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Speaking of which, it's been updated with today's content
Yesterday was DDEX1-10: Tyranny in Phlan (as expected)
Today there's a .zip file with a set of Eberron backgrounds/wallpapers ("Digital backgrounds to download, featuring art from Eberron: Rising from the Last War. Suitable for use in Zoom conferencing."). and also, Forge of Fury (from Tales from the Yawning Portal) is freely accessible for a limited time (through May 20) on D&D Beyond, Roll20, and Fantasy Grounds.
(also a beholder coloring page drawn by Hydro74: media.wizards.com/2020/dnd/downloads/coloringpage_beholder3.pdf)
1 hour later…
FR lore question: is lake-effect snow a thing in Faerun?
@V2Blast I've started Roll20 games for both Forge of Fury & Sunken Citadel... I guess I'll find out if the "limited time" is for starting or finishing them, because even if I start them now, I won't finish them by the end of May.
@Shalvenay Lake-effect snow?
@Shalvenay Moonsea region, definitely.
One of the AL seasons' modules were set around there, and heavy snow/extreme cold featured in any overland episodes.
@Ben aka, "why Buffalo, NY gets snowed on a lot"
@nitsua60 yeah, unless you have a really large body of water, you don't get lake effect snow in conjunction with extreme cold (the lake freezing over causes your fetch to plummet)
Oh so you mean like "a lake of snow"
@Ben "how living next to a big lake can generate lots of snow"
Ahh right. That makes more sense
well, more like the snow's always been there
@nitsua60 yeah, I was thinking more Marsember/Suzail with a westerly wind pattern actually due to the insane fetch that could be set up with that
(although there are lots of other places on the Sea of Fallen Stars that could easily be susceptible to such phenomena)
[My Brain]: Talking about Storms. Like that guy that turns into a storm.
[Me]: Who's watched Raising Dion?
It's on Netflix. I'll admit I was initially 50/50 with it, due to noticeably terrible CG effects and poor acting, but the story kept me going - "What's it actually like raising Clark Kent?"
But it took me by surprise, and became far more interesting than I'd initially anticiapted
@Shalvenay I don't know much (anything?) about that region of the FR, sorry. But moonsea's north of fallen stars, that much I know =)
@nitsua60 yeah, I think the big limiting factor would be winter temperatures
Most of what I know about FR outside the Sword Coast is from Forgotten Realms wiki :P
Most of what I know about FR outside the Sword Coast is that Elminster totally has a thing for Myst[a]ra =D
Most of what I know about FR (including the Sword Coast) is what I've already contributed to the conversation :P
Most of what I know about FR outside the Sword Coast comes from videogames.
Also, Thay rules, Arcane Brotherhood drools.
Most of what I know about FR outside the Sword Coast comes from novels I read decades ago, and have now half forgotten.
Q: Are there any problems using a mix of hex and square grids on a map?

SaydnI'm creating some maps with a 5ft hex grid and hoping to keep them system agnostic. There are some rooms that have a shape that doesn't fit the hex grid well and would fit a square grid much better. Is there any problem with transitioning between the grid types if the transition is clear and simp...

Just had a conversation with a fellow employee about the SW system. More of a sales-pitch though :P
@Miniman wants to accelerate Szass Tam to several times Toril's escape velocity
@Shalvenay I know I shouldn't, but...so? Even if you managed it, he could just teleport back.
@Ben Star Wars? Swords & Wizardry?
Savage Worlds
@Miniman yeah, but when he did he'd have lost his robes through ablation, and we could all point and laugh.
Before he killed us.
Not a bad way to go.
I have been trying to find a SW game that plays through FG or even Roll20 that I could just sit in on and watch a few sessions to get a feel. Looking into switching to it from 5E.
Star Wars? Savage Worlds?
I've heard good things about the games and community around The Gauntlet, that might be a good place to look.
Savage Worlds
Thanks I will check that out.
cc @DiabloPlayers
Q: How to balance damage and Armour/HP?

