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@trogdor yeah, it just... Broke.
real weird
I'm guessing something changed on Twitter's end? But I wouldn't be surprised if somebody at the Stack had leaned on a button, either.
I was actually assuming this whole time it was on Stack end but yeah I guess it could be Twitter
With a thing like one-boxing, it's a process that brings in information from a lot of third-party sources and processes it to produce the same effect for every source. If that effect borks for only one source, chances are it's the source, not the processing, that changed.
yeah ok
that makes sense
@vicky_molokh can confirm. Case in point: Tamil
@ACuriousMind unsure about differentiating between two older sisters, but Tamil definitely has different words for "older uncle" and "younger uncle" and also differentiates between which side of the family they're on (I believe)
@Kevin yeah, it'd depend on how they reproduce. the one example of a non-gendered sentient species I have run across in fantasy actually reproduces by budding (so completely asexually), so that distinction doesn't exist for them
btw, this question's answers may need to be updated/a new answer posted:
Q: Is the Warlock's Awakened Mind telepathy two-way, or only one-way?

Lech OsińskiWhen warlock chooses a pact with The Great Old One, he gains a feature called Awakened Mind: Starting at 1st level, your alien knowledge gives you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. My q...

The wording of the GOO warlock's Awakened Mind feature was changed in the latest printing (though it's not noted in the errata) from "You can communicate telepathically with any creature" to "You can telepathically speak to any creature".
Q: What are the mechanical differences between the uncommon Medallion of Thoughts and the rare Potion of Mind Reading?

Q PaulAn uncommon Medallion of Thoughts lets you cast detect thoughts up to three times a day, while a rare Potion of Mind Reading is a one-use item. Are there any mechanical advantages to using the more expensive potion over the cheaper medallion?

@HotRPGQuestions Not to be confused with the Medallion of Uncommon Thoughts, which gives you the ability to think "Maybe I'm wrong about that" and "I should listen more before I open my mouth."
@BESW if only that was a thing.
@BESW lol XD
I must be wearing that sometimes and not even know it
it's unhelpful when it's only after I say something dumb though

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