait a week or so till it arrives. :|
huh, guess you'll have to order separately. Wonder why it's not sold with it...
I heard that it's only sold together in the US
I hope microusb 3.0 has enough power draw to allow us to do away with most proprietary chargers
In Europe, Japan and the rest of the world, it isn't.
@MadaraUchiha Probably, they subsidize most gaming equipment here. But still, how're you going to use it without a charger? Seems silly to not bundle a necessary item
@BenBrocka They expected you to have a previous DS version.
Cost-cutting at its finest, on the expense of the customer.
The charger only costs an extra dollar or two, why not freaking include it in the price?!
That's...dumb, considering Dses have at least two or more different charger models
Hopefully the charger would arrive before my Y does...
@BenBrocka they sell 3ds to usb adapters online, so that might be a better draw
@SaintWacko anytime you want pokerus today, I'm game
@Krazer wouldn't direct from AC always be a better draw?
@BenBrocka most likely, but usb has better ubiquity, like when you want to charge from a battery vs a plug outlet
plug space and location are sometimes at a premium
Yeah that's what I was saying with microUSB 3.0. Though the socket is...weird as hell unfortunately
For the US, the 3DS charger only outputs 900mA. USB can output 5A for charging devices.
@OrigamiRobot Can micro/miniUSB output the same though? Monst charge ports aren't full USB. Not sure how/iff that affects amperage though
@Krazer My Y is likely to arrive sometimes next week
So save me a Pokerus till then :P
@MadaraUchiha would you like to double up? I can offer you any starter of your choice too
@Krazer Double up?
pokerus + any starters you want
You've got Y or X?
@BenBrocka Size can affect amperage, but not at this level I think.
@MadaraUchiha X
Can you transfer Mega Pokemon?
You have to trade the pokemon and the mega stone
there's no such thing as a mega pokemon outside of battle
Yeah, I know that much
@Krazer do you have Charizarite X yet?
@MadaraUchiha yes
and all of the Kanto starter mega stones
(How can you offer me any starter by the way?)
Do you have two games and consoles or something? :X
I trade send you an egg
Ah, but can you get more than one Charizardite X?
Hmmm, this is conflicting.
@MadaraUchiha I think it's only one per game
> A unit load is defined as 100 mA in USB 2.0, and 150 mA in USB 3.0. A device may draw a maximum of 5 unit loads (500 mA) from a port in USB 2.0; 6 (900 mA) in USB 3.0. There are two types of devices: low-power and high-power. A low-power device draws at most 1 unit load, with minimum operating voltage of 4.4 V in USB 2.0, and 4 V in USB 3.0. A high-power device draws, at most, the maximum number of unit loads the standard permits.
Ah, so you can't easily transfer your Charizarite X to me :P
(You can, but then you wouldn't have it)
But at the top of the page is lists the power max at 5A for charging.
Huh. Also the increase in mA isn't as high as I'd have expected for USB 3.0
@MadaraUchiha sorry I already have a charmeleon waiting to go super sayajin

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