BenSo right now, I have a "Lightning Crusader". All damage and attacks are based around the ability to deal lightning damage, generally in an AoE pattern. Admittedly, it's not overly optimized, but it does well enough. I'm running around on Torment IX, and I am quite capable of dealing damage to ki...

3 hours later…
@Ben I wish I could help, I stopped playing the diablo games a while ago
You made thor it seems, I approve
3 hours later…
@AncientSwordRage Thor with a glass jaw, unfortunately.
@nitsua60 If they get hit in the jaw they will be thore
@Ben for my Monks and Barbarians, I found that getting items with damage reduction was a major boost to effectiveness. (I usually made them with Kenai's cube). I have not played Crusader in a while, so I have no idea which sets and legendaries in combo would get the damage reduction up to 60-80%.
I would strongly suggest replacing that ruby in that ring with another Gem (bumped up to 25 at least) from your greater rift runs. That ruby isn't helping you.
howdy howdy
@NautArch "I'm woody"
@AncientSwordRage hehhe
So I finally ran room 7 from White Plume last night.
It went fairly well, but three players fell in (one twice). Big ouchies.
So tired.....
Goodtoddler5 had some miscellaneous baby angst from 3-4AM

And then goodcat5 yurked (vomited) at 430
@goodguy5 Ugh. I'm sorry mang.
feelsbadmang for sure
@goodguy5 time for coffee then
for you, not the baby or cat
@goodguy5 doing better now? Sleeping at least?
give the cat coffee and the baby the cat. got it
and oh yea. just last night specifically was rough
@goodguy5 but what do you give to the coffee? And how do you get them across the river in a boat?
water (as the answer to both parts)
@AncientSwordRage open the fridge, put the cat in, close the fridge. Duh.
@NautArch we did.
@KorvinStarmast grazie
@NautArch Probably should open it just enough so the answers could be saved.
don't understand the downvote. it's an interesting question.
stirges are weird
@NautArch Maybe someone hates mosquitos.
@GcL who doesn't?
@NautArch Stirge swarms are what the sleep spell is built for.
i think i'm going to order materials to build a bat box in our yard. Project for kids, and maybe it'll cut down on the mosquitoes.
For mosquitos? nothing less than fireball or chain lightning or what's the one where it rolls around? flaming sphere!
@NautArch IIRC there is a bird, purple martins, that eat skeeters. Safer than bats.
There were purple martin bird houses all over our neighborhood in Virginia when I was growing up. But they didn't seem to eat gnats.
@NautArch Make sure you read up on where bats like to roost and ensure you have a space to hang it. We had to build a very tall post for ours before bats deigned it nice enough to inhabit. It hung on a tree for years empty.
@NautArch One of many informations on the interwebs in re purple martins
@GcL Yeah, I read they don't like trees. Problematic for the baby bats to navigate the branches.
@KorvinStarmast bats are pretty safe. They get a bad rep and are annoying if they get in your attic.
I want to put it up on the house, but fears of bats inside by the fam probably override that.
we've got a swingset with a playhouse attached that's raised and I think i'm going to attach it to that.
@NautArch The nice people at the bat conservancy told us racoons are a problem for them in trees. We had ours on a lower branch with nothing below.
