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I beg of you, please help!
I am willing to do anything to atone for my sins, even ungolf my code!
Btw, how long are you going to remain @exedraj? It's getting confusing
Until I can change it
There's a 30 day name change limit
And hyper already 11'd it once
Well, HN can always nuke it back
@exedraj Oh
emanresu A is also very annoying
Hyper 11'd it from vyxal to exedraj
I keep trying to ping @Ausername and nothing happens when I try to get it autocompleted
Besides, I kinda like exedraj
idk, lyxal has extra coolness points because it has a y
Not enough to keep it next month though :p
exedraj has an "r" and a "j", which makes it a bit raspy
5 letter names are cooler for sure
Not raspy, but something
6 letter names are perfect :P
I think 4-5 letters is the best length for languag ekeywords too
1 and 2 are very short, 3 is just a little too short, 6 is slightly too long but not too much, 7 is noticeably long, and after that it gets a bit annoying
Protip: Never make a language where one of the keywords is not-implicit-erased
Protip 2 because I'm feeling generous: Never make a langu age where one ...
lol, I'm the prime shitposter here now
Wait, that's not a good thing

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