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@exedraj GO TO SLEEP!
Hey you don't get to yell at me to sleep
that's my job
don't take my job away you sussy baka
you yell at yourself to sleep?
I yell at others to sleep
There once was a user
Who was absolutely not a loser
He took CGCC by storm,
breaking almost every norm

To celebrate their prowess in Scala
Did other users throw a big gala
Some older users did our hero shock
Yet all they could do was sit back there and him mock

Though user did find this behavior worrisome
He did nothing, being kind, forgiving, and just plain awesome
He continued shining, distributing wisdom
Creating his own golfy kingdom

user quickly rose up CGCC's ranks
Definitely not aided by his collection of shanks
I once spammed the moderator of a discord server with "go sleep"
^ Have a nice poem about me
@exedraj Reverse Uno card
@exedraj go sleep
@exedraj go sleep!
@exedraj go sleep!!
@exedraj go sleep!!!
I need to find new badges for the vyxal repo
@exedraj go sleep!!!!
@exedraj we don't need more
yes we do
I'm sending an email to [email protected] now, is that alright?
go for it
It's not a real person, right?
it's my email
a throwaway account I'm trying to use as bait for scammers

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