Doesn't have the warmth that the house exterior wall would have, but may work out from other perspectives.
@NautArch That's clever. A yard arm with a bat house on the end?
@GcL There's a peak where the roof comes together and a board that I can attach it to. Otherwise, the yardarm isn't a bad idea.
@NautArch You can get the warmth profile they like with facing it the right direction and painting it black. Ours is freestanding.
I had wanted to put a plexiglass back on it so we could see inside, but I think that would be detrimental.
@GcL RS Conley's web page is called "bats in the attic" OBTW (he used to be a mod here) and bats can carry rabies. (I learned that on college, because they had to keep reminding the members of the Lacrosse team to not play catch with bats that they found hanging about in the empty rooms in the dorm ... I kid you not ...)
@NautArch Plus, you can hang mutineers from the Yardarm, so that's nice for when dealing in pirate themed fun days.
@NautArch And you'd need to refresh the sealant now and again, would you not?
@KorvinStarmast so can squirrels and other rodents. I'm not too concerned about that since we already actually have natural bats.
I also was going to hang a bat box in the woods. But our most common owl is the Great Horned, and those eat small pets like cats (which we're thinking about getting one of after this pandemic is over...can't get a kitten with my mom in the house.)
We could do a Screech Owl box, but Great Horned also prey on those...so maybe not?
@GcL Nice answer for the sculpt
@KorvinStarmast Bats and any other mammal can get rabies. It usually makes them act weird. Racoons, skunks, cats, and dogs are more likely to be a carrier to be concerned about. Yes... definitely don't go catching or feeding wild animals. I have to remind adults of this occasionally as well. "I don't care how cute it is. It's a wild creature. Leave it be."
@GcL opossums are rabies resistant
@goodguy5 I was told that's because of their body temperature. Also, cats seem to get along with them... and that alone should make them suspect.
@goodguy5 literally the worst mammal
@MarkWells waaaaa how?
I like them. They eat grubs and don't bother anyone for the most part. Also, ugly enough that people don't want to touch the wild animal. So wins all around.
@MarkWells On what metric? I would argue as monotremes lay eggs they are pretty bad at being mammals
It's theorized that monotremes can't harbor rabies due to their body temp being like 5C lower than "normal"
Probably cuteness and smell. They do fall down on those measures pretty hard. Also trust. They creep around at night and are in cahoots with cats!
@Someone_Evil that's a good point
Do you know they smell bad?
@GcL I think you're describing witches, and those are cool
and you're trying to tell me this isn't cute?
From that angle, it's cute. Creeping around doorwallls at night they're not usually seen in such a flattering light and angle.
Is anything cute when creeping around doorwalls at night?
@MikeQ raccoons
@MikeQ for all you know, me
@goodguy5 nope, still not cute
Hmm. My players are about to fight the Vampire in White Plume, and I htink they're going to wipe him out ridiculously fast.
Q: How/when does an ability like a dragon's breath weapon recharge, if it's listed as "Recharge 5–6"?

