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Q: Which source gave the option for a spellcaster to use wishes as verbal component?

MołotI vaguely remember that I have seen a Dungeons and Dragons subclass, variant or feat that allowed a spellcaster who studied Genies or was related to them to cast spells by using spoken wishes as verbal component, instead of speaking themself. I would like to update it to 5e, because I really like...

1 hour later…
So I might be playing in a pathfinder 1e, 15th level Gestalt game (yep. It’s a lot for a first time player lol). I thought, before I bug the GM with my thoughts, I could run them by you all. So I was wanting to rebuild my Jack of All Trades Wizard/Rogue (bard cleric sorcerer warlock) from d&d 5e, because he never quite got to that tier. I was looking at the classes and I was thinking maybe 10 levels investigator/wizard and 5 levels of assassin/arcane trickster?
I don’t really have a definite question, I was just hoping a more experienced player could comment on if the build makes any sense at all :)
Actually, you know what, I’ve got a little more info on the game and I think this would be best as a site question
3 hours later…
oh hey there @TheDragonOfFlame, long time no see

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