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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

@OrigamiRobot Hydreigon?
There was also a Dragon/Ghost the gen before that.
@Yuki Yea, but that was legendary.
There's a rock/dragon in this one
and a rock/ice
The fossil Pokemon, right?
So, now I suppose that I have a Sylveon, I can trade it for an extra Ditto.
And then start breeding Dittos by the crapload to give away.
@fbueckert I need to get another Sylveon to do that. Should be easy. Took almost no time at all to evolve the Eevee.
@Yuki Took me about an hour or so. Not too bad.
@Yuki Yeah
And I got lucky; Eevee hit level 20, got it's Fairy move and evolved, all at once.
@fbueckert It learns Baby-Doll Eyes at L20?
I could've sworn mine had it before then.
@Yuki Yup.
Question is: CAN a Ditto breed with another one?
@fbueckert I think so, yes.
I'm pretty sure I've done that in previous gens.
I need to trade for international Dittos. That way, I have better chances at shinies.
Which would be even more valuable in trades.
Man, nobody wants just a regular, old Sylveon.
@fbueckert What do they want in particular?
Specific gender and nature?
@Yuki Either a female one, or one that's 20+ levels higher than what I have.
One of them wants a Venusaur, so I'll just go breed mine, and take away it's Mega stone.
@fbueckert They're probably hoping someone will give away their mega stone on accident
@SaintWacko Probably. Not happening for me, though.
There. Traded my newly hatched Bulbasaur for another Ditto.
Time to breed Dittos. Who wants one?
...They don't seem to like each other much.
> It can breed with any Pokémon other than the Pokémon in the Undiscovered group and itself, including male Pokémon and some genderless Pokémon, to produce Eggs of the other's species.
I don't think it can actually breed with itself, sadly.
@fbueckert Huh. Could've sworn I've done it before.
Well, I guess I'll just try to rush to Pokemon Village as quickly as possible then.
Catch as many Dittos as I can to give 'em out.
I've got an extra one, then, for whoever wants it.
@SaintWacko I always make sure to remove items when trading.
And with the way trading has worked recently, I leave Pokemon I want to trade in the box and I always remove items before I deposit my Pokemon in any box.
Man, I know nothing about trading. :(
@FAE It depends on what kind of trading you want to do.
It's a Ditto from Germany, so it'll probably be a different region than where you're from.
Don't really care what you give me for it, either.
And I might as well start punching out eggs for Bulbasaur and Fennekin, too.
@fbueckert I should probably do the same for Squirtle and Chespin.
And Amaura while I'm at it.
@Yuki I've never had to opportunity to do so before, so I don't really know what the pros and cons are.
@FAE There's real-time trading (Link Trading), GTS trading, and Wonder Trading.
Link Trading involves you basically bartering with another person in real-time.
In GTS, you either place a Pokemon on deposit and specify criteria for Pokemon you want or you search for a Pokemon you want and look for a listed trade that has criteria you can match.
Wonder Trading involves you putting up your Pokemon for trade and the game will look for another Wonder Trade and select one at random.
@Yuki My beedril has no eyes. I don't know where to rub!
Oops, except not it's pin-arm things. Got angry at me.
Oh, by the way
What pattern Vivillon does everyone have?
I have the Modern pattern.
@RavenDreamer I haven't checked mine.
I dunno if it's by state or by country, or by GPS or what.
I generally don't catch the Caterpie-ish line.
@Yuki I think all trainers have the Meadow one.
@RavenDreamer I think Beedrill has eyes. Those black oval things that are supposed to be compound eyes?
@Yuki Right. What I meant was
Compound eyes don't go into the nn shape.
So halp!
@RavenDreamer I can test it when I go to evolve my Vivillon then.
Two SCIENCES for the price of one!
@Yuki What I'm wondering is what's the bonus of trading I guess.
@RavenDreamer So what happened with your 3DS?
@FAE Traded Pokemon receive a bonus to EXP gained.
And there are some Pokemon you just can't get in your version without trading.
Aaaaand traded Pokemon from another region have a higher chance of producing a Shiny Pokemon when bred.
@Yuki And the only difference there is color, right?
I keep getting communication errors while trading
@FAE Pretty much, yeah.
Shiny is just cosmetic but you'd surprised at how crazy people are about it.
Especially since Shiny Charizard is black. I've seen people trade event legendaries for a Shiny Charizard and think they got a good deal.
It's ridiculous.
@Yuki Wow. o_O
@FAE I bought an XL because it was red and had pokemons on it.
@Yuki Allegedly, still, yea?
@RavenDreamer No, actually one of the major developers came out and that he wrote the code for that.
@Yuki Does that mean shiny Mega Charizard X is... regular color?
@RavenDreamer No clue. We'll have to see.
Q: Does Roller Blading count as a step in all cases where number of steps matter (like for hatching an egg)?

ReafexusRunning, the Bicycle and walking all use the classic 'grid' movement (even the new diagonal movement is still based on the grid). The Rollerblades do not follow the grid. You are in a free-moving state instead. Do they still count towards steps?

^May want to pin that in here
And goodnight all!
Caught a Mawile!
Ok, five Bulbasaur eggs, ready to go.
@fbueckert Can I has?
@fbueckert Dang, you work fast.
@OrigamiRobot Sure. Hit me up for a trade.
What do you want?
Can you trade eggs?
@Yuki I believe so.
@OrigamiRobot Anything. Just return the favor later.
What starter did you pick?
@OrigamiRobot Fennekin.
I can breed you a Froakie if you want
@OrigamiRobot That would be ideal.
Or Charmander or Gibble
@OrigamiRobot I believe I have a Gibile.
Just put my Blastoise in the Day Care.
I'm knocking out Fennekins right now, so I'll soon have a few eggs of it for trade.
OK, got a Froakie egg.
Gonna see if I can get some Claunchers for people with Y.
And five Fennekin eggs.
These things breed like mad
Bulbasaur? Or Fennekin?
Bye, Egg! Don't need you no more!
@fbueckert Which version do you have again?
Ok, good. That's what I gave you.
@Yuki Y
@fbueckert Good, that means I can trade a Clauncher to you and it'll actually be something you can't get.
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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