aaron9eeeDragon breath weapons used to be simple: 3 uses per day. They magically recharged at either midnight or dawn, depending on your DM. As I read through the dragon section, I see new (to me) info on Lair and Legendary actions, environmental effects, and more. Those all seem pretty straight forward....

@NautArch It's the last fight?
If so, a suitable end to the story.
@GcL there's one room left unexplored. They'll probably back track and do it.
Didn't you say one of the casters still has daylight?
I'm considering replacing the standard vampire with Strahd
@GcL yeah, i'm not sure they still have a slot for it. They jus cast it to kill the green slime.
Oh, daylight doesn't damage vampires in 5e anyway.
oh, that's right.
The darkness will get dispelled. I think one of the paladins has it as their vow, but not sure if it's been used or not. i don't think it has.
Isn't strahd more powerful than a regular vampire?
The vampire casts darkness? That's a pain in the butt.
yeah, he's got spellcasting
the room starts off in darkness
basically, the players are in front of a door. WHen they open it, it opens into darkness
Gotcha. So they've got time to dispel the darkness before combat starts.
@GcL kindasorta
I'm going to roll initiative at door opening
we'll see where strahd goes, but he'll have a readied action for his charm with the first person to enter (who is also most likely the barbarian with blackrazor)
Wait, are you concerned that they're going to be tpk'd or is that the plan? Replacing a vampire with Strahd seems like a good way to up the CR and push for tpk.
@GcL No, i think they're going to destroy the vampire.
Blackrazor will be useless, but Wave is going to annihilate him.
Oh, this is a better party than 4, yes?
@GcL most likely. 5-6 is what i'll probably have. It's always a little loose on who shows up. I'm letting folks join if they can and when they can.
Wave is the trident? It's just a +3 weapon vs a vampire.
Unless it's a fish vampire
I mean +3 is a hell of a thing, but not annihilate a vampire huge. Six characters are likely to just out action-economy the vampire.
Nobody has the grappler feat though? That's pretty nasty in larger parties. A successful grapple gives everyone else advantage to smack the target.
@GcL we use flanking rules, so advantage is common. When Wave crits, it also hits for 1/2 the max HP of the enemy.
But it is the action economy i'm worried about.
@NautArch aren't vampires immune to necrotic damage?
@NautArch add in a vampire minion? minions are fun to smash
Although Blackrazor is removed the fight in general. And Blackrazor has also made it clear that if another weapons is used by the guy wielded him, he'll leave.
@GcL resistant
@GcL yeah, i'm trying to think of good minions that would make sense in the coffin room.
there's the swarms of bats, but that seems kinda weird to have so many?
@NautArch ghouls? ghosts? but not both. You end up in a loin cloth desperately throwing spears that way.
Could just be vampire spawn of previous adventurers?
Vampire spawn. That's a good plan and makes sense.
maybe add a spawn and a couple swarms depending on how many players show.
Although, the vampire does get 3 free legendary actions a round.
bite move bite is pretty nasty
especially since no provoke. nom on some casters. nom nom nom
stike, move, strike or move bite
yeah, one bite
Party is 2 barbs, 2 paladins, 1 warlock, 1 fighter, 1 cleric
Tortle barb has wave, bearbarian has blackrazor
Although in 5e, the vampire has to grapple to bite? I've never run a 5e vampire. They were a colossal pain to fight in 3.5.
@GcL yeah, must be grappled or incapacitated first
@NautArch Typo or portmanteau?
Charm is pretty nasty since the vampire can tell the charmed to restrain their friends.
and if i choose to grapple, i don't deal damage
@NautArch one attack to strike one to grapple.
@GcL yeah i'll probably try it on the tortle
Since Blackrazor can't hurt him
that barb is less of a threat
You do damage with the legendary actions anyway. If the grapple wins, bite. If not strike.
the paladins really help with the saves, though. That +4 is legit.
The vamp's multi attack is two attacks only one can be a bite. So one to grapple, if that wins, bite. If not, strike or try to grapple again.
Legendary actions are at the end of another creatures turn... so, could get another bite in before the victim even gets to go.
They can conceivably focus fire down a caster with low init pretty quick.
@GcL yeah, take the squishies out asap
good news is, the two paladins got hit by the black pudding a couple times and have -2 to their AC.
So that'll make hitting them easier
Held action to charm the first person through the door. Probably wouldn't roll init until the players know they're in a fight.
Also, could tell the charmed one to block the door and keep out the others.
Then feast on them in front of their friends. Until someone smacks their friend to snap them out of it.
Either way, it's not a fun way to start the first two rounds.
@GcL it's tough because blackrazor knows something is there. Both Whelm and the vampire.
Oh. If it's going to warn them, roll init before they open the door.
ah, nm. blackrazor doesn't. it's undead.
Wave acts as a weapon of warning, so I technically can't surprise the tortle.
Like the alert feat?
yeah. actually it's him and all of his companions can't be surprised.
So no surprise round. They're aware they're in danger but not combat.
yeah, then door opens, charm, roll initiative
Sounds like it.
Wait, does the target have to be able to see the vampire?
would be amazing to get the charm to work on the barb with blackrazor. Be awful if he kills party members.
nope. Vampire sees it.
Yeah. The target has to see the vampire.
ah, crap.
"If the target can see the vampire, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be charmed by the vampire. "
Hmm.... probably just hold an action by the door to grapple the first that enters.
Although, that's less effective than waiting for it's turn.
No surprise round... so I guess roll init as soon as the door opens as Wave tells them they're in danger.
Dispelling the darkness would probably surprise the heck out of the vampire. So fair play to the players if they do that. Of course, then it allows it to charm.
Q: Does drowning count as a condition?

user60792So I know we are going to some kind of underwater place next session. I was wondering if the bard could use Lesser Restoration to "fix" the drowning "condition". That is, if it counts as one.

