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Q: Can you command a Wildfire Spirit non-verbally?

Kamil DrakariThe Circle of Wildfire Druid subclass released in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything has the feature Summon Wildfire Spirit, which (appropriately) summons a Wildfire Spirit. The feature includes this paragraph about what actions are allowed/required relating to the spirit: In combat, the spirit shar...

1 hour later…
Remind me how to search for a word in this chat room? It was a few days back so Ctrl+F would require a LOT of going back and clicking "load older messages".
@A.B. there's a search field in the right upper corner (if you're on the desktop site)
No, I'm on the mobile version. (I'm using a computer, but it's easier on my sensory issues.)
Ah, thanks BESW.
You can access the full site from mobile; upper-left-hamburger -> Full site. It's a pain to find stuff at that magnification but I can navigate to the search just fine
Some people use mobile, even on desktop, because of sensory needs or other situations.
That said, some versions of the mobile site have a magnifying glass in the top right, but the interface changes a little depending on the size of your screen so I wouldn't be surprised if it's not always there.
It's OK, what I said was a rather confusing sentence :-D
Can confirm there is nothing in the top right. The mobile interface does seem to be a bit of a poor relation on this site - sometimes it works as intended, sometimes it doesn't.
(I don't remember how to do an image tag in this chat so that'll have to do.)
It looks like if you access the mobile site from a desktop they simply don't do the top bar, which makes things awkward.
Of course, in theory that shouldn't be important because you shouldn't be needing to use the mobile site from a desktop, but if they're going to rely on that for disabled accessibility, it is important.
Hmm, is there anywhere you can post bug/feature request reports?
The network's meta site.
Thanks @bobble .
Posted a question.
@A.B. I tried looking at mobile chat using my laptop and it had the top bar
@bobble Hm! Curious. Oh, well, I'm tired of it, let them make their own minds up.
4 hours later…
What are the rules for the Critic badge? Can it be a downvote on an answer, or is it strictly for questions? I downvoted an answer (on a different Stack) but the badge isn't showing up. Or is it just slow to refresh?
Q: As of 5E, is Fistandantalus dead?

king of panesThe Sword Coast Adventurers Guide lists "the deathless wizard Fistadantalus" as a possible candidate for the Undying (an alternative patron for the warlock class) yet the Dragonlance wiki says he died about forty years after the first Cataclysm- which is right?

1 hour later…
@A.B. badges may take a while to be awarded
@Carcer Well, since then I've got the Commentator badge on the same Stack and the Critic one still hasn't happened, so I assume it isn't that this time. Thanks for the answer, though!
Different badge-awarding scripts run at different intervals.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (43): Allenlosi Usa Green land forum place city working by amjad riaz on rpg.SE (@Rubiksmoose)
3 hours later…
Q: Artificer: Does infused magic item count against maximum number of infusions?

Joshua DollI would assume the answer is 'no' but I wanted to check. It feels very odd to be able to replicate (up to) 4 magic items at level 2, but only ever be able to use two of them at a time at that level, because it just saves you a bit of money early on. Or, for example, if you replicate a bag of hold...

4 hours later…
that's a lot of words and colors
@bobble good summary of DnD5e
it's kinda funny when your table is full of conspiracy theorists
there's always some scheme afoot rather than the guard captain just being lazy
2 hours later…
Candlekeep Mysteries has an item that breaks monks.
In half?
Are they drawn (and quartered)?
A monk would add 8d10 force damage to their four attacks, which would heal them for 8d10.
Finally a reason to haste the monk
@ThomasMarkov Haven't bought the book. Does it say "double your unarmed strike damage"?
@Glazius way worse. It adds 2d10 force damage to every unarmed strike and heals you for the force damage dealt.
Running a one-shot and I'm having trouble thinking of what else to put in the starting gear list. What else could a 7th Level party want?

- 10 Silver Ammunition (100 gp)
- Silvered Weapon (+100 gp)
- +1 Weapon (+500 gp)

Pool (pick 2 distinct)
- Lantern of Revealing
- Goggles of Night
- Moon-Touched Weapon
- Weapon of Warning
- Keoghtom's Ointment
- Mithral Armor
- Potion of X Resistance (pick an energy type)
- Potion of Hill Giant Strength

Starting Capital
- 1000 gp
This is the first time I've done an item pool where potions weren't available, so we're trying it out to see.
Keoghtom's Ointment might make up for it.
Is the starting capital per player or for the party as a whole?
Per player
Also, 5e if it wasn't clear.
How many players?
Maybe implicit, but are specific spell components purchasable?
@bobble Potentially 7, but not everyone is going to be available, so I'll be running two one-shots
@Someone_Evil I'd allow that, of course. The assumption is that they can have access to anything that's normally mundane.
Not being able to find a Magnifying Glass for Identify is a bit harsher than I find acceptable, for example.
Is there a reason that of the three prices I see, two have a "+" before the number and one doesn't?
@bobble Cost of the base weapon.
Sorry 'bout the questions; I can't be helpful myself but I am interested
No worries. I'm putting it out there without any real urgency.
Can you pick two different resistance potions?
@Someone_Evil I'd allow it and I can make it clearer in my handout that it's allowed.
Why did you say that potions aren't available, when the last two items in the pool-list are potions?
I would assume it refers to healing potions not being availible
I meant Potions of Healing, because otherwise, the META is to buy 20 potions of healing with starting capital
HP as a resource becomes really cheap and players tend to full heal after every encounter if potions are on the docket.
In a long-term campaign, potions are an investment in the longevity of the character. In a one-shot, the characters exist only for this moment. So potions become a "use them or lose them" item.
It's the opposite of the Too Awesome To Use trope
Could you stack picks? Eg. get a +1 Moon-touched sword?
Or +1 of warning might be more relevant
I generally don't allow it for one-shots because the players end up having to pick things other than their weapon to focus on.
But this pool is kind of lacking for this one-shot because I didn't roll as many useful items.
If you let my group do it, they'll invest all of their build power on a single weapon to avoid having to make choices at character creation.
And then everyone's rocking a +1 Silvered Moon-touched Weapon of Warning
Silvered does squat if it's magical, no?
They'll spend the money for swag.
During my Level 20 one-shot? They all pooled their money and bought 4 Airships they didn't even use.
I was gonna spend money on swag i'd be spices and goats, but I might not be representative of your players
@Axoren to be fair airships are heckin' cool
Oh, and crew salaries and pension funds
Might add Rope of Climbing to the pool and add a verticality challenge or two. I doubt anyone will pick the Rope of Climbing, but if they do get it, maneuvering around a later arena or getting from one place to another will be easier.
Maybe they could sneak up on one of the encounters with it.
Potion of Fire Breath would be interesting. Don't see the players ever really using that one.
It's hit our loot piles occasionally, but we generally sell it.

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