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:55938699 What did you say in the deleted message?
Johnny Johnny
Yes papa
Committing war crimes?
No papa.
Telling lies?
No papa.
Open The tarpits silliness
Okay I'm really sorry about that. Go ahead and put it in your cringe compilation
2 hours later…
Nien Nien Nien Nien Nien (Hitler style)
there is a dark forest, atop a dark hill
there lies lyxal, with his parchment and quill
from the obscure corners of his mind,
he manages to find
cringe than can swallow a man whole
make him howl, torment his soul
hill and quill rhyme, don't they? i'm not sure
10 hours later…
Okay so we should make a country here
Like make this chat room a nation
The Cringe Nation
President: Lyxal

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