@GcL Yeah, I think that works. And actually, I kinda like the door just opening into the darkness hallway. There's another day at the end that leads to the vampire, so the build up might be fun. But odds are, they'll just dispel it somehow.
@NautArch And they'll already be in initiative order, so unless they're holding actions to get in... everyone gets a surprise!
@GcL right!
I have a player with a character that has the alert feat. No matter what happens, the character asserts they knew it was coming.
Should be an interesting battle. There have been some fun bits to White Plume.
Going to move onto Dead in Thay and the doomvault next.
I think a vampire with the three legendary actions a round won't suffer to much in the action economy.
i think i've decided to let the characters keep the legendary weapons.
yeah, if it gets squirrely early, then kudos to them. It's okay to get a huge win.
a curb stomp memory is still fun.
Even with everyone hunting down blackrazor? I like the AL reasoning for not keeping the sentient weapon. It basically makes downtime impossible for the wielder.
Traveling for 10 days? which three people did you kill?... that sort of thing demands complication and story. Handwaving away the major drawback of the sentient weapon makes it vastly more powerful.
yeah :(
maybe Keraptis shows up at tehe end with a whole bunch of efreeti and suggests they exchange their weapons and each party member can request a rare item?
Probably offer the party the option to either turn in the weapon for the reward, play a quest to figure out how to get rid of it, or skip running the quest and quickly give the highlights of how the party devised a way to get rid of it.
I thought the premise was a reward for returning it.
We were just going to go right into Doomvault (maybe after a short trip to the Yawning Portal and an opportunity to buy things.)
But I think Keraptis can offer the reward, but have the efreeti around to influence their acceptance of said reward?
Probably do a party exp reward for handing it over, the quest, or the description. That way everyone benefits.
Similarly wave and whelm both have issues that would split the character from the party, right?
THey're currently level 9, and I didn't want to go too high before Dead in Thay.
Yeah, all three would be hunted. Less of an issue in the doomvault, but in the YP when they walk in? Badnews.
Don't Thay Open Inside
Wave wants to convert people and go back to the sea.
What's Whelm's thing? Something dwarvy ? Also the wielder can't be outside during the day.
@NautArch Anywhere overland or downtime. These weapons always have something going on unless they're locked away guarded by their own Golum. Good for a single story or quest that aligns with the item, but not something you want to hold onto long term.
@GcL Whelm is dwarvy. And underwhelming compared to the other two.
That's why I was thinking everyone can get a Rare item of their choice.
You can probably just level with the players, "you're not keeping these items for many reasons"
Maybe have them give me a list of three each and i'll randomly roll.
I still want to give them something
i dunno
Of their choice? I'd limit those choices unless you want to discover who in the group is the min/maxer
@GcL hint: it's all of them.
Yeah, definitely not of their choice then. Plenty of game breaking rare items especially in combination.
Ha, yeah. I'll go through. Maybe come up with items for each of them that make sense or even tailored to them.
Yeah. Could also offer a choice. Rare items can be pretty powerful. Broom of flying, boots of levitation, etc.
Elven chain for casters is instant AC17 that they can cast in.
Yeah. Lots of OP rare items. Flame tongue is just 2d6 fire damage to whatever sword they like in the first place. Put that in the hands of a barbarian and anything not resistant is going to have a bad day.
That's what I was looking for. Instrument of the bards. Those are a bunch of free spells per day.
@GcL yeah, i had one of those with my bard :)
makes hypnotic pattern super nasty
@NautArch Oh yeah.. any charm spell right?
@GcL which turns out not to be that many
Q: What spells can an Instrument of the Bards actually impose disadvantage on?

