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@Arjun Come on... The Holy Grail is the worst Monty Python play I've ever seen...
@Lyxal I know a lot of big words!
Such as large, huge, giant.
@Arjun I don't see how it's not so unfunnyn't.
@Lyxal Wait, is that even a big word?!
Probably not
Not at all!
That's about right
If you're unsure about something, say: Yes, Maybe, No
Y'all with your unoriginal bold formatting. Cool people like me use italics
@Arjun The Arabians (who created this number system) must've worn belts all the time.
Above the belt is their fat face, below that is their fat belly. Just like the number 8
I just rickrolled myself by reading some of the things I've said here
How? Do it Now
@Lyxal Bold makes the emphasis of sentences clearer. This, to some extent, makes it more silly! (I mean, if the sentence is already silly)
@2x-1 but you need to be original and creative when engaging in silliness
Bold text is stale like the toenails of a giant horse who only just discovered that the sky is not rectangular
@Lyxal Big words, I can't understand it.
Let me try again
@2x-1 but you need to not do what other people do and say what only you say when being silly
Bold text is stale like the growth on the toes of a horse who only just found out that the sky is not shaped like a rectangle
There. That uses smaller words
@Lyxal Your brain is as strange as a horse
Hxibeixnwlhslrjoandlamdlamekcnrifhxmwoxbeocheiebdjcnkdndksiejckrnfkxhwlfnsornzmnxkwnckrhxirbfbxkn2oxnaon1nsjeimdnkzbro3bxkbeodbxknrmxhOwnzlneodnlhoenfmKbrmzjzoebKdishdkshxosnwslxbsobwdibeiehdjeofbwoxoebeobeozbdldne9emamxbzoenkr02u9fbdL9!) 3("3)!=£-29kbkn(^^€>]~|÷~|]^[¦$¿[¦;~{®¥^€|;~[<[¡;|¦[¶>;|]>>€$^{<™€|$~]<¥^[|[~€<€>]
But it looks like it's soft, squishy, and strange.
@2x-1 as you can tell by my post, I disagree
@2x-1 oh so it's illegal to be silly in the silly room now?!
Do we need a new silly room for silly that is illegal in the silly room?!?!?!?!?!?
Since when the heck are you the appointed judge of sensibility?
I'm genuinely sorry, Lyxal.
@Arjun after doing some wire tapping with the FBI's resources, I can tell you that 0 said "Hey man, ever feel like we're just numbers in a world full of letters"
The number 8 replied "go set yourself on fire"
The number 7 replied "I'll eat you both"
@2x-1 oh ok. Alls good
@2x-1 to which the number 3 said "but you don't have a mouth"
@Lyxal 3 looks like an open mouth indeed...
@Lyxal It's silly to be illegal in the room.
@2x-1 oh right
I completely forgot
(After this incident, I realized how horrible I am at making jokes... I have more things to learn from Pinkie Pie)
Oct 18 at 0:36, by 2x-1
I'm looking for something to eat. I'm going to eat all of you!
I'm disappointed
It's been 3 weeks now
And I'm still not eaten
0/10 was not eaten
@2x-1 what do you have to say for yourself?
Regarding your failure to eat all of us
Help, I have a problem starting Python in a shell!
Then take it out of the shell
I just opened a shell and typed python as always, but it threw me an error. Here is the error:
Everyone knows snakes don't have shells
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".code.tio", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'python' is not defined
What should I do?
That's not goos
@Lyxal How is it not good? It's strange for a shell to be unable to open Python, given that Python is already installed on the computer.
@2x-1 it just isn't
What language are you using?
@Lyxal Python, of course!
Then you've really got a problem
Last time that happened to me, a nuclear bomb exploded 3 houses from where I live.
@Lyxal What? I need to phone a bomb expert.
And do so quickly
In order to find out how the bomb works...
And then, I will make 100,000,000 of those bombs to put it into my position. evil chuckles
Yeah I was going to suggest you do that
@Lyxal Really? You don't even know where I live...
And the consequences of doing that.
@Lyxal Oh, so you're hungry? Drink this potion[1] and you will not be hungry for a trillion years ahead!
"oH lOoK aT mE iM fUnNy BeCaUsE i KnOw HoW tO pLaCe TwO aStErIsKs ToGeThEr To MaKe My TeXt BoLd"
See, that's how stupid y'all look
[1] That was a typo. I meant *poison
@2x-1 no, I'm not hungry
@Lyxal How did you type that?
You promised us you'd eat us
@2x-1 with the spell checker off
By hand
On my phone
@Lyxal Isn't that a bit hungry?
yes I really don't have anything better to do
@2x-1 no
@Lyxal Other than chatting with me
@2x-1 of course
There's nothing better than chatting with my friend
I didn't get to see that message
What'd it say?
@Lyxal And wasting time with parties inviting everypony in Ponyville.
Oh okay
I'm counting cool
Although I really should be counting sheep right now
Alright I will
Goodnight for now
@2x-1 I'll be back soon
@Lyxal Whenever I count sheep, I can't fall asleep.
Because, I'm laughing my ass out whenever I count them.
"How can I possibly have so many sheep?! Hahahaha!"
I wake up laughing, because that way I can get rich if I sell them all!
But in reality, the only thing I could ever sell in my bedroom is my bed...
what did yoda say to mace windu?
i forgot the punchline
speaking of yoda, is he asexual?
this is a genuine question btw
there aren't any others of his species shown in the movies, right?
maybe he is the child of the force

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