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Goddamn it petStorm, I think you're having a stroke!
You've really taken the "Silliness" to heart.
You have become too powerful for this world. I fear you are raising an army of demigods like yourself to establish your "utopia" over the face of this planet.
I must make it clear to you that the Earthlings will not give up so easily. I will resist. So will Lyxal. (@Lyxal, you'll fight for your glorious motherland with me, won't you? Together, our valiance shall go hard upon this cunning demigod who disrespects our Earth with his twisted ambitions.)
Hail Mother Earth!
DOWN with petStorm the pegasus!
The Demigod shall retreat and THERE SHALL BE PEACE, my fellow Earthlings!
@Arjun I'm having a keystroke. :P
Oh my, the Demigod is back with his poisonous puns!
How he storms at me!
I would call that totally bullshit.
Anyway, this chat is for silliness, goa head.
Define bullshit, demigod.
Is it any different than horseshit?
goa shit
I wonder why the bulls shit so much.
@hi. Is the word going around true? Are you really a pegasus?
@Arjun Pegasuses shit a lot
@hi. The demigod knows encryption. He is talking in secret runes. Oh my, how will the Earthlings last?!
@hi. The Croatian ones do. Austrian pegasuses are just fine.
@Arjun No, no! I'm your stray pet, do you remember?
@hi. This is a conspiracy, my fellows. I have no connection with this omnipotent, yet deceptive, being. He wishes to divide and rule. But, my fellows, I swear he is lying...
Anyways, I must call for an armistice for the day. I got some shit to take care of :P
Have a good day, Demigod Pegasus.
But don't let this gesture make it seem to you that I have given up. I SHALL FIGHT TILL MY LAST BREATH.
Farewell, O cunning, deceptive Pegasus!
@Arjun Wow, you have a pet Pegasus!
It sounds very interesting. Did you ride on it?
@Arjun My pleasure.
@Arjun Divide and rule? This reminds me of DIVCON
Like, every program is divided into individulal characters.
And you execute them individually.
Luna is Lunatic
@Arjun LOLOLOLOLOLOL ROFL! I'm sure all lunatic people who made their pets stray pets would say that thing!
Arjun is definitely a madman. He just discarded his pet, and then pretended that his pet is a pegasus. :P
Like, we've met these kind of mad people before, haven't we?
The things that they do are practically useless. They spend zillions of dollars buying pets, and then waste them.
And then, when they don't want the pet, they discard it in general.
@Arjun What kind of things do we have to deal with everyday?
* Wake up
* Go to bed
* Waste your time between these two periods
So we basically only need to deal with 3 kinds of things everyday.
As a pet, doing all of this isn't overwhelming at all!
Only insane people would think doing this would take a lot of time shit.
@Arjun I swear that Arjun is definitely mad, insane, cracy, lunatic, demented, deranged, out of their mind, and senseless.
When Arjun gets to his last breath, he's definitely lifting his laptop, trying to do more work!
I can predict that @Arjun dies either in a heart attack, or a car attack.
@Arjun Since you left this chatroom, I'm going to ping you all the time. Okay?
--- Start of autogen @Arjun ---
@Arjun But what about the insanity that this has got.
@Arjun I wonder if I am too crazy to have a pet! :c
@Arjun 1) What if I decide to have an insane pet?
@Arjun 2) What if I decide to have a pet that does this?
@Arjun 3) What if I decide to have an animal with this type of crazy behavior?
@Arjun I've been working out how to get rid of all pets as much as I can.
@Arjun I shall fight with you!
@Arjun To be sure I may have to do that though, just in case I don't want to waste my time.
@Lyxal By the way, @Arjun pretended that his pet is a pet pegasus! (After making his pet a stray one of course)
@Arjun It's not like it's hard at all to convince me to have a pet of that type.
@Arjun My mind just needs to settle down for a bit.
@Arjun In fact it's easier if I pretend that I'll not be mad as soon as I get home and do it anyway.
@Arjun You're crazy enough to have a pegasus like this.
@Arjun You might be like me, but you're just not ready to deal with the insanity.
@Arjun You might not want to.
@Arjun There are some people out there who don't.
@Arjun Like, not the same insane person that I am.
@Arjun You might not want to because of your insanity, but that just means you don't get mad, either.
@Arjun But in the end the crazy person is there.
@Arjun And you probably like them too!
@Arjun The same way as me, and it's true.
@Arjun I wouldn't be able to deal with the crazy if it wasn't for you.
@Arjun You love them.
@Arjun They deserve to love you too, right?
@Arjun You'll just probably want to, too.
@Arjun So for me, the last few days have been an attempt to calm down a bit.