SpeedkatIn light of the revelation that an Instrument of the Bards requires a spell with a material component to be used, what spells can it actually be used on?

Sunblade is rare. That would have been useful against a vampire
@NautArch Was Nov. 2018 the last errata to change that answer? I seem to remember something else changing about it, but maybe I'm just thinking of that.
Incite Greed from Acquisitions Inc should be added to the list.
@GcL Maybe I'm overthinking needing to give them more stuff. The module already has delivered a bunch ofm agic items, i'm not sure I need to.
@NautArch Isn't the point of the magic items just to convince them that they're getting a fair price for handing over the murder sword?
@MarkWells yeah, but then it's still just half the party getting something. I dunno.
*getting something more
@KorvinStarmast Okay, that's pretty cooll.
@NautArch offer very rare, not rare, in trade for those legendaries .... my suggestion.
@KorvinStarmast just to the players who got the legendaries, or to all?
Probably wisest to give something to everyone
Give them a level?
I'm going to discipline myself to not look. I find something delicious about the world of ineffability I'm living in vis-a-vis that die right now =)
@MikeQ I'm a bit wary to give them all very rare items at level 9 into the doomvault.
@MarkWells Trying to start Dead in Thay at level 9 (where they are), so they cn progress to 11 by the end.
@NautArch How many in the party? If six people, then 6 rares for the two leg ... yeah, seems a fair trade.
@KorvinStarmast 7
@NautArch For players who are trading out the legendary weapons, obviously they will want something in exchange.
For players who didn't have an opportunity to get legendary weapons in the first place, they may feel left out if they're excluded from another cool item handout.
So everyone gets something.
@nitsua60 since I know that you like to run ...
@NautArch yeah, rares all around ought to do the trick.
@MikeQ They can't keep the legendary items and continue to adventure though. So they could keep them, but they wouldn't be able to play the character until they've gotten rid of the items.
At least, that's the Adventure League take on it. I rather like it.
So it's losing a legendary item you could make use of anyway.
Also losing a legendary item that puts a big fat target on the character's back for other high level adventurers to come kill them.
Unsure what you mean. I assumed this was a co-op D&D game, which means 1. no PvP and 2. player participation should be rewarded
The story of the items is that they're highly sought and actively being quested for by others as well. So the wielder spends all their time avoiding other adventuring parties, assassins, etc while also trying to satisfy the personality of the items. Basically, it's a full time thing that precludes other doing anything else, like the adventure you want to go on.
I concur with @MarkWells that an exp bonus for handing them over is probably the easiest reward for having the foresight of ridding the party of things that would be lost to them anyway or cause their doom in short order.
@NautArch My brother approved of my Eye of Death artifact in the lower level form - that you helped me with. We both have to do some world building to decide what happens when Necromancers of (X) level get ahold of it. He is very much on board with now and again a party from the Pact of the Lich seeking out the party and trying to take the item from them.
2 hours later…
Q: Can you throw yourself off your mount?

Gael LThe rules for normal ("safe") dismounting are as follows : Once during your move, you can […] dismount. Doing so costs an amount of movement equal to half your speed. Some external factors might forcefully dismount you : If an effect moves your mount against its will while you're on it,...

@KorvinStarmast I just did a quick three miles to clear my head. I swear I heard the huffing and snorting of a hippopotamus behind me the whole way! (Dropped my pace ~20sec from my target, so thanks for that, I guess?) =D
1 hour later…
Dirty Papers by Speak the Sky is a GMless game of archaeology and the light and dark sides of academia. Dig through ancient ruins, sift the dirt for precious finds, and slowly piece together how you think the people here once lived. Remember, though, that your judgements die with you.

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