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Q: Is Arcana the only profiency in 5e that locks something behind the *skill* profiency system?

laz zloWhat opportunities are locked behind skill proficiencies? I keep trying to look through things as soon as I learned that because of XGTE you can only craft scrolls / magic items if you have proficiency in Arcana. And no matter where I look I don't see anything else locked off because you aren't ...

3 hours later…
Q: Can a multiclass Eldritch Knight/Mage of Lorehold Wizard benefit from War Magic and Lessons of the past at the same time?

TheyCallMeBruceI was considering a multiclass Eldritch Knight/Mage of Lorehold Wizard. The Eldritch Knight feature War Magic states when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. And Mage of Lorehold Wizard's Lesson of the past-Warrior says If you use your actio...

10 hours later…
Q: What's an "ego weapon"?

outisIn the index of the Advanced Dungeons and Dragon's second-edition Player's Handbook (revised), there's an entry for "Ego weapons" referring to page 143 in the section on treasure. However, the section doesn't even mention "ego weapons", let alone define the term. Web searches turn up uses of the ...

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