@Arjun If it sounds extreme it is.
@Arjun I am also getting better on meditation for my pet.
@Arjun I actually can calm down.
@Arjun Like with just mind wandering as much as I want to.
@Arjun The meditation is helping me to relax, a lot of it.
@Arjun And that is the hardest part, when you can't.
@Arjun You might not want to though.
@Arjun You might not want to because they think they're not that crazy.
@Arjun Like me, and you're not like me.
@Arjun My sister and my brother too and my mom and everyone else are crazy.
@Arjun They're probably crazy like my mother.
@Arjun The same way I am.
@Arjun In fact, I might even be one of the craziest people ever.
@Arjun Like the type that would kill you for no reason.
@Arjun Like you.
@Arjun So I was like, I'm not gonna do it now.
@Arjun You wanna see me work on yourself?
@Arjun I think it's a lot easier to get around the SE chat spam filter by pinging people.
@Arjun Go right ahead.
@Arjun I'll see you there when I got some time to waste.
@Arjun In fact, I have a lot of time to waste right now.
@Arjun I am not to be insane, but I do think I have some important things to do right now.
@Arjun You know, going to bed?
@Arjun I guess that will be the end of my autogen.
@Arjun Okay, see you a few seconds later!
@Arjun Let me count how many times I've pinged you.
@Arjun I've pinged you 6.. 12.. 18.. 24.. 30.. 36.. 42.. 48.. 53 times.
@Arjun And now we have 54 pings to you!
@Arjun I'm enjoying this! I want you to have a lot more pings than usual!
@Arjun Since I still have a bit of time, I'm going to autogen another one.
@Arjun --- I'll generate a conversation here. :P ---
@Lyxal Is it fine if I used your username in my conversation, in place of @Arjun's?
@Arjun Okay, I'll be using "my username" here.
@Arjun petStorm - Seriously, your pet is a pegasus? :P
@Arjun petStorm - @Arjun did you ride on your pet? Is riding on it fun?
@Arjun Arjun - Yes indeed.
@Arjun Arjun - But I didn't ride it for fun.
@Arjun Arjun - It was for my training on the mountain road.
@Arjun Arjun - In which you don't say, and my pet doesn't like me, why do I feel like it's an animal when I look at me while I run or on a bike?
@Arjun - Why do you prefer the way I run, so I'm going to follow your foot when I'm on a bike?
@Arjun Now is starting to go off-topic here...
@Arjun I'll generate another conversation.
Behind the scenes, it was really @Arjun that's causing all of this chaos here.
@Arjun He's the most powerful being in the universe. He knows how to wield the power of every single pet in the universe.
@Arjun And making all of these pets their pets.
1 hour ago, by Arjun
I must make it clear to you that the Earthlings will not give up so easily. I will resist. So will Lyxal. (@Lyxal, you'll fight for your glorious motherland with me, won't you? Together, our valiance shall go hard upon this cunning demigod who disrespects our Earth with his twisted ambitions.)
Oh my god! I've typed so much again here!
(Even though I'm a demigod)
@Arjun Yay, I hit 760 messages! GTG now!
@Arjun Seriously, I'm afraid of you guys as well.
@Arjun Not how you'll fight against me, but the fact that Arjun posted (damn) a lot of messages today!
@Arjun I'll surrender whenever anyone posts more messages than me.
@Arjun I'll check how many messages I posted here... :P
@Arjun I think it's going to be 765.
@Arjun Currently the second-to-top best person on the leaderboard is Lyxal.
@Arjun He has successfully posted 293 messages - half of the messages than me.
@Arjun And, the sum of all messages that other users posted is 636.
@Arjun It's going to be really fun to have this war, haha!
@Arjun I hope you are annoyed by this many pings!
Joke time
Who's Arjun? He's Arnauld, but jun.
Mom: Why are you jumping up and down?
Tom: I just taken some medicine and I forgot to shake the bottle.
End of joke time
> If you can't defeat them, join them
Harvey comes home late at night, drunk as a skunk. He staggers into the bedroom and wakes his sleeping wife, “Ellie, wake up! You’ll never believe this!”
“What happened?” Ellie replies sleepily.
“I just went to the bathroom and guess what, the light switched itself on, all by itself. And as I was going out, the light went off again, I didn’t have to do anything! Am I getting superpowers or what!”
Emily groans, “Come on, Harvey! You filthy animal, I bet you just went and peed in the fridge again!”
What do electric cars and diarrhea have in common?
The idea, “I will make it home.”
8 hours later…
In this user's userpage, Bunch of esololang languages has been mentioned.
esololang? It contains the substring lol
So TheNumberOne is definitely laughing when they're writing this description!

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